Member Reviews

"Covenant" is an electrifying webcomic that brilliantly intertwines captivating graphics and an enthralling storyline. LySandra Vuong's creation takes readers on a thrilling ride through a world where priests wield both holy tattoos and machine guns to battle demons. The chance meeting of exorcist Erza and enigmatic Sunny in a college classroom sparks a mesmerizing tale of faith, secrets, and a slowly blossoming queer romance.

As someone not typically immersed in webcomics, "Covenant" has been a delightful surprise. Its exceptional storyline and captivating graphics have managed to captivate me, leaving me eagerly anticipating what unfolds next. The unique blend of supernatural action and religious themes sets this webcomic apart. Vuong's masterful storytelling keeps readers invested in the characters' struggles and the impending threat of war looming inside and outside the church.

The dynamic between Erza's wit and Sunny's enigmatic persona creates a magnetic pull, drawing readers deeper into their complex relationship. The suspense builds, leaving me on the edge of my seat, wondering if Erza will regain his faith in time to protect Sunny and whether Sunny will accept the help offered.

Vuong's exploration of faith, destiny, and morality in a demon-plagued world adds depth to the narrative, making "Covenant" a must-read for fans of gripping storytelling and intricate character development. As a newcomer to webcomics, this series has certainly left an indelible mark, and I can't wait to continue following Erza and Sunny's journey.

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I really enjoyed this! I read it all in one sitting and couldn’t keep my eyes off the page.
The cast of characters are very diverse and super lovable.
My only critique is that the fight scenes were confusing at times but most of all I WANT MORE!
I’ll definitely check out vol. 2 when it comes out.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you Oni Press and NetGalley for this ARC!

I really enjoyed this one. I don't read a whole lot of graphic novels, but the cover/premise and the LGBTQ flag peaked my interest.

I thought the character designs were super intricate and detailed. I think the premise overall is awesome. Priests as holy warriors - literally. It gave off an edgier, darker look at a lot of religious elements. I loved that aspect of it.

I do wish there had been more character development between Samson and Ezra. I didn't quite understand the group dynamics within the Church of Providence. I also know this is the first one and the story clearly continues, but it left me with a lot of questions. Maybe that's why I should keep reading?!

I enjoyed this one! Was a fun read and I would definitely pick up the next one because I think the relaionship between Sunny and Ezra will make more sense.

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This book gave me a little bit of Constantine vibes, which I loved. This good verse evil was a fun read, granted the first half was more of an info-dump but I appreciated the info. This was very intriguing and loved the fantasy world that was depicted. Especially where priests dress in gothic garb and are covered in tattoos! I am a sucker for tattoos. Following Ezra one of the main characters you learn that even though he is an exorcist he doesn't believe in God which struck me as odd but interesting.

One of my favorite quotes: "I believe in demons, for I have seen them. I believe in angels, for I know them. And though I cannot believe god... I can believe in my purpose."

I look forward to reading more! Thank you Oni Press & NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I'd first heard about Covenant from Webtoon and I think I even have the comic saved on my profile but I never started reading it. The premise, of course, is what really drew me in. As a non-practicing catholic, the idea of Priests as Holy Warriors sounded really cool to me. Add in the fact that they're hot, and have tattoos and I was all for this story.

The opening sequence where we see Ezra and Samson fighting demons was amazing. I was expecting a more serious graphic novel but as soon as Ezra forgot the words to the banishing prayer, I knew that Covenant was going to be a fun read.

The characters and the organizations they work for were introduced pretty fast but I was still able to understand what they were all fighting for. I would've liked to see more of Ruth, Goliath, and Isaac because they seemed like really interesting characters but I understand why the story was mainly focused on Ezra, Sunny, and Samson.

Overall, I really loved the art and the concept. I'm excited to read more volumes of this story in the future!

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Thank you, Oni Press, for the e-ARC of Covenant in exchange for an honest review.

Covenant is a debut graphic novel that was previously a webtoon that is set in a supernatural world. There are two types of churches who believe in getting rid of demons, but they do not see eye to eye on how they both practice exorcising the demons.

It has been a few months since I picked up a graphic novel and with picking up Covenant, it reminded me on why I like graphic novels so much.

Covenant's illustrations are so well done and gorgeous. It brings that dark, bleak feeling of the world with how the threat of the unknown/demons hover around humankind. When we experience the churches, the color scheme goes lighter but at times feels clinical. I really appreciate how the art really brings out those feelings and it is rare for me to gather those feelings from art in graphic novels.

Covenant has an interesting premise that is pretty unique. I've noticed a lot of ideologies from Christianity and some atheism was drawn as inspiration for this book. Due to the unique nature of this book and it being a graphic novel, I finished it in less than an hour.

However, I did find myself having a hard time following what was going on and this usually happened around the transitions of the next book inside this graphic novel. It just did not transition smoothly, but other than that, I really enjoyed this book.

I look forward to reading the next volume. If you are a paranormal/supernatural, fantasy, or a thriller/horror fan, then I think you would really enjoy Covenant.

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'Covenant' is an utterly gorgeous visual novel that offers a complex and intriguing taster to a new world. With complex characters, magic and feelings it makes for a story easily devoured.

But just as it starts getting intense - it ends! Which makes sense as this story is only volume 1 so I'm very excited to pick up the sequel when its eventually released.

The main character is particularly intriguing with his conversations with deity's and internal monologue so I hope we see a lot more of that in the future!

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I really struggled getting into this one. The art style isn't my preferred as there's more focus on the characters than the background so half the time I'm struggling to imagine what type of room we are in. However, I am defientely intrigued!! The story is unique and this volume was a great introduction into this world.

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for providing the earc.

I have been waiting for Covenant to release for quite a while, and i was very surprised to get the e-arc for this.
I love the artstyle, and the story seems interesting. I feel like this first volume is setting up a really gripping story. My main gripe with volume 1 is that i think it would have benefited with a longer book. I think this volume feels very much like a set up and although the world seemed really interesting i needed something more. All that said I will continue this series to see where it goes.

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Thankyou to Netgalley and Oni Press for providing me with a free electronic copy of this graphic novel in exchange for an honest review.

In the world of Covenant, priests wield holy weapons, and forge covenants with angels to grant them the powers they need to fight and vanquish the demonic forces that prey on humans by night. Ezra, a young exorcist, is tasked by Gabriel to protect a mysterious man, pursued by demons, as the threat of war looms.

Beautifully drawn and coloured, with an almost anime style, Covenant is truly gorgeous. A lore-rich world, intricate detail, exciting action, and loveable characters, I am already invested, and will definitely be keeping my eye out for further books!

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I’m so intrigued. I can’t wait to read more of this series. I need to know what happens next. Hopefully there will be more action between the main characters as well.

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Thank you Oni Press for the opportunity to read this ARC!

"I believe in demons for I have seen them. I believe in angels for I know them. As for god? I have not seen god. I have not heard god. I have not felt god."

The way I would pitch this is if Kenji and Warner were sexy demon hunting priests with machine guns but make it queer and this concept works so well!

I'm pretty picky about graphic novels but I really enjoyed this! The worldbuilding was interesting and the characters are really likeable. It was so fun and engaging and I loved the humor, can't wait for the next part!

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3+ stars

This was a cool introduction to a new-to-me webcomic and artist. Tattooed priests, churchy bad guys and lots of demons? And all of that with the promise of a cute romance between an airhead exorcist and a frustrated demon target? Yes, please.

Volume one collects the first 18 episodes of this webcomic and does get a little infodumpy at times. As far as setting up for the overall story, it does a very decent job. The action is fast-paced and we’re introduced to a whole bunch of characters. I’m curious to see Ezra and Sunny get more fleshed out in the rest of the story. Also, definitely a fan of the diverse cast!

What I hadn’t expected, but really enjoyed, was how funny this was. This definitely makes for a pretty light-hearted read, though I can see next volumes going darker. Samson works great as a foil to Ezra’s himbo streak.

I really like the art style, it’s very clean and attractive. Some of the fight scenes were a little hard to follow, which was a shame. Might be an ebook thing. I think the reading experience will definitely benefit from a print version.

All in all, good start to the series. Nothing earth-shattering, but perfect for a fun, fast read. I’ll definitely check out the next volume.

Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for the ARC!

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There's a lot of world-building to be done by the first volume of Covenant and it does some seriously heavy lifting. Infodumping is common here. The characters themselves are a little flat. And I had a hard time taking the story seriously when every serious moment had to be interrupted by a comic relief moment. Pacing needed some work.

That said, the artwork is well done and the representation of queer characters is appreciated. Volume 2 might be worthwhile for fans of Constantine or urban fantasy as a genre.

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Thank you Netgalley and Oni Press for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed the story that this graphic novel set up. I loved these tattooed, gun-wielding exorcists fighting against the demons trying to feed on the souls of humans. However, while there were intriguing and mysterious points, I never found myself as engaged as I wanted to be. I never connected fully to the characters, I just don't think it was long enough.
I often find this to be the case, personally, in the first volume of most graphic novels, they never quite give me enough to grow attached. But I think this is a very fun story and a very promising start to a series.

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I really enjoyed this! I love the art and the world building and I’m very intrigued by the characters.
There was a lot of info dumping in the first half but it needs to start somewhere.
It also ended right when it got exciting so I will continue reading this on Webtoon immediately because luckily there’s a lot more.

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While Covenant is not a genre I'm comfortable with, I am trying to branch out in the graphic novel realm and so gave this a try. I did not read the entire book, but I read enough to know that the artwork is beautiful. The style is engaging and attractive to the eye, but I didn't care for the storyline or level of violence. I think this graphic novel will appeal to a fans of John Wick and The Sandman series.

Thank you to ONI Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this graphic novel. All opinions are my own.

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"I believe in demons, for I have seen them. I believe in angels, for I know them. And though I cannot believe god... I can believe in my purpose."

Why is every character in this book so damn hot?

I really enjoyed the art style and overall the vibes of the novel. There were a lot of info dumping at the beginning but near the end I really started to get into the story and I can't wait to see how it progresses from here.

3.5 stars **

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★ ★ ★ ★ • 4

First read this when it was a webcomic uploaded to WEBTOON, and I was so excited to see that it was being published into a full-on graphic novel series.

Great art style with a full cast of LGBTQ+ rep characters. The character designs alone were more than enough to convince me to read. And! The storyline was also interesting, and gave an urban fantasy… Constantine meets Gideon the Ninth sort of vibe.

If you’re looking for a new graphic novel series to try that is packed with supernatural low fantasy elements, definitely give this a try. Planning to continue the series when the next volume comes out.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC to review!

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It was perfectly alright. Would definitely benefit from some more editing to make it more suitable for publication as one book and not an online comic. I enjoyed it, but it felt a bit shallow, both plot and the characters.

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