Member Reviews

I loved this book.
There are exercises from 1 minute to taking a day for ourselves. Things that we can easily incorporate into our daily lives just to try out or make it part of our routine.
The best thing about the book is that little by little it helps us create space for ourselves and be aware of our needs, and that alone will make us more loving towards ourselves.
The exercises have several categories, such as physical or mental, and it feels good to love ourselves a little at a time.

I highly recommend the book. All the exercises are really satisfying, and are for everyone.

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"The Self Care Activities for Women" is a fantastic book that provides a wide range of self-care activities specifically curated for women. The book is organized into categories and sections, making it easy for readers to navigate and find activities that suit their needs. One helpful feature is the list on the side that indicates the time required for each activity as well as the supplies needed.

The book offers a plethora of amazing suggestions for self-care activities, including a joy playlist, mindful walks, and cooking healthy meals to share with friends. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's well-being, especially for women who often put others before themselves. With chapters dedicated to emotional, mental, physical, social, and professional self-care, the book encourages women to take care of themselves inside and out.

The activities in the book are short, simple, and require minimal materials, making them accessible to anyone regardless of their location or available time. "The Self Care Activities for Women" is a valuable resource for women seeking to relax, reset, and find a little joy in their lives. Start practicing self-care today by picking up this book and making it a habit to check in with yourself regularly.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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While the ideas are likely not new or totally unique, this book is a good reminder for women to take care of their own needs, too (including physical, mental, and professional). Many exercises can be done in under five minutes, so they'd be easy to add to your day. They may help boost your mood, as well as your self-confidence. There are bound to be a few tips that will work for every reader.

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An interesting read on how to focus on your own self care and wellbeing. Nothing earth shatteringly different here but would work well if you used it methodically.

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The Self Care Activities for Women is fantastic. There are many activities broken down by categories and sections. I really appreciate the list on the side for the time of the activity and the supplies needed. There were lots of amazing activity suggestions and a book that is a great joy. This is a book you can revisit over and over again for self care. I just reviewed Self-Care Activities for Women by Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite. #NetGalley .

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Lots of good ideas here but honestly, nothing new or fresh. While we can all use the reminder from time to time to engage in self care activities, I would have preferred something a little outside of the ordinary.

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This was an easy read if you’re looking for a chill, comfort book - but it’s nothing special. It read like a typical article on ways to perform self care (e.g. listen to music, journal, etc). The recommendations were so basic that I’m unsure who to recommend this to.

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What an inspirational and powerful book. I loved the breakdown of the different forms of self-care.
•Mental Self-Care
•Emotional Self-Care
•Physical Self-Care
•Social Self-Care
•Professional Self- Care
It’s a great reminder of all the different aspects of self care. The different tips and examples for each category were beautiful. I made sure to write LOTS of ideas down in my journal for me to try out in the next year. A book worth buying to be able to write in and keep track of all the things that can help you on a daily basis. I personally love books like these and love to inspire others to get more self-care in their daily.

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Wonderful book full of excellent, quick and easy ideas to take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally.
Ms. Horsham-Brathwaite breaks down self-care activities to easy, doable steps. There are so many different activities that there is bound to be something for everyone. Quite a few are 15 minutes or less.
Thank you to Ms. Horsham-Brathwaite for sharing inspiring ways to take care of yourself.
Thank you to NetGalley and Callisto Publishing for granting me an advanced copy for my honest opinion. This is such a lovely book!

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Self Care Activities For Women has a wonderful array of both quick and more time consuming ways to care for your physical and mental well being. I appreciate the recommended time and supplies needed so I could decide which activities to try first. In addition I will be adopting some of these ideas into my elementary classroom.

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I really enjoyed reading through this book. I appreciated that each activity has an activity time listed. Several activities as short as five minutes. Each activity also has a supply list included as well. The activities range from writing prompts to physical movement. I completed several of the activities included and found them to be both fun and engaging. I look forward to completing more. I strongly feel that self care is a very important and often neglected part of life.

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Self-Care Activities for Women : 101 Practical Ways to Slow Down and Reconnect With Yourself. This book provides a selection of activities in all areas from physical activities to mental health, work and leisure. There is something for everyone and you can select them based on mood, need, and how much time you have to complete them. All can be adapted to suit your own needs and tastes. A good book for dipping into, and also for gifting

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Self care is something that I always push for, but it can sometimes fall to the wayside when life gets busy so this book is really helpful as a reminder of what you can do for self care.

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Self Care Activities For Women by Cicely Horsham-Bratbwaite is a great guide full of awesome things to bring about a positive outlook into life. With comforting, fun and calming ideas to choose from, you are bound to find something to uplift your spirit! Min addition, there are many things to embrace better habits, being healthy and enjoying your own company by practicing various daily activities for improving daily life. I would highly recommend this guide to my girlfriends, for it helps in boosting self confidence, maintaining a proper balance of tasks, yet also helping those with anxiety to feel better about themselves as a whole.

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Self-Care Activities for Women was really helpful. I liked the variety of exercises, both in categories of care (physical, work health, mental, etc) as well as exercises that can be done in less than 5 minutes and longer ones.

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