Member Reviews

Britta has worked at Sluggers since she covered for her mom as a child and it has become the place that the local hockey team, the Bridgeport Bandits, like to spend their time. Britta’s half brother plays for the Bandits so she has a no dating policy with anyone on the team…that is until Sumner Mayfield, the quiet, broody one is about to be sent back to Canada due to his work visa expiring. He is so close to getting called up to the NHL that his only chance at staying in Bridgeport is if Britta agrees to marry him.

When I saw this was an option for my amazon first reads selection, I was thrilled!! I love all of Tessa Bailey’s books for just lighthearted reads that include lots of spice. The attraction between Britta and Sumner is so strong from the first glance in the bar when he helps get people out of her way. When they agreed to just be friends and only friends for this fake marriage, I knew that would never happen. There was lots of spice, but Sumner knew the rules and respected his own boundaries of knowing that it would be more. The way that Britta showed up for him in the end with the same kind of hat that he mentioned his grandmother used to wear had me crying. This was such a sweet but spicy novella.

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Tessa Bailey has another hit with this marriage of convenience, slow burn story. Loved this novella and the sweet MMC.

Thanks Net Galley and Amazon Original Stories for the temporary ARC.

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Tessa Bailey said she cried and beg to make this as long as it was and I WANTED IT ALLLL! This novella is so cute! Friends to lovers with hockey & a green card agreement. Please and thank you for the spice! I want more from this story! Thank you Tessa Bailey, the publisher, Amazon First reads, and Netgalley for letting me devour this in thirty minutes!

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Tessa Bailey meets a bit of Jessa Kane

This book was a fantastic read, it had the perfect length, the perfect level of detail to keep the story going and the perfect level of heat!

It's the story of Britta, a young waitress and Sumner, a hockey player who needs to marry someone in order to get his green card. It helps he has a huge crush on Britta, and Britta needs something he can offer her. Also, a silent crush on him :)

I loved how their story is not rushed, this could have been so easily an insta kind of love, yet it takes a year for Britta to trust fully and offer her love to Sumner. There is as much feeling to this book as it is heat and that is absolutely wonderful! Britta is a lovely character, but Sumner.. he is so attentive and so mature and yet he spots that kind of obsession only Jessa Kane's characters usually displayed.

I read this in one sitting and I couldn't put it down, it was a great read!

I received a copy of this in order to share my view on it.

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This was a cute, light, cosy read. While I enjoyed it, the pacing felt a bit uneven, and it skipped over much of the bits that I would have liked to delve into, like the development of their relationship. It made it a little harder to understand Britta’s motivation. I did really enjoy Sumner’s family. I great option for anyone looking for a light and easy read, particularly those who enjoy a marriage of convenience plot.

Thank you to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This falls into a lot of categories: holiday novella (but not Christmas!), hockey romance, fake dating, friends to lovers. And it’s definitely a lot of fluff and spice, too, which Tessa Bailey is known for.

I admit that I’ve usually avoided the myriad of hockey romance books, even if the main character states “Once you go hockey boy, you never go back.” Britta is a 26 year old well-liked bartender in a Connecticut hockey town where her half-brother Bryce is in the local league, the Bandits. Their star player, Sumner, has an expiring visa, and if he returns to Canada, his chances for future hockey stardom will probably die. Unless, hmmm, he marries an American girl for a green card — and Britta gets recruited to be Sumner’s first ex-wife. She does feel a spark for him and Sumner does have a definite crush on her. The story tracks what happens in the following year (don’t try to believe the immigration process is that simple, though).

This is a quick read and be aware, if you’re not familiar with her writing (this was an Amazon First Reads book, which gives authors wider audiences), you might not like Tessa Bailey’s intense spiciness — on the other hand, you might just love the fluffy smuttiness. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Literary Pet Peeve Checklist:
Green Eyes (only 2% of the real world, yet it seems like 90% of all fictional females): NO But Sumner’s big soulful brown eyes play a part in wearing down Britta’s resolve,
Horticultural Faux Pas (plants out of season or growing zones, like daffodils in autumn or bougainvillea in Alaska): NO It’s winter, therefore the landscaping is hiding under the snow.

Thank you to Amazon Publishing and NetGalley for a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This was so fun! Everyone knows Tessa Bailey is the GOAT of silly, fun, spicy romances and this novella was not an exception.
This was a quick read, and I loved both Sumner and Britta. He was an absolute golden retriever husband in the absolute best way.
If you love banter, "my wife" and yearning, this one is for you.

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This sweet novella with a golden retriever hockey player who adores our spitfire bartender is a fun, quick read, with lots of spicy scenes that only Tessa Bailey can deliver. Love how the girl is the one that is out of the hero’s league for once, and that she is the one afraid of commitment and long term relationships. I loved the little taste we got of her relationship with her half brother, and I liked how much the hockey team rooted for these two and schemed to get them together. Lots of charm and found family vibes.

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This was a sexy, fun novel. It takes place over the course of a year and follows Britta, a hopeless un-romantic stuck in a unique situation of a marriage in name only...sparks will fly!

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Short, Sweet, Hockey Romance? Count me in!

I loved it, especially the part where HE FALLS FIRST and HARD.
He's on a work green card that's about to expire and his hockey bros come up with a fantastic Idea......that goes a little sideways at first than after a convo gets better, and what comes with the whole 'as friends, no feelings' rule? it being broken and they learn they have more chemistry the they thought.

"also, not exactly how it went, but i am horrible at not giving away things in reviews, so I spiced it up a smidge."

I just reviewed Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey. #SameTimeNextYear #NetGalley

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Tessa Bailey is the queen of fun, spicy romances and "Same Time Next Year" is no exception! Also, considering it's a novella, it was a really quick read. This story centers around Britta and Sumner, who travel in the same social circles and enjoy flirting, but haven't gone any farther. But when Sumner is under threat of being deported back to Canada, their friends hatch up a plan to get Britta and Sumner hitched. There's only one catch: Sumner has been in love with Britta for months (at least) and he's convinced to make the marriage real. Will Britta let her walls down to let Sumner love her the way he really wants to?

This was exactly the fun, spicy romance I expect from Bailey and I really enjoyed it! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Whenever the winter season starts, I just want cozy, happy, holiday romances. It’s just the perfect season for fluff with a side of spice and Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey definitely delivers! I picked this up as my monthly Amazon First Reads book, hoping it would be fluffy and excited that it was just as spicy.

This is absolutely a read by the vibes kind of book. If you’re someone who cannot handle an unrealistic premise (why??) then you might have some issues with this backdrop. Yes, it makes no sense that they are able to get a marriage greencard within a year. Yes, it makes no sense that a white Canadian hockey player was going to be deported from America. Yes, it makes no sense that the government employee just happened to walking into the office at the same time they’re making out (was he coming back from lunch? coming in late to work?) Yes, it makes no sense that it is easier for a Canadian to get drafted into the NHL while in America than Canada (especially considering it isn’t for a national team or the Olympics.) And yes, it is absolutely makes no sense that a defenseman would get drafted into the NHL in his late 20s after a long spate of injuries kept him from getting picked up when he was younger. If you can ignore all of that, you’ll love this. I did!

Sumner plays amateur hockey but is close to get drafted into the big leagues BUT he’s about to be deported. He’s also WILDLY in love with Britta, his teammates half-sister. New Years Eve, she is convinced to marry him with the condition that they not fall in love and get a divorce promptly one year later. Sumner accepts but takes his as his opportunity to make her fall in love with him.

This is dual POV which I really enjoyed. Sumner is so hopelessly in love with Britta that it made me realize that is my one true favorite trope. Just a guy that is so completely and hopelessly in love and desperate for the girl to love him back (but also respectful of her choices/etc.) Sumner continually held himself at bay, knowing this wasn’t something Britta wanted, even when we the reader knew she did. He kept honest with her and never tried to push any advantage. Britta was a great heroine. She didn’t let herself get pushed around and stood firm on what she wanted. Her character definitely developed despite the novella being only 144 pages. Britta starts off so commitment-phobic and eventually, with Sumner by her side, works through her issues to decide what matters the most.

Despite saying this is gave me fluffy feelings, it also was such great spice. It was so unexpected. I thought it was going to just be a cutesy holiday romance and then suddenly explicit sex/thoughts. It was very well written and hot as hell.

Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey is such a great fluffy/spicy romance that bookends New Years Eve to New Years Eve. If you’re looking to read something quick but hot, definitely pick this up!

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In this ice hockey romance, we're introduced to the boss girl, Britta, skillfully managing a bustling bar on her own and ice hockey player Sumner who can't take his eyes off of her. What sets this story apart is the refreshing twist that the guy harbors a crush on our leading lady, and she's well aware of it—a delightful departure from the usual tropes.

However, my enjoyment was tempered by the rushed pace. The narrative skips over significant moments like wedding details, such as the described "chaste kiss," and the absence of scenes depicting moving in together. Notably, the abrupt jump from New Year's Eve to March felt disjointed.

On a positive note, the openness of the male character about his infatuation adds a swoon-worthy element to the narrative. "If you don't like it, then stop being my dream girl." *swoon*

All in all, I love the book for what it is. A short little romance with spice and book boyfriend material.

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(3/5 stars) This romance novella came sort of out of nowhere, but I was happy to pick it up for free as one of the Prime First Reads this month. This is a fun, quick read (~150 pages) as long as you don't think about it too much (is getting a green card as easy as Bailey makes it out to be for novella-length purposes? no). With all your favorite tropes (marriage of convenience, he falls first/harder, MMC is a golden retriever in human form, found family, etc.), this was a decent read but I'm not sure I'd pick it up for a reread any time soon.

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Sumner and Britta do marriage of convenience right. This hot and steamy arrangement is full of yearning in the most delicious ways. Funny, tender, and achingly sweet, Same Time Next Year is yet another home run for Tessa Bailey.

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3.5 ⭐️ || 3 🌶️
This short story started off so cute and then the writing completely fell apart. I usually LOVE Tessa Bailey's work but I personally think that this would have been much better as a full-length book rather than a novella. The story and characters had so much potential but ultimately fell off the deep end of being cringe towards the end.

Pros: "where's my wife?" golden retriever energy
Cons: everything about the front yard soup scene

Thank you Net Galley and Amazon for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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4.5⭐️ This was an excellent novella. He falls (hard) first, marriage of convenience, hockey player. The only thing I really struggled with was the spice seemed to tip toe just a little bit too far. Some of the description/dirty talk could have been left out and would have been fine. The communication from Sumner was incredible. I loved his patience and focus on talking things out.

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Thank you to Amazon & NetGalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

I was so excited to learn that Tessa Bailey has written a short story for an Amazon original, that I squealed when I saw it!

This is a novella but it is on the longer side with 144 pages. So a short and quick read, but the signature banter and spice that comes with Tessa’s work is present throughout the story. The ending was super cute, and overall this was an enjoyable “bonus” read from one of my favorite authors!

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