Member Reviews

4.25 stars! I am so glad I kept reading the series after the second book didn’t fully grasp my attention. I find Morgan to be a complex character that I don’t always like, I hope we get more of her and Draven in book 3! Even though we went around every very poorly I think Morgan has been quick to shut him down considering she needs allies to save her kingdom.

Thank you to Briar Boleyn, the publishers, and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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Having read the first book, I had high expectations and this book just did not meet them. The main character sucks and continues to suck as the book goes on. The male main character also sucks.

The book's main redeeming point is the world building.

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Okay, let me just start by saying this is good. I had high hopes coming into this and overall I was not disappointed.
I loved the court intrigue, the Siabran world, all the wonderful new characters and the amazing creatures!!!

However I do feel like there are a few things that keep this book from hitting that *perfect* mark for me.
For one, while the first book centered on Morgan's quest and her own motives, this one felt like it was wholly about Draven's, and she was just kind of going along with it. And yes, she learns a lot of valuable skills and forms connections but the plot felt disconnected to the sort of "original" concept of her needing to save Camelot. I would have loved to have, maybe a dual POV following perhaps Kaye or Galahad or Merlin or even Arthur because throughout this book I'm left wondering what the hell is going on over there and how Morgan even has the time to "waste" in the Siabran court while things seem to be incredibly dire and everyone she loves might be dead in Camelot. And while I do appreciate us getting something like this in the epilogue, I would have wanted it throughout the whole book to build that suspense and anticipation of her returning. I also wish she would have found out a lot more about her mother and her past throughout this book. We get glimpses which are so mind blowing and exciting but I would have liked to know more - and while I'm assuming we will learn more in the next book, I'm not really sold on her having these visions and memories uprooting her entire world as she knows it, and then just sort of it not being the big revelation it deserves to be, and just moving on with the plot.

The second thing I would have wanted from this book to make it just that last bit better is honestly less tumultuous dynamics between Draven and Morgan. For one, the slow burn could have burned a lot slower imo, and I was getting actual whiplash from Morgan's constant shifting emotions and Draven's shifting behavior - it just didn't really make sense to me. Morgan wasn't giving me the sort of "actually in love but I'm afraid to admit it so I'm denying it" sort of vibes, but rather "enemies turned lovers too quickly and now I have to keep creating thin aversions in my own mind to keep this trope going a bit longer", and the whole marriage and empress thing at the ending was not at all in line with what we've seen from Draven's character. It sort of felt like a plot twist for the sake of it and I didn't really buy his explanations.

With all that said though, I really did like this. The writing is extremely descriptive, it all plays out in your head and you're truly sucked into the story, which is truly really good. The characters and world building is magical and I LOVED THE CREATURES we're introduced to in this one. Also the ending was soooo exciting and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Massive thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read this. While I did receive this ebook for free, all opinions are my own.

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I was given access to this book well after it was published. I really enjoyed this story just as much as the rest of the ones in the series. I never wanted the story to end, and was invested page after page. Thank you Netgalley for an arc of this book.

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Fantastic novel, enjoyed every minute of it! Absolutely nothing not to like about it. Highly recommend this!

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Again the story has me tight with in its grip. I love this different view of an old tale. The main MFC continues to grow as the MMC attempts to gain her forgiveness for is actions in the previous book.
Bring on book three.

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This is the perfect Aurtharian retelling. I truly can't get enough of this world! This book certainly doesn't fall down into any sequel traps - I am simply obsessed!

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I really enjoyed this series, it was fun, easy to follow and not too complicated. It was a great series to read in my "nearly in a book slump". I would definitely read this series again.

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The second installment in this Arthurian retelling does not disappoint. It picks up right where the first book left off, with Morgan in a new kingdom, and an MMC who is not the person she thought he was.
I won’t give away any spoilers, so I’ll just say that our heroine is faced with new challenges, and is forced to rethink everything that she knows, as she attempts to get back to her own kingdom. We see a lot of character development, as she faces several trials, and has to push her self in way she never thought possible.
The love interest that began to simmer in the first book, begins to take off. We have some of my favorite beloved dark romance tropes like touch her and die, and enemies to lovers, and I am absolutely here for it!
Can’t wait to see how the story ends.

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“To the hope that lies in dreams.”
“To those who possess the heart of a dreamer,”

Morgan is now in the Umbral Court of Flames with Draven who she finds is the prince of the Siabra fae and is livid, being held captive as the Prince's Consort. All she wants is to get back to Camelot so she can help her kingdom and protect her younger brother Kaye. However, she's unaware of the circumstances that brought her and Draven to the Court of Claws and how this ties her to Draven in ways she can't even begin to comprehend. As Draven fights for his crown so that he can bring about true change to the kingdom, Morgan is drawn into a game of politics and treachery that knows no limits.

The enemies to lovers chemistry that Morgan fights against, is palpable and well written but not overly drawn out so that you become bored of the banter. There is a great deal of office politics that require delicate handling by Draven and which Morgan bristles against. Draven acquiring the throne is not a given, despite him being the heir to the throne and he has to participate in a series of games where the throne is awarded to the winner.

Draven is good character, perfectly symbolizing the morally grey but caring and sweet, making him hard to resist. Morgan who showed great promise in terms of her character growth falls somewhat short in this book, where she reverts to childish behaviour when things do not go her way, which quickly becomes frustrating. The side characters add greatly to the story and I enjoy their character growth through this story.

Overall, this was a good introduction to the Umbral Court of Flames and gives insight into Draven’s character but again, I was eagerly awaiting the continuation of Morgan’s story in Pendrath. The cliffhanger that this ended on, had me glad that I had the next book waiting.

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I got a galley of this to prepare for the release of book three. I was so glad I got the chance to review these!

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I loved how the connection between Morgan and Draven kept growing no matter how much they fought it. Morgan’s fight with her own emotions was written so well and Draven so fierce in protecting her, the bond really grew. I forgot what was happening in Pendrath and I feel as though Morgan was starting too as well as she lost her anger a bit. The court of the siabira was very well written. The pace again was just right I felt pulled along in the story finding out most things just as Morgan did and felt compelled to read on. I loved it again.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review*

How can you possibly love a book more than you loved the first one? I mean, usually it's the other way around. Thankfully we get the answers we wanted from the first book, but alas new ones spring up like a jet of water. I can't wait for book #3.

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I like it when books pick up right from the end of the previous book, it makes things so much easier as a reader.

While I couldn't get into this one as much, it was still a fun read, this is shaping up to be a brilliant series.

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Okay excuse me what? THIS BOOK WAS AN ABSOLUTE RIDE. I cried, I gasped and I was literally shook. Insane. I love a high stakes fantasy. This was so much better than the first book. The world building was absolutely amazing and easy to understand. I love the tension, I loved the trials. But one thing I'll never get behind or understand is the sadistic pleasure authors take in ruining everything at the end of a book.

Disclaimer: I did receive this book as an arc through netgalley, but all opinions are my own.

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Loved book 2 even more than book 1 because it almost felt like a different story altogether. A new location. New characters joining the main 2. More details on the world building and magic system. Training and trials which are wild and traumatic as the court favors darkness and cruelty… And the love story finally kicks in, not without conflict and wild revelations.
My only issue was also connected to all the things I loved: Morgan felt like a different character. I understand the need for growth but even her language didn’t align with who she was suppose to have been at the start of book 1. I got over it quickly as I like the book 2 Morgan better than book 1.
The MMC is more mysterious than ever - although we learn a lot more about him and his past.
Once again the ending leaves you hanging and makes you want/need to pick up book 3 immediately.

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I have to say, the improvement in the writing since the first book is noticeable! There were moments I just couldn't put the book down. While I hoped to see Morgan mature a bit in this installment, that didn't quite happen. Nevertheless, the addition of new side characters like Beks and Hawl added a refreshing dynamic to the story. The ending left me on the edge of my seat with a big change in Morgan and Draven's relationship, and I'm eagerly anticipating what unfolds in the third book. The cliffhanger has definitely piqued my interest, and I'm excited to see where the story goes from here. Overall, "Court of Claws" is a solid four-star read that has me invested in the series. Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Very awesome series! I can't wait to start on book 3. I absolutely enjoyed this. However, i do feel that the first half of the book was much less eventful than the second half, and i would have liked it if it was spread out more. But omg that ending, tho.
Totally recommend.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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*Thank you to NatGalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review*
The story got more interesting in this second installment.
Some questions from the previous book were finally answered while others remain. We get a bigger cast of characters (Howl <3), a found family aspect and a whole new setting. Secrets are revealed and theres a lot of foreshadowing. Something sad happened that I won't spoil (whyyy though :( ). The Romance finally took off for real in here, although it was a bit too fast for my liking. Somehow I liked the MMC siginificantly less in this book and was just hoping the FMC would stand up for herself more.


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This book much like the first one was so good! I loved the slow burn aspects to the book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am loving the series. This one had passion betrayal, lust and so many twists! I absolutely loved Draven!!

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