Member Reviews

Thank you to LySandra Vuong, Oni Press, and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review-- all opinions are my own.

If you are looking for great world-building, interesting characters, and good tropes this book is definitely for you. I had so much fun reading this, I actually read it over two days. Covenant's storyline and blurb alone were interesting and immediately caught my eye. Along with the art and cool characters of course. I really enjoyed how the funny personalities of the characters go along well with the more serious tone of the plot. It really made the reading experience more enjoyable for me. I think readers will really enjoy Covenant as a whole and will pick up the next volume as soon as they can. I know I definitely will.

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immediately after reading this i looked up the webtoon, this was SO GOOD. one of my favorite things has to be when authors balance out heavier and more serious topics with characters that are kinda goofy and silly, and man does this DELIVER. (also hot people with tattoos makes my brain go brrrrr)

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“Covenant” Lysandra Vuong

Ezra is a demon hunter for the church. His tattoo gives him magical tools necessary to fight demons. His faith in God is diminishing so God sends him on a mission to protect Sunny. Sunny has secrets and past trauma haunting him. The two struggle to get along all the while demons keep trying to get Sunny.

This webtoon is so good. The tattoos are superb, and the characters are drawn so well. I like how the church demon hunters aren’t saints like in appearance and attitudes; they have attractive tattoos, piercing, guns, they get mad and act out, and they are silly all the time. I cannot wait to read the next volume. 4 out of 5 stars.

-Tattoos, Piercings
-Grumpy x Sunshine

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Special thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I will start by saying that I have read some of this webcomic in the past and knew that I was going to love this. Upon reading this collection I was blown away and reminded of how much I enjoyed this book. The characters are great and have distinct personalities, the artwork is gorgeous, and the storyline is unique. While it does not quite get to the actual plot (mostly build-up), it prepares the reader for what is to come while still capturing the reader's attention.

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A world where followers of the faith make contracts with Angels for powers to fight demons ....

That feels like a really simple way to describe the themes that carry through Covenant. The world building here is phenomenal - sharing with the reader the background of the church of Providence and how they work within the world that the author has created. You get to know Ezra fairly well, some of his motivators and see how his contract with Gabriel leads him to meeting Sunny.

We're still learning about Sunny, but the information we do get is compelling and gives you just enough to keep you reading eagerly through the end.

The art style is rich and detailed, and the movement of the panels shows the dynamics of the fights beautifully. This was an absolute delight to get to read and review!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity.

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for this amazing book! How come i never knew about Webtoons? Thanks for introducing me to this amazing site as well!

I absolutely adored this book. Like any great graphic novel, the story started off with a bang, and maintained its pace throughout. It was unputdownable. The cast if characters were really cute! The dynamics between the covenants and even Sunny was terrific. Loved the sense of humour scattered throughout the story. There was a hint of LGBTQ+ rep in the story, which was refreshing and adorable! All in all, I've become a fan of this series, so much so that I had to go to Webtoons to read the next episodes!

The only thing I did not like was the ending for this book. I feel two more episodes ought to have been included in this volume to give a sense of completion. This was too much of a cliffhanger. Please don't end the next volumes on such cliffhangers..

I will definitely recommend this book to all lovers of graphic novels and urban fantasy.

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this is gold please read it you will love it it has every trope you want to read and the art its just sooo pretty and the story quite dark. Love it

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First of all i would like to thanks Netgallery for eARC.

I would like to start with admiring the art styl, because it's so beautiful and it gets the right vibe to the whole story.

I really loved the characters, all of them are unique and that's makes the great combination with relationships between them. I really enjoyed the brother/sister like relationship between MC and Capitan because it's really healthy and the whole church family it's then more believable and it really does feel as pure found family.

About plot. I love the premise of angel blessings. It's kinda similar to runs from shadow hunters series, but here i found it more "realistic" and more interesting, because how cool is taking chain, guns... from your tattoo.

The first volume was sooo short for me how i enjoyed that. So i found the rest on webtoon and now I'm dying to know what will happen next because I've read it in few hours 🥲.

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I am hitting myself upside the head for not getting to this graphic sooner. I’ve seen the Webtoon floating around but for whatever unknown reasons I just didn’t get around to investigating more. When I saw it was up for request because it was turning into a published graphic I was so quick to request.

I have not consumed a graphic I’ve really enjoyed in a minute. From the art to the characters I have been hooked. I am a sucker for lesbians and I have not stopped doing a jig for Samson. First scene she appeared the wedding bells were blaring. The heart eyes could be seen from outer space. She is perfect to me! All the other characters have my heart and soul. Ezra and Sunny are giving me the grump and sunshine trope I deserve. The trope is troping.

From how I’ve been twitching just from volume one I’m a little concerned what this series will do to me. The art has me kicking my feet and twirling my hair. The demons are evil yes but it hasn’t stopped the hair twirling yet.

I’m a big fan of the series so far and I highly encourage everyone else to give this one a go.

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As soon as I reached the last page I went onto Webtoons to binge the rest: such great illustrations and a tense and exhilarating story.

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Covenant by Lysandra Vuong

In a world where priests are decked out in holy tattoos and brandish machine guns in the face of demons, a powerful exorcist and a mysterious boy cross paths . . . in a college classroom.

Erza’s faith is waning when God intervenes and sends him on a mission to protect Sunny, an outwardly normal human, from demonic forces. Looks can be deceiving, however, as Sunny proves to have hidden secrets and a bloody past nipping at his heels. Between Erza’s sunny sarcasm, and Sunny’s closed-off distant demeanor, the two struggle to find any common ground to bridge the gap. Yet, as much as the two bicker and retain distance, neither can help but be drawn to the other.

With his church under scrutiny and the threat of war on the horizon, will Ezra find his conviction in time to keep Sunny safe? Will Sunny even accept his help? Or will they both suffer the consequences??

#Covenant #NetGalley

Review: Went in pretty blind and was SO surprised! This supernatural comic is cool, weird and badass. And even funny with some Crescent City/Persona Vibes. It explores faith, queer romance, the weight of destiny, and what it means to be good in a world plagued by demons. Y'all have a new fan!

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I cannot express how much I loved this Graphic Novel. It was so entertaining and captivating and the art is stunning. It ends on such a cliff hanger I cannot wait to read the next one and find out what happens next.

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Instant 5 stars for me. The art, the character designs, the story. Fantastic. I will absolutely be buying my own personal copy as well as recommending my library purchase one as well. LySandra Vuong has got incredible talent and I am so looking forward to where this story goes.

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I loved the Webtoon and seeing it come to life via Kindle just made it more enjoyable.

Highly recommend if you love a graphic novel with plot, loveable characters, tension, darkness and so much humor.

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I loved everything about this graphic novel. The world was great, I loved the characters and the art was amazing! I can’t wait to read more.

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I am always a big fan of graphic novels, and this is no different.
With a gripping story, hilarious characters and a beautiful art style, Covenant has hooked me.
Ezra is adorable, he’s trying his very best, but something is holding him back from being as strong as his angelic mentor, Gabriel, knows he can be. I love the exorcists, it feels like a proper found family, and their dynamic is incredible so far. The character of Sunny is such a mystery but one I can’t wait to find out more about. He’s such an interesting character with a very complicated backstory that we have only seen a little about.
The whole plot sounds very intriguing, and I enjoy the complications between Ezra and his beliefs, it makes for a fascinating character. Some of the artistic depictions, such as the W of the food place making horns behind Sunny and his room number ‘696’ turning into ‘666’ are so clever, using their form of graphic novel to their advantage. With it being the first volume, it included a lot of lore dropping but I didn’t find it too confusing that it lost me. I think the fact the characters are easygoing made it a lot easier to follow, It’s not all too serious which I like.
I cannot wait to read more!

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"Covenant" by LySandra Vuong is a fun webcomic that blends supernatural action, religious exploration, and a slow-burn queer romance. The story follows Erza, tasked by God to protect Sunny from demonic force. The comic maintains good pacing and has strong art.

At times, it veers towards edginess, sacrificing nuance. The characters are well-defined, but their interactions can feel overly intense. Despite this, it's an engaging read with growth potential, and it offers a unique mix of action and cool themes in a world plagued by demons.

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I enjoyed my read of Covenant! I've always liked the (slightly silly amounts of) drama and grittiness in some DC comics (such as Batwoman), but have been disappointed because queer people never felt like the target audience. Covenant keeps that drama, grittiness, and humor while centering queer people and writing for them, which I love.

This volume is mostly set up, but that's pretty standard for graphic novels & comics in my experience. It means it's not super interesting on its own, but to me that makes a lot of sense.

Sometimes the writing was a little over the top melodramatic, but it was balanced out by its own sense of humor. I enjoyed the expressiveness of the characters' facial expressions, and the detail but into the setting and styles.

I will say that basically everyone had the same body type, with the only variation being their sex. I find this pretty visually uninteresting personally. It is clear that everyone is supposed to be hot, which, yeah, they are, but also... there are a TON of different ways of being hot and athletic, which I didn't feel was represented here. I'm saying this because I genuinely just would've found it more compelling to look at (and easier to distinguish the characters from each other) if there was some diversity in body types!

Overall, tons of fun and I'm definitely about to read the rest on Webtoon :)

(Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for my honest review).

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I enjoyed this a lot!
I loved the style and choices that the author made. The art is beautiful and very unique.
However, I'm not completely sold on the story yet. This volume felt very info dumpy and all over the place. However, I am willing to give it another shot! I mean, it promises to be a LGBT demon hunter type of comic, so why wouldn't I?

Thank you Net Galley and Omi Press for an ARC in exchange for a review.

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ARC szn has blessed me and I am obsessed with the concept of demon fighting priests (I blame Jay Kristoff for this newest hyperfixation)

This romp through a world of angels and demons and moody chosen ones is perfect for fans of the Shadowhunters books and the seminal television classic Supernatural (say what you want... Destiel going canon outshone the US Presidential Election on Twitter for a reason)

*An ARC was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

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