Member Reviews

Ah, unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book any more than the last.
I feel as though maybe her writing style just isn’t for me, and that’s okay!

My biggest qualm with THIS book is all of the characters talk in the same three voices. Morgan variants (Lancelot, Odessa), Draven variants, or Galahad variants (Crescent). Among other things.
This one wasn’t for me and that’s okay!


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I havent read fantasy in so long but this one and the prequel to this have blown me away. I am obsessed with the King Arthur retelling, plus fae! I am so thankful this series has got me back into fantasy.

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I'm a sucker for the found family trope, specially when the FMC is an independent, kick ass character who has some great banter and her new gang give as good as they get!

I was so excited (and nervous!) to dive into A Court of Claws after the cliff hanger ending in Queen of Roses but it delivered!

The world building, mythical creatures, magic, romance, politics (and the back stabbing) all continues to develop in this second instalment and it made for a great read.

As it is a slightly twisted and dark romance, do check the trigger warnings!

Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the copy, in return for an honest review.

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I’m obsessed. I requested this book before I had even finished the first book (thank you NetGalley!) because I couldn’t stand the cliff hanger.

When I tell you I enjoyed this one even more…no lie.

The first book was heavy on the Camelot side of things and I LOVED it and hoped that this one would continue to do so, but nope even better.

We got into the real fantasy fae side of things with the slow burn romance. What more could a woman want? It was perfect and different.

What I really enjoyed was the set up of the romance. It didn’t feel fake or rushed or drawn out. It felt natural and didn’t hit you over the head with it.

Cutting this review short so I can immediately start the next book in the series, I can’t wait….

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The second installment of this series is pretty good, Morgan started to irritate me a bit, but I am still interested to see how this ends.

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Court of Claws takes us into a new continent in the Blood of a Fae world. We're introduced to more about Draven and the book has quite a few elements reminiscent to A Court of Thorns and Roses. I appreciated this book's focus on developing the connection between Draven and Morgan as well as their connection with their powers, their friendships, and the magical world around them. If you like the one bed trope and fake relationships, as well as magical competitions, this book is for you.

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"Court of Claws" by Briar Boleyn, the second book in the Blood of a Fae series, delves deeper into the mesmerizing world of Morgan Pendragon, who is now Morgan Le Fay. In this spellbinding tale:

A World Turned Upside Down: Everything Morgan once cherished has been irrevocably altered as she awakens in the perilous court of the Siabra. The man she was beginning to love is gone, replaced by a stranger. Trapped amidst deceit and lurking dangers, Morgan yearns to escape this treacherous world. But Kairos Draven, who is now a central figure in her life, is unyielding in his determination to keep her close.

Entangled Fates: As Morgan and Draven's lives become even more intertwined, the echoes of past transgressions are fast approaching, threatening to engulf them both. The Prince of Claws, willing to spill blood and wage wars, stands ready to do the unimaginable in the name of their connection.

A Dark Fantasy Romance: "Court of Claws" is the second book in this dark fantasy romance series that unveils the untold story of Morgan Le Fay, King Arthur's sister. It's a New Adult tale filled with mature situations, adult language, and passion. The book provides ample steam and adventure. Readers are encouraged to explore the trigger warning page in the table of contents for detailed information regarding content warnings.

This book promises to be an exciting addition to the Blood of a Fae series, continuing Morgan's journey in a world filled with magic, love, and perilous choices. If you enjoyed the first installment and yearn to see what happens next, "Court of Claws" will undoubtedly offer a thrilling and captivating experience.

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I devoured this book! I didn't think the story could get any more awesome, but then this book happened. I was taken on such an emotional ride, and I'm not sure I can ever get over the ending.

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This was such a wonderful and enjoyable read!!!! I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a strong sequel that really built on the first book. I was in awe of how much I am enjoying this series. I cannot wait for the next book and final book in the series.

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I was so excited for this one as the first book was brimming with potential and Court of Claws delivered in so many ways.

Court of Claws picks up right were Queens of Roses left off (well a few days later but Morgan wasn’t conscious for that). Morgan wakes to find herself in the magical and otherworldly Court of Umbral Flames and has to quickly adjust to Draven’s revealed identity, a whole new magical world she now finds herself in as well as a very unexpected position of being Draven’s paramour! We are transported into a world brimming with magic, there’s a challenge with multiple trials (I know it’s an overdone trope but I love it), complex family structures and political dynamics. Court of Claws is filled with twists and turns, nail biting adventures, new friendships, and finally some more glimmers into the history that led us to where we are now.

I think my primary criticisms from the first book were Pacing, a very slow burn Romance, and Morgan’s immaturity. Well 2 out of the 3 have been well and truly brought to fruition.

I thought the pacing of Court of Claws was a million times better than Queen of Roses. While it wasn’t a fast paced read it felt like it had a steady pace with some fast paced interludes so a massive improvement from Queen of Roses which was pretty slow going.

The Romance really amps up here, and there’s definitely a lot more ‘cough cough’ romance centred scenes which I’m sure my romance lovers out there will be grateful for! There’s some much more graphic scenes in this book and I enjoyed that we were finally getting some pay off for all the tension that had been built… but. There was one huge issue I had with the romance this time around and that’s the same issue I had with the entire book. Morgan is absolutely insufferable and I struggled to invest and buy the romance when she was just being so painful.

Morgan was infuriating in this book. She was immature throughout Queen of Roses but I feel like I made a lot of excuses for that and there was some character development there but in Court of Claws she was just petulant and childish the whole way. I kept waiting and hoping for her development and for her to grow up and use her brain but I was kept frustrated the whole way through. She was defiant and nasty and mean and honestly incapable of thinking rationally for even a minute. Honestly, Morgan really marred my enjoyment of Court of Claws as without her this book had everything I wanted!

I enjoyed the LGBTQ+ rep and the discussions that were had around cultural attitudes towards this (there was nothing ground breaking with this but I felt like it was a nice element in Morgan’s exploration of her world and it felt like a natural fit not just something thrown in for the sake of it!).

I also thought that I was really enjoying that fast paced ending and I was excited about the next instalment, but then that final twist with Morgan jumping back to Camelot? What was that about?! It felt like a final chance for Morgan to absolutely infuriate me by making yet another stupid, impulsive and childish decision.

In short I enjoyed just about everything in this book apart from our main character. I am so torn. I am desperate to know what happens next in the story, I want more Draven, I want more of all the side characters actually, but I am genuinely not sure if I can put up with any more Morgan.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for the chance to read Queen of Roses in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this book! It was full of adventure and I loved how the author developed the characters! I was never bored because of how well the author kept the story going. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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I absolutely loved Queen of Roses 🌹 so how did I enjoy Court of Claws?
It was breathtaking, I might even think of it as a masterpiece ❤️ I just couldn’t put it down.

In the second book of Blood of a Fae series Morgan formes new relationships, learns more about her mother, her own past.
We follow Morgan and Draven to a new place, dangerous court where almost everyone seems to hate Morgan for who she is.
The story is perfectly paced, with many twists and important informations revealed.
I loved new characters, most of all Nightclaw. Can I have him in real life please?! Also Draven’s sister was great!
I hated Lyrastra when she first appeared in the story but later as I learned more about her I started to like her. Characters developed through the story and made everyone more believable.

Draven must fight for his throne and for Morgan’s heart as well. He definitely should have said what was happening to her! I don’t blame her for freaking out. But maybe she has some trust issues? Well who would blame her after everything she’s been through.
And what the hell?! That ending was just spectacular. I need to read Empress of Fae asap. What will happen next and just how did that one person survive?

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I pushed through book 1 and man am I happy I did so! This books is 100% more exciting than the first! And yes the first is a must to read for book 2!

I was waiting for the spice to heat up between Draven and Morgan and I was not disappointed one bit! Spice level 🌶️🌶️🌶️!!! I saw it coming but not like this.

Draven is man of secrets and mystery. He’s got that asshole, morally gray, touch her and d!e vibes and I am here for every second of it! That man is full of secrets and I know more is to come, there just has to be 🤣 That has been his M.O the last 2 books.

Morgan is badass, powerful, stubborn and just a kickass character. I love her strength and will for people to be treated better and treat each other better. I am in awe of her strength in every way. She has dealt with constant lies and secrets and almost everyone taking away her choices and freedom to do what she wants with her life. She has the strength to fight through all of it and still come out compassionate. The secrets and lies are just starting to come apart and I can’t wait to see her story unfold finally.

This story held me captive from start to finish in the best way possible.

Some many secrets! Some much still to be told! I am now going to, patiently, try to wait for book 3!

Definite a must read. ⚠️Check your trigger warnings first! ⚠️

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