Member Reviews

*ARC Review*

Very cute, quick, and fun read about a marriage of convenience. Because it is a novella we meet our main characters quickly and are immediately smitten with them. We see their chemistry right off the bat and follow it nicely. While a short story, Bailey does a nice job of giving us details that only add to the plot. Love the characters, the families, and the sports influence. Really enjoyed it!

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This was a really quick read with some lovable characters and the classic but always good 'fake marriage' trope. I liked both main characters Sumner and Britta and their dynamic together. The shyness and overall way Sumner is was very sweet and not what you'd expect from a huge hockey player. It worked really well. This story gets super spicy, much spicier than I'm used to reading so I was a little shocked in parts, but overall liked the general story and characters.

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A fast-past romance novella.

Britta doesn’t believe in love and sure doesn’t want to be married. After what her father did to her mother, she could care less to give her heart away. She is a waitress at a bar called Sluggers with hopes to one day be a part owner. Her mom worked there and it hold memories for her. Her half brother is on the local hockey team and it’s a cool place for all the guys to hangout. Therefore, she has a strict no dating policy.

Sumner is a hockey player on the brink of making it into the NHL. The only problem is, his work visa is about to expire. The only way to stay in the US is to get married and get his green card. Enter Britta. He makes her an offer she can’t refuse.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. There were some cringey moments (aka the smutt scenes) but the storyline was good. I would say this isn’t her best work but it wasn’t bad either. If you’re looking for a quick read, this would be it.

Thanks you to NetGalley for my advance reader copy. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

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Same Time Next Year is fast-paced novella that checks 3 boxes:

- Marriage of convenience
- Insta-love
- Lots of spice

2/5 ⭐️

Unfortunately, this one wasn’t really for me. I liked the marriage of convenience trope, but found it odd that the main characters basically spent the first year of their “expirationship” living entirely separate lives. There was also a LOT of spice with semi-cringey dialogue.

Overall, it was a very light, very fast read that got me out of a reading slump which was much-needed!

Thank you to NetGalley & Amazon Original Stories for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Amazon for this advance copy in exchange for my review.

I really wish I could give this a glowing review, but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me.

I enjoyed the marriage of convenience trope and the length but sadly that’s where the enjoyment ended for me.
Something about Sumner made me uncomfortable the entire novella. I do typically enjoy Tessa’s books, and I know her MMCs are usually very possessive but Sumner was next level.

The good news is, I think this is an outlier opinion and I know many people will absolutely love this short read.

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A short sports novella with a few plot holes but, overall, a fun ride if you don’t think too much on the details.

A liked Sum, thinking he was a pretty calm, stand up guy…. Turns out, he’s a total dirty talker in the sheets. I wasn’t expecting that. Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong it but it felt unnatural to hear him dirty talk and put his hand on her throat. There’s also the little detail of them getting his green card in less than a year. Oh! And giving her $50k but not being able to buy her a ring?

I did enjoy following along as Britta discovers what’s been holding her back all of these years & seeing her move past it all. She had the worst example of a relationship growing up & had hardened herself to all relationships.

Again, a good ride with a few potholes but it’s an easy read that I’m glad I jumped on. Would I read it again? No… But I would recommend it for anyone looking for a quick, easy sports romance with some spice.

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Tessa Bailey can write a novella! I loved how this didn't feel rushed or incomplete- even at 40k words. She did such a good job setting up the story/backgrounds at the beginning so we could jump right into the marriage of convenience.

I am unsure how I am obsessed with Sumnar after only 10 chapters but I need more of him. What a freaking cinnamon roll! We know I love a 6'5" sap and he delivered 10 fold. I really loved how he wouldn't back down from his emotions- he didn't act like he could or would tamper his feelings for Britta if/when the relationship became physical- and I loved it.

Britta was also pretty great, I think because this was a novella and there wasn't time for things to drag out, I wasn't bothered by her hang ups. Also, she battled her attraction to Sumner from the beginning so we know she really loved him.

Overall- 10/10 hockey novella. Will read again. SO GOOD.

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I really wanted this to be a nice fluffy palate cleansing fast read, at just over 100 pages…but I really had a hard time with this one. I don’t know if I’m out of my hockey romance, new adult, or Tessa Bailey era…or maybe all of the above?! It really made me sad because one of my top favorite troupes is marriage or convenience and I immediately thought this would have been the perfect novella for me



Special thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the review copy!

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This was a really cute short story. It is a perfect palette cleanser!

The characters were easy to like, and especially the mmc was very cute.

I did notice the names he gave to her boobs :ripe apples, firm little globes.
Don't get me wrong, I thought it was funny 🤣 but it did take away the mood a bit.

When he called her vagina a slick valley, I was surprised 🤣 I've never heard that before.. it was a no for me 🤣

Read if you like:
🏒 getting married for a green card
🏒 very sweet guy
🏒 spice
🏒 instant lust
🏒 protective guy

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Had me giggling and kicking my feet. I love a friends to lovers story. I also loved how quickly the story went along. It was a novella in the best way possible.

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Thank you to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this eARC!

Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I’ve read several of Tessa Bailey’s books, and while I enjoyed some of them, I’ve found increasingly that the stories do not meet my expectations.

I LOVE a marriage of convenience. I LOVE the slow burn convince-me-to-love-you trope. However, 100 pages with massive time jumps did not do this story justice.

It felt at times that Sumner’s height/strength/size was a plot point for the amount of times he was described as thick or chorded or large in any way. I also hated the way he continuously PICKED BRITTA UP!!! Like, let the girl stand on her own two feet!

Britta’s daddy issues weren’t resolved by the end which was dissapointing… and how did Sumner give her 50k to fix up a bar she abandons at the drop of a hat? What happens to the bar without her? In the same vein, how did Sumner give her 50k to fix up the bar but couldn’t afford to get her a ring with a diamond?? I felt strongly that Britta’s sense of individuality/self was swallowed up in Sumner’s toxic masculinity though his character was disguised as being pro-women??

I really wanted to like this novella but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Two stars. ⭐️⭐️

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This was such a fun cute read.
Brothers friends, marriage of convenience.
You just want to root for the couple. Lots of spice and cuteness. Tessa Bailey is amazing when writing her books and I loved this novella.

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This book! I have never read a hockey romance and now I fear it’s all I want to read. This is the prefect lazy Sunday read. The spice is spicy and if you can look past the names Britta and Sumner, their story is amazing. Tessa Bailey never disappoints when it comes to her main male characters. Sumner is top-tier AND fell first. This is a must read!

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A short piece of heaven from Tessa Bailey! She writes in such an easy to read way and I wish I had more time with these characters.

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Spicy hockey novella! I really loved Somner. His name is so different. I could have done without calling a vulva a *unt constantly tho lol its just so weird. I didn't love the start to their relationship it felt icky but it got way better!

Thank you netgalley for the earc in exchange for an honest review

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Same Time Next Year🎆
By Tessa Bailey♾️


This was a sweet and spicy New Year's novella that you could read in a night. A marriage of convenience where they end up falling in love! The MMC was obsessed with calling the FMC his wife, and I was here for it. The FMC doesn’t trust anyone, and the MMC is ready to settle down. I absolutely love a possessive man, and this gave me exactly that. Extremely fast paced and a very easy read!

He falls first🥰
Marriage of convenience💍
Hockey romance🏒
Touch her and die😈
Golden retriever mmc🐕

4 stars

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This was a cute and quick, slightly spicy novella with a marriage of convenience trope. I enjoyed it and am excited to read more by Tessa Bailey. Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC).

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Read from December 1st, 2023. to December 2nd, 2023. Written on December 3rd, 2023.


Short review for a short book.

Loved the writing, very dainty and fun to read. Loved the fact that it was a dual-POV.

The characters were easy to like and relate to. Character evolutions were also simple yet well handled.

Spice level was...maybe a 3/5? It's explicit and there is dirty talk so, watch out for that if needed.

In an overall, the story was very easy to read, with a solid plot and a good amount of emotion into it. It's a great book to read in one sitting, for sure!

Signing off,

(Free ARC from NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories that I chose to review after reading)

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I LOVE LOVE LOVED this story. Sumner is just ugh perfect. It was such a quick read I didn’t wanna put it down! This is only the second hockey romance I’ve ever read and I definitely want to try more! Tessa made you feel for Britta and fall in love with Sumner.

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My biggest disappointment with this book was that it wasn't longer! This story was so fun and sweet. I would absolutely read stories about the rest of the team or Sumner's sisters or even Britta and Sumner's story in a longer form. Tremendously enjoyable and my favorite Tessa Bailey read yet! Would love to see more novellas from her.

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