Member Reviews

Morgan jumps out of the Fae skillet and into the human fire!
At first I was very reluctant to start this book because after the ending of book 2 and her jump through the portal back leaving Draven to think his wife abandons him after all he has been through in the past...I wasn't a happy camper. THEY HAD JUST STARTED TO BOND...ugh!!!! I wanted more time with them together. Although, I will admit that the beginning of the story makes up for it with the death of someone I wasn't all that fond of so... Even still, the first half of this book didn't exactly give me the will to keep going. The dreams helped.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, & Victory Editing for the eARC!!! I was thoroughly entertained!

As Morgan is now back in the human world and realizing the crap show Arthur has made of the kingdom, she is thrust into a whole new set of troubles and problems. Yet, over her time with the fae, she has learned and grown and you can see that growth reflected in her. Yet, while she and Draven are apart their bond remains and they are able to connect and grow in their relationship (which made my depression of their distance slightly appeased). A lot about what Morgan is capable of is revealed in this book and I think it is a remarkable set-up for the next book where I can only imagine a lot of sh*t is going to go down (i.e. the new BIG BAD).
I continue to love this world that Boleyn has built and look forward to reading the next! :-)


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Another 5 star read in this series. It just keeps getting better and better.

So much mystery, spice, magic and character development that I could actually implode.

Just love Morgan and Draven 🖤

We’re thrown straight back from where we left off in the last book with Morgan back in the Rose kingdom with her reunited with friends and family and watch as Draven comes to terms with her leaving and what he’s going to do next.

Morgan has to play a dangerous game with new players on the board in the form of the horrendous new sidekick of Arthur whilst there is an ongoing war and lots of brutality.

The ending of the book opens up a whole new world of adventure that is teased throughout. I can’t wait to see what comes next in this story.

*Thankyou to NetGalley for my copy of this book. My opinions are my own*

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🚨 This book has content & trigger warnings. 🚨

- "There are no limits to my love for you, Morgan. When Myntra and Eskira and every place in Aercanum have crumbled into oblivion and the universe itself dissolves into nothing, my heart will still beat for you."

- "You're all I think about. You're all I see. I'm so tied to you, I barely know who I am anymore."
There is a map of Eskira, a pronunciation guide again, & a character list by courts, creatures, & deities. 🙌🏻 The POVs change sometimes, by chapter. They're labeled at the beginning of each chapter.

Political, war, fae, two different countries(at the beginning), magic, more of the past come to light, some spice, scheming, & a traitor in their group. A few decently shocking twists.

I can't wait for the 4th one to be released! Hopefully, I can request an ARC. 🤞🏻

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Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for this ARC.
I enjoyed this book, but not as much as the first and the second. I am truly excited for the next book and I cannot wait to see where it goes. I did enjoy the ending, however leading up to it felt slow for me and I had to push through to get to the end. Briar Boleyn is very talented and I am so grateful I was given the opportunity to read this series. I am so so happy that the FMC was able to mature this book, because the last one she felt childish. That was a huge plus for me. I love the world and the characters. Can't wait for book four.

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Morgan returns to Camelot, where her friends and younger brother are in danger from Arthur's schemes. However, Kairos Draven, deeply connected to Morgan, refuses to let her go. Morgan's powers intensify and these abilities make her a formidable force, attracting those who seek to oppose her. Morgan grapples with her newfound identity and is willing to save her kingdom.

I LOVED this. This was, imo, the best book in the series. AND THERE WILL BE A FOURTH BOOK???? I didn't know. I loved the suspense and how it all turned out at the end. I really cannot wait for book 4.
Morgan's journey of self-discovery and embracing her powers had me crying. And let's talk about Draven - a simp, a loyal husband and a hottie. A man to my liking.

The story's twists kept me engaged (and enraged), delivering a magical narrative that resonates with themes of empowerment and love. <3

Thank you Netgalley for the free eARC.

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Morgan Pendragon, now known as Morgan Le Fay, as she grapples with her destiny amidst the mists of a past steeped in legend. Renouncing a potential future as a ruler and spouse, she returns to Camelot and the Rose Court, where danger threatens her friends and brother at the hands of a malevolent Arthur. Meanwhile, Kairos Draven, unwilling to let go, clings to their unbreakable bond that transcends time and love. Morgan, discovering her burgeoning abilities and wielding divine powers, lays claim to unparalleled authority across realms. Yet, her ascendancy becomes a target, inviting adversaries determined to halt her ascent.

Briar Boleyn's "Empress of Fae" amplifies the immersive and enthralling narrative established in the previous books of the "Blood of a Fae" series. The author masterfully expands upon Morgan Le Fay's journey, weaving a tapestry of magic, destiny, and unyielding determination. The world-building remains one of the series' standout elements, painting a vivid landscape teeming with mythical richness. Boleyn's ability to intertwine romance, fantasy, and perilous stakes elevates the tension, drawing readers deeper into a realm pulsating with ancient powers and treacherous schemes.

Morgan's evolution into her true self, complete with extraordinary abilities and an unrelenting spirit, is a testament to Boleyn's skill in crafting complex and compelling characters. The dynamic between Morgan and Kairos, their unbreakable bond facing trials amidst a tumultuous landscape, adds emotional depth to the narrative. The stakes soar as Morgan's claim to power invites opposition from formidable foes, injecting the storyline with a palpable sense of danger and suspense. Boleyn's prose is immersive, drawing readers into a world where magic and conflict collide in a crescendo of tension and revelation.

It is a thrilling addition to the series, promising an exhilarating continuation that fans will cherish. Briar Boleyn delivers a spellbinding tale rich in mythology, romance, and the relentless pursuit of destiny, setting the stage for an eagerly awaited conclusion that promises to leave readers spellbound.

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C’mon book 4!

Just finished READING (not audiobook) this series in record time. It’s been a minute since I’ve actually sat and read a book as opposed to my audiobook obsession. But it was a great series to break in to.

I found this author on Booktok and IMMEDIATELY ran to Netgalley to grab all 3! Now I have to wait until March for the next one.

On to the books.. 4 star review, why not 5? Let me break it down.
Medieval historical fantasy story
Strong heroine
Magic system that we are learning as our heroine is learning
Queer normalization
Draven.. the horns amiright
Fantastical creatures
The world keeps expanding as the series continue

There were some convenient plots to make things work.. didn’t completely pull me out of the story, but I wondered at it.
Enemy to lover, not that I’m opposed to this sort of thing.. but it was a lot of in and out and then back in but maybe not love? Maybe I was wishing for more with the mated magic marriage thing and the powerful being that witnessed and what that was all about.
No audiobook version!

Overall.. will be reading book 4 next year!

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book and series for a review!

I liked it! It’s definitely a Romantasy that follows others in the genre but it’s decently written with likable characters and a plot that’s fun and easy to follow. I’m happy I got to read this series in celebration of book 3 being released this year. I am so excited to have more coming from this new genre and to see how authors are bringing new ideas to light. The Arthurian connection (I can’t really call it a retelling) is nice and I liked the blend of familiarity and newness in this series. I also see that there is more to come, so I will probably be doing a reread as new entries are released!

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*4.5 stars

Holy cow, she does it again! This series is absolutely amazing, with so much action and many twists, it’s hard to put these books down! I love how the author takes elements from the Arthurian Legend and not only includes them within the story but molds them to fit her world. I am fairly blown away by the world-building in this series. Even with all of the politics involved, along with a bunch of other moving elements, it leaves you fulling immersed and craving more.

The dynamic between all of the characters is stellar. Boleyn writes each character in such a way that you feel connected to their journey. Fenyx made me feel such disgust that I didn’t even want to read the parts that he was in and Arthur is utterly infuriating, but they were such vital parts to Morgan’s character development. All of the character’s lives are so interwoven that if you were to remove someone from the story, it just wouldn’t flow as well. I cannot get enough of Morgan and Draven’s relationship. I love how they irrevocably trust and love each other. Not only is their bond solidified in this book, but also the bond between their battlecats. They are truly a force to be reckoned with and I cannot wait to see how they will handle the inevitable events that are headed their way.

I am hoping for more Fae history and background in book 4 and I am literally dancing with anticipation for the conclusion to Blood of a Fae! I am so thankful to both the author and NetGalley to be able to have been an ARC reader for this series! I cannot wait to see how things end and I know it will be bittersweet!

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Book 3 in the series, and keeping up the same excellent vibes. It does suffer a tad from middle book syndrome, but still the same wonderful characters (if they don't infuriate you from time to time!) and the same excellent pacing and plot. We pick up right were we left off from the previous cliffhanger, and aee thrown straight into the action and chaos! Morgan is, as ever, going through 100 feelings at once, so while she doesn't always act the mot logically, it's very in keeping with her character. Theres just as much magic, and political intrigue and power struggles as before, and of course, plot twists everywhere. Highly recommend this series to people who love fae and dark romances

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Empress of Fae is the third book in this series, and I’m going back to 4/5 stars for this one. I still really liked it and cannot wait for book 4.

This installment felt slower paced to me than Court of Claws. I’m not sure if it’s because Morgan and Draven were separated for almost the entirety of the book. I’m not sure if it’s because it felt much more like relationship-building to me between a multitude of characters (which isn’t a bad thing). I’m not sure if it’s because i had to pace myself during the workweek. It’s just odd, because there were battles and tournaments and dangers, but I didn’t feel the urgency of it as much. I’m not mad about it, because I feel like there was a lot planted in this book that I’m dying to have developed in the next book.

The writing was wonderful, the world-building continued to be stellar, the character development was on point. No complaints.

I absolutely loved continuing to explore the bond between Morgan and Draven. The dreams and the cottage were one of my favorite plot points here.

I wish we could have gotten more from the relationship between Orcades and Morgan. We just scraped the surface there and I feel like there was a lot more that we could’ve learned.

Morgan is on the brink of coming into her full power and embracing her true self, and I truly hope that happens in the next book. We got a glimpse of it with Fenyx and I need so much more.

Let’s give Excalibur its due. There were times the sword felt like a character unto itself and I’m living on those memories. Especially in that one scene … you know … towards the end … in that chamber with Fenyx. Morgan was strong, smart, determined, but Excalibur was a QUEEN in that scene.

Nightclaw’s experience on the flight to Camelot? 😭

There wasn’t a jaw dropping cliffhanger like at the end of Court of Claws, but:

Who was the man in the woods and why did she mention the red around his mouth??

What is going on with Gorlois and when will this family reunion take place??

What about Kaye and Medra??

Can I pleeeease have a reunion moment between Nightclaw and Morgan?? My soul needs it.

When do we get to bathe in the powers Draven has been holding back this whole time??

These are the things I need to know after finishing this book.

I just really love this series.

What you can expect:
- Fae vs. fae vs. humans vs. humans
- The Round Table
- War, intrigue, betrayal, loss
- Complex family dynamics
- Reconciliation, reunion
- More spice, but still not a ton
- Intense declarations of bonded love
- New revelations (shadowssaywhaaaaat)
- Beasties, bonds, mates

*Again, as in the digital copies of books 1 & 2, there were typographical errors in this e-book, but the writing, world-building, and character development were so good that these errors did not at all impact my opinion of the book or my rating or review.

Thank you to NetGalley, StarWater Press, Victory Publishing, and author Briar Boleyn for sending me a digital review copy of this book in exchange for the opportunity to leave an honest review.

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thank you to netgalley for a free copy of this arc in exchange for an honest review!
quick spoilers!

this one was alright. a little boring with it only picking up for me in the end. more plot unveiled but i hate when the love interests are separated and even worse when its the majority of the book

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This book was PHENOMENAL. One of the best King Arthur Retellings I’ve ever read, plus add fae and a magic system? Absolutely fantastic.

I LOVE the side characters just as much as the main characters. the friendship between the FMC and her best friends is so beautifully written. The Enemies to lovers, fated mates & touch her and 💀/burn the world down for her between the MMC and FMC is one of my favorites I’ve read. The MMC is another “shadow daddy” & “morally gray” character that you’ll be falling for. This whole series had an amazing balance of Romance, Fantasy and action.

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To say I am obessed with this series, is a small understatement. It was a really long wait for me (only like 2 months but still..), until I got my hands on the third installement of this series!
It takes right off from the cliffhanger of Court of Claws, which is great as I hate time jumps. Briar drags you right back into the story with her way of writing.

This book was everything and more, the action, the suspense, the world building, the plot twists and the devastating deaths, no spoilers here ;).

If I have to name one downside to this book, is that is not the final one and we have to wait until MARCH before the 4th book comes out. But this also means we get more time with Morgan and Draven.

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Omg! This book was so much better than book two!

It was thrilling and exciting! I couldn’t put it down. I couldn’t wait for the main characters to be reunited!

Morgan was strong and fearless and brave. It was much better than her in the second book. But I believe the second book was written in a way to let this part of the story unfold. She needed to come back for herself and battle it alone. She needed to grow and fight.

It was beautiful to see how Morgan and Drave’s relationship unfolded. I loved this book and this series.

Thank you to NetGalley for letting me have the opportunity to read this for a honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which has been available since October 25,2023!!!

Okay Book 3 shows the corruption in Pendragon’s court, Morgan coming into who she truly is and Draven’s love for Morgan.

Again like my other reviews I have zero complaints. I have zero critiques. This is a great romantasy read. It has banter, action, spice and a truly epic plot with solid pacing and engaging characters.

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Thank you to Victory Editing and Netgalley Co-op and Briar Boleyn for the ARC.
Empress of Fae is the third book in the "Blood of a Fae" series which is an Arthurian retelling with fae and mythical creatures. Following Morgan who is now the wife of Prince of Claws she has to go back through a portal to The Rose Court to save her younger brother and her friends from her from her brother Arthur's bloodthirsty reign.
Morgan's powers are now more heightened and along with her mate bond with Kairos becoming more immense, however back in court she's not sure who to fully trust plot twists along the way ( I was shooketh) and things have transposed with a new Queen. Morgan is fighting to save her land.
I loved the story of book three and was even more flabbergasted to find out book 4 is out in march 2024 !!! I can't bloody wait to see what's next......
Empress of Fae has everything from fantasy, romance, bonded mates, dual pov, action adventure with mythical creatures and spice

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Empress of Fae is book three in the Blood of a Fae series. I was first introduced to this series earlier in the year with Queen of Roses, then book two Court of Claws. I have to say that I have immensely enjoyed the series so far and am desperately awaiting book four which is coming sometime next year! I can’t wait! The series has gotten better with each book. This one is probably my favourite out of the three (so far) and I can’t go into too much detail about specifics because at this later stage of the story, ANYTHING I say I liked would be a spoiler! So, I’ll scream my excitement for this book in as vague a way as possible!

The relationship between Draven & Morgan is brilliant, as much as I liked the mystery of book one, the drama of book two, this felt genuine and romantic. There are dream sequences in particular that I really liked, because it was such a fantastic way for them to bond. It is spicy, it is well written spice which again, felt genuine and it’s honestly amazing to see where they started and where they are now with one another. The ending of book two with those two (I understand why it happened) was disappointing, but it’s dealt with so brilliantly in this story and Draven, is a fantastic male.

I adore the exmoors! They were introduced early on in Queen of Roses and are just an amazing creature in this universe. I can’t wait to see what happens with them now, given how this book ends. We are also introduced to a lot of new characters and everyone has their arc whether it's a descent into villainy or a resurgence of strength. It’s just a great continuation of the story. Do be careful, like the other books it does get particularly dark in parts so have a look at the trigger warnings to decide if it’s something you can/can not manage. I loved it, I’ll be keeping an eye out for the next book.

#EmpressofFae #NetGalley

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It’s more of the same. I feel like this book got a little bit better by the end, because it had a little bit of intrigue and mystery.

But the plot twists are very obvious, and you see them from miles away.

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I received this as an Arc through NetGalley and Loved it!! This entire series has been a wild ride of emotions while reading and hard to put down.

Bonded Mates

The third book in the series did not disappoint as it picked up right where Court of Claws left off. Tension and suspense was high throughout the whole book. While this book did not leave off on an intense cliff hanger like the previous two books I can hardly wait for the fourth book in this series.

This book is a dark and twisted fantasy so be sure check trigger warnings before reading.

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