Member Reviews

An incredibly unsettling science-fiction collection of stories, I enjoyed this! I recommend, I feel like the writing style was really good too, very rich.

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Your Utopia is a memorable collection of short stories written by Bora Chung and translated from Korean by Anton Hur. Chung brilliantly blends elements of speculative and science fiction to examine topics such as artificial intelligence, humanity, capitalism, and desire. The stories are bleak and unsettling, infused with dark humor, and leave the reader with a lot to ponder over. Chung’s note at the end explains the real-life inspiration for her stories and gave me an even deeper appreciation for her work. Thank you so much @algonquinbooks for my gifted copy. 🤖

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3.5 stars

This is a fun science fiction story, but it was not where I was expecting it to be. We follow three main characters: Shizuka Satomi, a violinist who has sold her soul to the devil, who has in turn promised that if she gives him seven souls of very talented violinists, then she will get her soul back. She has sold seven of the six so far and now is on the lookout for the seventh. That seventh is Katrina, who is a runaway transgender violinist, who Shizuka finds one day when she unwittingly listens to her music and is taken in, and decides that Katrina is the student that she is going to train. Then there's Lan Tran, a Starship Captain who is running a donut shop. How all of these people's paths cross and what they will come to mean forms this entire story.

I enjoyed this book to a large extent. The first 100 pages had brilliant writing and so did the last 50 or 75 pages. But it drags in the middle and throughout the book there's a lot of musical jargon and violin technicalities that makes it difficult for you to absorb yourself into the story. I agree that the author shouldn't dumb down a story for the reader's sake, but turning it into such a technical storyline with technical details that the reader doesn't feel like getting absorbed into the story at all is also not a great idea, in my opinion.

What I'm saying is: The writing was beautiful before it got a little too purpley and a little too wannabe, before it turned into - again - that beautiful writing. The highlight, however, is the handling of the issues that Katrina faces, both in real life and online, her music, and how music changes her life. It is still a very interesting book if you do want to try it.

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Your Utopia is an interesting collection of sci-fi stories on different topics, some of them humorous, some serious, and most speaking about culture and it's consequences for each of its characters. This was my first time reading Bora Chung and I'm honestly still trying to decide how I felt about this collection in some ways. I genuinely enjoyed some of the stories, particularly in the second half of the book, but others didn't quite click the way I had hoped. The first story was particularly frustrating for me, stilted and structured toward a bit of a run on narrative that didn't keep me engaged or strike me as funny, though that was clearly the idea. The ones I liked were more thoughtful stories about apocalyptic scenarios, memory retrieval, and things along these themes.

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This collection felt like the sci fi baby of Black Mirror and the Twilight Zone. Which is high praise in my opinion. I read and enjoyed Cursed Bunny and this book was even better! Can't wait to read more from Bora Chung!

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Bora Chung is a freak and I love it and mean it with the utmost respect and pleasure. This collection doesn't hit as well as Cursed Bunny did, but at this point I think we're all just waiting for Bora to venture into Full Length Novel territory. There were some real gems - A Song for Sleep, Seed - that grapple with existential questions we should all be asking in this day and age around climate change, capitalism, agency and AI, but overall the stories didn't shock me to my core as much (which might be a me probem).

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Your Utopia is another great story collection from Bora Chung. I loved the odd, off-putting writing as well as the more sci-fi elements. I love this author's work!!

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This collection of short stories gives readers a fresh take on immortality, zombies, aliens, consciousness scanning, inorganic intelligences, and more. I read this in two sittings and I’m definitely interested in reading more translated work of Bora Chung.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this e-copy in exchange for an honest review!

Bora Chung just knows how to write short story collections I become completely immersed in. No doubt I had high expectations from reading Cursed Bunny over the summer, and I was pleasantly satisfied from this collection.

Your Utopia turns the world on its head, writing from futuristic worlds of AI, and examining how humanity lives within and around technology. Particular favorites of mine were "Your Utopia", "Seeds", and "The End of the Voyage". Although the stories are relatively easy to read and understand (even though they incorporate concepts WAY beyond our technology), I think the more thought that I give these in light of the recent attention and fear around AI, the deeper and more memorable they feel to me.

At this point, I'm most curious to see a novel from Bora Chung, her short-form stories are great, but I crave the length and depth you can get into with a lengthier book.

This settles with me overall as a 3.5, rounded up to 4 stars.

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If you liked Bora Chung’s debut, Cursed Bunny, you will love her latest collection! It is brimming with the unique and kaleidoscopic voice you know and the weird and wonderful stories you want. Original and thought-provoking, it’s also haunting and entertaining. - included online at Ms. Magazine, Jan 2024 Reads for the Rest of Us

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Love bora chung and her last book, and this book with her new collection of stories is what I came to expect. Highly recommend

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A strong collection of sci-fi short stories. I haven't read CURSED BUNNY, so this was my first introduction to Bora Chung's work. The idea explored in YOUR UTOPIA—zombie stories, plant people, AI machines trying to understand grief—aren't particularly new, but Chung executes each concept cleanly and well. The standout stories for me were "A Song for Sleep" and "To Meet Her." The real star of this piece, in my opinion, is Anton Hur's translation, which is marvelously well-done in terms of preserving the stories' Korean narrative voice and cultural context while also providing a dynamic and artistic English translation. Looking forward to seeing what Chung and Hur do together next.

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this short story collection but I ended up liking so many of the stories. There are some Black Mirror vibes throughout the book as these stories really made the reader pause and think. My favorite ones were the Maria, Gratia Plena, Your Utopia, and especially A Song for Sleep. The author's gift for interweaving elements of sci-fi with lessons of humanity allows for a thought-provoking read.

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I loved reading from the POV of an elevator, this was my a favorite!!

Thought provoking short stories that left me wanting more. I love it all except the last.

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I absolutely loved Cursed Bunny and I seem to always love Anton Hur’s translations! So I was incredibly excited to read the new short story collection from Bora Chung! In Your Utopia, Chung focuses on a dystopian future with robots and AI, questions humanity and the meaning of being human and AI and delves deeper into sci-fi topics like aliens and immortality.
Don’t let the title of the book deceive you, this collection was dark. I loved the way it pushed current concepts to strange pockets of dystopia and how they all left me a bit unsettled with their final paragraphs. I think my overall favorite from the collection was “A Song for Sleep'' where an elevator starts to care for en elderly resident.

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gorgeously done work bu Chung and an excellent work in the same sort of vein as her previous short story collection, "Cursed Bunny". Thanks so much for the arc.

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Really great. Unsettling and surprisingly emotional. Still can't believe a story from the POV of an elevator had me chokin' up. Some landed better for me than others, but that's kind of the entire point of a collection, no? Had me immediately putting CURSED BUNNY on hold.

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Thank you to Net Galley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

It's roughly been a year and a half since I read Cursed Bunny, but I'm still thinking about it! No one's doing it like Bora Chung.

The Center for Immortality Research
The title alludes to the research center our narrator works at, which will be celebrating its 98th anniversary. The narrator is in charge of party preparations and, to many, the unnecessarily convoluted and frustrating process she undergoes will be a familiar one. This felt like a commentary on the toxicity of work culture, specifically within corporations. This idea of feeling trapped with limited choice is a familiar one to any who rely on their paycheck to survive.

While there were many funny moments here, it ended on a very relatable, thought-provoking note:
"There are people who find solace in ties that we can never sever. If those ties have to do with making a living, the sense of stability must double. But sitting in the lobby of the Center and watching the people come and go, right before going up to work myself, I suddenly had a scary and sad thought. As long as I lived, I had to figure out a way to put food on the table, and this eternal need to feed myself is frightening, and how this need would persist to our 198th, 298th, 398th anniversaries... and how I would have no choice but to spend all that time in this Center, made me sadder and more scared than anything else in the world. But if you thought about it, whether you were forever young or not, anyone who had to make their own living was in the same boat as I was."

The End of the Voyage
Hear me out -- space zombies.

You wouldn't think it would work and yet, it definitely does. This story (which might be stepping into novella territory, given its length) focuses around a mysterious virus circulating Earth that has no noticeable symptoms... aside from the fact that those infected start cannibalizing those around them. A group of individuals specializing in various different skills and subjects (our narrator, a linguist, being one of them) is sent off into space to wait out a cure.

This was a wild, wild ride. And I was fully engaged, with no sense of where it was headed, the entire time.

A Very Ordinary Marriage
When a man catches his wife secretly talking on the phone in a different language, it becomes abundantly clear that they do not have an ordinary marriage. The tension leading up to their confrontation was excellent. Once he realizes the stakes of it all? He can't help but to fall in line. To quell his concerns and suspicions. To insist that his favorite part of his "wife" is her hair. Felt like I was consuming a mini-horror movie (and I mean that in the best way possible).

Maria, Gratia Plena
When I first read this story, I would say I liked it. But now, having discovered that part of it was based on a real life incident? That Bora Chung has channeled her signature sci-fi, dystopian goodness to shine light on victims of domestic abuse and actual tragedies that have occurred around the world? I appreciate it even more.

The premise is centered around a technician who conducts brain scans and analyzes dreams/memories, specifically (in this case) to help solve a criminal case. The patient she's scanning is a notorious drug dealer, who eluded capture for a significant period of time. The technician is meant to only relay information that would help solve the case. However, in analyzing the woman's brain, she finds herself fixated on potential motivations for her crimes, ultimately empathizing with her situation. This one got better as you read. You'd be hard-pressed not to empathize with what's uncovered, as well.

Your Utopia
I doubt I'm the only one who made this connection, but... this is a darker version of Wall-E. An autonomous vehicle spends its days roaming a human-less Earth in self-preservation mode (as it has been programmed to do). Somewhere along the way, it picks up another robot, which repeats the same "check-in" phrase over and over again ("Your utopia is..."). After spotting what they believe to be a human, they embark on a bit of an adventure together, with the narrating robot realizing how valuable the other robot's companionship is to it.

This one's for the people living in fear of a robot takeover. The AI in this story defy your expectations by prioritizing human safety and survival, all while experiencing very relatable (and human) feelings of loneliness. Quite the feat on Bora Chung's part, if I'm being totally honest.

A Song for Sleep
Starting to think Bora Chung's got a soft spot for artificial intelligence! The AI in her stories are just soft marshmallows that you can't help but sympathize with!

In this case, an advanced elevator becomes intrigued with a 95 year-old woman in its building. It goes to great lengths to try and make her feel more comfortable, which proves tricky, given her unfamiliarity (or reluctance) with technology. The more it learns about her, the more endearing it finds her. And a sort of existential crisis follows. This was very sad and very sweet.

Not really even sure how to discuss this one. I enjoyed the message (GMO corporations are greedy and corrupt), but didn't love the execution. I seem to be the minority on that though! Many people enjoyed the sort of eco-horror vibes this one gave off. Unfortunately, this might have been my least favorite story in the collection so far.

To Meet Her
An elderly woman is sexually harassed mere moments before an anti-queer terrorist attack strikes. This story felt personal, especially in light of the author's note following it. While I can appreciate the sentiments fueling Chung's writing, the plot was a bit difficult to follow. That said, this story (as well as several preceding it) serves as a significant departure from the work she provided in Cursed Bunny. While the writing style is still distinctly hers, there seems to be more anger and passion fueling these stories. And while this story wasn't my favorite, I can appreciate her passion for activism, particularly on behalf of vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Overall: I'm still a Bora Chung stan. Not everyone will be. But there were some true gems in this collection. I was going to list my favorites, but aside from the last couple... all of them worked for me!

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Bora Chung’s CURSED BUNNY has stayed with me ever since I read it and I was thrilled to have the opportunity read YOUR UTOPIA.

short stories are very hit or miss for me and i felt this with YOUR UTOPIA, but the stories I liked I really liked.

I love the themes that are explored in this collection — loneliness, technology, connection that are weaved together with science and speculative fiction.

i can see why bora Chung’s writing is so well received — while this wasn’t my favourite, with some stories being weaker than others, I will always read whatever she has coming next

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I found all of these stories to be original and distinct, which is really all you can ask for in a short story collection. I did find myself slightly underwhelmed, with a few stories failing to keep my attention engaged. However, the strong stories in this one were really strong and interesting. Probably 3.5 stars, will check out other publications by this author.

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