Member Reviews

Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn is the first book in the Blood of a Fae series and is a fantasy romance story based on Arthurian legends, set in a Fae and human world. It is labeled in some places as dark fantasy but it’s really pretty mild. As always, do check content warnings, Tropes include enemies to lovers, who did this, touch her and d!e, political/court intrigue, and one horse.

The Lovely: I loved the characters and their relationships. At first Morgan seems like a spoiled princess but it doesn’t take long to see she’s so much more than that underneath. Draven is mysterious and morally gray but it becomes evident he’s up to something where Morgan is concerned.

The Mundane: I liked the complexity and richness of the world-building but at times there was a lot of information dumped at once, which was a bit overwhelming. There is a lot of lore and legend mentioned that needs to be remembered.

The Mundane: The plot was excellent - I loved the adventure/journeying the most. The tension waxed and waned, especially in the first half of the book.

Rating: 4/5 Stars 2/5 Flames

Recommendation: I received an advance review copy for free from Net Galley and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I loved how this book twisted up the traditional Arthurian retellings and had unique characters. Books 2 and 3 are currently available; the fourth (and I believe final) book is due for release in March 2024. If you like fantasy romance with a strong FMC and gods and myths, I think you would like this book.

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I revived an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. About half way through I was convinced this book wasn’t for me and was going to DNF it. Ultimately, I am glad I finished it. The last 100 or so pages flew by and really grabbed my attention. I like the slow burn romance with Draven and how the characters have really gotten to know each other. This is thankfully not another instant love. That was going to be my biggest issue with the introduction of Vesper but I’m glad the ick feeling I got made sense by the ending. This book really had a slow start with a few awful wtf moments that almost had me putting it down for good. With how the book ended, I will have to read the second and I’m hoping it keeps the momentum going that we got towards the end.

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First of all, this cover is amazing. I love a good retelling as well, and with a twist which is brilliant! World building is excellent. Amazing!

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My Rating: ★★★★️️
4 stars.
Spice Level: 0
0/5, No Spice

Okay!! I have to say it here I was not expecting it to turn out so good in the end. 😅😅😅

The book starts slowly with so much detail of everything that got me bored. I do like details of the surroundings that help me picture the whole scene but in this book, it was too much for me. But after half of the book it picked the pace when Morgan started her journey. It gets pretty interesting from there.

the things they see in the way and then Morgan stops taking her medicine and she slowly transforms into a beautiful silver-haired Fae with silver markings and shimmery golden skin. I mean come on I am a sucker for beautiful transformations.

Let's talk about some pretty interesting characters in the picture. I know some people might not like that there are a lot of side characters in a story but I love a book with a lot of different characters playing small significant parts. There is Draven (who has a major role to play in the future) who is the huge handsome Captain of the Guard accompanying Morgan on her Journey. Then there is Vesper who is part fey with ochre color hair they met in a town far way in the middle of nowhere. He is funny and attracted to Morgan and he plays magical songs on his flute; giving it major Legend of Zelda vibes.

Then we also encounter some creatures in the forbidden faraway lands, from exmoors to harpies to zombie kids. It was interesting in short. Although This book throw so many twists that my head spun. In the end, my mind was blown because I had a lot of questions and I cannot wait to read the next book. I enjoyed reading this book and I am giving this book 4 stars. I cannot wait to start the next one.

P.S. Let's appreciate the book cover. It's beautiful and a job well done on the part of the designer.

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book.

Originally I picked it up because it has one beautiful cover, but also combining the elements of Arthurian Legend, and far? Yes please!

Despite it being slow burn, and some bits very obvious, it was still a great read from start to finish, and the end leaves me wanting to grab the next books.

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I liked the fact that, unlike with some other fantasy books, you get really easily dragged into the story without having to read 100 pages first to try and understand all words. I really liked the story from beginning to end and love the “bad but sweet guy” vibes you get from Draven. I hope to see their bond unravel further in the second book!
I was however disappointed the friendships with Lancelet and Galahad where not developed deeper, so I hope they become a bigger part in the second book!
Overall really liked it and very well written, thank you for the opportunity of reading this book and hoping to get the opportunity to read the second book as well since I can’t wait to see the different relationships unfold :)

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This book is a loose, dark, fae retelling of the story of King Arthur/Camelot and the quest for Excalibur. The writing was captivating and the world-building was done beautifully. When I read fantasy novels, I want to feel as if I have been transported to the world the author is trying to emulate and Briar did just that! I grew up reading stories of King Arthur and the tales of Excalibur; this book felt nostalgic but also as if I was reading a new story, with a new quest to embark on.

The story follows the journey of Morgan, as she treks beyond her kingdom to find the elusive sword of Excalibur for Arthur, the king, and her half-brother. During the journey, Morgan is accompanied by two guards, Kairos Draven and Ragnar Whitehorn. The story is brimming with countless twists and turns that will leave you yearning for answers. During the first half of the book, I felt Morgan was a bit too naive, simple-minded, and meek but by the end of the story, she started to find her voice. I felt a greater understanding of her behavior as the story progressed as well. Throughout the book, Morgan is faced with various conflicts and tribulations (internal and external), and the choices she made, helped shape her character and overall added to the growth arc I felt she had while reading.

From the world-building to the character development, the plot twists, and everything in between, this book had me captivated from the beginning. I cannot wait to see what else is in store for Morgan and Draven.

The story ends on a cliffhanger. Overall, I felt like the author did a great job at concluding the plot within the first book and the cliffhanger adds intrigue for the second book.

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This book, wow from the cover design to the back introduction to the story I was drawn in.

A loose retelling of Arthur, Camelot with the introduction of a fae twist. It had me eagerly turning each page. The author fits a lot of character introductions/depth and creation of the world and lands in which the tale is set in Book 1.

Really looking forward to seeing how the next book plays out and new character's which we possibly meet.

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I was completely enthralled by this book, which offers a unique twist on the Arthurian legacy set in a captivating fae world. The world-building in this story is truly remarkable, from the intricate backstory to the brutal society and chaotic family dynamics. The author's descriptions of the various places within this world were so vivid that it felt like I was actually there.
While it is categorized as a dark fantasy, I personally didn't find it to be overly dark. However, what really stood out to me was the change in writing style, with the use of a questionnaire format where Draven and other characters answer Morgan's questions. It added an interesting dynamic to the story, although I did find it somewhat puzzling that Morgan, being a princess, seemed to have such limited knowledge about her own world.
The book truly comes alive near the end with its action-packed sequences and numerous unexpected twists. Magic and magical creatures take center stage, adding an extra layer of excitement to the story.

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Queen of Roses by B. Boleyn, published by Victoria Editing, is the first book in the Blood of a Fae trilogy.
It's the introduction to a new world where Fae are unwelcome, set like a reverse Camelot/ leaned on King Arthur Saga.
Morgan is a 20 year old half fae with brothers Kaye 11, and Arthur, King.
I just wanted to take a peek in the book, but soon I was intrigued enough to rea the whole book, cover to cover, in one sitting.
It's a dark fantasy romance that deals withe sensitive subject, consider you warned. Next up is Court of Claws.

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Feminist retelling of King Arthur! With Female protagonists, female Lancelot and female Merlin? Count me in - this is a slow burn enemies to lovers take on the king Arthur’ story but from the point of view of his half fae sister Morgan. Dark themes are in this book so read the trigger warnings but over all is was a really easy read with some fantastic fantasy elements and folk lore attached to a familiar children’s tale. Will definitely been reading book 2!

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I was super excited to start this book and it did not disappoint. Some plot points were a bit obvious, but I was just happy I was right.
A huge bonus is the trigger warnings list as well as the pronunciation guide, and I also love a book with a map.
There are LGBTQ+ characters as well!
Now, regarding the plot, it has everything I want: adventure, magic, a bit of romance (with a bit of spice as well), but the book also has some heartbreaking scenes, especially at the end.
I like how it is inspired by the Knights of the Round Table, and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen in the next books and if there will be more links to the legend.
CAWPILE score: 9.00

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This is a reimagination of the legend of camelot but with a twist about the villain. The story is told from the pov of Morgan, sister to King Arthur and to Kaye. Morgan is half fae, which is the reason she won’t inherit the throne after King Uthers death - she was promised to the temple at a certain age to train to become the new high priestess when the current one - Merlin - gives up her position. Morgan loves to train with the sword with her friend Lancelot, who wants to be a knight.

Morgan is tasked with looking for the lost sword Excalibur. She’s sent with two guards - one newly appointed who climbed the ranks super fast (guess who’s the mmc) and one who is loyal to another gruel man.

The story was certainly enjoyable to read even though it was predictable as hell. I didn’t like how the love was developed but it was okay, I guess. One thing that happened reminded me of the pied piper from the start and I don’t know if that was intentional but I adored it. I didn’t like how helpless Morgan sometimes was when she actually knew how to fight with a sword, this was very underused to make her a damsel in distress. I really loved the bond Morgan had with her little brother Kaye and that she thought of him every now and then.

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It's definitely a different take on a King Arthur legend it's pretty much backwards to everything that we know. We've got female characters that are normally portrayed as males we've got Excalibur used as like God like weapon. We've got some definitely slow burn, enemies to lover. This book definitely reels you in very much enjoyed reading it.
So Arthur is our antagonist and Morgan is our protagonist and she is part fae.
So essentially Arthur sends Morgan on a mission to find Excalibur in a very dangerous area. He does assign her to guards but it makes you question are they are really here for.
There are wonderful visuals , especially about the surrounding areas that are characters are in whether it's the throne room or an inn. I know some people thought that Morgan was frustrating at times and very timid but I thought she was very well written for what she's experienced in her life. All she's really known was literal pain and the threat of death.
Throughout the book is mainly just world building, trying to get some back story and a little bit more information about what's going on. The end of the book however is extremely action-packed we've got a lot of twists at the end and some really messed up fight scenes
Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and I'm not hesitant to read the second one especially with the cliffhanger we got. Full review and more details of book on insta below multiple reels

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Really enjoyed reading this book. The World building was 10/10 and I really enjoyed the banter between the characters. I am a sucker for any slow burn enemies to lovers stories so would highly recommend this if that is your favourite trope too.

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I can’t say I knew what I was going into reading this book. It was slow burning to start with but I am interested in where it will lead in the next book. Some parts I struggled reading but I can definitely say the last few chapters have made me want to jump straight into the next book.

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn

I originally learned about this book series and author because another author I follow and have enjoyed recommended Briar Boleyn. I was intrigued once I read the plot, and even more hooked once I got started.

Morgan had spent her whole life with her path chosen for her. She’s been denied the crown that was her birthright, she’s forced to watch her cruel brother rule, and she’s been promised to the goddesses without being asked if that’s what she wants for her life. All because she has fae blood, and everyone is scared of what that means. This changes when she’s sent on a mission by her brother that threatens all Morgan knows. Accompanied by Draven, a surly warrior who apparently hates her, Morgan will have to figure out the fae secrets in order to survive.

This book is definitely a slow burn, but worth it in the end! I love a good mythical retelling, and love the fact that this is a new take on the well known Arthurian legend. I always like when authors take well known subject material and put their own spin on it. I liked the characters, though Draven had to grow on me, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series! Thank you @briarboleyn for approving my copy on NetGalley!

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This is a retelling of the legendary tales of King Arthur, presented in the enchanting realm of the fae. The characters within this literary work are exceptionally crafted, evoking a deep sense of admiration within me. While at first, the pacing of the narrative seemed rather leisurely, once the protagonists embarked on their journey, I found myself completely engrossed in the intricate storyline and captivating cast. Noteworthy tropes prevalent in this book include Spicy fantasy romance, Slow burn, Enemies to lovers, Guard and princess, Touch her and.... The author has displayed an extraordinary aptitude for vividly describing the various settings, enabling the reader to mentally visualize them with utmost clarity. While this book may possess some idiosyncrasies, on the whole, the author's prowess has undeniably captivated my attention, and I eagerly anticipate further revelations within the unfolding narrative.

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4.5 stars!

I love any form of a new take on an old story. A modern day Shakespeare? Absolutely. A pirate Little Mermaid? Heck yes. King Arthur and Camelot and... Faeries? YES PLEASE.

From minute one of starting this book, I was IN the world of Camelot. Learning about all the classic characters with their new twists was so exciting- Morgan Le Fay as an actual fae, swoonworthy Lancelot becoming delightfully deviant Lancelet, King Arthur as a cruel young prince, Merlin as a powerful High Priestess (with only some powers...or so we see), righteous Galahad as a temple acolyte. Book one of this book really set up the world, the characters, the stakes in a vicious and beautiful manner, and book two took us out on the adventure we imagined we would have from an Arthurian tale.

I cannot wait to see what comes in the next book of the series, and I am SO lucky that I have it to immediately begin! The ending left me right on the brink of one of my favorite elements of fantasy/romantasy novels, and (no spoilers) I am so excited to dive right in. I highlighted some potential foreshadowing moments, and I can't wait to see if my eyesight is as good as a fae!

Thank you to Briar Boleyn, NetGalley and Victory Editing for the chance to read this book! The trilogy's most recent book, Empress of Fae came out October 25, 2023.

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"Queen of Roses" by Briar Boleyn is a fantastic fantasy read. The engaging plot and unexpected twists kept me hooked, and I'm excited for the next book. Boleyn's storytelling skill shines, creating a rich world with intriguing characters. A pleasant surprise in my reading list, This book is a must for those who love captivating fantasy adventures.
Thank you Netgalley for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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