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My rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Read if you like:
▫️forced proximity
▫️I hate you
▫️one bed
▫️deadly trials/competition
▫️fae and magic

Thanks to NetGalley, Starwater Press, and Briar Boleyn for the ARC!

I loved Queen of Roses, and this was even better! This book doesn’t stop. It is fast-paced, bloody, and action-packed from the first page, and I couldn’t put it down.

This book has everything you could want in a romantasy: magic, mythical creatures, romance, tension, court politics, found family, secrets, betrayal, and twists and turns.

The one thing I wanted more of in book one was romance. The slow burn just teased us, but it more than made up for it in book two! The chemistry between Draven and Morgan was already so good, but add in a fake relationship mixed with a little enemies to lovers, and it was off the charts.

I Love Draven. He is patient, steadfast, brave, and protective. But, he’s also a little morally grey and gives “touch her and 💀” vibes. I loved seeing his court and finding out where he came from and getting his tragic backstory.

I’m a sucker for a deadly competition. (ACOTAR, Hunger Games, & Serpent and the Wings of Night to name a few). And this one was fantastic!

In summary: This book was stellar; I loved everything about it. Go read it!

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This was my second ARC read, so thank you to Briar Boleyn. I really enjoyed the sequel to Queen of Roses!

While the cliffhanger, and the title of this book might give away what's in store. Let me tell you, it's nothing you can prepare yourself for! While I struggled with the first, the second is significantly better than the first book. Briar did a really great job with the world building in the sequel en payed a lot of attention to get an in-depth character development. But there were some of more points where I thought that Morgan was acting like a spoiled little brat.

Ohh, and the end, is another OOHHH SHITT. So please be prepared and brace yourselves.

* Another great world building
* Enemies to lovers to enemies
* Morally grey men
* and much more...

So glad that I figured out this was a series and the other two were also available on here. So thank you for accepting my requests.

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A huge thank you to Netgalley and the author for giving me this opportunity to review the second read of Blood of a Fae series!

I jumped into the sequel immediately after finishing the first read. The sequel gave readers more in-depth information of the plot, and DRAVEN 🔥

The journey for Morgen is healing and I love the backstory of Draven. Their slow burn and tension are perfectly written. Low-key rooting for this couple,

Tropes Included:
Slow Burn
One Bed
Deadly Trail
Found Family
Political Intrigue

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Thank you to Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Oh my goodness. This does NOT suffer from classic “second book syndrome.” I flew through this (somehow with real life interjecting at every moment) and immediately jumped into the next.

This book set a relentless pace and never really slowed. There was so much happening that I remained at the edge of my metaphorical seat the entire time.

I really love that Morgan is starting to come into herself more. Not so meek and submissive to everyone around her. I think that part of her finding herself does have her being a bit immature at times, but overall her development is going amazingly.

I really want to punchhhhhh these men in these fantasy books with all of their INSANE secrets they keep for NO REASON! While this isn’t making me mark down a star or anything, it really kept me tense.

I can’t lie though, the exmoors have my heart and every moment with them reigned supreme. Can’t wait to read what’s next!

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4.5 stars!

The slow burn continues!
Character growth, particularly for the FMC
Courtly intrigue
We finally get to learn more about the MMC!
So easy to get drawn in- I stayed up to finish this before the start of the new year because I couldn’t put it down

Morgan can still be frustratingly oblivious at times-mostly early in the book
Various grammatical and other errors throughout the book. (ex: a character is "thrown to their feet, tossed down like a feather" instead of being thrown to their back what I assume it was meant to say)

Overall, this was a great read! I am very eager to start the next book!

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This book had me laughing at the banter, mad at characters, and my emotions all over the place! I’m love with this series, and am immediately starting the 3rd book!
If you love fantasy, character banter, and adventure then these books are for you!

Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the ARC copy!

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I really enjoyed this book! I could not put it down. 4.5 stars.

This book picks up right where the first book left off. It has twisted trials, forced proximity, found family, a fake dating/lovers situation, secrets, twists, reveals, action, and romance. This book also had well-written spice scenes and a good balance of spice, romance, and plot. The author does a great job of including details like subtle facial expressions and thoughts of things that were almost said. These details allow the reader to have more of a glimpse into the characters’ complexities and feel more invested in their relationship as they develop feelings for each other. The tone of the book is deliciously dark and it definitely gets you in your feelings at certain points.

While the first book gave off FBAA vibes, this book kind of gave off SJM vibes (similar to ACOTAR and TOG with the twisted trials, but more so because Draven and Morgan were giving off Rowaelin vibes at times). That said, if you like either of those series, you will also likely enjoy this series!

In my review for the first book, I mentioned that I really liked the MMC and FMC. After this book, I have to say that I am still obsessed with Draven (still hanging onto every word he says), but Morgan annoyed me quite a bit in this one at times. She had such an attitude and was often difficult and rude unnecessarily. I did not like how she handled certain things (especially toward Draven) and found her responses to be immature/overreactive at times. Her feelings about Draven felt a bit fickle/capricious (kind of “hot and cold” or “push and pull”) which got a little annoying. My annoyance with her character is the primary reason for not giving this book a full 5 stars.

That said, again, I really enjoyed this read and I am definitely interested in seeing where things go in the next book, especially after the way this book ended. I am also interested to find out more about Morgan as we unveil more secrets about her!

Thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Victory Editing for providing me with a copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you again to NetGalley for the arc of this book. I'm enjoying this series a lot so far. It has all the elements I loved about romantasy while still feeling refreshing and new. The characters are written well enough that I care about what happens to them, even the side characters. And the ending left me wanting more.

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I have to say I enjoyed this book better than the first in the trilogy. It was more exciting and the action was more interesting. It has some similarities to another popular fae series however it’s different enough that I enjoyed it regardless. This book is definitely spicier than the first. I still find the main character a little annoying and some of her reactions to events are nonsensical in my opinion, but I still sped through the book and am excited to see what happens in book 3.

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If I devoured Queen of Roses, I absolutely annihilated Court of Claws.

In the second book of the Blood of a Fae series, we find Morgan held in Draven's court. Against her will. For her protection. As it turns out, Kairos Draven is Prince of the Siabra, would be Emperor, who must fight to the death to win his rule.

Court of Claws offers more action, more suspense, and more spice than its predecessor. The world building is rich, with just the right amount of description to set the scene without becoming too much (as was sometimes the case in book 1). The story is intriguing and a real page turner. The secondary characters are all well fleshed out. Love or hate them. We are let into Draven's world, his friends, his family, his love for Morgan is shown more openly. On the other hand, Morgan, none to happy to be seen a his paramour, for her protection or not, is a little more stubborn. Which, at times, can become tiresome and frustrating. She doesn't trust easily. We also get an insight into Morgan's past, who she might really be in all of this.

As with Queen of Roses, we are left on a cliffhanger ending. I eagerly await picking up where we left off in Book 3.

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Absolutely amazing. I loved book 1, and book 2 blew me away. The slow burn in this book was exquisite and the world building was just as amazing as book 1. I cannot get enough of the characters, the author has a way of making you fall in love with them all. I love this twist on the classic tale.

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a great sequel that leaves you wanting more! this is a great series for fans of Blood and Ash and ACOTAR

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I love a slow burn, and this series gives you THE SLOWEST of burns! And once that fire stars, it does not stop. I love a series that gradually gets better throughout the books, and this is one that I find myself daydreaming about when I’m not able to be reading. I can’t wait to keep reading this series, I’m hooked.

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Previously in the sexy adventures of Morgan Pendragon some say Le Fae, Morgan has been sent on a quest for the evil King Arthur with sexy dude Draven who she thinks is a wrong'un but we know isn't because he is sexy and she is obviously going to be the last to realise. At the end of book one there was disaster, and we don't know if Draven is dead, if Morgan will survive (its her series so...) and what Arthur warmongering has reaped. Well we never find out the latter because Morgan wakes up in Faeland, is apparently married to Draven in her sleep, and he turns out to be the King Presumptious except it has to be confirmed by everyone's favourite YA plot device - A COMPETITION. So cue sneaking around, her being furious about the betrothal despite it clearly being done to keep her safe, and a selection of one-dimensional cannon fodder competitors for the competition. It all gets very messy, though not without steamy sexytiems, and Morgan gains superpowers and trains up of a giant flying cat creature. In many ways getting away from Arthur was the best things she could do. Unless - well book three is coming and time to wrap up all that Pendragon business.

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I wanted more Draven. Truly, that's the only reason I can't rate this higher.

Every qualm I had with the book would benefit from more Draven; his POV, specifically, but him in general. I felt at times like his motivations had changed and it was never acknowledged, but I want more Morgan and Draven, Hawl, and the Court of Claws gang. As with most second novels, this has a lot of momentum building; information gathering, world building, and crumbs being given and scattered to prepare for the next installments. I already know I am not prepared, but man, am I excited.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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While I am a sucker for a beautiful cover, Court of Claws was not for me, I was on the fence about Morgan in Queen of Roses but took an active dislike to her in the first few pages of Court of Claws, perhaps because of the Not Like Other Girls vibes present in the first book exacerbated by just how immature Morgan is. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes every few pages so it was a DNF for me.

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Court of Claws is an amazing follow up to Queen of Roses, following on with Draven and Morgan after their intense journey in the last book we now get to see them in a brand new environment for a deadly competition. I love how Draven and Morgan’s relationship has been developing and enjoyed the new characters and found family feels. I can tell that the book is really gearing up for the next book Empress of Fae and can’t wait to read that soon too!
Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing me this eARC in return for an honest review.

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For me this book was a 5 star from the beginning to the end, i was hooked by this second book , it was so good , filled with so many passion .lust ,grief ,love , i couldn't put it down , The development of characters only ssem to grow on you the more you read this book . The world building like in the first book was very good .

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I am quite literally astounded by the turn of events in this book. it was SO FREAKING GOOD. with the cliffhanger on book one, I know we’d be diving into this story headfirst and holy moly was it a sharp falllll!!! Filled with so many emotions — passion, lust, grief, betrayal — this story had me racing to the end. I couldn’t put it down! Between the epic and dangerous set of trials for the crown, budding romance between Morgan and Draven, and the building tensions of a battle to come, I’m not sure how this story will continue, but I KNOW I’ll be eating up every word!!! As with the first book, the seamless blending of established Arthurian legends and characters into this story was worthy of applause! every time I caught a reference I was thrilled. but in no way is this your typical Arthurian quest or trial, told through a darker and mystical lens that keeps me on my toes in the best way possible!

after saving Morgan’s life by tying her to him in a mysterious and as of yet undisclosed way, our hottie Captain Draven brings her back to his home to regroup. we’re immediately thrown some curveballs that have us, like Morgan, questioning our feelings toward Daddy Draven (who I’m desperately in love with btw). We discover he’s been keeping many secrets — a hidden identity, a banishment, a forgotten crown — just to make a few. but we’re not quite sure if it’s truly for Morgan’s benefit or if he has ulterior motives, like so many people around her. She’s forced to rethink her position with him while navigating the dangerous new court full of potential enemies. All the while, still worrying about her home and loved ones left behind to suffer at the hands of her cruel younger brother, Arthur who’s now hell bent on conquering the continent.

but don’t let these missteps fool you. Draven cares for Morgan. she may the only thing he really cares for in this kingdom. Our boy has trauma. he’s been hurt, but if anyone can make him soft again, it’s Morgan. His sass, his cheeky grin, his tender words! good god, I was falling for him almost immediately. our delicious and dangerous horned Prince. I seriously don’t know how Morgan resists lol. but he gives her plenty to complain about throughout their journey in this book. granted, he’s fighting for his life and crown, he puts our girl through unnecessary stress and I am BEGGING for some groveling. Get on your knees & supplicate your ehem, sovereign (iykyk) ! seriously though their relationship was wonderful to watch progress. Trust still needs to be built, but I’m positive these two are so well matched and fated to be despite the odds. Draven’s confidence in Morgan’s power and ability to lead is so heartwarming & I can’t wait for her to see it too! bring on badass Morgan!

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This is an incredible series based off the legend of Camelot, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The second installation into the series was perhaps my least favourite but was still a well written and gripping book. I loved that the drama started right from the beginning, keeping the suspense all the way to the end.

The characters only seem to grow on you the more you read of this world. I loved watching Morgan and Dravens's relationship grow. Draven did some rather questionable things that I'm not sure I personally would have forgiven, but this didn't stop me enjoying the plot nonetheless. There is a lot of steamy romance in this book, which I do love, but it doesn't overwhelm the actual plot which I find is the case in a lot of fantasy romance books. Morgan is one of my favourite characters from a fantasy romance novel in a while and I think she's been incredibly well created by the author. The way the author explores Morgans grief over Lancelet, her torment at being captive yet again and her personal growth during the blood rite is just incredible.

The world building, like with the first book, stunned me. The way the author builds this world of the Court of Umbral Flames around the readers is fantastic. I really felt like I was a part of the world and was walking the corridors alongside Morgan. The way she also integrated the whole new political system of the Siabra and introduced a whole host of new, interesting chatacter was cleverly crafted and clearly the author took a lot of care and attention into weaving this crazy world of fae politics.

I rated this 4 out of 5 stars overall. I've loved this authors writing style since the first book of this series and really look forward to reading more from her. I would highly reccomend this book to fans of steamy fantasy romance that also has a brilliant, gripping plotline.

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