Member Reviews

In this captivating read, the author masterfully weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Through a blend of richly developed characters and a meticulously crafted plot, the book offers a unique exploration of its central themes, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the story's depth and complexity. The narrative is paced perfectly, balancing moments of intense action with thoughtful reflection, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last. The author's ability to evoke emotion and create a vivid, immersive world is truly remarkable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for an exceptional literary experience.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the book stands out for its insightful commentary on the human condition, weaving philosophical questions into the fabric of its narrative. The author's skillful use of language not only enriches the text but also elevates the reader's experience, offering new perspectives on familiar themes. Whether it's the intricate dynamics of relationships, the exploration of identity, or the confrontation with ethical dilemmas, this book tackles complex issues with sensitivity and intelligence. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the nuances of life, making it a valuable addition to any book lover's collection. Regardless of genre, this is a work that resonates on multiple levels, affirming the enduring impact of well-crafted literature.

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First, I would like to thank NetGalley and the book’s kind publisher for approving me for an ARC of this book. I’ll admit when I first clicked on this book, I was unaware that it was based on a Webtoon work. I just saw a pretty cover and read the description and thought it sounded like a good time. I’m glad to say I was right.
Immediately, I loved the artwork and the style. The character designs are flawless and stylish, perhaps impractical for demon slaying priests, but damn if they don’t look good while doing it. However, what cinched the deal for me was the end of Chapter 1. It was just an onslaught of action and cool fight scenes…and then Ezra happened. Oh dear, sweet Ezra, you are a dork but I love you. I also enjoy the dynamic between Ezra and Samson. Their friendship is hilarious and supportive.

The women of Covenant also have really interesting character designs. They tend to be more androgynous, which I think looks sleek and absolutely lethal. Samson is definitely a badass fighter and I haven’t seen much of Ruth in action yet, but definitely seems to fit the “Mom of the Group” role.

I was kind of surprised at the school sub-plot, because you would think that being priests they would be in a church controlled seminary, but maybe the reason has yet to be revealed. Well, other than to meet Sunny, I mean. I’m still waiting to see more of Sunny before I lay any judgement but it seems like Ezra and Sunny are heading down the “Sunshine and Grump” path. Which is made highly ironic given that Sunny is definitely not the sunshine character.

All in all I really enjoyed this first volume. I love the art and character designs and the religious lore definitely builds interest in a reader. Lastly, I think the artist has a great sense of humour and knows how to blend intense action with comedy seamlessly. It’s a great combo and I’m definitely invested.

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I was excited to read the blurb for this webcartoon come to light, but got confused why the prists were decked in tattoos, and doing martial graphic art for this novel chefs kiss, but I missed the understanding of this. What did I miss guys, help me?

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I liked the artstyle but I couldn't get into the story.

Thank you Net Galley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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It was just too slow for me. I didn't care about the characters even tough the idea is amazing. I liked it a lot, and I wanted to like the book even more, but it wasn't for me.

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It was okay, but unfortunately didn't get very interesting until close to the end. Tattoos as weapons is a cool idea and the illustrations were well done, I just didn't care much about the characters. Hopefully the second volume will have more of the promised romance.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Oni Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Firstly, I just want to say that this art is so beautifully done in this graphic novel. All of the characters are individual and unique in both appearance and personality. And I really like the concept. Good vs bad, angel vs demon has been done quite a lot, but that doesn't take anything away from how enjoyable this storyline and book are.

The biggest reason for three-star rating is the way this has been divided as a Volume One. This series has more of the storyline available over on Webtoon so I'm not sure why it's been stopped here - I mean I can because of the cliffhanger, but it very much feels like the prequel to the start of a series. There wasn't too much plot that was going on but rather the introduction of the world which took over 100 pages and our main love interest, we don't meet until the last quarter of the book.

I did find the first 100 pages of world-building to be a little tedious, and at some points, it has left me with more questions than answers. The most jarring thing about this is that it feels like I've put the book down halfway through.

That being said, those last 50-75 pages were five stars for me. I loved it so much that I want to go and devour the rest of the series immediately.

One thing that had me feeling a little unsure was the heavily religious aspects of it. I feel like because of the world-building that took up the majority of the book, this felt like the core focus of the book. However, when the main love interest comes in towards the end of the book, this is clear that it becomes more of the sub-plot, rather than the main one.

Overall, I did enjoy this more than the 3 stars I've given it but I just can't get past how it has been sectioned off into this Volume One.

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This was a decent start to the series. I really liked the art, the queer representation and the main cast. The two main characters have amazing chemistry and I couldn’t wait to see that happens next with them, so i binge read the entire series on webtoon. The only thing that i will say is if you liked the first volume you will like the rest even more. Highly recommend reading this series.

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Thanks NetGalley for the arc. All thoughts are mine.

I’ve loved Covenant for years now and I was overjoyed to heard it was going to be printed.
In covenant you follow exorcist from the church of providence, they’re tattooed exorcist. All super hot. And funny. And strong. And HOT.
did I mention the super hot exorcist?

Ezra, the mc, is an exorcist who does not believe in god so that make his position a bit rocky, but he managed until now because he do believe in angels, specifically in Gabriel ( super good looking angel.) his patron and the one lending him powers called blessing. In volume one we’re introduced to Ezra’s team members, Samson (love of my entire life, I have a poster of her on my walls ok.) Goliath, Isaac and Ruth. They’re all close in ages and seems like a close group of friends. I would kill for their happiness.
They have to face a recrudescence of demons possessing and killing humans and they can’t figure why, in the meantime Ezra got a mission from Gabriel to protect another human. That’s when Sunny finally make is entrance.
Listen Sunny is my baby. I will literally set the world In fire for his safety and happiness.

Sunny and Ezra dynamic is so good and beautiful later on, and in this volume you can barely see them together but trust me. They will grow on you and you will cry because of them.

Anyway read covenant. Preorder volume one and support the artist.

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kinda drags in the beginning with the long ass exposition dumps, but really picks up after a while !!

honestly i could sell this in a few lines:
its got cool ass queer exorcists in gothic (and probably impractical) armour - but who cares they look awesome - with fun banter, gorgeous art, biblical themes galore, possibly a found family dynamic down the line(?), and a slowburn m/m romance in the making. also HEAVY on the shadowhunters vibes!!

will definitely be reading volume two when its out :3

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I was emerged in this story, the art was captivating. From the color and drawings, I found myself taking extra time to look at each page after reading. I also really liked the piece of the members of church going after demons. The action was good, it was really entertaining to read.

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The drawings and colors are spot on. So this is the 1st book based on the WebToon series. It caught my interest with the battle of good and evil on earth between the church and hell. The Archangels develop gifts and powers to students that are in training for battle and exorcisms. This first volume felt short. It did keep me turning the pages. I just hope that the 2nd volume explores more of the possibilities and back story development.
I just reviewed Covenant by LySandra Vuong. #Covenant #NetGalley

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A collection of the first 18 chapters that were originally published webtoon. I followed this series for quite a while and I'm so happy to see that it's garnered so much love and attention from readers to be published through Oni Press.

This is a very action heavy plot, with a diverse cast and interesting world building with some fresh concepts with regards to angel and demon lore. Character development is on the slow side but does get better further along in later chapters.

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Thank you so much, for letting me read this graphic novel. I very much liked the artstyle. The story is quite engaging as well. Can`t wait to continue this read.

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Wow! Incredible worldbuilding and style. I was catched at the first page because of the unique idea of the members of the church killing demons from hell and help the rest of the world without their knowing.
I`m very exited for the following parts!

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I’m absolutely in love. I first saw Covenant on the Webtoon app but I never started reading it, don’t ask me why, because I don’t even know the answer. The thing is that the story is right up my alley. You have a group of tattooed priests sending demons back to hell with the weapons that appear from their tattoos. I ship have of the characters with the other half, and now I need to know how the story develops from here.

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This is a gorgeous collection of 1-18 in the Webtoon Covenant. There's a lot I like here, from the fashions and tattoos and the juxtaposition of the Church folks and angels being all in black and the demons being white/grey. A good start, and other reviews point toward developing queer relationships? Nice, thank you, we love to see it.

A lot happened here but not too much development, but it seems like it's just getting rolling so there's lots of potential.

Thank you to Oni Press and NetGalley for the eARC!

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This graphic novel is very alluring with a great basis of storyline. The artwork is appealing, though I do believe the color scheme does not do the work justice. There is also a lot of exposition that greatly takes away from the overall story. I really wish they had stuck to show not tell until a little later in the overall story. Receiving nothing but bland information, although important, made the overall flow either stand still or fall backwards. I am also thrown off by the spelling and grammar mistakes sprinkled about. As well as awkward sentence structures. It feels like a fan translated work more than a published work.

The transition between demon and human form is amazing, and perfectly designed.

I really love the strong and powerful female exorcist Samson that takes charge and doesn't hold back.

And of course, I live the GAYNESS <3 #YEESSSS

The overall idea seems to be one character trying to protect another from demons. But, in fact, that person has ties to demons himself that he does not seem to be aware of. He seems to think bad luck just happens to follow him around. This is giving me Attack on Titan vibes. I feel like either he is part demon or part angel, and therefore he is being hunter by demons without knowing why.

Although there are a few flaws I wish were corrected, I did enjoy this work. This is something I feel I would check out from the library to ready, but maybe not go as far as to buy myself.

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A promising start that I really enjoyed. A unique story full of secrets and mysteries with amazing main and side characters and interesting villains. The art style looks great!

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I loved this! A church full of demon exorcists - but written in a unique and interesting way.

Each section is so fun, the characters are great and badass. Sunny is hilarious and I can’t wait to see what happens in the next instalment.

My only criticism is that the book finished just as the story got really good!!!

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