Member Reviews

This book!!!
I have nothing but good things to say about this book!! It was action packed, we finally get open conversations between Morgan and Draven, and the author continues with some of the best world building I've seen in a long time.
Starting with Morgan and Draven's relationship, I love how they were able to meet in their dreams. With all the chaos going on around them it was a nice break, and gave them some much needed space to talk about where they stand with each other. Being that they were so far apart in the "real world" it was nice to still have a way for them to interact. Also like I said in my previous review I'm a sucker for angst, so seeing how Draven reacted to Morgan leaving him they way she did had me screaming.
I also like how we see how the trauma from Lancelot's attack affected her and her friendship with Morgan. I like how it wasn't forgiveness right away, and how the characters are actually going to have to work to overcome what happened and to learn coexist again.
The action and plot twists in this book was on another level! We finally come back to Camelot and see what Arthur's been doing and the affects its having. There wasn't a page in this book that I was waiting for something to happen, it was nonstop. But again, the author does a great job of not having it be overwhelming, especially considering how heavy some of the topics were.
I binged this entire series, and now waiting for a fourth is going to feel like forever. I can't wait to see how this story ends though!

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Screaming, crying, throwing up!!

This book was everything I wanted and needed it to be. It made my heart sing, reading this book and getting to enjoy the story from tart to finish. I am absolutely in love with Briar's writing style and her ability to write such a well known, grand standing tale and give us such a beautiful and interesting perspective on it.

I am so in love with this series I can't even begin to explain how much!

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This is the third book in this series and my god it was probably my favourite! We got so much development with out main characters and their chemistry just got even hotter! Their shared dreams were amazing and I loved what it added to the story.

This book does not hold back and immediately dives into the action with rebellion and spying at its forefront. While our main characters are separated for the majority of this book I feel like it worked really well because we got to see how much Morgan has grown as a character and how much stronger she has become.

Honestly I just love Morgan and Draven so much and I'm so excited and nervous for the next one! I need it now! I really recommend this series especially if you love fae, mates and found family! If that doesn't sway you here is one of my favourite quotes from the book...

"I'd rather be a villain by your side than play hero for anyone else. The world is dark and vile, but I'd willingly follow you into the depths of hell itself."

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I just want to say thank you so much for allowing me a copy of an ARC ❤️❤️

The few intimate moments you get with Draven and Morgan really solidifies who they are as people and who they are to each other. I'm just gonna say that Morgan is a badass and I totally enjoy reading her side almost always and Draven is right by her side no trying to overshadow her. I was given whiplash so many times because I had no idea who to trust. Literally trust no one.
After the cliffhanger that was the ending of book two, I simply felt like I was missing a part of something I needed. I loved how the author built this book up, reminding us of everything that happened in the previous books, solving all the doubts we previously add, while also adding some more. More plot twists, more turns in the action, more betrayal, more gasping. More me not trusting ANYONE! I especially loved how Morgan is growing into her powers and her understanding of the world around her. I love how much more she is becoming aware of the love people have for her and how she’s not just a no body!
I will literally be ready for the next book! I’ll keep and eye out on TikTok!

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This novel continues on with its original retelling of King Arthur and the Knights Round Table. I love how legend continues to get woven into the story but from a completely different angle and creative ideas.

My favorite thing about this third book was the dream sequences. Just when you think furthering the love story between Morgen and Draven's relationship is lost, it gains back the speed a romance reader wants to have.

This novel dips into current world topics with the use of they/them and reparations. If you can't get enough of reading with this kind of storyline, you'll love this series.

I give this novel and the series five stars because it's original in the way it morphs the legend and mixes in a fae realm. I love original spins.

-I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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PERFECTION. That’s all I have to say for this book and this series as a whole. Each books just get better and better and I cannot wait for the next one! This is by far the darkest book yet with many abuses and crimes and death, but it is also so rewarding.

Usually I can never finish a series, but this has been such an incredible journey for Morgan and Draven and I couldn’t help myself and I could not put this book down. I’m talking reading it at like 2am because I need to know what happens next and I am so committed to the plot.

The writing is different than ACOTAR and Blood and Ash, but in such a lovely way that is unique and intriguing, Briar Boleyn draws you in and hooks you! There are no plot fillers just 100% free flowing action, love, and determination.

I really hope this series never ends because I don’t know what I’ll do with myself in the end 😭😭😭

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In Empress of Fae, Morgan returns to Camelot to save her people from Arthur’s cruel rule. What she finds when she arrives is far worse than she expected. With the help of her allies, Morgan returns to the castle with the mission of regaining Arthur’s trust and learning everything she can about his plans. Meanwhile, Draven is left back at the Court of Umbral Flames and sets out to be reunited with Morgan once more.

Morgan and Draven are separated for much of this book but it makes the scenes where they are together that much more special! I was so happy when Morgan finally admitted her feelings for Draven. I guess they do say absence makes the heart grow fonder lol. I love Draven and enjoyed getting his POV! Draven and Morgan’s relationship has changed so much from the beginning and I think this book does a great job of highlighting that.

Back in Camelot, Arthur seems to be on a mission to destroy everyone and everything. Briar Boleyn did an amazing job writing his character! I admit I’m usually pretty meh when it comes to villains in books. Most of the time I don’t feel strongly one way or the other about them. However, Arthur is one of the few that’s been able to elicit such strong emotions (even if the most prominent is hate 🤣). He’s now up there with Joffrey on my list of villains lol.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It did start out slow and took me several tries to get through the first 50%, but, after finishing the book, I can tell it was necessary so the author could set things up for the next book. I hope we get more Guinevere in the next book! I have so many questions about her lol. There were several twists I did not see coming and I can’t wait to see how everything plays out in book 4!

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"Empress of Fae" has easily become my favorite in the series, delivering sharp and detailed writing that adds a captivating layer to the narrative. This installment takes a darker and more twisted turn, propelling the plot forward with intensity. Morgan, now stuck in Camelot due to a regrettable choice, must confront her brother's chaotic reign and recover Excalibur and the grail before Arthur exploits their power. The dysfunctional sibling dynamic adds a thrilling element to the story. While Kaye and Morgan maintain their fantastic relationship, the stakes are high, and the chaos is escalating.

Draven and Morgan spend much of the story apart, only to reunite in a dreamlike world where their connection takes on a steamy dimension. While yearning for more Draven POV, I crave deeper conversations between them beyond the physical. The anticipation for book 4 is real – hoping for a continuation of the series' excellence. This dark and twisted journey has me hooked, and I can't wait to see what comes next!

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YES! Everything I'd hoped would turn around in the second book did in the third!! Character arcs, self-reflection of the FMC and MMC, political involvement and world building. The list goes on. Super impressed with how the storyline is going! I feel like the ending really opened up a great door for the fourth book. I also liked how the author dropped subtle hints but you had to be reading closely and not skimming in order to get the subtle nuances and I LOVE when authors do that. It really helps me to engage with the novel and feel more connected to the plot. Did it get dark at points? Absolutely. If you have triggers, I'd read the warnings. STILL. Can't wait for book 4. I think my favorite characters right now are Morgan and Hawl. Their comments are hilarious. "Cockroaches can be very nutritional" had me laughing out loud.

Just a couple of nit-picky things: In chapter 40, it says that "A bottle of milk had been acquired from somewhere and he was feeding it to her." I'm confused how Arthurian times would have any other resources other than wet nurses? Only other thing was a repeated word in the same chapter when Morgan told Arthur "You are only The the Childslayer."

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HOLY MOLY!!! Thank you NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.


Empress of Fae is the third book in the "Blood of a Fae" series which is a dark fantasy romance with a loosely inspired King Arthur retelling with a Fae twist! It picks right up from the cliffhanger in Court of Claws with Morgan vanishing through a portal and finding herself back in Camelot after fleeing the court of umbra flames. Upon arrival in Camelot, she quickly realizes that Arthur's rule of terror has left her younger brother and friends in mortal peril. Meanwhile, Draven won't allow his beloved to disappear from his life so easily. His bond with Morgan goes beyond blood, love, life and even time itself and neither one of them can relinquish its power or its pull.

Overall, I was completely immersed from start to finish! The ending was not a true cliffhanger but it does leave you wanting more!! I cannot wait to read book four in March 2024!! I cannot recommend enough and it deserves infinite stars!!! ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️💫💫💫💫💫

✨Because of the nature of this being a dark and twisted fantasy story please check the trigger warnings before reading this book.✨

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This author has me in a choke hold for real. The world is amazing! I loved the story so much. The spice was still awkward in places but easy to look past. I grew to love Morgan, tho she still has her stupid moments 🙄. Draven 🥵🥵. I need more in this series. What's going to happen with the baby?? Guinevere? All of them!!

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This book was so amazing. It continued the series so well. The romance was my favorite part and it was so well done. I was hooked from the beginning.

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OMG Empress of Fae is my favourite book yet! This series keeps getting better and better!! I am looking forward to book 4! Thank you NetGalley for the introduction to this great series!

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I thought this would be the last book in the trilogy, but it isn't. That's great for people who love this story, I'm just not one of them. I had fun with most of book 1, I didn't really enjoy book 2, and this one felt slow for my taste. This is where I'm stopping with this series, it's just not for me, but I see a lot of people enjoying it, so I know it has its audience. I'm just not part of it.

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I was so excited for the third book to come out. It was a great continuation of the series.
I feel like Morgan is becoming more mature and is growing more and becoming more wholesome. The political games that she has to play are so well written and adds to the conflict that was already presented in book 1 & 2.
Draven as expected was PERFECT! The way he prioritizes Morgan and what he is doing for her is just WOW. I also loved their communication and this is all I’ll say about it as I don’t want to give any spoilers!
I cannot wait for the next book to be back into this world and read more of these characters ❤️
A huge thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC! All thoughts in this review are honest and my own.

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Thank you yet again to this amazing author and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read the 3rd book in this series it truly means a lot! I have fallen in love with these characters over and over again and I'm still in love! This book was set up a little different than the others, it didn't bother me all that much. It did seem a little slow paced at first, but I get the author was trying to set the groundwork for so much that was going on all over to be able to bring us to the climax and than the conclusion. There's so much that goes on or is going on, or has been going on throughout the last two books, that is brought up to bring the reader online with Morgan finding it all out, and it's done in a fantastic way so you feel as though you're actually Morgan herself. Once you can get back to the now it's fine. Yes certain parts and people when you assumed what you did about them and find out you are correct, isn't done like in the previous books, but it wasn't done in a way a lot of books do where you get annoyed because you were right and you felt like you wasted your time reading the book to see if you were right. No you were treated as though you were the main character the whole time, a person who thinks like you, feels like you and assumes like you do so it feels completely cohesive and perfect. I honestly can not think of any book series that has that ability to actually pull you in and allow you to feel as though you are the character yourself and I love it! I've been raving about this book series all over my book groups and I really wish it was more widely available. Thank you also for an amazing ending that I really really wanted and needed, you knew the perfect way to end this book and frankly you did with all of them, and I know there's a fourth coming out, and well the ending ends the way it does. It still sets this book up to fall right into that fourth one in the happiest ways possible! When funds aren't too tight, I will be purchasing my own physical copies of these books and I will be buying the fourth one as soon as it comes out. I have a rule about my books. If I read it and I feel I will read it again, and again, only then will I keep it. If I don't feel that way after reading it I donate it to others so they can enjoy it (it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, it just means that I didn't love it enough to live without it). I can't live without these books, these are books I will read over and over and over again because they bring me such joy even though I know how they'll turn out. So when I get a chance these will all come home to me to love forever! Thank you for the privilege to be introduced to this wonderful world!

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Arc review!! Empress of Fae in the Blood of a fae series by @briarboleynauthor. Thank you @netgalley for providing me with a copy for review!
The next installment was a great one! I loved all of the court politics and secrets/betrayals, and when Draven and his partner finally reunite, blood is spilt (or boiled I should say).
This book was actually my favourite so far, gaining insight to a lot of characters, my heart breaking for Arthur (never thought I'd say that), and some nice spicy scenes with my favourite couple
Would have loved to know more about Javer's movements in the story but ultimately thought he was well written.

4 stars for me!! Cannot wait for the next in the series

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Please read the books in order & hold up there’s a 4th one coming too. Whoop.

Really enjoyed these books and getting lost in the travels and fantasy off these worlds.
Very good to follow along and like & dislike characters. A good book gives you both!
Cmon 4!

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I really loved the first two books in the series, and I enjoyed this one too. But I must confess, it was my least favorite of the three. The main reason is that the two main characters are apart a good 85% of the book and that MY favorite part in books is the interactions between the main characters. Especially those two, because they have such great banter together.
Putting that aside, the story itself develops nicely and there are some very unexpected twists and turns to the plot, which I enjoyed greatly. We also get the learn a bit more about Morgan's heritage along the way.
I will definitely be reading the fourth book!

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WOW. When I say I want a King Arthur retelling with a little bit of romance, a touch of Fae, and amazing character development, THIS is what I want!

The third book in the series, this one ABSOLUTELY does not disappoint, and each book has been better than the one before it. This story picks up right where Court of Claws left off--Morgan has escaped from Draven and found her way back home and is reunited with Merlin and Lancelet. While she tries to sort out her feelings and emotions surrounding Draven and the choices he made for her, she's also tasked with stopping her brother and the war that he has thrown the kingdom into, saving Kaye, and figuring out her own place in the world. No big deal.

I absolutely loved the character development Morgan and Draven both went through in this book, and the growth they both had. After recently finishing a 7 book series where it felt like NO character had any sort of growth, this was SO refreshing and made me so happy.

It was great seeing Morgan and Draven actually communicate and work together to solve their problems, plus their dream meetings were SO cute. Lancelet's character development? Amazing. THE VILIANS?? Oh my gosh Arthur and his general are just the absolute WORST, and I honestly don't know how Morgan was able to show any sort of restraint at all. They were definitely some of the best written villains I've read in awhile. I'm so happy this isn't the last book--the pacing in this one was great, and if anything had been cut to make room for more action/added to rush an ending, it wouldn't have worked or been nearly as enjoyable.

My only criticism is that this was set up as a dual POV novel, but we randomly get one chapter from the POV of another character, and that's it. I LOVED that chapter, and I wish we had gotten to see more of her POV.

I HIGHLY recommend this one (And the entire series!) to anyone who enjoys:
~Fated Mates
~Magical Creatures
~Court Politics
~Legend of King Arthur
~Morally Gray MMC
~Dual POV

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book! I can't wait for the next one!

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