Member Reviews

Brilliant sequel to Book 1!
I really adore Morgan's rage and determination in all its chaotic glory.

This was a perfect sequel with more tension, more twists and more steam!

I love how high stakes the magic fae plot is which makes the story incredibly gripping and just as engaging as the romance.

Can't wait for the next!!!

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Overall I really enjoyed Court of Claws and consumed it in less than a day because I just had to know what happened. The plot was propulsive and it provided more world building on top of Queen of Roses which ws fabulous (could still use a little more, I want to know everything about this universe!). I loved the supporting characters and feeling of found family but I felt the main female character lacked some depth. I expected to see her mature and grow more, especially considering the character development of the male lead. There were times I really just wanted to shake Morgan by the shoulders and tell her to grow up and stop trying to throw away what is clearly the best thing that has happened to her so far. I hope we see this character development happen in the third book this fall, which I am definitely looking forward to reading!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I loved being in Siabra for this book. I think I enjoyed this one more than the first one, and I enjoyed the first one. We meet a lot of new people, some of them great and some of them horrible. I cant wait to see what happens with Morgan and Draven in the next book. It definitely made for an exciting read. If you enjoyed the first book you should definitely pick this one up.

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This book picks up right where Queen of Roses ends, so it was easy to jump back into. I love Morgan but she had her moments in this book of being self-righteous and naive so that got on my nerves quite a bit. Draven was purposely keeping things from her. She never once stood her ground, just letting him get away with it. Bbecause he was so handsome and seemed kind but every other chapter she finds out he either kept vital information from her or straight-up lied to her. I loved the changing settings and the introduction to new dynamic characters.
I'm excited to read the next book.

I received this book from Netgalley.

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Court of Claws, the second book in the Blood of a Fae series, starts off where the first ends and plunges right in, bringing us the story from the side of the Siabra. The title refers to Draven's title of Prince and his place back at the kingdom of the Siabra.

In this part of the story, the focus is once again on Morgan and Draven as they navigate the new bonds forged and the court of the Siabra. For Morgan, this is a whole new experience and considering her limited exposure to the fae, the Siabra court and people are a revelation. Their customs, culture and rules are ones she doesn't understand or agree with.

It is wonderful to read and know more about Draven in this book, who he is, how he becomes an assassin, why he leaves the kingdom of the Siabra and so on. I loved reading about Morgan and Draven's interactions and Morgan's eventual acceptance of their bond. The main question that arises is whether what they have is real or just something made up and forced.

Morgan grows as a person and character in this book, becoming more strong and learning to accept and use her powers. I loved reading about Draven's sister Rychel, Crimson and the others in the court. They are endearing and play such important roles in this book, bringing the story together.

A wonderful continuation, Court of Claws adds a new dimension to the series, setting in motion events that forge the path towards the final battles and a conclusion to the story in the upcoming books.

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A Court of Claws, the second book in the Blood of a Fae series, proved to be a remarkable sequel to Queen of Roses. We had the opportunity to learn a lot about not just the Fae, but also the Gods and the world of Eskira.

Morgan and Draven go through a constant tug-of-war in this book. Draven stays true to his desires, whereas Morgan tends to question everything. Morgan giving in to her desire for Draven brought me great joy, and my heart soared during those scenes that finally satisfied my longing from the first book.

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A perfect continuation of the story.
I thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery in this part of the story. It gave a fresh look at the characters and was the perfect build of the characters relationship. There was just the right amount of spice! I enjoyed the new characters that were brought into the story and the struggles that the main characters endured. The buildup was great as well.
Definitely enjoyed!

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Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this. As with book 1, I love how unique the setting and worldbuilding are for this series. Fae and fantasy realms can become very similar the more you read this genre, but Boleyn does a great job of making her stand out. I struggle a little bit with the miscommunication and - what I feel is - immaturity in our FMC in this book but I am hopeful for her to have room to grow as the series continues. Overall, I really enjoyed this and definitely recommend it to other readers!

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First of all thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book picks up not too long after the events of the first book. Morgan has awoken from her near death experience in an unfamiliar place, where the people don't like her. Not to mention finding out that the man she hates and is now bound to in more ways than one, lied about who he is.

This book is more action packed than the first, with trials for the Umbral Throne taking place. I will say that after the first two trials, the final trial seemed a bit short, and also a bit anticlimactic.

Briar Boleyn really knows how to write unlikeable characters. Avriel was the worst, maybe even more horrible than Florian from the first book.

This book is still slow burn, but the relationship between Draven and Morgan is well-paced. Morgan's character development and finding out more about herself was fascinating.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series and if you enjoy dark romantasy inspired by the tales of King Arthur and Camelot, than I would recommend giving this book series a read.

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'Court of Claws' is a rollercoaster of emotions, wrapping you tightly in its dark, enchanting embrace from the first page. Boleyn crafts a world so vivid and characters so compelling, you can't help but be completely absorbed. Picking up where the first book left off, Boleyn continues to give us that fantastic enemies-to-lovers slowburn romance that burns with an intensity that lights up the pages.

There is something about the way that the author seamless blends dark fantasy with a dash of Fae lore into the Arthurian retelling that has me hooked and sets this series apart. Draven, with his fiercely protective nature and deadly charisma, is my favorite, embodying so many of my favorite book boyfriend traits. The development of his relationship with Morgan Pendragon as they navigate a court teeming with secrets and danger has become the highlight of the series for me. Boleyn keeps me on my toes, though, with each twist and turn more unexpected and thrilling than the last.

Briar Boleyn has indeed upped the ante with 'Court of Claws,' delivering another cliffhanger ending left me breathless, desperate for more of Morgan and Draven's exhilarating saga.

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Will be posting a full review soon. I enjoyed this one more than the first book. I'm glad I continued on with this series

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This was definitely longer than Queen of Roses – both in its pacing and the pages (nearly 300 pages longer haha) so this took a bit longer to read than the first book. But once I properly got into the book I really liked it and can’t wait to carry on with the other books. I like that it picks up immediately after the end of the first book. It allows us to easily remember what all happening in the previous book while introducing new plot points to the reader early on. I much prefer it when a sequel is set almost immediately after the previous book.

The character progression was great to see! As I’ve said multiple times (and will continue to) I love banter so so much and it only improves in here. Their relationship changes a lot and I liked it. They’re pushed to spend even more time together and I liked how that developed their personalities and relationship.

Morgan and Draven are both strong characters and I really love that he doesn’t push her down or act like he’s stronger than her. He loves that she’s strong. I really like it when the male main character, typically seen as “macho” and “the most powerful”, is fine and likes it when the female main character is stronger than the male.

We’re treated to a lot of Morgan’s background – finding out where Morgan’s from, what her power looks like. I do prefer characters who have to fully learn their magic, and don’t have those “instinctual magic” scenes. But I don’t mind it if the character, like in here, doesn’t really know they have magic – then I’m more okay with instinctual magic. We did get quite a good amount of that in here, so I’m happy but I can’t wait until she really digs deep into her power.

Her powers fit in a lot with the plot and I was happy to see that one didn’t overshadow the other one. That could always easily happen. I like it when the character really digs deep into their magic (especially when it’s tied to their emotions, like Morgan’s is).

The plot was a bit confusing here and there, I’ll admit, but I’m happy to see where the next book will take us! I’m ’bout halfway through the third book and it’s good! I think this will be a completed quartet this year I definitely recommend this series.

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Oh wow. This was one of the best fantasy books I have read so far. I haven't read many but this was definitely good.

The world building was amazing as always. You can't help but fall in love with everyone mentioned. The siabra are not kind but there are people who are different among monsters too, nicer I mean.

Draven is too good to be true. Thoughtful, selfless, counting others before his own gain, caring. Morgan on the other hand, is just trying too hard to sound smart and funny. I liked her voice in first book but in second book it didn't feel like Morgan at all. I know as story proceeds people change but Morgan was timid and not so confidant in the first book, totally opposite of how she is portrayed in the second book. Reading her being totally sassy just didn't make sense to me.

I didn't mind it but it just didn't feel like reading the same character anymore. Like she took a 360 turn overnight after her injuries. Also she got on my nerves so often for continuing to be an overwhiny and self-indulgent idiot.

Something would make sense to her in a minute , even then she would not stop whining about it the whole book. She was just insufferable. At one point I even felt screaming at her and really wondered what is Draven actually seeing and liking in her coz there's nothing to like about her.

I know why authors do this- to have some banter, to make it enjoyable for readers, the readers like me who especially enjoy the enemy to lover trope. But this wasn't really enemy to lover scene here, Draven saved her life. He did what he did to save her and it wasn't that had to be honest. It just annoyed me thinking seriously what is wrong with Morgan and her whiny monologues.

Apart from Morgan's not so subtle change of character, it was a really good read for me. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I finished it in a night so that says a lot about the book for me. The ending didn't disappoint. I'm off to third book now. This will be my favourite from the series, if third doesn't turn out better that is.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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I absolutely adored this book. It kind of surprised me. I was blown back with every reveal, twists and turns. It kept me hooked till the end. I was eager to know what's gonna happen. I loved Morgan and Draven! this must be the slowest slow burn I have read till now and when they finally get together it was explosive. The characters, the world building and the powers are quite well developed! hats off to the author who has done amazing work with the world structure...really felt quite real. I will be reading the second book very soon.

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Obsessed. I need every book in this series. I am absolutely enthralled by this world and I am so excited to see what's next. The magic, the creatures, every character. I love it all.

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Court of Claws is the second installment of the Blood of Fae series. The story picks up right where Book 1 left off. It might contain a mild spoiler if you haven't read the first book.

Morgan wakes up in a foreign place and realizes that she has lost everything. The man she fell in love with is dead. Likewise, the fate of her best friend Lancelet after the fae children's attack is unknown. Furthermore, Kairos Draven, the guard she once despised, was the one who saved her and brought her to his home in Siabra’s court. It is a dangerous place and full of lies and evil people. She also felt helpless because she couldn't go back to Camelot and aid her people in the war. But, Draven has another plan and is determined to have her on his side.

One thing for sure, things have become far more exciting and intriguing. The world-building for Siabra's court was astonishing. The action scenes are thrilling. The characterization is rich. The people on Siabra's court are generally interesting, but also wicked and evil, and I have a deep fondness for Hawl, Beks, and Rychel because they are my kind of people.

The plot became more intriguing as it progressed. More secrets have been revealed, both about Morgan's identity and the history of the fae. Furthermore, there is Blood Rise Tournament—a deadly, dangerous, and full of gore tournament to fight over the throne. It has a similarity to Goblet of Fire's tournament, but ten times deadlier.

Besides the people, more magical creatures also involved. Both as an enemy and as a friend/friendly creature. There is an exmoor (a feline creature) named Nightclaw, and he always reminds me of Toothless. He's a fascinating creature.

This book features slow burn romance, enemies-to-lovers trope (even though I still doubt it in the end), and found family. It also has the kind of romance where he falls in love first, and has bonded mates elements. The conclusion ends with yet another cliffhanger, making me eager to read the next book as soon as possible.

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I actually like the second book better than the first! There was a lot more of Morgan and Draven and the story finally made some progress.

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Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn! I started the first installment in December and literally needed this second book! The first book grappled me and this next installment did not disappoint!

Morgan and Kairos are main focal points but you definitely get a taste of some of our favorite steamy tropes: he falls first, touch her and x, forbidden romance, enemies to lovers, one bed trope… There’s a lot that unravel in this installment.

The adventure of this book is worth the push because the development of characters is great here. The twists and the turns and the betrayals kept me on the edge of my seat.

Boleyn writes the fantasy romance adventure in such a way that is a little different than the first book but still definitely worth the read. You’re really seeing some more deceit, hidden agendas, and outstanding character development. I think it was a little slower paced compared to the first book. I definitely enjoyed reading this book and I cannot wait to read the next.

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I really enjoyed book two! Book two might be my favorite, hard to say though.
I love how it did not immediately start where book one ended which left the reader guessing. This book leaves you on a small cliff hanger too, which left me jumping to start Book three immediately.

Possible spoilers:

As for the characters Morgan was starting to get on my nerves towards the end, unfortunately. But I think that is because I am team Draven.

I still am enjoying the different characterization of the fae in this series! Usually the fae are always beautiful and perfect with few flaws if any. Whereas, this series, the fae have claws, horns and scales or tails! And they are able to regrow horns when chopped off (at least there is one specific fae who can).

The spice level definitely picks up in book two, it is still nothing crazy but I was pleasantly pleased with the amount as I prefer the plot to be stronger than the spice.

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Creative world building that isn't the typical kind of world building you see in romantasy books, which was great. More or less a Camelot retelling with fae?! Sign. Me. Up. I really enjoyed the character development and am a total sucker for a slow burn. So there was a lot about this book I really liked. But what I liked the least and ultimately affected the whole story was the immaturity of the FMC. I'm all for a character growth arc. So had she matured over the course of the 400 pages of this book I wouldn't be complaining but she stayed stagnate in that particular character flaw.

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