Member Reviews

First I'd like to say that i'm so excited that I was able to get this and the third book after reading the first! I just devoured the entire series so quickly and can't wait for the conclusion.

I found that I preferred the first book to this one. I felt like it just kept switching between enemies to lovers and back so many times that I got fed up. Especially with why it kept going back and forth. It seems like Draven just can't help himself but to not tell the full truth. He switches wildly between not wanting to push Morgan and then making life changing decisions for her. I can't blame her for being pissed. I spent a good portion of this book just wanting Draven and Morgan to have an actual conversation and explain themselves.

I did enjoy how we got to look in Siabra culture in this book, and how extremely messed up the fae can be, and also getting to see more of Draven's backstory. This book continues to be as complex and detailed as the previous, The author does a great job of explaining things in a way that doesn't overwhelm and gets the point across, while providing enough details to paint of picture of the setting.

I actually loved the ending and the cliffhanger we get, I'm a sucker for some angst and this book delivered it perfectly!

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Thank you NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.
WOW! I was hooked from the first book but this second book just captured my heart in a vise grip! There was so much emotion, angst, tension, love, hate! I couldn't put this book down and fell more in love with Morgan and Draven with each chapter.
This book starts where book 1 left off furthering the heart-wrenching story of Morgan and her quest to save her kingdom. This book is a dark romance so keep in mind there are some darker themes and events that occur in the story.

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This book was literally everything! I cannot get enough of how much I love this story, the characters, and Briar's ability to give us such. fresh look on such a well known story.

I am head over heels for this story and I couldn't put it down no matter how hard I tried! It had me hooked from start to finish and I desperately need more!

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My Rating
Overall: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Plot: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Characters: ★★★★ |4 Stars
Writing: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Ending: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Fun: ★★★★ | 4 Stars
Spice Level: 🌶 🌶 🌶 | 3/5 (Hot)

My Review
The book started as good. You can find all of the cool arcs in there; enemies to lovers, a fake relationship that leads to the real one, the hero falls first, deadly games, and the heroine feels betrayed all the effing time. I mean I cannot blame her; she grew up in the cutthroat Court of Roses where everybody is out scheming against other people. I guess all courts are the same in this matter. This book intricately weaves a tale of political intrigue, unveiling the complexities of the fae realm and the challenges faced by its characters.

What do I love in this book?
1. The new amazing characters
2. The plot is bigger than I imagined.
3. the backstory of the main characters
4. the beautiful and the deadly creatures
5. the best of all is the relationship between the hero and the heroine.

Do I Recommend it?
If you are a fantasy lover it's a must read..... This whole SERIES IS AMAZING.

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First, thank you to NetGalley for granting me access to the book in exchange for an honest review.

THIS SERIES JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!!!! It’s without a doubt one of my favourite reads of 2023.

This story has enemies to lovers trope (amazing), magic, mythical creatures, sexual tension, bonded mates and found family.

The story kept me on the edge of my seat and wow I honestly have no words. And that ending - I’m impatiently waiting for the next one.

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Such a good read.

Morgan was really coming into herself and had more confidence this book around. I thought she was a little dim however as she ignored things and didn’t try to find answers rather than just go along. For example she has this magic and didn’t do any research into it and her sister told her “to remember sister” and she did no research into her possible family she didn’t know about but might be related to either through the library is huge.

I liked the development of the relationship between Morgan and Draven and the fallout as well that we knew was coming.

There were a few plot holes that I felt were fixed patchily and some grammar errors.

I am so excited for the next book and can’t wait to read it!

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I have absolutely fallen in love with the Blood of a Far series. There is no coming back from this. None. Truthfully, I think I have a new book boyfriend! Get out, Casteel Da'Neer! Kairos Draven is moving in! Everything you own is in the box to the left!

Book 2 of the series, Court of Claws has an action-packed plot full of:

⚔️ Main female character
⚔️ Betrayal
⚔️ Deadly trials
⚔️ Forced proximity
⚔️ Magic
⚔️ Lust
⚔️ Death
⚔️ Surprise loyalty

Thank you to @briarboleynauthor and @Netgalley for the advanced copy of Court of Claws in exchange for an honest review!

Briar Boleyan creates a magical world where a young girl has only known one father, one mother, and two brothers all to discover what she has always known has not been the truth! The emotions that Boleyan creates in her storytelling has the reader on an emotional roller coaster. Court of Claws is a must read for #fantasyreaders . Soooo excited to read Book 3. Happening now!

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The second installment surpasses its predecessor, captivating me from start to finish. Morgan's journey in the court of Umbral Flames, with the revelation of Draven's true identity as a Fae prince, brings a wave of surprises. The narrative is fast-paced, packed with action and romance, filling the void from the first book. Draven's character development shines, showcasing his steadfastness and genuine care for Morgan. While Morgan's origins unfold, her trust issues and high walls test the dynamic. Her black-and-white perspective seems naive, especially considering Draven's secrets. The explosive ending leaves me eager for the series finale, hoping for Morgan's growth and a captivating conclusion. I recommend this well-written, imaginative series with immersive world-building.

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This book was centered in a completely different world than the first. It was in the Court instead on the road. I wasn’t sure how I liked the change, it seemed to make what was happening in Camelot insignificant. The court games were intriguing very hunger games/ACOTAR vibes. I did like the book but it did drag a little. I will read the next book, I’m hoping we finally see a little more of Camelot.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

This was a great follow-up to Queen of Roses. It picks up right where Queen of Roses left off, and we get so much more information on Draven and where he comes from. Getting his backstory as well as learning more about Morgan's made the story move very quickly. The rest of the book is taken up by a competition to see who will become the next emperor/empress of the Siabra fae. Think of that competition as similar to the arena challenges in The Hunger Games. In this book you can expect:

*New Enemies
*Discovered Lineage
and of course, some spice, just to name a few. I'm so drawn in by this twist on the tale of Morgan and Arthur, and I cannot wait to read the third installment.

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I really liked Queen of Roses but I loved Court of Claws. I think Draven is up there with Rhysand and Casteel as fae book boyfriends. The man says things like “ I see you, Morgan, Pendragon. I see you for truly everything you are and everything you will be, and I claim you as mine.” and “ I’ll be here thanking the gods I have a woman beside me who leaves me with no doubt that she is my equal in every way.” Swoon!!
We also got introduced to a bunch of new and awesome characters like Crescent, Gawain and Odessa. I definitely got Throne of Glass and Crown of Nyaxia vibes from this book. Plus the steam level took quite a leap from the first book.
One thing that did bother me was that I found the author getting overly descriptive for pretty irrelevant things. Every outfit, every room, every building was described over multiple paragraphs. It got tedious after the first third of the book. But the story was so good I couldn’t put it down.
4.5 stars

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Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn 📕

Morgan wakes up in the dangerous court of Siabra. Kairos is keeping her by his side, determined to look out for her and make her his ‘mistress’. Soon their lives becomes even more intertwined.

My review 📖:
Court of Claws is so much more captivating than its predecessor with a lot more romance. I really enjoyed the relationship between the two protagonists Morgan and Kairos and how this was developed. This book even has spice 🔥.

Lots of unexpected twists and turns that kept me reading and it was a really easy read.

Great job Briar!

My score: 4/5 ⭐️

Thank you @netgalley for access to this book.

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The action-packed romance fantasy was so amazing. It was very well written and kept my attention the whole book. I would highly recommend!

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"Court of Claws," the second book by Briar Boleyn, brought a different flavor to the fantasy series. While it may not have entirely matched the excitement of the first installment for me, it still offered a fun and enjoyable read. The plot took unexpected turns, keeping things engaging. I'm intrigued to see how the trilogy concludes in the next book. The storytelling keeps me invested in the series. "Court of Claws" may not have been my favorite, but it didn't dampen my enthusiasm for the final chapter, and I look forward to discovering how the story unfolds in the last book.
Thank you Netgalley for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow there was a lot of world building here.

I thought the premise was set up in book 1 but book 2 brought us into the kingdom of the Siabra and a whole different culture of fae.

I really did enjoy how interesting and complex the Siabra culture was and seeing Draven in a new light was refreshing. But I have to say, Morgan’s character arc is disappointing. She was very argumentative and sulked a majority of the time. Not to mention, while she was at the mercy of Draven’s court, her fire to fight for her own life was almost completely extinguished. She seemed to either act extremely contrary to Draven’s logic or go along with whatever everyone pushed her to be.

The ending while I hoped for a closer relationship with Draven made sense as Morgan finally remembered her own goals and left to fight for her own people.

Learning more about the magical abilities and Morgan’s real history was very interesting too.

All in all I enjoyed the plot and the premise, but the world building seemed a little dragging.

I hope now that we have both Draven and Morgan’s two kingdoms set up for us, the new book releasing next year will tie together all the historical lore and the powers that Morgan and Draven possess today through the bond.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn and team for a copy of this ebook in return for an honest review.

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Not a fan of the miscommunication trope and there's a lot of it in this book, but it's a bit more interesting than the first one. I thought the FMC was already a bit annoying in the first book, but in this one, it's very difficult to ignore. Also, this feels like an ACOTAR retelling in a lot of ways and I'm tired of reading ACOTAR-inspired work because I already read ACOTAR, I don't want to read about the same things with different details and worldbuilding. But that's a me problem, I think. These books have an audience, but that's not me right now.

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Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice 🌶️🌶️.5/5

What to expect
🌹 Slow-burn romance
🌹 Enemies to lovers (to enemies again?)
🌹 Morally gray MMC
🌹 World Building
🌹 One bed and Forced Proximity
🌹 Deadly Trials & Court Politics
🌹 Touch her and ☠️
🌹 First person POV

My Thoughts: (I will make this as spoiler-free as possible)
This is the second book in Briar Boleyn's Blood of Fae series. While I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, I felt more disappointed in the second. For starters, the FMC was incredibly insufferable for almost the entire book. Anytime I reached a point of dialogue and she spoke, I wanted to throw my Kindle (dramatic? perhaps but she seems to have the maturity level of a toddler sometimes). When I reached the book's second half, I had hoped (for a brief moment) that she would get better and finally have the character arc I thought started at the end of the first book... but that lasted for about 8 pages. I am more confused about Morgan's relationship with Draven than ever before.

As for the plot; I found the story interesting but there were parts that seemed lackluster or rushed. The book picks up where Queen of Roses ends, which I did enjoy but the story felt like it could have been a novella (think Six Scorched Roses in the Crowns of Nyaxia series). I say that only because the book is more about Draven and his world rather than adding to the overall story of Morgan/Arthur/Camelot. Now, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy reading this book and learning the backstory of Draven but it felt more like a side quest (if you will) than a major plot point for the overall premise of the series. By the end of the book, I was left feeling aggravated with Morgan; I honestly had no idea a character, A MAIN CHARACTER, could be so irritating. Morgan's character reads like an insufferable brat who will throw a tantrum anything they do not get their way.

Now for Draven, I will keep this short and to the point (mostly so I do not spoil anything and also because he does not make me feel like Morgan does). If you want a dark, twisted, possessive MMC with "I would burn the world for you", "Good girl", and "Touch her and die" vibes, Draven is IT. He is morally grey but a gentle soul wrapped up with a pretty little bow.

And again, I felt like the world-building in this book was just as beautiful and well done as in the first. Overall, I thought the plot was decent and it added substance to Draven's character, overall. This book also ends on a cliffhanger.

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Oh my gosh huge thank you to the author and NetGalley for allowing me to continue reading Morgan's adventures!!! I loved it just as much as I loved the first. Thank you for mastering a story telling landscape, actually good twists and turns that are not predictable at all and giving me more Morgan! Also thank you for hawl! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, I fell in love with hawl they're perfect and thank you for making them a they it works flawless! I did cry technically twice once from the beginning (no spoilers) and than with a certain one (no spoilers) who I also had fallen in love with! That ending though! This was not the only book I was reading at the time, and the other was suppose to be a mystery with twists and turns (it fell flat) this with the ending! Never expected that at all! That you for that so much!!! If you love ACOTAR you will love this series more I promise (and I really love ACOTAR) you need this series in your life! Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your books in my life!

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Court of Claws is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series. Picking up immediately after the events of the first book, Morgan awakens to find herself convalescing in a foreign land.

Still reeling from loss and guilt, she must adjust quickly to the brutal and ruthless ways of the Siabra court.

Much to her dismay, her life is now intertwined with Draven, the male she can barely stand. Yet, she also can’t completely ignore the uninvited feelings he stirs within her. Morgan is furious with her predicament but they must work together if they wish to try to save Camelot. Morgan must grapple with her powers and relationships with Draven and his inner circle.

With deadly trials, irrevocable bonds, and shocking secrets unveiled, will Morgan face these challenges and fears and emerge unscathed?

👑 Forced Proximity
👑 Ruses
👑 Training
👑 Deadly Trials
👑 Survivor’s Guilt
👑 Found Family
👑 Angst
👑 Magic & Bonds
👑 Slow Burn 🌶️

“I know I can never convince you, but it is all for you. What I do is for you, always."

“But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be”

“He was Kairos Draven. My enemy. My protector. Sometimes something close to a friend. Sometimes the man I wanted to stab while he slept.”

This book delves deeper into Draven's land and court. We learn much more about his tragic past and are introduced to a slew of new endearing (and some despicable) characters. Exmoors (legendary battlecats) might be my new favorite mythical creature!

Briar brilliantly weaves an intricate narrative and rich tapestry of this world. The reader is fully immersed in its customs, magic, creatures, and lore. I was riveted by the action scenes and impressed by the depth of these characters. Morgan and Draven’s relationship is tumultuous, passionate, and dynamic. I loved the angst, tension, and banter.

I’m reeling from the events of this book and will be reading the next book as soon as possible!

Court of Claws is a spellbinding sequel that will have you screaming, swooning, and begging for more!

**I received a free e-ARC and am voluntarily leaving my honest review. Huge thanks to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this e-ARC!**

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- This book was ok. The overall plot had so much potential, even if it was so different and basically a huge wrench thrown into the OG plot from Queen of Roses. The plot development was probably the only part of the book I consistently enjoyed. Predictable? Yes. She’s had a goal and stuck to it.

- This is now when the spoiler warning sets in >>>>

- I was a little surprised by the direction she took this book. I didn’t expect Morgan to wake up at Draven’s court and be thrown into the mess of him partaking in a challenge to become emperor of the Siabra. But hey, the Blood Rite is in full swing and we are not getting back to Morgans continent to approach Arthur until it is over. There could’ve been a little more carry over from the first book but alas at least we come full circle with that last chapter.

- I’m so frustrated with the FMC, she didn’t even feel like the same person in this book. And I don’t mean that she had a huge amount of growth within the time frame book one had left off on. She’s is annoying and constantly complaining. Her feelings are not expressed beyond simple statements that make you feel irritated rather than cause her to be relatable. She’s constantly making poor choices and spends majority of the book just reiterating that she hates Draven. There is little relationship building between the characters besides the forced proximity of a shared bedroom.

- There are parts in the book that are repeated and might have been missed in editing - like how lyrastra teaches the young girls to spar and then somehow now Morgan is? I mean she just started sparring like 3 days ago so this repeated sentence felt off.

- That sets me to my next issue, the time line. I cannot follow well enough how much time is passing because things feel a bit jumpy. And this is with me reading the book over two days. How is Morgan somehow now an adept fighter when in Camelot she stated she was just OK. And she’s training to use her powers for about 4 days and then seems to have mastery over them.

- Not keeping to the curses was smothering aspect that might have been missed during editing: how does Erion have a 13 year old sister if there has been a child rearing curse on the Siabra for ~150 years, if Draven was supposedly one of the last children born… yet he has a significantly younger sister as well???

- This book is too wordy and could’ve been cut in length. Some of the parts had unnecessary detail that I skimmed.

- And lastly, why would Draven be lying on his stomach (prone) after having a chest wound with stitches? The medical professional in me is shaking my head.

- I think this book had great potential but needed another round of edits before it was published.

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