Member Reviews

This was such a cute, cozy sapphic fantasy with such an interesting and fun concept. It feels strange to call it cozy when there were some pretty high stakes and it revolved around a dangerous heist, but I felt comfortable reading it. This is such a quick read and felt engaging the entire way through, but for those who like higher-stakes stories, I think the resolutions of the conflicts may feel a little too convenient.
I loved following Sybil and Esme, and I'm glad we got both of their points of view alternating throughout the story. I do think their relationship was a little underdeveloped. I will say that friends to lovers isn't my favorite trope, so this could be a me thing. By the end it was done well, but I almost wish there was more to their relationship than just pining for each other in the beginning half of the book.

Hopefully there will be a sequel, since it seems like it could be setting up for one. While it felt complete as its own novel, there were enough threads left open that I could easily see another story happening.

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I think the concept of this book is very interesting! Unfortunately, the formatting for the ebook is a little messed up and makes it really hard to read the book. I stopped reading this book around 30% due to the formatting. In the future I might buy the physical book to read because I truly believe the story is interesting!

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3 stars!

The Absinthe Underground is the book made for those who loves fantasy, sapphic relationships and anything fae. It was a cute read and the further I got into it, the more I didn’t want to put it down. There was the constant feeling of magic and love that was tied in with tension and worry giving me a rollercoaster of emotions.

However, it felt very disappointing. The story felt extremely rushed leaving me underwhelmed with the characters and relationships given throughout. I believe more was needed within all parts of the story, we needed to be told more things not just shown.

Overall, I recommend giving this book a try, especially if you love fast paced books that are fae and sapphic!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy in return for an honest review

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I personally found this very cute. I've never been one for the heists but this was fun. The danger levels weren’t as high as I would have like but hey that’s ok.

This is definitely a friends to lovers slow burn that is just packed with mutual pining. This quest takes a lot of steps before we reach the main event and like most stories that involve the fae folk, nothing is as it seems.

This adorable young adult novel is written in third person and alternates POVs between Sybil and Esme. I really think these girls had the best of intentions and were really just trying to survive but obviously they didn’t always make the right decisions.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this wonderful book!!

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This was an anthem to all things beautiful.

Beautiful writing. Beautiful women. Beautiful clothes. Beautiful environment and aesthetics.

If you wish to be swept away into a book combining quiet cozyness with glamorous aesthetics, the absinthe underground is the book for you. The relationship is to absolutely die for -A quiet cafe worker who enjoys plants ( particularly mind), cats, and whose favourite past time is sitting in her apartment fixing clocks or reading in her nightgown X her best friend who is the complete opposite, a troublemaking thief who seeks the highest pleasures of life. Both of these girls are bound together by a protectiveness for each other, and parents neither of whom wishes to speak about - each for different reasons-.

We have SUCH a great mix of the mortal world ( with its beautifully described clock tower apartment in which I would love nothing more than to live in, nightclubs, and beautiful posters to be stolen) and the Fae one ,( with enchanting forests, castles to be robbed, and NURSERIES FOR BABY DRAGONS-).

The magic in this book is woven in such a simple yet fabulous way. The reader doesn't get too much lore of the magic system, but rather the magical elements is woven throughout the story.

The author has somehow managed to make a tale about heists so comforting to read. As other reviews have mentioned this book relies a lot more on telling rather than showing which for the most part I didn't only just not mind, but actually quite liked. This method is quite a dangerous one, as it could be proven to be tedious to read, but the author has such a talent with words that it worked out VERY well for her.Some parts could use slightly more emotion but other than that this book was excellent.

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The Absinthe Underground was quite an original story. I thought I would like it more than I really did. There was just something about the characters that were quite void to me. I could not find myself attached to them or the story. The love of it all was very excitement but once again, just didnt hit it for me. I still thoroughly enjoyed the storyline and the whole idea of a magical world meets real world and secret underground clubs.

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This book has potential, and I really wanted to truly fall in love with it, especially as I adore friends-to-lovers and heists and fairy worlds, but it was a ‘like’ rather than a ‘love’ for me. The plot was predictable and relatively low stakes, although consistently entertaining and something I would recommend for someone beginning to dabble in the fantasy genre. It’s a very cosy and lighthearted read - it could be finished in one or two sittings. There is a sufficient amount of sapphic pining between best friends as promised, even if I wanted more depth to their relationship as friends over time.

However, I ultimately felt no connection with the plot or any of the characters as their descriptions and personalities felt very surface level, something which was aided by a writing style that felt as if it was consistently telling rather than showing. I did not feel any of the magic or whimsy I would crave from a fantasy, and the heist itself was very simple for something which was the main dramatic moment in the plot.

I rarely take formatting into consideration for arc reviews, but something about the images included in the version I have meant that a paragraph or so at the beginnings and ends of chapters were cut off or covered up, which meant I was missing out on parts of the story and it left me feeling confused almost every time it happened.

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rating: 4.5/5 (rounded down to 4)
spice: 0/5 this is a clean romance

This book is a warm and cozy little treat and I enjoyed it very much. If you're looking for a fun read to curl up with over the course of a few days, and you like art deco, fae, queer romance and a good heist book then this one is for you.

Our main characters Sybil and Esme are both sweethearts. I really enjoyed the dual POV throughout this book, getting to see how both of them were feeling. Esme really resonated with me, her fidgeting, her desire to just enjoy the little things, her love of tinkering. I feel like Jamie painted a very genuine picture with her. Sybil is just as lovable, she's got a wild past and her tendency to cause trouble leads to some fun moments.

As for plot this is very much a heist story, with some fetch quest in the middle. I liked all of the elements that came together to make their heist possible, but I do agree with some other folks that there was too much ease. They did face some obstacles that surprised me, but overall things fell into place a bit too smoothly for my personal tastes.

One aspect of this book that really shined for me was the setting, it was very much giving art deco era Paris. It is such a fun period for a fae book. Jamie did a wonderful job of describing the all of the locations, the world sounded absolutely beautiful. Everything from the Absinthe Underground itself to their cozy little apartment, to Lucien's townhouse felt well designed and described with great details.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Jamie Pacton for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Enjoyed this fun, sapphic cozy fantasy! Related very much to Esme (personality, not background) and loved the nods to THE VERMILION EMPORIUM.

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Whilst I initially really enjoyed the beginning of this book, I found that the rest of it fell through as the story progressed. It's not an entirely bad thing though I thought that the plot progressions and voice leaned more Middle Grade than Young Adult; The Absinthe Underground became very predictable about a quarter way in and just a little disappointing from then on. The premise was definitely an intriguing one, and with such a stunning cover, I do believe this story will find its audience—I just don't think it was a great fit for me. Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this arc!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this eARC!

I had high hopes for The Absinthe Underground - it promises a lot of classic and favorite tropes but in a setting that feels fresh and interesting. However, while the premise is solid, something about the execution (whether it's the pacing, the lack of depth to the writing, or the ‘tell don’t show’ vibes) falls short of fully realizing its potential. The narrative, while engaging at times, lacked the consistent momentum to keep me engaged every step of the way. It was an easy and predictable read that ultimately felt lacking. 2.5 rounded up.

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Huge thank you to NetGalley and Peachtree Teen for allowing me to read this early for review!

This was a super cute and short book with amazing vibes. While the plot and premise of the story are strong, the actual writing leaves you with a feeling something is missing. While I did enjoy the queer representation and the vibes of Art Nouveau posters, I ended up feeling very meh about the book.

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big ups to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC 🤝🏼

it’s giving cozy! it’s giving best friends to lovers! it’s giving fae adventures! i loved every minute reading this and honestly couldn’t put it down. sure, there were some parts where i feel a little backstory would have made it work a lot better and the heist felt a little too easy? there wasn’t enough struggle or real problem solving to make it feel like this big, dangerous scheme.

but did i have a bad time reading it? not at all. i loved sybil and esme’s relationship and how they’re so in love with each other. i wish we got a little more lucien but maybe there will be a sequel? if there isn’t, i’m satisfied with a standalone.

anywho thanks again to NetGalley and the publisher! you’re a real one.

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This is a cute, sapphic novella that I wish was a little more sophisticated in its plot. But that's ok, because if you're looking for something that is unapologetic in its slow-burn romance between friends, its Belle Epoque-Parisian-influenced human world and Celtic and folky fairy-tale fae world; and if the uncomplicated "good person is the actually bad person" element of the denouements doesn't bother you, then you'll love it.

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I really loved this story! It is an easy to read, cozy queer fantasy heist that i felt was perfect to read with a cup of tea and the rain pouring outside. The main characters were likeable, and I was rooting for them throughout. The author really captured the depictions of teenagers exploring their queer feelings, and the conflict between their desire for friendship and their desire for more.
I loved the land of Fae, and I do wish more time was spent there exploring the world, but I'm hoping the author might write another novel or even a novella about Sybil and Esme's future adventures in Fae.
The story was written quite simply, and at times I did want more depth in the world building and character interactions, but it was still fun.
The character of Maeve could have been so much intense and interesting, but instead she felt like a very two-dimensional disney villian. I really wanted more from her character.
I read the novel on kindle and it definitely needs formatting and another proofread. Text was all over the place, with sections of a new chapter being on a page before. There are also some grammar and punctuation issues, but nothing that couldn't be fixed by another pass from an editor.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book and its cozy vibes, and it was perfect for winter. I would definitely recommend it to others.
Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC of this book!

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A cute, cozy fantasy full of sapphic pining and Moulin Rouge vibes!
Overall, this was just alright for me. I think it's the writing style that doesn't mesh with my preference, although the setting and themes are wonderful! This book will very much be a hit when it finds its readers and I hope more people pick it up once it's out.

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A vibrant, romantic, and fantastic heist through a Moulin-rouge inspired world.

Esme and Sybil are two room mates that are down on their luck and have nothing but each other in the big city. Esme the sweet clock-obsessed cat lover and the mysterious Sybil, steal collectable posters just to keep their heads afloat. Attempting to sell a new, rare poster of the green fairy lands them in the hip club The Absinthe Underground. The alluring owner offers up knowledge where that the green fairy may not be just a drink-induced illusion after all and she's offering up a score that could set them up for life.

This novel started off really bumpy for me but picks up in the imagination around the 50% mark. There were some great tense moments and a really interesting premise with the real world/faeland adventure. That being said, this novel felt skimpy on the details and glossed over a lot of character building. I was surprised with the amount of dropped threads in the story and it felt frustrating having to go back and make sure that it wasn't just me that missed plot points. There was a lot of telling with the sapphic pining that felt like it could have been traded into making Sybil a more likeable protagonist.

Was it a nail biter? It is a lush book that has some writing that could be improved but overall, it was a fun read. 3/5 ⭐.

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A cute, cozy fantasy with a small but adorable friends-to-lovers Sapphic romance. I wanted to love this book, but I ended up not being able to get through it. The biggest bother to me was how often everything felt frozen, out of panic, fear, or thought it didn't matter. But when somebody paused, it seemed to drag on forever. I'm definitely interested in circling back around, but this book just could not hold my attention.

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"In her seventeen years, Sybil had kissed people of all genders, but no one made her blood dance like this. No one had made her yearn this way. No one felt like home so entirely."

I adored this book! I was first hooked in by the beautiful cover art, then I read the description and I knew I had to read this. If you love historical fantasy, queer stories, fae and slow burn romance you will love this!

The setting is rich, vibrant and comes right off the page, making you feel as though you are right there. I have always loved the hopelessly romantic idea of 1920s Paris, Moulin Rouge/ Great Gatsby, glittering lights and liberation movements. This book is not set in Paris, it's somewhere new that we are transported to with a similar feel and aesthetic. Not only are we treated to this world but also one of my favourite book settings which is the land of the Fae, the way these worlds are seamlessly woven together in this story makes this even more special. My favourite part was reading about all the different kinds of Fae and this new fantastical world.. and the romance of course!

The characters are two girls you will immediately fall in love with, their friendship is something you can only dream of and then there is a slow burn, beautifully constructed romance that comes with it, born out of true friendship. There are so many interested side characters in this too and I am very much hoping for a sequel so we can get to know them better. The plot is fun and keeps you guessing, a true fantasy adventure, but I think the more special aspects for me were the world building and character development. I wish we got to know the characters a bit more, I feel like this could definitely have been a longer book and I would be happy with that, seeing more of the worlds and characters. it does wrap up quickly and nicely but also leaves room for a sequel which is very exciting.

Overall I highly recommend this book, it is something unique and special and I feel as though this sapphic fantasy is something we really needed. it is a cosy fantasy adventure that will leave you wanting more in the best way!

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"Moulin Rouge meets Holly Black in a thrilling sapphic friends-to-lovers romantasy!

This lavish and decedent LGBTQ+ fantasy romance will leave fans of Divine Rivals and Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries utterly enchanted!

After running away from home, Sybil Clarion is eager to embrace all the freedom the Belle Époque city of Severon has to offer. Instead, she's traded high-society soirées for empty pockets. At least she has Esme, the girl who offered Sybil a home, and if either of them dared, something more.

Ever since Esme Rimbaud brought Sybil back to her flat, the girls have been everything to each other - best friends, found family, and secret crushes. While Esme would rather spend the night tinkering with her clocks and snuggling her cats, Sybil craves excitement and needs money. She plans to get both by stealing the rare posters that crop up around town. With rent due, Esme agrees to accompany - and more importantly protect - Sybil.

When they're caught selling a poster by none other than its subject, Maeve, the glamorous girl invites Sybil and Esme to The Absinthe Underground, the exclusive club she co-owns, and reveals herself to be a Green Faerie, trapped in this world. She wants to hire thieves for a daring heist in Fae that would set her free, and is willing to pay enough that Sybil and Esme never have to worry about rent again. It's too good of an offer to pass up, even if Maeve's tragic story doesn't quite add up, and the secrets could jeopardize everything the girls have so carefully built.

Jamie Pacton, author of The Vermilion Emporium, dazzles in this whimsical and daring romantic fantasy. Fans of Fae lore, slow-burn sapphic pining, and decadently magical worlds will find The Absinthe Underground as ensorcelling as a fairy delight."

I love the real history of the Belle Époque intermingled with fantasy and fairies.

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