Member Reviews

Page 156: quotation mark after “likely.”
Page 182: period after “demanded.”

Thoughts as I'm reading:
I’m genuinely struggling to like Morgan. She is kicking and throwing tantrums left and right. She wants to go back and what? Just using Draven as a punching bag. Then at a vulnerable point, she is flippant? When he obviously loves you? My dude hasn’t even gotten a thank you for saving her from the brink of death. This just feels icky. He’s clearly in love with her and has expressed so but she’s all blasé, let me play with his heart? It feels borderline cruel and manipulative. And her jaded comments aren’t as endearing as one would hope. They’re just mean spirited quips. She’s clearly playing with his heart and it makes me feel bad for him. He’s over here trying to win her an army and fighting for his life on the daily while she’s just… what, stubborn? Refuses to participate. Refuses to have a solid attitude. Refuses to manage her powers again and again. I really felt like she was managing a great character arc in the first book, but it all seems to have back tracked in the second. Okay, I'm glad she stood in his place! There's something. Passing the buck to her was kind of incredible?? Couldn't he of told her though? I'm confused by all the secret keeping. And there was no resolution to the disquiet in the culture clash. Also, why not tell Morgan about the dreaming instead of gaslighting?

Wrap up:
Did Morgan miss how he saved her from the brink of death??? But she pushes him away and is disgusted by being called his wife. I feel like there’s a rebellious personality and then there’s this character. It was too over the top. She wouldn’t even listen to him. And after he opens up to her about his murdered wife and child. AND learns his passed baby’s name. I’m really hoping this second book was a great opening for her to have some character growth in the third book, because the fact that she gets Lancelet back after all Draven has lost it kind of doesn’t feel balanced. The world building was great and the new characters were lovely and well-rounded, I just really hope that the FMC has a character arc where she learns some patience and doesn't blow up at every turn.

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Arthurian retelling with a fae twist
Trials to death
Found Family
Book 2 in series

Morgan Pendragon finds herself in a foreign room in a foreign court surrounded by a very angry Fae and her sidekick. Draven has brought Morgan to the safety of his court under the illusion that she is his paramour, consort, lover to protect her from the rest of his dangerous court.

Morgan is livid because that is the complete opposite of what they are to each other and secondly because he has magically locked her in his rooms for her own protection.

Thanks to Becks, a lively twelve year old human boy with magic, she escapes from the room for a few hours at a time to explore the court’s secret tunnels and spy on Draven as he trains for the upcoming trials. The winner of the trials is crowned emperor of the Umbra Court.

This is a journey of self-discovery for Morgan and I just love how everything is coming together in the story.
This was a fantastic sequel to the first book. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, this one I found a lot more entertaining. I flew through the book and I am extremely excited to begin the next book.
This felt a lot like the characters from The Elfhame series mixed with the ACOTAR series. This is the type of series I would read over and over.

This series is a must read for any fantasy and romance reader.
This book does have trigger warnings so please take note of that.

A huge thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this e-copy in exchange for this honest review.

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Morgan Pendragon finds herself in the Court of Siabra after a perilous attempt to secure Excalibur for her destructive brother. The man she thought she loved is dead and Draven has marked her as his consort in the Court of Umbral Flames. Navigating the treacherous waters of Fae politics and brutal traditions, Morgan grapples with trust issues amidst the dangerous Fae people. With war looming, Morgan is determined to return home, with or without Draven help. As their lives become increasingly entwined, Morgan faces difficult choices, raising the question: Will the sacrifices be worthwhile?

“Court of Claws” by Briar Boleyn is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series. This book was just as amazing as the first. I adore Morgan and Draven’s complicated relationship and other characters like Beks. The world is so full and well written that I cannot get enough of the series. 5 out of 5 stars, absolutely perfect.

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ARC reader for NetGalley

This series is giving me the excitement and feels of ACOTAR, but with the adventure and magic expected of Arthurian legend. Slow burn, enemies to lovers to enemies again. New villains arise and old heroes return. Blood rise trial to crown a new emperor. The twists and turns keep coming. Onto book 3!

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Everything Morgan Pendragon knows and loves is gone as she wakes in the dangerous court of the Siabra. The man she was falling in love with is dead, and in his place is a man she barely knows. Surrounded by liars and knives in the dark, all Morgan wants to do is run the other way but Kairos Draven is determined to keep her by his side.

The first book was good. This one was great. I love the characters and felt like the author was really hitting her stride in this one. Well done!

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Published: Thursday, November 9th

After speed reading Court of Claws as I couldn’t put it down, I can fully say it was amazing! This book flowed perfectly from the first and picked up immediately from where the first book ended!

Same Bed ✅
Deadly competition ✅
Spicy ✅
Enemies to lovers to in between ✅


Firstly, I loved how this book continued to grow the world within! I find world-building to be a make or break for a lot of books, and I feel like Court of Claws laid the groundwork for more of the world well! The explanations for Siabra were thorough and expanded on a lot from the first book!

The new cast of characters also grabbed my attention immediately; especially Crescent! He provided much needed comic relief and tension breaking at certain points.

The plot also seemed to unfold a lot more: especially with Morgan beginning to figure more out about her past! I’m truly excited to have more of that mystery uncovered in the next book!

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕

One of my favorite things about this series is that the Fae are not just humans with pointy ears, but they have traits that set them apart! Snake eyes, scales, horns, etc. I feel like it really helps to differentiate the fact these characters are not human!

I also loved the twist at the end regarding the trials; I had a hunch there was more to Draven’s story and was glad I was right! Also, Lancelet? I am SO glad we got a peek of her again!

Draven and Morgan’s growing (and slightly tumultuous) relationship had my interest throughout the story as well! I enjoyed the scenes between them and am really hoping they reunite soon 😅

Side Note: Draven’s past? Ouch! I was not expecting any of the information revealed!

I also love when the main FMC gets a little more confident in her powers and just becomes a little more unhinged! Morgan’s desire to fight and to not hesitate is great!

The most heart wrenching thing in this story was Beks though 😔 I was not expecting his ending and it truly caught me off guard. I’m really hoping we get another Lancelet moment but we’ll see!

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝔻𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖

Miscommunication! While I understand it as a plot device, I just wish that Morgan and Draven had just sat down and talked more! I feel like so many things could have been avoided if they just talked!

I can understand Morgan’s anger and slight trust issues, but I also think she could have gone about it a lot better in some areas.

Again, this is my personal opinion! It definitely added emotionally to the plot but I am always an advocate for communication!


I really enjoyed this book and literally read it in four days! The series strikes me as complex in some areas (world building, Character relations and backstory) but also easy to follow!

I’ll definitely be reading the next one shortly; the cliffhangers keep pushing it to the top of my TBR!

Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Publishing, and Briar Boleyn for this digital ARC!

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I need the next book immediately 😩it’s a Arthurian/unseelie mashup and it’s the perfect combo. The ending had me so stressed out because there’s still so much ground to still cover. You’ve got the fae hunger games which is explorative and gruesome. On top of that there’s found family and the slow burn just going up into an inferno 😂🥵 I love seeing all the og King Arthur characters come to life. It reminds me a lot of Once Upon A Time’s dark takes on Disney movies.

Had so much fun reading this! Thanks to NetGalley and Starwater Press for the e copy!

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This book was a marked departure from its predecessor, 'Queen of Roses', but it serves as a bridge to what I anticipate will be an exciting resolution in the forthcoming conclusion of the trilogy. 'Court of Claws' shifts away from the fast-paced action and machinations of the Pendragons and focuses on Draven's backstory and the court intrigue in his own realm. The main action in this book centers around a series of trials. It felt like the trials trope was used to provide a backdrop of action while Draven's story was revealed and the relationship between the two MCs progressed.

I was struck by how different Morgan's character came across in this book. She was understandably angry and confused over many issues, but her anger did come across as excessive, and even her language was very different. Profanity is laced throughout the dialogue, whereas it was rarely used in the first book. The intimate scenes were also much more graphic, and at times they seemed to be more of a focus for this book than the plot itself.

Although it felt like it was missing some of the magic and pacing of its predecessor, the story is enjoyable and I think it is an important bridge in the story arc. The dream sequences were powerful and slowly but steadily unraveled the mystery of Morgan's past and her powers. The author also does an excellent job of relaying the emotional pain felt at various points. The cast of characters is very endearing and the ending did a great job of setting up the next book, which I cannot wait to read!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the opportunity to review this ARC!

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This is a dark and riveting sequel to the series Blood of a Fae, and it continues to pull me in with its complex characters, intricate plot and unyielding tension that kept me turning the pages to figure out what happened next.

The story picked up where the first book left off with Morgan in a nightmare situation, trapped in the court of Siabra. The man she was falling in love with is gone, replaced by a stranger, and she is surrounded by deception and danger.

The plot continues to unravel with unexpected twists and revelations. The world building is phenomenal, rich in detail and ambiance.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Welcome to the Court of Claws, a place of blood and betrayal, where a ruthless game for the throne is about to begin. A game that will decide the fate of a kingdom, a prize that has been waiting to be claimed for one hundred and fifty years.
In this thrilling sequel to Queen of Roses, Morgan Pendragon finds herself caught in the middle of a battle for a crown so dark and twisted, bound to a man who conceals more than he reveals. She must fight to uncover her true identity and survive in a kingdom where treachery and deceit are the rules of the game, and where she is not sure if she can trust anyone, not even herself.
It is rare that a sequel surpasses the first book in a series, but when it happens, it is a remarkable feat. A good sequel not only builds on the foundations of the first book, but also expands the world, deepens the characters, and raises the stakes. A good sequel surprises the readers, challenges their expectations, and delivers an ending that leaves you craving more. A good sequel is a rare and precious thing, and when you find one, you know you are in for a treat. Briar Boleyn achieved all of that and more. Court of Claws is captivating. From the first page to the last, the reader is drawn into a web of lies, deceit, and a romance that is doomed yet impossibly irresistible. You won’t want to put it down.

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Court of Claws, by Briar Boleyn, is the second installment in the authors Blood of a Fae series. Morgan Pendragon wakes up to find that she is half way around the world from Camelot in a place called The Court of Umbral Flames, bound to a man, Draven Kairos, who has returned home after a 20 year banishment for taking revenge on the man who killed his loved ones. One that is ruled by a people known as Siabra and a Queen Regent who loathes the very fiber of Morgan because she is Valtan Fae.

This story is a bit different than the first installment in that some of the story is told by memories thought forever forgotten and flashbacks, including right from the beginning of the story. 150 years ago, a strange plague has started to affect all of the Fae children of Valtain. In an effort to save her, a mother makes a difficult choice to save her youngest daughter and leave her family behind. 150 years later, Morgan was given a mission to find a powerful sword known as Excalibur in order to help King Arthur defeat his enemies.

After traveling a long distance, Lancelot catches up to them, only to be taken away by an attack by deranged children. Whether she is alive or dead, is unknown. During the attack, Morgan was severely injured and Draven, Prince of Claws, made a choice to save her. Morgan is now in the Siabra Empire, on the continent of Myntra, and a very long way from home and her brother Kaye. Because of what Draven did at the end of the first novel, Morgan is bonded to Draven, and must play a part as Prince's paramour in order to not gain more attention from the Queen Regent.

The first part of this book gets weighed down by Morgan's hatred of Draven for what he did to her even though she is alive. For Morgan, losing Lancelot, or not knowing if she is alive or dead, weighs heavily on her. The other part of this story is a competition between 12 contestants to see who will be named the next King of the Siabra. This includes Draven and a bunch of cut throat individuals who want to see him fail spectacularly. The other issues is that Morgan seems to be having true dreams which gives readers that final piece as to who she really is, and why the flashbacks are so important.

*Thoughts* This is a curious story with some interesting characters like Beks of Noctasia who is a human with magic; Rychel, who is Draven's sister trying to find a way to cure the plague that hurt so many children; Sephone, the Queen Regent who may be in an alliance with Draven's cousin, and rival Avriel; and Lyrastra who is not only a contestant in the games which is contested in 3 parts, but also a woman who is as mysterious as she is dangerous. There is one storyline that I am disappointed that was not wrapped up and that pertains to Rychel. This book once again ends on a cliffhanger after Morgan once again feels as though she has been betrayed, and wants to find a way back to Camelot to help save Kaye and her people from Arthur.

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Emotional. Thrilling. Perfectly paced.

After reading Queen of Roses, I didn’t think it possible for Briar Boleyn to top the last book, but she has and what a fantastic book it is. It was perfectly paced and I simply couldn't get enough of it, I really didn't put it down.
I thoroughly enjoy a story that features found family and a set of trials or a contest, I also love a kingdom or palace that is a bit different from the usual fantasy tropes. An underground volcanic setting was really exciting and unusual!

The spicy scenes were great and really helped to show the developing relationship between the two characters. Speaking of this, I will admit that at points, Morgan really grated on me because of her constant rejection of a man who was actually super nice to her and was just struggling with his inner demons and trauma. I know that they can’t have a happy ending just yet but I want it so bad for them it’s unreal. Please for all that is good in this world, let them be together, when they share sweet moments its absolutely amazing and that is all I want for them. A lifetime of sweet moments.

Rychel and Beks were my favourite characters in this book, they were fantastic additions to the series and I loved that Morgan had some people she felt she could trust.

In terms of world building and lore, I thought Boleyn did an excellent job at expanding the universe and I thoroughly look forward to even more. I really love this world and feel as if I’m currently totally lost in it. I know after the next book I’m going to find it really difficult to have to wait for the fourth installment!

Thank you once again Briar Boleyn and Starwater Press.

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This is the second book in the series. From the very beginning, I was hooked. Morgan Pendragon's journey in the treacherous court of Siabra captivated me. While I adored the intense bond between Morgan and Kairos Draven, I did find myself frustrated with Morgan's constant miscommunication and immaturity. Nevertheless, the character development was good, and the addition of Beks and Javen was intriguing. The ending left me yearning for the next installment, eagerly hoping for love to conquer distrust. If you are a fan of enemies-to-lovers, Arthurian retellings, and morally grey characters, this might be for you.

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I loved book one, but book two was even better. Morgan and Draven’s relationship expands in so many new ways. There are twists and turns I did not see coming - some that I hoped were dreams as I was reading them. But this book swept me away into the fantasy world that Briar has created. I’m already diving into book three.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me this arc in exchange for an honest review. This is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series. When this book begins its very obvious that they are no longer in Camelot. This book in the series leans more into the dark fantasy romance and has some spice in it. This book is more action packed and we get to know the people in Draven's world. This book also gives the reader greater insight into his past. I could not put this book down once I started it. This book was better than the first book in the series. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

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Excalibur has been found and then lost again. Morgan is near death and has lost those near and dear to her. When she wakes she finds herself in the Siabra fae court, and to her shock Kairos has horns and claws. He also reveals himself as the Prince of the Umbral Court. Morgan comes to learn that Kairos is here to get the throne and undo some of the damage done by the previous emperor. But that requires Kairos to win a tournament, which could result in death, to claim the throne. And until he does she is stuck with him, with nothing to do but worry about her home and the people she left behind.

Well this was a great follow up to the first book. I had an inkling half way through the first book that Draven was fae and when he was talking about the kids I thought he had been the king that cursed them. So was right and wrong. I enjoyed seeing Morgan embrace her fae side as she learned to deal with all the new powers that came from that. Also the world building expansion as the new variations of fae were introduced was great, loved all the animal features thrown in. Although gotta say I was a little frustrated with the relationship between them. It was like one step forward and two back all the time. Like he literally cuts out a piece of his heart for her and … i wont get more spoilery than that. Also that epilogue, damn I have questions I need answered. Moving straight onto book 3 now.

Rating 3.5 stars
*I received a review copy from NetGalley for my voluntary and honest review

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Oh my goodness this story just keeps getting better and better with every page and the more that I read! This is a definite must read if you have not started these books yet.

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Loved the plot in this book, I'm already in love with the characters from the first book, but this plot line was interested and while a couple tiny points were predictable, the plot as a whole kept me on my toes to the point I struggled to put this book down. Already starting the third book, I love Briar's writing style and the way she makes my heart struggle to say goodbye to her books. Will definitely be keeping an eye out in the future for any of her other books. :)

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That was so good and so satisfying!
Court of Claws is book 2 in the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn was another entertaining read.
I liked the plot, the pacing was decent. The romance and chemistry are amazing.
The way the story developed was literal perfection, I wasn't bored whatsoever, I ate this book up.
I can’t wait to jump into book three.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Victory Editing for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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I am really loving Blood of a Fae. Morgan and Draven's enemies-to-lovers romance is fire. After just a taste of what Fae imaginings we were going to get in the first book, I was excited to leap into the second book and really get into the Court of the Umbral Flames. The motives of each character really made this feel fresh. I really thought at some point I was going to be bored with all the court drama and deception, especially since the competition trope gets old fast. This wasn't the case and I was pretty much screaming in excitement when we got to that ending with the cliffhanger.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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