Member Reviews

"Court of Claws," the second installment in the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn, earns a solid 4 stars. Morgan Pendragon's world is upended in the dangerous court of the Siabra, where everything she knows and loves is lost. The intricate web of lies and the looming sins of the past add layers to the narrative, creating a captivating story that keeps readers hooked.

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Holy Cannoli. This book is as good as the first if not better!!! I could not get my mind of off it and cannot wait to read more! I love this series!

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Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Morgan wakes up on a different continent with no way home. She longs to return to her younger brother Kaye and fears that Arthur has waged war with neighboring nations. Stuck playing paramour to Kairos Draven in an unfamiliar land, Morgan must navigate an entirely new court and its people.

The second book in the Blood of a Fae series, I felt like this was a completely separate fantasy world. It gave off a very similar vibe to ACOTAR, however I wouldn’t consider this book an Arthurian retelling. I enjoyed the romance plot between Morgan and Draven, the whole paramour act and having to live together. The trials that Draven undergoes for the throne were also exciting to read about.

Unfortunately, Morgan’s character did not develop in this book. To me it seemed that her character actually recessed, becoming more immature and unlikeable. I feel as though she just doesn’t do enough (ex. when Lancelet was in danger and not even trying to get back to Kaye on her own once). The constant complaining but not actually doing anything is what puts me off. The banter in this book was a bit cringey at times, and I think this book takes on a more unserious tone than the first. Three stars out of five because it was entertaining and Morgan’s pettiness was funny at times. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the advance reader copy!

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✨️ Court of Claws✨️ by @briarboleynauthor

Available for purchase now.

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I am throughly enthralled by these books. I started this one last night and finished it this morning. The world building in these books is brilliant, I loved the fact that in this story we got to learn so much more about Draven and his background which really added further depth and clarity to his character and made me love him even more.

The spice definitely amped up a bit in this book as well which was great. I would probably still place it on 🌶 maybe 🌶🌶.

We got to learn a lot more about Morgans past in this story with some exciting twists and story development.

The slow burn between Draven and Morgan has had me on tenterhooks. My only critique of this installment is Morgans incessant need to constantly find reasons to hate Draven. At the beggining it was fine but towards the end it was starting to annoy me a bit and was making me disengage with her as a character as the tantrums became unnecessary and frustrating.

Aside from that I again, loved this book and am now delving into book 3 🥰

🌹arthurian legend
🌹Slow Burn
🌹forced proximity
🌹spice 🌶

#romantasy #courtofclaws #slowburn #netgalley #briarboleynauthor

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The epic adventure continues - Morgan and Draven, no longer in Pendrath now in Draven's land, his court full of evil, betrayal, corruption, violence, and greed. And ultimately a brutal competition to reach for much needed change, obstacles at every level. The second installment as addictive as the first, with a bit more heat and violence. Everything moving toward the ultimate conflict with Camelot.

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Court of Claws would be a five star book if the main character wasn't so insufferable. I understand that it's important for a main character to have flaws, and that she must overcome obstacles, but how many tantrums can a princess really throw throughout the course of a series? How badly can she treat the people around her (that she swears to care about) before they finally stop putting up with it? I also think it's important to point out how separated the first and second book are in terms of setting and characters. If you jump into the second immediately following the first, there is a huge disconnect. But, despite these flaws, the book IS a good read, and the ending is good, despite the way Morgan acts (and a few other things - but I don't want to spoil anything). I'm hoping that Morgan redeems herself in the next book.

Thank you to Netgalley & publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a solid sequel in the Blood of a Fae series. I enjoyed the world-building and the new characters to whom we were introduced in this book, along with Morgan’s character development. Plus, Draven was much more swoon-worthy to me in this book (although he has some obvious beige flags).

There were a few plot holes (Erion’s sister is 13yo but no Siabra children have been born in over 100yrs?) and grammatical issues that I noticed, but they didn’t take me out of the story. That said, I don’t care for the miscommunication trope, and the repetitiveness of Morgan’s disbelief/distrust in Draven got a little old for me after two books.

I’m excited to see how the author fuses the Eskira and Myntra worlds together in the 3rd and 4th books, as we’ve been introduced to two (mostly) separate continents and plot-lines between books 1 and 2.

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Ooooh Draven. I keep seeing morally grey… but aren’t we all? I very much miss all of the morally grey things about him because it can all be explained away and hubba hubba. A veeeery hot hero makes a lot of things look ok that probably aren’t.

Really loved the siabra court! Did NOT see the Empress twist at the end.

Loved the bit of spice this book had!

My only request is to add an audiobook to your repertoire, I think that’s the only thing that could make Draven hotter, hearing him.

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Court of Claws is book two in Briar Boleyn’s Blood of a Fae series, an Arthurian retelling with all sorts of exciting twists. In book two Morgan finds herself bound to her guard, Draven. Draven, who is in fact the prince of Siabra. But the question is….how deeply does this bond go, Morgan will have to find out. We follow Draven and Morgan’s slow burn relationship to a melting point, and that melting point is oh so worth it. Their lives become more deeply intertwined as Morgan meets Draven’s closest friends, acts as his consort and stands beside him while he works through challenges to become the next ruler of Siabra.

When I read the first book of this series, I had a bit of a hard time getting into the book, that is not the case with book number two. I was IMMEDIATELY sucked in and could not put this book down! I feel the writing style matured and developed more in this book. I started to become more attached to the characters and invested in their stories. I understand the world and the backstory more after reading this book as well. The mythical creatures just keep getting more exciting as well!

Also, the slow burn and the spice! Yes please, the spice was definitely worth the wait! I love the relationship that is developing. Draven is so committed but I wish Morgan could get her life together and see how good Draven is for her! I love a good strong female character but sometimes the resistance to relationships can get…tiresome.

The end of this book, holy cow. I twists and turns everywhere leaving us on a major cliffhanger! I had to take a little bit of a break after this book because the end was quite intense! But I can’t wait to get started on the next book now!

Overall, I definitely recommend this book. It is better than the first and I hope that trend continues with this series! The slow burn was great, spice was introduced that will definitely leave you wanting more between our FMC and MMC! I would give this book a 4.25/5 rating with a spice rating of 2.5/5.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book and series for a review!

I liked it! It’s definitely a Romantasy that follows others in the genre but it’s decently written with likable characters and a plot that’s fun and easy to follow. I’m happy I got to read this series in celebration of book 3 being released this year. I am so excited to have more coming from this new genre and to see how authors are bringing new ideas to light. The Arthurian connection (I can’t really call it a retelling) is nice and I liked the blend of familiarity and newness in this series. I also see that there is more to come, so I will probably be doing a reread as new entries are released!

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I mean, this book is just too good, this series is now officially my new favourite.

I’ve read this book so fast that my eyes hurt, without a doubt will be a series to re-read over and over again.

Literally picks up from where the last book ends. Morgan has a lot to deal with and learn and must overcome prejudice at a foreign court and Dravens secrets and walls are broken down.

Lots of angst that turns into spice, family history solved and side characters that blossom- (would love a whole book on becks ☺️.)

The story just keeps twisting and turning in ways you don’t foresee at all which keeps you on your toes.
Evil evil characters are thrown in, animal abuse mentioned and some gory battles and a lovely splash of murder (some well deserved).

The ending is a bit heart wrenching and I kind of wanted to scream at Morgan…. Cannot wait to read the next book.

*copy provided by NetGalley. Opinions are my own*

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Reads very easily, and much faster than you'd think given the size. Perfect pacing and plenty of intrigue to keep those pages turning. Very addictive and lots of plot points!.
Still loving the camelot/fae links, and the romance in this one heats up a bit which I loved. The characters are getting more developed and are finding themselves more which I enjoyed. Again excellent playing on tropes we all know and love and adore.

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This book is a solid 4.5/5 for. I absolutely loved it. This is my favorite book in the series. I couldn’t put it down, and I regret nothing. I cannot say enough about Briar Boleyn as an author.

Court of Claws picks up right where Queen of Roses left off. At the end of book 1, Morgan was fading on the floor of a cavern. At the beginning of book 2, she finds herself coming to in unfamiliar surroundings with unfamiliar people.

This change of scenery gives us more of the author’s well-developed world building, new characters, new conflicts, dramas, tensions, interests, attractions, histories. Boleyn knows how to hook a reader and keep them interested.

Beautifully crafted character development kept me invested in the main characters and wanting to know more as the story developed. I’m obsessed with everything about Kairos Draven.

I also enjoyed Morgan referring to Draven as a “morally grey asshole” on more than one occasion. It felt like an embedded wink to romantasy-obsessed readers who can’t get enough of the morally grey males in these books.

I absolutely devoured this book and ran headlong into book 3.

What you can expect:
- Fae vs. fae
- Distant war, shared enemies, should I stay or should I go
- Additional familiar Arthurian characters make an appearance
- Truths coming to light about enigmatic characters and histories
- More spice, but still not a ton
- Perilous proving grounds
- Don’t touch her, she’s mine
- Must save him, can’t stay but can’t stay away
- Beasties, bonds, mates

*As with the e-copy of the first book, this e-book contained typographical errors. However, the storytelling was so well done that the presence of such errors had zero impact on my opinion of the book or my rating and review.

Thank you to NetGalley, StarWater Press, Victory Publishing, and author Briar Boleyn for sending me a digital review copy of this book in exchange for the opportunity to leave an honest review.

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Morgan Pendragon finds herself trapped in a perilous world—the court of the Siabra—where everything she held dear has been stripped away. Bereft of her former life and love, she is faced with a man she loathes, Kairos Draven, who has replaced the one she had started to care for. Caught in a treacherous realm of deceit and concealed threats, Morgan desires nothing more than to flee this dangerous landscape. However, Draven is resolute in keeping her by his side, their fates inexplicably intertwined.

Unbeknownst to them, their shared past harbours dark secrets that are on the verge of catching up with them. As Morgan and Draven navigate their increasingly intertwined lives, they are unaware that the repercussions of their past actions are swiftly closing in. The Prince of Claws, driven by an obsessive fervour for Morgan, threatens to unleash a torrent of bloodshed upon kingdoms.

Boleyn crafts a mesmerizing and intricate tale in the Court of Claws. The narrative unfolds with an intoxicating blend of fantasy, romance, and suspense, immersing readers into a world where treachery and passion collide. The strength of this book lies in its well-developed characters and the tumultuous dynamic between Morgan and Draven. Boleyn masterfully explores their complex relationship, fraught with animosity and unexpected connections. The evolution of their bond from hostility to a reluctant partnership is captivating, drawing readers deeper into their tumultuous world.

The author excels in creating a richly detailed and immersive setting, transporting readers to the dangerous court of the Siabra. The palpable tension, intricate political intrigues, and looming threats heighten the sense of anticipation, keeping the pages turning.

The impending threat posed by the Prince of Claws adds a gripping layer of suspense and danger to the narrative, driving the story towards a climactic confrontation. Boleyn's prose is evocative, painting vivid scenes that evoke emotions and intensify the stakes for the characters. It is a spellbinding continuation of the series, delivering a captivating blend of romance, danger, and intricate world-building. Briar Boleyn's storytelling prowess shines in this instalment, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in Morgan and Draven's tumultuous journey.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory editing for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which has been available since June 30,2023!

Just like the first book this was a fast paced hard hitting romantasy of a tale. It’s an Arthurian Legend retelling where certain characters are either gender bent or they go from the good guys to the bad guys.

I loved this book. Heck I love this series. I enjoyed every word. I enjoyed the action, the spice, the banter. Well written series.

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Much better than the first book, I can see so much growth! The story has enemies to lovers, magic, mythical creature’s, roman, banter, and much more! I still have one issue with the story though….why is Morgan…dumb? Maybe that’s to harsh…immature? I just can’t stand it especially when all the details are right there. I almost feel like (and I’m sorry but I’m about to do a tiktok reference lol) that dude with the red flag on Tiktok needs to come running by whenever the most obvious parts are happening!

I’m not sure if I will continue the story or not simply because of the daftness that Morgan is but Draven does make it worth it. He is your true at heart morally gray individual but has a gentle soul…..but don’t they all…just secretly.

One thing I would like to point out is that if you are into world building this book was right on point with the first one.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author of this Arc

Additional review posted to Goodreads

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In "Court of Claws" by Briar Boleyn, Morgan Pendragon wakes up in the perilous court of the Siabra, her world shattered as the man she loved is replaced by a stranger surrounded by deception. Despite her desire to escape, Kairos Draven insists on keeping her close, leading them into an intricately woven web of lies and concealed threats. As their lives become more entwined, dark secrets from the past emerge, threatening to unravel everything. The novel unfolds as a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the consequences of navigating a mysterious and dangerous world where the sins of the past cast a haunting shadow over the protagonists' intertwined destinies.

This was a blast! I absolutely loved the whole found family vibe, and can we talk about enemies turning into lovers? It's everything I've ever wanted. But, I gotta say, there was a bit too much back-and-forth for my taste. The constant flip-flopping in their relationship got a bit overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, it was still a fun and utterly enjoyable read. I am already reading the third book.

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This is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series and takes up immediately where Book 1 ended. I found the beginning a little slow after the rollercoaster ending of the previous book, and Morgan’s character seems to have been reset and lost all the character growth she made in book 1.

I love Ms Boleyn’s world-building and the way she weaves Arthurian elements into the series. This story delves into the world and history of the fae a bit more.

Kairos Draven is a fantastic hero, and I fell in love with him right from the moment he appeared on the page in the first book.

I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this second installment of the Blood of a Fae series.
The story went at a faster pace compared to the first book, now that we know who the main characters are and we have some of their background. The amount of sex scenes was perfect, especially as the two MCs are figuring out their relationship and how they feel about one another and I felt that it helped to move the story along rather than just being in there for the sake.

Intrigued to see what happens next after the ending of Court of Claws.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I love the storyline of this book but I found Morgan annoying and childish. But I do believe that maybe essential to the storyline but I think she could have been written with a bit more maturity in the way she does things. She seemed more adult and put together in the first book.

Draven is patient and kind but also very secretive. Very much an enemies to lovers and then to enemies again. I do love their love unfold and twist. The ending is a massive cliff hanger and I can’t wait to start the next one!

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