Member Reviews

Thanks NetGalley,

I found this graphic novel to be fantastic and I'm already ready for volume 2! The first volume provided a setting and some world building information but it has a ton of promise. The first volume definitely leaves you wanting more and can't wait to see what's next for Ezra and Sunny. The art is gorgeous and the storyline is right up my alley so I will be recommending this to my patrons!

In a world where priests are decked out in holy tattoos and brandish machine guns in the face of demons, a powerful exorcist and a mysterious boy cross paths . . . in a college classroom.

Erza’s faith is waning when Gabriel intervenes and sends him on a mission to protect someone.

With his church under scrutiny and the threat of war on the horizon, will Ezra find his conviction in time to keep him safe? Will he even accept his help? Or will they both suffer the consequences??

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I thoroughly enjoyed this! The art style is dope, the characters are cool, the action was awesome (give me a tattoo that lets me summon a weapon, please and thanks). I felt compelled to keep reading to see what the mystery is, and was sad it ended.

Would definitely pick up volume two! Thanks for the eArc

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Thank you to net galley and the publisher. I loved this I thought the storyline was great and everything was easy to read and was a really good book.

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I'd read this for the butch lesbian representation alone. You do not see many representations of masculine women in lead roles, especially in LGBTQ+ works that lean towards queer men relationships. This webcomic is full of POC and queer representation including married moms and diversity of sex and race. It's one of those stories that play with the Christian mythology of demons, angels and exorcism in a fantasy/paranormal way so it's always interesting to see how the author uses these to worldbuild. It reminded me slightly of the new take on Trigun.

However, this is where it falls flat. It's a story that starts off with a dark atmosphere, tone and style. It's a fight with a demon full of stakes and seriousness. We are tossed out of the loop when the fight enters a critical point and we're slammed with a complete 180 into jokey slapstick land. It was jarring and I couldn't take the demons killing people threat seriously anymore. There was a lot of this, the funny moments of being a young dumb student and it always felt out of place. I know that they were going for character building and levity in a high-stakes tale, but it felt too out of place. I also think the world wasn't laid out fast enough or blended enough in the beginning, because it was also confusing when we've so far in a world that is very occultish with demons and magic, so it felt like a fantasy world, but then we find out this is in the standard current day world.

I think though a lot of this will change and get better as the volumes progress, since I know a lot of these flaws are a nature of the webcomic medium, where a lot of the stories are not mapped out like a graphic novel or book would.

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I have to say with honestly that it took me a little bit to get into the story. In each panel there is a lot going on so to me it was sort of hard to concentrate along with the constant "manga yelling." By the time the book ended, which collects episodes 1-18 of the webtoon, it started to get really good. Sunny's backstory starting to be revealed as well as Ezra's mission to protect him given to him by Gabriel along with his burgeoning attraction to Sunny.

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Althought the plot didn´t grabbed my attention 100% but the drawings and action fluid were superb and it was what made me go until the end of this first volume, I´m not sure if I will keep going though because the characters felt a little boring.

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free graphic novel*

"Covenant" is a bit like "Hellsing" but make it queer. Ezra, an exorcist, is sent away to protect Sunny, who seems to be a normal human, but there is more to him than one might expect. While the focus is a lot on fighting and the religious conflict, the slow burn romance was quite sweet and could've expanded.

Having said that, I suppose I wasn't in the right mood for this one because I would've wanted more story and less fighting, I was bored a bit and I also think it's quite exhausting to read a graphic novel on a smartphone (Netgalley Shelf App).

3 stars

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Very shadowhunters but all dudes almost; like if Jace and Alec were our only mains.

Love that Ezra is the way he is and how he struggles with faith; I do feel like that idea needs to be fleshed out a bit more in the coming series. Like 242 pages was a lot of space and maybe switching away to this for some of it would be good. The revelation that made Ezra need to protect that guy was a bit weird.

I really do like the art and it makes it an easy read!

Thank you NetGalley and Oni Press for the chance to read and review this!

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Love the story, it was very engaging and eye catching from the get go. The characters are intriguing and charming, it makes you want to know more about them and that might sound like the bare minimum but many books fail at this simple task. The illustrations are excellent and they fit the story so well. Looking forward to more of this author!

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I really enjoyed this book! The artwork is beautiful and the story is fast-paced and draws you in. I can't wait to see what the next volume has in store.

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I gotta say that when I read the blurb my mind went to 07 Ghost which is amazing, so of course I jumped onto another comic with priests with super powers going after demons to exorcise, with a touch of a queer romance.

So for a first volume of about 210pgs, we didn't get a lot of introduction into... anything really. Minimal world building, minimal character info to the point I wasn't even sure about the pronouns for a couple of them. So when I came to end of the first volume, it felt like I hadn't actually read much of anything. Especially since the plot has 3 major threads that probably intertwined in the future. 1. is the individual pasts of the 2 MCs, 2. is what is going on with "The Great Church" 3. why are demons after Sunny.

I'm actually wondering why the author chose to run in the same arc whatever is going on with "The Great Church", that will definitely affect The Church of Providence, along with Sunny's arc?

Finally although the art was lovely the dialogue was clunky, so this is the end of the road for me with this.

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this is so cool oh my days. i hadn’t heard of the webtoon so this is me going in completely blind and i was pleasantly surprised! very very surprised. i love supernatural role specially when it’s related to religion so this i instantly favored , excited to see what happens next aldo fleabag would love this!

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3.5/5! this was really fun!! not really my thing, but the characters are well-developed and the art is really gorgeous. definitely recommend for graphic novel fans or fans of demon-slaying urban fantasies

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⤷‧₊˚ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑

are you kidding me, what kind of ending was that?!
i need to know what happens next.

it was soo good i really recommend this.

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I love the balance this webtoon has. It manages to be funny and serious at the right times without the humor cheapening the serious situations. I also feel so fascinated by the prospect of an exorcist doing gods work without believing in god. Chosen and granted powers by two angels and yet his conviction is based in his need to be a protector of humanity against the demons.

I love the way they show male friendship in this story. The hugs and the teasing and the worry they have about each other. It’s really nice to see. There are definitely romantic vibes going on between certain characters and I am not sure if those are plots that will be explored in future volumes, but so far I’m satisfied in my wondering.

The author does such a good job explaining the way the world works. The 3 different churches and what mana is and how the angels and demons relationship with mana works. It’s explained in a way that fits seamlessly into the story and I really appreciate it as it kept me interested and fascinated to learn more.

The art is really well done and it all is cohesive and has the same styling. Theres a lot of art in here where I look at it and I think about how beautiful it is in a stoic way. There’s the same balance that work really well in parts that are funny and cute and the parts that are more serious and full of action. In this story it takes its saving humanity with a flare and I love that.

The cliffhanger at the end made me so sad because I was so invested and I didn’t have anything more left to read, but I know that I am very excited for the eventual volume 2 and beyond so my Covenant needs will be satiated eventually.

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What we have are Exorcists, part of the demon fighting team belonging to the Church of Providence. They are accused of siding, even invoking the demons in the area of responsibility. The Great Church wants them closed down. Ezra, who doesn't even believe in God, gets an assignment from the Arch-Angel Gabriel. Protect a fellow student name Sunny. Conflict and Angst are the words of the day here.

I found the story typical of these good versus demons genre. The artworks was splendid and the lettering was quite readable!

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When I requested the book I didn’t know it was a graphic novel so it was a pleasant surprise. This is not the first one I read nor will be the last.
I enjoyed the art style, it was catchy and pleasing.
The plot was somewhat interesting, not much was happening for me, it felt like all they did was fighting demons, back to school, to church, fighting demons again and again and nothing different .
However what through me off was the dialog. didn’t like it at all. It felt too.. poorly executed. I wish I could’ve enjoyed it but sadly I didn’t.

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***I thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced reader copy of this book in return for an honest review***

Okay, Covenant was honestly soo good. It just needed better story editing and fleshing out the characters more. I’m a religious trauma girlie and I am down for anything that touches upon theology and faith. Will stay updated on this series :))

★ ★ ★ .25 /5

“I believe in demons for I have seen them. I believe in angels for I know them. As for God, I have not seen God. I have not heard God. I have not felt God. Though I cannot believe in God, I can believe in my purpose.”

⊹ . ⋆ ☽ ⋆ . ➶

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Well, I didn't just step out of my box with this book, I soared.
Covenant is my first ever Graphic Novel and I am glad I have enjoyed it
I am grateful for Oni-Press for their automatic approval for ARCs on NetGalley

Going into the book for the first time, I thought I was going to finish it in a few hours because my noob mind was thinking that "sure! it's 240 pages of pictures mostly, how long would it take?"
I am giving myself a mental kick cause this was just like reading a regular novel. I needed to read the bubble dialogue (is that what it is called?) then spend some time studying the graphics to understand what was happening and the characters' emotions and responses. So, overall, it took me three days.

now my review

⚜Genre: Gothic Religious Fantasy
⚜Theme: Good vs Evil - no romance in this volume
⚜Targeted audience: New Adult
⚜Characters: Priests/Exorcists - Demons, Angels
⚜Representation: LGBTQ+
⚜TW: violence- Loss of parents - cult - demonic possession
⚜ tropes: Grumpy/Sunshine - protect him - secret identity
⚜ POV: well, all the characters but mostly Ezra and later Sunny
⚜ spice: nothing
⚜ rating: 4.25 🌟🌟🌟🌟🔅 mainly for the amazing graphics
⚜standalone: No, it is part of a series
⚜Ending: cliffhanger

Ezra is a demon exorcist belonging to the Church of Providence, and even though he is blessed by the Angels he still doubts the existence of God. We first meet him in a very serious situation fighting a demon, but it is his sense of humour that wins us over.
The CoP is being questioned by the Great Church supposedly for the increased number of Demons in the area, but we get the idea that something sinister is brewing.

Ezra is tasked by the Archangel to protect a closed-off grumpy human called Sunny who is hiding a dark secret, and their journey begins

I absolutely fell in love with the graphics and Vuong's dark artistic flare.

I spent a lot of time just admiring each page, and by admiring I meant the holy bodies of the characters.

My only negative is that Sunny, considering he is one of the main characters featured in the blurb, comes in late to the story.

other than that, this book will hold a dear place in my heart for breaking my graphic-novel-reading virginity.

A Thank you to NetGalley, Oni-press, and the author for providing the ARC for an honest review

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Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for giving me a preview of this book in return for a honest review ahead of its April 16th publication!

Covenant is a fun, action flick full of demons, angels, church politics, and a whole occult mystery to sink your teeth into. I should love, it has everything my BA Religious Studies soul should adore but this was just a perfectly average time.

We follow Ezra, a college student exorcist going through a faith crisis (been there babe) while subduing demons and attempting to access his Gabriel-given powers. To do this, he must protect someone who turns out to be the ironically named Sunny (who's still going through his emo phase at 20-odd) from a bunch of demons. Why? Well, the question at the heart of this story. All of this while the Church Ezra belongs to is at stake of being excommunicated.

The plot is fine but due to poor pacing, takes a while to really get momentum. Instead, it info dumps for the first three books about Church history and angelic patronage but I feel as if this could all be revealed in a better way that didn't stunt the plot. I guess this is in part to its WebComic lineage but still, it just needed to be that bit quicker to really grab me.

Characters too are perfectly fine. Ezra is enjoyable but some of his dialogue (especially in the action scenes) comes off as cringey and prevented me from really getting attached to him and story. Sunny, however, is actually really interesting thanks to him being the orbit the plot's mystery revolves around. His dialogue as well-written, coming off as natural and not overdone.

All in all, there is an audience for this. If you love the over-the-top classic manga series like Fairy Tail and Bleach, there's definitely something here for you. It has the great art style, a strong string of supporting characters you can choose to emotionally depend on, as well as good action and a decent-enough plot that all makes for a decent package. For me, though, better pacing and tighter dialogue may have endeared me to Covenant a little more but for now, it's a pass.

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