Member Reviews

The start was a bit harder for me but after a few pages this story became addictive. I love the premises of it and the characters. I can't wait to continue the series.

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Well the illustration and premise got me right away. I've loved that web comics are getting publisher deals and we can now have a physical copy in our hands!

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I laughed more than I thought I would. The characters are quiet comedic towards one another, a bit of a brotherhood. I loved it. I still have so many questions about Ezra and looking forward to his development as the series continues especially with Sunny.

I really enjoyed volume 1 and I can't wait to read the next one. I'll definitely be ordering this for my bookshelf!

Lysandra's art is absolutely stunning and fits so well with the story.

A digital copy was provided through Netgalley from Oni Press, the review is honest and my own opinion.

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Binge reading multiple chapters of a webtoon? Sign me up! Now this is my first time reading a manga that’s been collected into a book, so I was anticipating being able to read the whole story. My mistake, I know. So aside from the let down of not getting to read the full story, I think this first book was a good start for the world building and introducing the main couple. But the world building was about 90% of the book, we barely got anything about the MCs love interest. He was introduced…around for maybe the equivalent of 2-3 chapters and then cliffhanger. Not cool. Makes me want to go on strike, like I would for a webtoon, come back in a year and see how much further the stories gotten. If experience is any indication, the story won’t have progressed much further but there will be peak romantic tension. So maybe this will be peak webtoon greatness in 2 years.

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I enjoyed this! The art is gorgeous and the tone has serious moments with humor too! Thank you for the opportunity to read this <3 I will recommend it to others who I think would enjoy it too!

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An engaging start to a longer story. I can see teens enjoying this, and I appreciate the queernormative world.

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I liked the story set up in this graphic novel – those tattooed exorcists with guns fighting demons for human souls were cool. But, even though there were interesting parts, I didn't get as into it as I wanted. I just couldn't connect with the characters, and I think the story needed more time to develop. This happens to me a lot in the first volumes of graphic novels – they don't give me enough to really care about the characters. Still, I think it's a fun story and a good start to a series.

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3.5/5⭐ Thank you to Netgalley and Oni Press for an advance review copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This has an interesting premise (delicious catholicism and potential for devastating catboy dogboy romance) but felt too exposition/plot-heavy for a first volume. I feel like the great church could've been introduced later because it bogged down getting to know the characters (who are lovable and silly and so very queer).

Beautiful art (the character designs go hard) but the action scenes were a little hard to follow. The pivoting from serious/heavy moments to slapstick comedy was kinda jarring but not completely offputting.

Would love to learn more lore in the following volume and I just love reading about queers in religious spaces, so I will be tuning in!

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I haven't read the webtoon so I don't know how much different the printed version is.

It's a story about exorcists fighting demons and Churches scheming and plotting. Also angels are real and do grant their favourite humans blessings. I have some questions about the status quo like whether the exorcists receive salary and how old are they.

I liked the action scenes. They really convey sense of momentum and danger.

Samson is my favorite character. Probably because I have soft spot for strong women.

I also wonder if something gay is up with Ezra and Sunny. 👀

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending me this e-ARC for reviewing purposes.

Covenant follows the story of the Ethan, a young exorcist, who preside with the Church of Providence. They use their power, lent by the deity they have chosen to serve, to banish demons from preying on innocent humans and forming malignant contracts with them. After a disastrous mission that ends with innocent lives lost, Ethan is visited by Gabriel, the archangel he serves, gives him a mission: to protect someone correlated with the sun. Unable to distinguish the cryptic message, Ethan heads to his first class this semester and meets a boy named Sunny Nguyen. Trusting his instincts, Ethan follows Sunny determined to protect him at all cost. Sunny, having his own dark past, wants to be rid of the annoying kid. However, when constant demon attacks follow him everywhere he goes, Sunny is forced to make a difficult decision. Can Ethan and Sunny save each other from themselves and the demons hunting them?

This novel is PHENOMENAL! The story is set in an alternate reality where priest and nuns, of the Christianity religion, are given magical powers to protect civilians from evil. There are many things about this book that makes it special. The myriad of unique characters that have interesting dynamics with one another, makes the reader want to turn the page to uncover more. For example, Samson, a gun-weilding exorcist that is able to put protective shields around civilians, is Ethan's best friend and continuously give him a hard time when he messes up. She has a harsh exterior, but really shows that she care for the humans she is meant to protect. This story has an interesting spin on Christianity, treating it like mythology akin to Greek and Roman. I find it a fascinating using the characters from the bible and portraying them as mythos for original characters. I do see some readers finding offense to this approach; however, this work should be seen as a piece of fiction and should be appreciated/criticized as such.

The only true gripe I have with the story is the exposition aspect of the novel. Although I was enjoying the story from start to finish, I truly didn't understand what was going on until halfway through the novel. Although the explanation of Manna, the variety of churches, and the character's backgrounds were done well, the timing of them felt a bit too delayed. Making sure that the reader has a basic understanding of the world, first, is crucial to guiding the reader through the narrative. If the reader feels too lost or overwhelmed, they will walk away from a story even if it might be extraordinary.

Overall, Covenant is an amazing graphic novel and I look forward to the next volume!

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This was one of my most anticipated book because the story and the character art looked so good!! The art was actually good but it really failed on the dialogues, I often found them to cheesy and out of place and for a NA novel this read pretty YA. I did however, like the characters. I enjoyed the interactions between them. The action sequences were really well done as well but it failed on the plot because it just felt like it was building and nothing really happened in the book., I was waiting for something big to happen or a twist but it did not happen and I did not see the romance anywhere tbh.

It was near a three because it was short, fast-paced and actually enjoyable and I may continue with the following books but it should not negate the things that it failed on. This series does have potential.

If you like webtoons, I would say go read it...I heard of this one and the idea of this book sounded really interesting to me but it failed on the execution.

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I've loved seeing the art for this story so getting to actually read it was a joy. The art is fantastic and the story is fun to get in to. I'm excited to learn more about this world and this story as it continues to come out.

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Covenant is an incredible story. Rich in plot and characters, art and fantasy. Darkness and ambition. It's just perfect. What stands out the most is the art. It is fascinating to witness, the way in which the paintings become more and more intense, more captivating and manages to leave a tinge of beauty in each graphic.

The plot has a lot ahead of it, I can already feel the chaos reaching the readers with a lot of drama and action. The story of Sunny & Ezra has infinite potential and without a doubt it will leave readers with their mouths open on more than one occasion. I can feel it.

It makes me very happy that this graphic novel is finally going to be published so that even more readers can learn about it.

Thanks NetGalley & Oni Press for this ARC!

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In LySandra Vuong's debut graphic novel, we're treated to a captivating fusion of supernatural intrigue and a slowly unfolding queer romance. The narrative follows Erza's mission to safeguard Sunny from demonic forces, unraveling a story woven with mystery and concealed histories.

LySandras distinctive art style plays a crucial role in enhancing the storytelling, creating an enchanting atmosphere throughout.

This inaugural work promises an exhilarating supernatural webcomic featuring well-developed characters and a gripping storyline—truly a treat for enthusiasts of the genre.

Thanks for NetGalley and Oni Pressfor providing me the ARC.
The following review solely reflects my own independent opinion.

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shadowhunters x buffy x atnomen x dark rise

love the art style and character designs. samson and ezra are entertaining leads and sunny is giving major will kempen vibes. an intriguing demon-hunting plot with queer found family vibes and lighthearted humorous moments, i look forward to continuing!

an honest arc review <3

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The moment I read the blurb and looked at that stunning cover I knew I’d like this. I wasn’t wrong. Who knew demon fighting priests would do it for me but here we are.

As an ex-Catholic I usually run from most things “holy” but I am always tempted when someone adds in demons and makes it gay as fuck. <b>Covenant volume one begins as more of an introduction to the world and characters that leaves us with an ending that will have me us sprinting for volume 2. </b>

We meet Ezra and his team- who are badass demon subduing exorcists. The character work is sublime and I am in love with the side characters- especially Samson- just as much as our main pair. I will say now you’ve got to get into the story first before you meet the other MC and it’s completely worth the wait. I am already obsessed with their dynamic and I NEED MORE.

In addition to the main plot we have some side arcs with priests who are not so happy- personally they’re more like today’s assholes- with certain practices. They’re making for an intriguing villain set up, especially as one is masquerading as something she’s not!

The artwork is phenomenal. Webtoons do not get the recognition they deserve. The author/illustrator is extremely talented and I am very excited to continue the series.

<b>*Thank you to Netgalley and Publisher for proving me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*<:b>

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There's a lot to like! The artwork is gorgeous, really pulling the reader into the story. The action sequences fly by, adding a lot of danger and raising the stakes. The world is intriguing with three different churches, two of them focuses on and at war with each other. And there's the angels vs. demons storyline, the slow burn romance, the solid friendships and the magic. There's a lot going on here but all of it seems well thought out and perfectly paced. I really like the dialogue between the characters as it really gives a sense to each's voice and personality.

Growing up Catholic, I enjoyed this fresh take on familiar terms. It was unique and new, giving an imaginative layer to the plot and also their world.

I devoured this in two days.

That said, and it's in by no means a problem, but OH why did this end where it did?!!? Cliffhanger! I cannot wait to read the second collection. I wish there was just one ore.. no two five more in tis collection... just kidding. I know I ask for too much.

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I understand what the author was going for, and as a HUGE fan of Constantine, I was excited to read this. The art was really amazing and well done, I understand this begun as a webtoon, but the first volume reads smoothly (unlike other webtoons that have been adapted to print). Despite the language, I can see myself recommending this to freshmen or sophomores who want to read something a bit more action packed. I will say, as someone who loves Constantine, this didn't really hit the mark but I can see this working for others.

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The plot was creative enough to keep me gripped for 2 hours instead of paying attention to university:))
What I wish it tackled more was more plot, and less dialogue of how the churches was against them all.
Overall, it took me a bit to properly get into this style and everything, but I liked it. 4⭐️

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Covenant is a webtoon-turned graphic novel that follows the story of an exorcist, Ezra, who strangely does not believe in God. He is part of a division of exorcists that have magical tattoos which grant them the power to summon weapons and abilities gifted to them by angels. (Mortal Instruments, anyone?). With no explanation, Ezra is commissioned by the angel Gabriel to watch over a mysterious and broody guy, ironically named Sunny. Hilarity and drama ensue as Ezra does his best to become close to Sunny who wants <i>nothing</i> to do with him, all while the readers find out the dark reason that Sunny needs protection.

The setting of this story was pretty fun. There's a lot of funny banter and the illustrations are incredibly expressive and made me laugh a lot. The tone of the story overall is really quite light-hearted and playful, with pockets of the dark and sinister woven between. I really loved the relationship between Ezra and Sunny; their vibes are <i>very</i> grumpy sunshine. Ezra is into men so I’m really hoping something will happen with these two! The character Samson was also really cool but I regret to admit that I thought Samson was a guy up until the end, when I noticed they were referred to as a 'she'. They were a masc lesbian, and I didn’t notice :( I'm not even sure if her pronouns were mentioned before this point, aside from her being referred to as 'sister', which honestly I just completely missed somehow. This aside, I really loved the representation and was excited when I made this discovery 😅

I will admit, there are large chunks of the story where it's a lot of action, and it doesn't really feel like we have much progression towards anything plot wise, but I was happy things picked up pace towards the end, and I'm really interested to see how the story continues in the next volume.

<i>Thank you NetGalley and Oni Press for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.</i>

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The setting and worldbuilding is very interesting and I love the art style. I'm not too invested in the individual characters yet but I'm interested enough to want to know how things develop.

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