Member Reviews

Fantastic art with an extremely engaging story line. I had heard about Covenant through some of my other webtoon readers but hadn't read it until now with the ARC and I'm kind of sad that I hadn't read it before but also glad I'm getting to experience it like this. The magic system is really good so far and I'm a massive sucker for ink/tattoo based magic systems. I'd like to see more about other characters abilities as well in future volumes.

The main character is fantastic and his interactions with the angels are something I look forward to. I like that he's scatterbrained and I like that he's not perfectly in tune with himself. I want to see more about his powers growing and I'm suuuuuuuuuuuuuper interested in the romance aspect of it and to see where it goes. Will be buying the volumes as I'm sure they're going to look fantastic physically when they come out as well.

I'll be recommending my library get the physical volumes when they release for our comic section centered around adults.

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This was a fun read. I really like the concept! Its giving supernatural! I just wanted more!!! I have so many questions still!

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I loved the graphic art! This is for sure pleasing to the eyes. I will say the story itself I didn’t fully grasp, however, I think that’s just more of a me problem since I don’t have religion background / knowledge.

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The art style is phenomenal. It’s boldly colored, detailed, and action filled.
The beginning was a little confusing to me, but folks with more religious knowledge may fare better. My advice, hang in there, it will make more sense as you keep reading! You’ll be intrigued and hoping for the next volume as you wonder why demons are particularly targeting one student, Sunny, and how Ezra is involved in demon fighting and protecting Sunny (none the less the possible chemistry between the two).

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Well HOLY MACAROONI, I don't think I've ever had this much pure fun with a graphic novel before.

It has IMMACULATE vibes, the art is absolutely stunning, and the writing is pretty excellent, too! It delivers a band of distinguishable characters and it's all wrapped up in a story that's told in a VERY voice-y voice.

I don't know, I don't think I have a lot of smart things to say about this one - all I know is that it was a total wild ride and I'm going gobble up the next volume the second I can get my hands properly on it. It is sexy, and it's dark, and it's cute, and it's funny, and it's just a whole package, to be honest.

The hype is real, I'll be recommending this along for sure.

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That ending! Oooooo

I loved this, the storyline and the art are so perfect. I can’t wait to see what comes of it!

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This series has been on my TBR list for a while, and seeing it getting a print/ebook publication was a nice incentive to bump it up my list and read it. Love the art for this series, and the story is really intriguing. Where this book ends off leaves you really wanting to know what happens next.

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Lately, I’ve been enjoying a lot of graphic novels and comics.
I usually do not expect a lot of depth from them given their brevity and lack of extensive text. Nonetheless, some of them allow me to feel with the characters and enjoy their story. This soon-to-be-printed Webtoon Comic give me quite a different experience though. From the very first page, I was bewitched by the set-up of this story, its world, and its characters. Getting to know Ezra and then Samson mid-fight was an absolute pleasure. I had so many questions and still have some remaining ones, but I am fully ready to get them in the following volumes.

For fans of The Exorcist and Supernatural
As rather the latter, I loved seeing the magnificent portrayal of demons and angels in this comic. Both are beautiful on their own regard. More than that, the main human characters made me immediately fall for them. I especially love their banter that reminded me a lot of Supernatural, but the group of friends is bigger. This means, we’ll have even more fun encounters, more background stories to discover. For now, we view the story mostly through Ezra’s perspective. In the second half of this volume, we also get to know Sunny and his former encounters with demons. Their “meet cute” was predetermined and I am down for their following confrontations as much as their inevitable relationship. Their slow burn has me already on my toes.

This story takes a lot of inspiration from biblical portrayals of angels and demons. Ezra’s whole responsibility is embedded into a covenant that fights and bans demons. Together with his friends, he goes through some rough (and amazingly drawn) fights. Nevertheless, Ezra is not yet completely convinced by the godly presence allegedly supporting their endeavor. Instead, he realistically believes solely in what he has witnessed. We get some intriguing glimpses into his history with Gabriel (so beautiful!) and I can’t wait to get more of their joint scenes! Every detail of this first volume has me only longing for more. Although I don’t like reading more than necessary on my phone or my laptop, I am really tempted to read this Webtoon ahead of its print publication.

In conclusion,
Although this first volume leaves us with many questions, the creator already sketched an intriguing world. Fighting demons and struggling with his belief, our protagonist is constantly challenged but has his amazing, cheeky friends at his side. I love their dynamics as much as every fight and new revelation. I can’t wait for more of all this!

PS: please don't forget to put some text in the article Sunny finds about the previous day's attack on campus. It really threw me off the story to read the "Lorem ipsum dolor" text.

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Ezra is an Exorcist who is loosing his faith. He is given a mission to protect a seemingly normal college student from demons. Ezra is in the middle of a serge of demon attacks and a church war. This was interesting. I would be interested in seeing where this goes, but as for a first story it was very mid. Thank you NetGalley for the eARC to review.

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As a fan of the show Supernatural, stumbling upon LySandra Vuong's graphic novel "Covenant" was an unexpected delight. In a world where priests are decked out in holy tattoos and brandish machine guns in the face of demons, a powerful exorcist and a mysterious boy cross paths . . . in a college classroom. This visually captivating journey seamlessly weaves the supernatural with humor, creating a fun read with visually gripping illustrations.

The parallels to Supernatural are unmistakable, and that familiarity is part of the charm. The graphic novel explores dark themes while infusing a generous dose of humor, providing a unique and enjoyable reading experience. The witty dialogue and comedic moments add layers to the narrative, making it accessible and entertaining without compromising on the gravity of the overarching story.

What truly sets "Covenant" apart is the vivid and captivating illustrations that bring the world to life. The visual storytelling is a feast for the eyes, capturing the essence of the supernatural elements with flair. The combination of striking visuals and a well-paced narrative kept me hooked from start to finish.

Fans of shows like Supernatural and Manga comics will find themselves at home in this graphic novel.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this graphic novel.

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An interesting take on the “Angels VS Demons” concept! Incorporating religion in a story can be tricky, but I thought the author handled it well without being too preachy, and it helped to establish the circumstances and morals that this new church and the exorcists are built upon. I wish this volume had more of a resolution to it, but I liked where the story was going and would definitely like to read more!

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Such a fun and fascinating combination of religion, found family, humor, paranormal elements, queer romance, and so much more. It kind of felt like a darker, more grown up take on The Mortal Instruments, which was one of my favorite series as a teen.

And don’t even get me started on the…very appealing aesthetics in this graphic novel. Those tattoos and revealing patrol outfits have me feeling like a sinner.

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I really loved reading Covenant on Webtoon and was super excited to see its getting a print run. This is such a unique story with fantastic and captivating art. I absolutely love the idea of biblical (angelic?) weapons that hide away as tattoos and I think the author/artist has created some pretty great characters and storylines for each one. This first volume has just the right group of chapters to get someone interested and willing to pick up future volumes.

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Cool and addicting art style that kept pulling me in, despite not understanding most of what was going on.

The whole concept was intriguing enough for me to pick this up, the character design and visuals eye-catching enough for me to pull through til the end. The problem for me was completely a me problem, because I just couldn’t keep up with the plot.

So yeah, not my usual genre but very cool, nonetheless.

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Covenant is the graphic novel iteration of a webtoon comic by LySandra Vuong about hot priest-exorcists fighting demons. Ezra is a priest of the Church of Providence, a sect whose members are gifted powers by angels to help fight and exorcise demons. He has been loosing his faith in God when he is tasked by the angel Gabriel to protect a random man—Sunny—who has been relentlessly hunted by demons all his life for reasons no one knows.

The art in this graphic novel is fantastic—with crisp lines and beautiful (and consistent) style. They actually came across like stills from a high budget animated TV series (and would seriously work as one). The characters are all exceedingly attractive (very The CW), and the setting both atmospheric and very urban gothic punk.

I love the entire concept too—like Shadowhunters meets the Wincesters from Supernatural. I liked Ezra, his lax attitude, and his struggle with his faith. And I always appreciate an Asian male lead which we get in Sunny who is Vietnamese. Story-wise though, this felt like a very long introduction despite it collecting the first 18 episodes of the webtoon. Sunny doesn’t even appear until halfway through the book, and Ezra and Sunny haven’t had many meaningful interactions yet (and not even a hint of the queer romance I was promised). Then it ends on a massive cliffhanger just as the plot got really interesting.

Covenant nicely sets up the series, but I needed more from this volume.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

I wish this book had been longer if I’m honest. It felt as soon as the story actually started that it ended. That’s the reason it only gets three stars, because it looked beautiful, the story setup was there and I’m curious to see where it goes, but it was far too short for me to really enjoy it.

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Look, me and Webtoons don't go hand in hand in the first line. But my beige flag is that I will from time to time do some testing in works from outside my region. Although the given chance, "Covenant" just proved webtoon genre is not for me. I disliked the pacing, writing varied too drastically between quirky, goofy, silly dialogue and poignant, high focus monologues. The story may be interesting and I definetely see why others get the appeal, but I could not find a bone in its skeleton to dig for. None of characters grew on me. While the aesthetics are very subjective, I did not find the artstyle appealing nor interesting. A standard webtoon style, not bad, but not original either. I'm trying to not be overly negative, as the fact that I found this story rather bland and boring doesn't equal that others will have the same reaction. It lies rather in my dislike of webtoon comic form (as I prefer graphic novels much more) and conventions brought into the story because of it rather than the idea itself.

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this is an intriguing start to a story that I think has a lot of potential! it didn't blow me out of the water or anything but it had some ideas I've never seen before, and I did genuinely enjoy the tatted-up priests lol

the art is good for the characters but the backgrounds are really bland. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, it kinda forces the reader to pay more attention to the foreground, but it's very apparent in the larger panels. the color palette is generally understated, which does work accordingly with the neutral bgs and helps the characters pop a bit (esp the monsters)

I did find the mc's characterization genuinely fascinating. typically in religious type settings like this, if our mc has a crisis of faith it's them losing faith or finding themselves disappointed by their gods or something similar. in Covenant, our mc is an atheist straight out of the gate, and struggles with having no belief while he's looking demons in the eye and murdering them with his fancy tattoo weaponry. I thought this added a cool element to the story that made our mc significantly more interesting

also, the kid with the dark circles under his eyes and the all-black outfits and the tattered jeans being named 'Sunny' was a power move

rep - achillean mc, achillean love interest, sapphic side character
thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the arc ✨

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I really liked this. The art was really well done, especially during the fight scenes, which can be pretty skippable in comics/graphic novels. Love Gabriel, and I like the world building we have so far, though it sounds like there's still plenty that needs to be explained. I'd definitely continue this series.

It was a little slow in the first 30%, and I think it took just a little too long to introduce Sunny and that whole plot line. I know it's volume one so there had to be more set up in the beginning and I liked what we got. I just want more.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

This was an amazingly weirdly fun read, it's extremely fast-paced, the story is captivating and the art extremely detailed.

I enjoyed the camaraderie between the characters even with the weird wold building happening from the start, I can't wait to continue with this series and find out what the hell (literally) is going on with Sunny!

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