Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review!

Whiplash - this book gave me whiplash. I was hoping for more character development from book 2 and I feel like we got it in terms of seeing more into Draven's past and why he is the way he is today. However, I didn't care for Morgan's character development - or lack thereof. One minute she loved Draven and the next she hated him/wanted nothing to do with him. I grew increasingly frustrated with her during the book and found it hard to get through at times.

This book found us in a time of trials and Draven's world in the midst of change. It felt very Court of Thorns and Roses-esque with the trials for the throne, but each trial kept me engaged once they started. I was happy that book 3 was already accessible to me (thanks NetGalley!) because the ending of book 2 made me want to jump right into book 3 to continue my journey with these characters.

Overall, I'm sticking with my 3 star ranking for this book - I liked the book while reading it, but probably won't remember much of it once I finish the series.

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The must read second installment of the arthurian Blood of Fae series. "Court of Claws begins right where "Queen of Roses" left off. This time, instead of tentative allies, Draven and Morgan find themselves at odds with each other as Morgan learns to navigate the politics of Draven's complex Siabra court against her wishes. She yearns to return home to Pendrath to save her brother and her people, but she knows that Draven's help could spell the difference between salvation and ruination. She watches on as Draven fights to gain his rightful place on the throne in hopes that this time, she really can trust him and together they can save her people.

This book includes:
- politically ruthless fae courts
- ancient curses, allies, and enemies
- mythical creatures
- a high stakes tournament
- arthurian myth retelling (Merlin, Lancelot, King Arthur, Uther, etc.)
- meddlesome gods
- LGBT supporting characters
- found family elements.

"Court of Claws" was an entertaining read. I find the mixture between contemporary romantasy tropes and ancient Arthurian Lore to be quite interesting and I really appreciated the added stakes of the tournament. I can see many people enjoying this book, I recommend it to fans of the Zodiac Academy series and Fourth Wing enjoying this one.

That said, while book one was a fun introduction to the Blood of Fae series, the plot of "Court of Claws" felt a bit tired a points. The interpersonal relationships between the characters felt a bit formulaic and some elements felt like forced tropes in order to complete a trope checklist. More than anything, I think the series is missing the much needed motivation for its antagonists. Is the step mother power hungry? Is she of Machiavellian pursuits? I couldn't tell you since she is completely one dimensional and lacking in agency. Morgan also became tiresomely whiny in book 2 and I can't understand for the life of me how she acquired a single one of her allies. they seem to just instinctively find her "worthy," but how and why. The romance also felt a bit underdeveloped to me. I really like Draven's character. If it weren't for the more explicit scenes I would say it would be best for YA level readers, alas that is not the case.

I received this eBook as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to review this book. This review has been posted to GoodReads - check out my profile

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After that cliffhanger ending. I had to dive in IMMEDIATELY into the second book, and it's a rare case but...
IT. GETS, BETTER! And darker? Draven 🔥

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This book started off with some shocking news about who Draven really is. We also saw the romance between them really build.

The world building was done quite well. And I enjoyed the competition scenes quite a bit. However, I got a bit tired of the "I love you / I hate you" seesawing on Morgan's part. I felt it to be a bit trite.

Overall, it was a pretty good sequel. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this book

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I just finished Court of Claws book 2 of Blood of a Fae by Briar Boleyn @briarboleynauthor and here are my thoughts.

Morgan wakes up in a land not her own, in a realm full of fae. Draven, as it turns out, is much more than just an assassin for hire. It turns out he is the crown prince of Siabra and a fae. Trouble is he has been gone too long and now must fight, actually fight, for the crown.

Having made a bargain for Morgan’s life, he has to protect her at all costs. As their bond grows, so does the magic between them but Morgan just wants to go home.

I rarely find a book in a series that is better than the first book. Well color me admitting when I am wrong. This book was better and I didn’t think that was even possible. Morgan wakes up after the events of book 1 and if Draven couldn’t get any dreamier, oh wait, he does. The romance is starting to build between the two but Morgan thinks it's all an act and the whole time I was like Morgan, girl.. COME ON!!
I loved the introduction to the new characters and how they fit into the dynamic of the characters already in play. I have questions though. Why didn’t Draven just tell Morgan why he was holding her at court? I don’t get it. He could have just explained it and worked through it with her. It felt like a miscommunication between them. I love that she’s coming into her powers but she grated on me a bit with her attitude in places which totally fit the book, but really made her character development a little annoying haha.
Draven’s past gave us a view on a different man and how misjudged he is. Yep, I have a soft spot. I loved the trials and how well written the whole book was. It’s a whole lot of backstabbing, lies, secrets and forbidden sex and I am here all day for that. The spicy scenes fit in well and didn’t feel like they were there for the sake of writing something smutty. The author did a fabulous job of balancing world building with character development with some super spicy writing. I bow to the art!
5 stars, all the stars, take the night skies… Next book up tomorrow (yes I could not get enough)
Thank you @netgalley for my gifted copy

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This is the 2nd book in a dark fantasy series.
I'm really enjoying the series. Lots of intrigue, increasing spicy scenes, moments of hilarity, all mixed in a great story.
My only concern is that there have been discrepancies in the storyline.
Overall I'm rating the book 4 🌟.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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Read this Fantasy series... I do love a strong female character and FAE!
This one continued from book 1, and really flowed well. I felt book 2 was actually better - more involved.
We see new characters and more depth to the complexities.
A really good read!

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This was a stunning sequel that was somehow even better than the first book. There are so many of my favourite tropes in this book; enemies to lovers, fake dating, forced proximity, one bed, he falls first, morally gray characters, political intrigue and found family to name a few. I was absolutely hooked from the beginning and couldn’t put it down and devoured this in a couple of days.

The second book picks up almost immediately after the events of the first book with Morgan waking up in a new unknown court and her only protection being a man she despises. It is soon revealed that they are in the Court of Umbral Flames and that the Prince of Claws has returned to claim his rightful place and now has to compete in a brutal fae competition to determine the next emperor of the Siabra. Meanwhile, Morgan has to go along with Draven’s charade by pretending she is his paramour as the Siabra despise her heritage. They will both need to work together in order to survive the cut throat court of the Siabra.

Court of Claws continues to build on the foundations of the first book by expanding the world and introducing a new court and characters. I loved the plot and the pacing continues to be well balanced and there were a lot of unexpected twists that I didn’t see coming which were done very well. We finally learn more about Draven as well as continuing the explore the complex relationship between him and Morgan. A highlight for me was seeing the MMC character participating in the challenges rather than Morgan as it’s usually the FMC and was refreshing to see. The Hunger Games-eque trials were action packed and brutal, but really well written, it’s worth noting some of it is very graphic so do check the trigger warnings before reading this book. The addition of the new characters was wonderful and I think we can all agree that everyone needs an Exmoor in their life. IYKYK.

The slow burn between Morgan and Draven has been incredible and the payoff was definitely worth it. This is a true enemies to lovers and I absolutely loved the growing chemistry between them and having to pretend to mean something to each other to fool the court. The push and pull dynamic was great and the eventual spice didn’t take away from the story at all and was really well done. I especially loved that even Morgan calls him a “morally gray arsehole” which he definitely is, but I feel like Draven really came into his own and we learnt more about him and why he is the way he is. I also really enjoyed the take on fae powers with the bond, it’s not something I have seen before and thought it was unique and clever.

If you loved Hunger Games, ACOTAR and Fourth Wing then you’ll definitely enjoy this series. It’s a really enjoyable story that keeps you engaged and isn’t overly predictable which I really enjoy. There are so many twists, especially the ending which was insane and so well done. I practically ran to start the next book to find out what happens next!

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Wow wow wow. The second book in the blood of fae series and it just blows the story out of the water.

This book was everything that I wanted out of this story. More spice, more action, WAY more backstory. Morgan and Draven’s characters see a ton of development throughout this book - including in their relationship 🌶️ I can’t even explain how much I enjoyed exploring this story from Draven’s home side in this book, sharing his connections and underlying desires.

I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read the next one!

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The turn this series took in this book was really disappointing to me. Suddenly Morgan goes from someone who is just growing into herself and learning what she is capable of to a piece of arm candy for the main dude, and she is kept in the dark about so much of what's going on, it was super frustrating. Morgan also reverts to a fairly immature child. It got pretty boring.

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This is an amazing book. I love the world building that the author has done. The way that they have taken a spin on an old classic is amazing. The characters are so wonderfully bold and vibrant. I want to be friends with some of them. Oh my heart though. It went through a workout on this book. The plot is a never ending rollercoaster of action and intrigue. I can’t wait to see what the author has planned next.

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This second entry in the "Blood of Fae" series is a great continuation of the story begun in "Queen of Roses." Morgan Pendragon was sent to recover the great sword Excalibur, but nearly died in the process. Now she finds herself trapped in a strange court with only Kairos Draven as an ally. But experience has taught her that Draven isn't to be trusted, and her worst fears seem to be confirmed as she gets drawn into dangerous court intrigue. Never mind that all this is even more complicated by the slow burn romance that these two haven't been able to resist. While a bit slow at times, this book has lots of twists and turns, this book is a great next chapter in a compelling story.

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But I will! I promise!

I will update my GoodReads review once I have read all three in this series.

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Court of Claws ♦ Briar Boleyn | Review

The captivating voyage into the mysterious realm of fae with a hint of the Arthurian legend is continued in Court of Claws, the second installment in Briar Boleyn’s Blood of a Fae series. The story weaves a tapestry of intrigue, sensuality, and unexpected turns. There are parts of character development that need to more exploration, while the story deftly digs deeper into the fae’s lore, providing a rich and engaging experience.

Court of Claws ♦ Briar Boleyn

The way the female protagonist Morgan Pendragon is portrayed in Court of Claws is one of its most notable features. She may be charming, but it’s difficult to ignore her enduring innocence and sluggish progress toward developing common sense. It is impossible not to wish for Morgan to grow up from her initial innocence throughout the story. Although her character does experience some improvement, it happens at a slow pace that occasionally makes the reader impatient. However, this flaw is not without its silver lining, as it sets the stage for a promising arc in future installments.

In contrast, Kairos Draven, the male lead, matures admirably in Court of Claws. Boleyn expertly sculpts his character, revealing layers of intricacy and depth that lend richness to the story. Draven’s emotional and mental growth is a feature of the novel, demonstrating the author’s skill at creating various characters. The sole complaint is the two characters‘ lack of communication. More open interaction between Morgan and Draven could have helped the storyline by reducing some of the unneeded drama that emerges throughout the novel.

The surprising cliffhanger that finishes Court of Claws is one of the novel’s most riveting parts. Boleyn keeps readers on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next chapter in her extraordinary story. The epilogue, in particular, defies expectations, providing a dimension of suspense that wants readers to grab the next volume immediately.

Finally, Court of Claws drives the Blood of a Fae series ahead by constructing a compelling narrative that delves into the complexities of the fae realm. While Morgan’s delayed progress tries the reader’s patience, Draven’s growth and the unexpected narrative twists make this installment worth reading. Fans of the series will definitely look forward to the next installment in order to solve the secrets hinted at in the cliffhanger finish.

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Wow… what a rollercoaster of action, emotions, and plot twists. This second installment in the Blood of Fae series really amped up quickly. I enjoyed the majority of this dramatic plot that had a heck of an ending. Cliffhanger extraordinaire but in the best of ways.

My only moments of aggravation are the late in the game breakups and “I hate you but really love you” vibe from Morgan (and, of course, heart breaking losses). I’m just not a fan. I want to jump through the pages to yell at Morgan, “We get it! You want to hate him. Trickery of sorts was involved. You know you don’t really hate him so get over it already & accept it.”

Do I understand why it happened, sure. Do I like it? Nope.

I really can’t wait to start the last book because I’m hoping Arthur finally gets his due.

I would give this is good 3.5 stars. Yes, I still recommend this series to any of my fae loving fantasy readers. It’s been good & I have high hopes for book 3.

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This book was SO much better than the first and I absolutely loved seeing more of Draven and his soft side. I did think the final trial was too easy although the drama afterwards made up for it. I'm so sick of Morgan's attitude though. I understand this is new for her but I feel like she is giving so much stick to Draven and for what, he saved her life!!!!! Annoying but excited for the next

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Thank you for the ARC!

Book 2 picks up exactly where book 1 leaves off.

Morgan has found herself on a new continent/kingdom, Draven isn’t who she thought he was and finding out about herself as well.

New friends and new challenges she has to face to try to get back to Camelot, to Kaye.

Very fast paced, forced proximity, one bed and he fell first.

Couldn’t put the book down, but I feel the trials seemed rushed a bit but I understand there is more to the story and need to get to it.

Ready to pick up the next book and see what’s next.

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Book rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5


Thank you NetGalley and the author for giving me the chance to read this amazing book.

“He was the most dangerous temptation I couldn’t resist”

Ok where do I even begin?! This book had me by a CHOKEHOLD !!! It picked up where the first book left off and I could not put it down.

We discover a lot more about Kairos in this story about where he’s from, his family and his past. We meet so many new characters good (and bad) and some we love to hate. We get a real taste of the enemies to lovers trope in this and we finally get that little bit of spice we have been craving since the first book.

It has magic, mythical creatures, forced proximity, lotssss of tension, found family, lots of twists 👀 (I was shook) and so much more.

I admit the first book is a bit slow to get into but IT IS SOOOO WORTH IT!!!!! If you’re sleeping on this series I’m telling you now, pick it up and start reading. It is becoming a new favourite of mine and I CANNOT WAIT to dive straight into the third book 😄

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Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae – Book 2) - Briar Boleyn

I was given a copy of this story through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Briar Boleyn is a Canadian author, however that is her pen name. Her real name being Fenna Edgewood – a bestselling romance author, with books such as her Gardner Girls series.

Morgan Pendragon survived the cave, but she is not anywhere she recognises and with the last person she ever expected to be – Draven.

She was unconscious and recovering from the injuries she suffered from her ordeals in the cave trying to retrieve Excalibur.

When she finally comes to she finds herself in the land of Siabra or as it is sometimes known the Court of the Umbral Throne. Turns out Draven is not simply Captain Draven but Prince Kairos Draven.

He has been absent from the Siabra for 20 years and suddenly returns with Morgan in tow as well as a holy and magical relic that has not been seen for many years – that is not Excalibur, which Morgan can only hope is not in Arthur’s possession.

As Morgan slowly recovers from her ordeal, she learns more about Draven and the people of Siabra and herself – and what she learns is not exactly what she wants to hear.

Morgan and who she thought she was, everything she was told about herself – is not quite the truth. This revelation is hard for Morgan to bear especially combined with Draven’s deception about who he truly is, takes a toll on her.

And it only gets worse from there, in order to keep herself safe in Siabra Draven claims had to name Morgan as his royal Paramour – the last thing Morgan wanted to be defined as. She needs to get out of Siabra and back to Pendrath, eager to make sure her younger brother Kaye and the people of Pendrath aren’t suffering at her brother’s hands.

As Morgan navigates the position that she has now found herself in and all the secrets she is slowly trying to unravel – she does what she can to get back to Pendrath hoping she can save them all and not lose herself before it is too late.

“Court of Claws” continues on the author’s unique interpretation of the tale of King Arthur as a dark fantasy with some spicy fae threads. I really enjoy reading this author’s interpretation of the legendary tale of King Arthur – there is lots of action and plenty of twists and secrets lurking over the next page – plenty to keep you engaged and entertained. The only thing that slightly annoyed me was Morgan’s reaction to Draven and how easily she was upset by him and the constant flip flopping. Yes, she was lied to and manipulated but if she gave him two minutes to explain you can understand where he came from – her life was in danger, and he did the best he could in the moment. I'm honestly surprised she wasn't more upset with Arthur and her own family given the way she reacted to Draven.

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This is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series and it only hooked onto my heart even more! Man, I went through it all reading this book. I was left wanting a little more action and spice after the first book and Briar delivered!

If you are a fan of Hunger Games and Acotar, you must read this series!

*perfect enemies to lovers trope
*magic, mythical creatures
*romance, sexual tension, angst
*touch her and die
*witty banter
*forced proximity
*bonded mates
*found family
*adventure, action
*blood rite trial

I was so happy with the relationship between Morgan and Draven and couldn't get enough. Definitely one of my favorite reads of the year!

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