Member Reviews

Fantastic series which retells Arthur and the Sword but with Fae, magical creatures, mating bond and the continuation of enemies to lovers. The books are easy reading and hard to put down. Had many a late night the last week while i read all three books!

I am thoroughly enjoying the series, and cannot wait for the next book!

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I am so happy for book #3. Thank you Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for allowing me to read and review again. I am so grateful, this has been a great series to read and I can't wait for the final book to come out next year.

Spoilers ahead!

Empress of fae is book three in the blood of a fae series, sp make sure to read Queen of Rosses, and Court of Claws before jumping into this one.

We left off with Morgan Pendragon, now Le Fay/Venator, escaping Siabra and the Court of Umbral Flames angrily through a portal back to Camelot, where she's meeted with her friends to bring down Arthur's reign. Kairos Draven takes care of some business at home and then leaves to find his wife. Their mating bond grows more everyday and they can't be apart from each other long.

In this third installment, Morgan discovers her true heritage, she accepts her bond, her mate, her new empress title, and becomes spy on her brother, King Arthur.

Final thoughts. I just have to say.. Fenyx, GAH. The man got what he deserved, I was counting down the chapters for Morgan to melt him. And also, my assumption for the man who keeps popping in her dreams is the same who 'spelled' Arthur, could it be her father??

Can't wait for book 4!

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Thank you NetGalley for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review!

So… I’ve been mislead and I’m not even mad about it😂. I was lead to believe this would be a trilogy… I got to the end of this book to find out that there is in fact a fourth book coming!

I love the dual POV in this book, it really helps you stay connected to Draven and Morgan.

I also love the relationship between Morgan and her sister! As a big sister, this relationship made me so happy!

I honestly cannot stop recommending this series to people. All the books are fantastically written and doesn’t drag on at all!

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I will admit that I was very scared at first. I am not the biggest fan of multiple POVs, but I can handle 2 and sometimes I love seeing the other POV. However, when this book started and we went through 4 different POVs I thought that was how the whole book was going to be and I almost put it down. I am SO glad that I didn't though. We have continued to build in this world and I was on the edge of my seat following the action. I cannot wait to see what book 4 has in store!

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I was not able to start this book as I decided not to finish reading book 2.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been given the ARC by netgalley, the author and publisher.
I wish the author every success in the future as I think she is a great writer, the plot just didn't suit me.

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Empress of Fae by Briar Boleyn is the third book in the Blood of a Fae series and is a fantasy romance story based on Arthurian legends, set in a Fae and human world. This book three is definitely darker than the first two books so please do check content warnings. Tropes include bonded mates, found family, hurt/comfort and I’d cross the world for you.

The Lovely: I loved the plot and tension in this book. It was much darker than the first two (I love dark fantasy) and while not full of constant action scenes or battles, the tension was well-maintained over the course of the book. And, of course, the real test - I finished it in one day because I couldn’t put it down.

The Mundane: I feel like this book was more about the plot than the characters. We didn’t really see the development in the characters here like we did in the first two books. I missed the feeling of watching the characters grow and how their relationships changed. That said, still love the Draven and a Morgan relationship, especially him just comforting her.

Also Mundane: Going into this book I was nervous because I don’t love when main characters are separated for long periods of time. The way the author dealt with it was effective and somewhat unique, but never really explained how it was possible. In addition, I don’t feel like we got the payoff of a sweet reunion scene.

Rating: 4/5 Stars 3/5 Flames

Recommendation: I received an advance review copy for free from Net Galley and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I loved how this book twisted up the traditional Arthurian retellings and had unique characters. The fourth (and I believe final) book is due for release in March 2024. If you like fantasy romance with a strong FMC and gods and myths, I think you would like this book.

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Empress of Fae 3.5⭐️ 3🌶️

Fantasy Romance
Arthur Reimagining
Multi POV
🏳️‍🌈 Side Characters
Morally Grey MMC

It has been about 2 months since I read the first 2 books and I have to say that going into this book I remembered nothing other than the series being a Morgan/Arthur reimagining and I enjoyed the first 2 books. It wasn’t until chapter 6 when I started remembering the plot from the first 2 books.

The book starts off immediately after book 2 ended. All of a sudden the FMC is back in Camelot and having to hide everything to spy on her brother Arthur.

I’m not sure the number of days this book takes place. More than the 4 it feels like… but while it’s seems like that would make it fast paced… it wasn’t. It felt like a series slump before things really take off. Although where the series will go from here, who’s to say. This was a book to set up to the finale, that’s for sure.

Im so glad that the FMC had grown so much. She isn’t as immature and selfish as in the previous books. She finally seems to see that she has to play a little politics. Thank goodness.

That ending was very low stakes. When I finished it, it felt like a HEA, but I know there has to be at least or more book because the big bad is revealed, but not seen. But I’m excited for book 4!

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for the Advanced eReader Copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The author provides a very cryptic Prologue (which is tugging at something in the back of my brain) and then jumps into the first chapter from Draven’s point of view. I was not expecting the POV to change, and normally I’m not a big fan of it. However, I understand the purpose since the FMC and MMC are apart (I also didn’t mind because I really like Draven). I LIVED for the Morgan and Draven interactions! They were just so dreamy and not to mention HOT! I’m so glad that Morgan came to her senses, and it was so cute seeing their relationship really grow into mutual trust, respect, and adoration. It is my favorite part of the whole series besides badass characters and exmoors!

In contrast to the fast pace of Court of Claws, the pace slows down in Empress of Fae as the stakes and danger rise to an all-time high at the Rose Court of Camelot. The reader gets a lot of new information that helps fit more pieces into a very complex puzzle. Of course, there are still some very big mysteries that I am chomping at the bit to solve (especially with the customary cliffhanger). I can’t wait to see what happens next in Knight of the Goddess and how it all ends *cries internally*!

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This series is compelling, and this book will make you want more and more. Morgan and Draven are a strong beautiful couple. Like relationship goals people!!! I adore this book series and cannot wait for the next book even if I have to wait!

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Thank you to Briar Boleyn, Victory Editing, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Empress of Fae (Blood of a Fae, Book 3).

SUMMARY: Morgan returns to her people, leaving the Prince of Claws and the other Siabra fae behind. She intends to spy on Arthur under the pretense of being captured. Meanwhile, across the ocean, Kairos Draven finds his resolve and intends to find his bonded and stand by her side. Reminder to check the content warnings!

REVIEW: Empress of Fae pulls no punches in raising the stakes. Morgan’s guilt is palpable as we witness the current state of Pendrath through her eyes. This book feels more somber than its predecessors, mostly because of the horror show Arthur is running and partially due to Morgan and Draven being separated. Empress of Fae is the part of the series that includes “separate the love interests, so the FMC realizes she’s strong and doesn’t have to take crap from anyone,” and I usually find this part of a romantic fantasy series so hard to get through, but I loved how the author used shared dreams between the main characters as a way to still have them interact and give us some steamy scenes.

The kingdom has a darkness shrouding it, but now so does Morgan. She is definitely not the same woman who left Pendrath all those months ago, and we see that, especially in her interactions with Fenyx. Morgan is now more calculated, cunning, and is no one’s victim. I also hope everyone hates Fenyx as much as I do.

I missed Draven’s inner circle because they brought levity to the series. Hawl briefly appears, and we do get a tiny bit of exmoor action with Sunstrike and Nightclaw, but this book was meant to be about Morgan and her own personal growth. I appreciated the loose comparison between Lancelot’s fury towards Morgan and Morgan’s own anger towards Draven. In each case, it feels like a betrayal was committed, but in actuality, the circumstances were just incredibly dire, and everyone did the best they could. I really enjoyed Morgan and Draven repairing their relationship, because I know they’re going to need to be as strong as possible for what is to come in the next book.

This book is part of a series, and they definitely need to be read in order.

Overall, I’d give Empress of Fae ⅘ stars. I think it will appeal to readers who enjoyed A Court of Wings and Ruin, especially in regard to following a badass heroine returning alone to a place where she once felt weak and helpless in order to support a greater mission.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC of Empress of Fae! I’m rating this book 3 stars, but felt it was closer to 2.5. It was a bit of a disappointment after the past two books which both were 4 stars for me.

I think the problem is that this book felt like a filler and until almost the end I thought this was a trilogy. The more concerning issue is that sadly the plot is a mash up of two great ideas, that together don’t work well.

In the first book we saw Camelot, and Morgan coming into her powers, exploring the world for the first time. I loved this mix of Britannic mythology and fantasy.

Then in the second book we are thrust into a more typical fae romantasy, which really grew on me. I loved the Sabria court, inside a volcano, how cool! Competitions, Morgan discovering her powers, it’s all awesome.

But then… book three is neither of these stories. She goes back to Camelot but she’s not the same person and she doesn’t continue to grow, she doesn’t practice her magic and even though she is Empress, she doesn’t act like one. Draven and Kaye aren’t there and it’s just kind of boring. She’s spying and doesn’t ever really have a goal. The storyline on her real family doesn’t really move forward until the end but we don’t even find out much.

Overall I think the author had two concepts for two great series, and they just didn’t marry very well. Not sure I’ll read the next but who knows!

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Thank you NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn the the e-ARC of this book!

Another great book in the Blood of a Fae series but....this book was STRESSFUL. Empress of Fae sees Morgan back in Camelot trying to find her brother Kaye without Arthur finding out where she's been or her true intentions. Morgan has grown so much since the first book and I loved where her character was at in Empress of Fey. The book was well paced and the last third was action packed and I couldn't put it down. I'm so happy Morgan and Draven are reunited and can't wait to see what comes next.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the electronic copy to read and review.

This is book 3 in the Blood Of Fae series by Briar Boleyn.

If you've read the first two then you are lucky to be able to now read even more from Morgan and Draven. I really enjoyed this installment. I loved the dual POVs and loved hearing directly from Draven which only solidified my thoughts about him as our MMC. He will literally move heaven and earth for Morgan.

I really enjoyed seeing Morgan and how she has grown in this series. For someone who has been through so much it's great seeing her progress as a person and as a Fae. She really seemed to except her mating with Draven in this book.

Again I don't want to give anything away but this is another edge of the seat read, fully immersive and so many twists and turns I didn't see coming.

Please add this series to your TBR immediately. Also highly grateful there was no huge cliffhanger this time as book 4 isn't out yet.

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This series is brilliant! The third book is well developed, I love the way you get to hear Morgan and Draven's point of view. The dream sequences work so well and there are some great twists. I love the Fae characters, what an imagination.
Can't wait for the next book to see where it takes us.

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Briar Boleyn does it again!!! Absolutely obsessed with this whole series. The suspense, the plot twists, the spice in this book *chefs kiss*! The next book cannot come fast enough!!!!

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The peace that I felt reading this and it not ending on a cliff hanger :) :) :) I loved the dream sequences and that the current characters were developed more versus adding on a ton of new ones to create length or plot movement. This is a solid fantasy in the vein of ACOTAR. Nothing will be truly surprising but the action and resolution are great. The power and myth building are strong enough in this series that I'm curious how this will end. Overall, I think this is a solid 3.5/4 star fantasy read. The romance is great but there's so much more to this series than the spice. Can't wait for the next book!

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While the first half of the book was a bit slow for me, I found that it really picked up in the second half, especially when Book 2 began. The pacing became more engaging, and I was immediately drawn into the story.

One aspect that I particularly enjoyed was the intimate moments between Draven and Morgan. These scenes allowed me to truly understand who they are as individuals and the depth of their connection. It was refreshing to see Draven support Morgan without overshadowing her, showcasing their strong bond.

The ending of the book didn't leave me on a true cliffhanger, but it definitely left me wanting more. I'm eagerly anticipating the finale of this series because I have grown so attached to these characters. They have become dear to my heart, and I can't wait to see how their journey concludes.

Overall, despite a slower start, this book won me over with its character development and compelling relationships. The ending left me craving more, and I am eagerly looking forward to the final installment in this series.

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this eCopy to review

Wow what a 3rd instalment. I loved how we get multiple points of view they really give the series a greater sense of depth as you get to understand each character's point of view as well as find out what they are doing

There is lots of intrigue in this novel, who can be trusted? Who can be counted on to help? Who will defeat Arthur? Is there someone else pulling the strings?

Morgan and Draven's relationship deepened and leads to some spectacular scenes

Fenyx is another despicable person, I would have loved to find out his backstory

I absolutely cannot wait for book 4!

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Empress of Fae by B.Boleyn is book three in the series. I strongly recommend to read the books in order. The previous books are Court of Claws and Queen of Roses.
Set in a reverse Camelot world where Fae are strongly disliked, where Merlin and some knights are female, yes I kid you not.
Morgan, Draven, Kaye and Arthur's story continues. I liked the story and the writing is great, I loved how Morgan forms relationships with other characters.
An incedible read and I can't wait for more.

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The third book in the series was so much better than the second.

While Morgan returned to Camelot, Draven is still in charge of the court she left. This book was done in dual pov and it was a great choice. We got to see more of our beloved characters Morgan left behind but also everything happening in Camelot was well done. Arthur has another best buddy who is very cruel and doesn’t care for anyone. We finally get to know more about what was happening with Kaye and also with a few characters we missed since book one. While I still think most of this book is predictable, there was an event at the end of the book that was surprising, because I never knew about this part of the legend. The author also talked about in in the author’s note.
The book shows a part of how cruel war is and how senseless it is.

I think Morgan grows a bit more sure of herself in this one and is way better at standing up for herself. Chapter 16 had such a sweet quote that I marked as one of my favourites, it really shows how much the relationship between Morgan and Draven has developed.

I didn’t like the reveal of the power at the end, because it also feels like a play into what is popular. Each their own I guess.

I enjoyed this so much and I read bits every time I could during a full and stressful week. I’m looking forward to book 4 and the continuation of this story, I really want to learn more about the three artifacts (and hopefully the reversement of that one curse we know off since book one).

Thanks to netgalley for providing this arc.

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