Member Reviews

Thank you again, Briar Boleyn, for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this series. Empress of Fae was a great continuation of the Court of Claws.


For those just joining, the Blood of a Fae series starts with the book Queen of Roses. The series is a different take on the traditional King Arthur and Camelot. It's told from his sister Morgan's (or Morgana) POV.

Empress of Fae picks up after Morgan jumps through the portal and sees Lancelet alive.

Yeah, let’s start there. Lancelet is alive. Definitely didn’t see that coming. Thanks. I thought it was an ehh move, but as I read on and learned how she was saved, it got a bit better for me. I’m not the biggest fan of characters “coming back to life,” especially ones that were literally being eaten alive.

I did enjoy the new character POVs. It gave me a look into their minds, which is always lovely. I will say I had to go back and remind myself sometimes which character was speaking.

I definitely had a feeling Arthur’s new wife was going to be Morgan’s sister. And I was right. I was happy that she wasn’t an evil person and that she honestly did care for her sister.

I am curious to read on and learn about their father—the high fae king. I think he is trying to become a god like the Three and their siblings.

But who knows? I guess I will just have to wait for the fourth book.

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Morgan Pendragon/Morgan Le Fay returns to Camelot to stop her brother Arthur and to rescue her brother Kaye. Meanwhile, her husband Kairos Draven travels to her country to join her as they cannot be apart. How will Morgan’s powers continue to grow? Will she be able to stop Arthur’s rule of terror and unjust war? Will Draven reach her in time to help? What has happened to Morgan’s friends and compatriots while she has been away? This is the exciting third instalment in the Blood of Fae series.

Briar Boleyn has again taken us on a roller coaster of emotion, action and adventure and further explored the competing forces of good and evil. It was heart-warming to see the connection between Morgan and Draven grow and strengthen throughout the book. I also enjoyed the ongoing stories and development of the other characters.

It has been a while since I read book two in the series and it would have been helpful to have a bit more of a recap at the beginning of this book. Overall, however, it was a great continuation of the series.

Hank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for my review.

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Thank you NetGalley & Briar Boleyn for the ARC copy in exchange for my review.

I’m trying to pick my jaw up off the floor… Holy freaking moly. Can I bottle Draven up and put him in a cup?!

Empress of Fae is the third book in the Blood of Fae series. In this book, we learn more about the bond that Morgan and Draven share, fall madly in love with their love, and go on an epic adventure alongside of them. While the ending isn’t a cliffhanger, it’s a damn doozy.

You might like this book if:
+ You’ve read books 1 & 2 of the series
+ You’re into King Arthur
+ You like mates, mate bonds, and “touch her and unalive” tropes
+ You’ve read ACOTAR or FBAA… you’ll love this one!

Please read trigger warnings prior to reading this book; it does deal with some darker themes.

Genre: Romantasy
Tropes: Mine, Mates, Mate Bond, Bonded Animals, Burn the World Down
⭐️: 5/5, new favorite series

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4.5 rounded up to a 5. This whole book had me on the edge of my seat not knowing what to expect. I can't wait for the next one to be available. I'm obsessed.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed the rest of the series (enough to keep reading), but this book fell flat for me. I had to force my way through a lot of it, but because I was familiar with the characters and wanted to know what happened, I kept pushing. I think I will give the final book a go, but I am hesitant because of the lack of action in this one.
I think it's important to point out that the author is clearly talented, which is why I still want to keep reading this series. I just didn't like this particular book (it happens).

Thank you to NetGalley & publishers for access to a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the previous two and it took me a long time to complete. It felt like a lot of talk and next to no action until the last quarter of the book. Morgan’s desire to leave out of anger urgency to help her country by herself and then regretting leaving Draven; and then reconciling didn’t seem believable to me. I felt the plot had good bones but again could have used more development overall. I loved the added political drama and secret spy plot line of Morgan’s return. The political intrigue and interconnectedness within Camelot is a fascinating. The continued incorporation of more of the legend of King Arthur aspects also made the story unique. There were afew decisions I didn’t really care for but I liked that though it will be ongoing into a. fourth book, I liked that this ending was a little more conclusive

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Okay, I just have start off saying LOOK AT THIS COVER!! Like, seriously. Idk how Briar and their team does it but all of these covers are absolutely gorgeous.

I HATED Morgan and Draven being separated (even if Morgan didn't seem to care as much as me lol) but seeing how much he was willing to go through to get her back was just *insert crying emoji here*. I really enjoyed getting to see Camelot through Morgan's eyes and how her family/friends have faired without her. I encourage everyone who picks up this book to stick with it! We get a lot of information/world building/politics throughout the book so it sometimes feels like a slog but it's all worth it.

"I'll go after her even if she doesn't want me".... just feels like it should be a red flag but here I am swooning.

Thank you Briar, NetGalley, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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✨️Empress of Fae✨️ by @briarboleynauthor provided by @netgalley

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I have to say @briarboleynauthor has ensnared me again. It took me slightly longer to finish this book due to work commitments but I have thoroughly enjoyed it yet again. This book is a lot of world building and foundation laying for the next book. This is not a bad thing. There is nothing worse than a story being rushed and skipping over creating the vivid images of the world and the characters, just to get you to the main plot.

Briar has beautifully created a vivid world, covering complex themes and laid a secure foundation for the next installment in this series. I loved the character development of Morgan in this story with regards to her relationship with Draven. She has redeemed herself from the frustration inducing character she became in book three. Her development in this story was brilliant and had me re engaging with her as a character.

The development of Orcades character in this story was a minor twist I didn't see coming initially as well. Can't say too much without giving spoilers. The same can be said for Arthur.

Things really amp up towards the end of this book and had me re gripping my seat trying to plow through to find out what happened next. Some events I hadn't even predicted may happen and the ending. Oof. I need the next book. Praying its on netgalley soon.

Highly recommend this series to all lovers of arthurian legend and fantasy romance. It's been a wonderful read.

#Empressoffae #briarboleynauthor #netgalley #King Arthur #romantasy #knightsoftheroundtable #mates

I had to add Mt goodreads review manually as it didn't recognise the isbn to link it from here

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Thoughts and Feelings
5 stars

About... Empress of Fae is the third book in Blood of a Fae. Morgan has returned to Camelot to challenge one of her brothers and protect the other. Draven is seeking his love - crossing continents to prove himself and return to Morgan. Meanwhile, Morgan is finding more family drama surrounding her. A battle of good versus evil, with a touch of family politics and a heavy dose of spice.

What I loved... the plot in this story delved further into the politics of Camelot and the greater concerns of the continent. The romance between Morgan and Draven is a key focus of the story, their dream chats provide some good banter and further develop the characters.

Camelot‘s politics bring up great discussion around LGBT + topics and the cruelty faced in the world of Camelot versus other characters. I hope Book 4 continues to have a diverse cast of characters. Can we have more Hawl please? I love Hawl - they make me laugh so much!

What I didn't love... I would of liked a bit more than an introduction to the next “big bad“ however I imagine that will be all within Book 4. I really didn‘t have any negative comments about Empress of Fae. I stayed up to 4am reading, again.

Would 100% reread.

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Read if you like
🦋magical powers
🦋badass characters
🦋mystical creatures
🦋bonded mates
🦋Dual pov

I love this series so much from the characters to the storyline and the dialogues it’s all incredible. This is one of the best fantasy series I’ve read this year. This third book is full of action, suspense adventure, twists and some really wholesome and adorable scenes. I was flipping through the pages so swiftly to know what happened next. After being left on a cliffhanger for two books It gave me so much freaking contentment to finally see some happy ending. I just cannot wait for the next one. If you love fantasy and romantasy I promise you’ll love this one!!
Briar boleyn is one of my favourite authors

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Book Review 📚
Empress of Fae by Briar Boleyn - 4/5 ⭐

I was so excited to start this after reading book 1 & 2, back-to-back! There was nothing about the first too that I didn't love. Safe to say, I was also pleased with the third!

Empress of Fae is impeccable. Like utterly, jaw droppingly good! It starts in the exact place book 2 ends off, which, yaaaay! It's so overwhelming in a sense that this is book 3 and basically feels like the story has just begun?! It's incredible that Boleyn has kept it going for so long without being bored senseless.

Characters - awesome. Amazing. Fantastic. Love and hate? Like there's so much character development throughout the book, which again, is unbelievable considering it's book 3! You assume all characters are done but no, nowhere near. They're still developing and they're still progressing. Fantastic.

I am truly in love with this series and I'm enjoying every single page of each and every book. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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Okay so this was still great but not as much as the second book. I like that the Morgan could still communicate with Draven even though they were separated but I feel like it all could’ve been a bit faster paced. It slowed down a lot after the second book and a lot of things are still loose ends waiting for book 4. I think I could nitpick a bit but overall I still really enjoyed reading this and I’m still excited to see what happens to the characters next, I think after all that has been set up, book 4 will be a very good read!!

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OMG!!!!!! the story is getting better and better in the third book. My Rating

Overall: ★★★★★ | 5 Stars
Plot: ★★★★★ | 5 Stars
Characters: ★★★★| 4 Stars
Ending: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Fun: ★★ | 2 Stars
Spice Level: 🌶🌶🌶🌶| 4/5

Read the full review here on my blog.

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This book started directly where the previous one ended and as expected it took place in Camelot. The story started a bit slow, the multiple POV's in the beginning were confusing. Luckily the story picked up a bit later.
The secrecy, the plotting and the mystery were great. This is the 3rd book in the series and yet it feels like the story is just beginning. I cannot wait for the ulterior motives to be revealed in the next book.

Only downside, I was a bit underwhelmed with the story lines of some side characters (namely Javer and Orcades). I just expected something more. That being said, I still cannot wait for the next book!

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for the copy I received. This is my honest review

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What a good 3rd book! I really enjoyed this! The story building was amazing! It is going to be a struggle to wait for the next book!

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Loved this third instalment of Briar Boleyn’s Arthurian retelling. More details come to light about Morgan’s origins and history, and while she and Draven are separated for most of the book, the author wisely keeps them connected through dreams (much to the satisfaction of the reader!). Can’t wait for the final(?) instalment to come out in the spring!

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Blood of the Fae, book 3.

Queen of Roses (book 1) and Court of Claws (book 2), really had me hooked from the get-go. This one, on the other hand, was much slower and more difficult for me to get through. So honestly, I don’t know if I will be reading the fourth book. At least, these are my current thoughts.

It was just really hard for me to read the way Fenyx was behaving with Morgan.

I loved every interaction between Morgan and Draven, of course.

Unfortunately, this one ultimately really dragged for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for Empress of Fae in exchange for an honest review.

She did it again. Empress of Fae is the third installment in the Queen of Roses series. Heavy with the King Arthur vibes in this one. As much as I loved the first two books, this one holds a special place in my heart. Separated from Draven, Morgan is able to find her strength on her own and comes to realization how they are stronger together. Draven (as protective as he is ) ready to to support her in any way she needs.
Seeing Camelot when Morgan returns and the rebel forces Briar really immerses you in the heart break but that spark of hope is STRONG through the whole book. I cried, I yelled, I cried some more.

Can NOT wait until book 4.

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First, I would like to thank Briar Boleyn, Net Galley, and Victor Editing for the ARC!

The only reason it took me so long to finish this book is because everyone in my house kept getting sick- including me! The story continued on with lots of scheming, plotting, spying, love, and a bit of betrayal. I have loved this series and I cannot wait to see where the next book takes us.

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Oh what a ride. I thought book one, then book two was brilliant, but this the third one tops them both. If you haven’t read this series, you are missing out! Thanks NetGalley and publishers for the arc.

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