Member Reviews

This book immerses us in the enchanting world of Morgan Pendragon, now Morgan Le Fay. Rejecting a destined future, she flees the Siabra fae and the Prince of Claws, returning to Camelot to confront the perilous reign of Arthur. The intricate plot unveils political intrigue before intensifying in the final chapters. As the third installment in the "Blood of a Fae" series, following "Queen of Roses" and "Court of Claws," this book is a gripping continuation. The narrative skillfully explores Morgan's reunion with old friends, the evolution of relationships, and the emergence of new enemies. The communication between Morgan and Draven and the satisfying revenge adds emotional depth. I praise the author's writing, character development, and the inclusion of fantastical elements. The compelling plot leaves me eagerly anticipating the next book.

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Man oh man i need about 1000 of these books. They truly just keep getting better and better, and to see the growth from Morgan has just been such a delight.

Never let this end <3

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Thanks Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for providing ARC version of this book!

A passionate combination of the myths of King Arthur and the world of Sarah Maas.

This is the third part of the series, which cannot be read separately.

Morgan Pendragon has been given a new name, Morgan Le Fay. Learning of her family's history, Morgan decides not to become ruler of the Siabra Fae, or to marry the Prince of Claws, but to travel through a portal to return to Camelot and the Rose Court, where her friends and younger brother are in peril at the hands of Arthur.
However, Kairos Draven is determined to keep Morgan at his side in the Court of Claws. Their bond is stronger than blood, stronger than love, stronger than life, stronger than time itself, and none of them can let go of its influence.
There's something very special about Morgan. The power of the Gods is within her as well, giving her incredible strength and unparalleled claim to Aercanum and beyond. It is starting to show unbelievable skills.

Morgan will have to overcome a long path of intrigue to cut through the power...and find love.

Overall, this story makes a positive impression, and the multiple perspectives add to the story's colorfulness. In some places, it looked like a rehash of Maas and mythology, but overall, it's a fascinating independent story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Blood of Fae series is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I couldn’t get my hands on Empress of Fae fast enough!

The third book picks up immediately where Court of Claws ends, Morgan is Empress and married to Draven. Morgan, justifiably upset with everything, returns to Camelot to try and save Kaye and her friends, only to find herself in danger as well.

I really loved this book. I was on the edge of my seat basically the whole time and I couldn’t put it down. Boleyn did a great job continuing Morgan’s character development and adapting it to this story. Sometimes characters can get a little boring this far into a series, but Morgan and Draven kept evolving in a way that made their romance and story more compelling. I can’t recommend Empress of Fae enough and I can’t wait for the next book!

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3.5 Stars! I have really enjoyed this series so far! I knew it had got me when I couldn’t wait for the copy I requested from netgalley and instead went to get a version on KU!

The character development, political scheming and plot all really step up in this book and whilst the romantic relationships take a back seat, the author cleverly manages to keep some of this in but I won’t spoil how!

Excited for the final instalment as I think this book did a lot of foundation building for the final book which as times meant it was a slightly slower story than the other two but all worth while!

As I mentioned I did read this on KU however a day into reading, Victory Editing and NetGalley also sent me a copy, in return fr an honest review.

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This is the third installment of the Blood of a Fae series; and it was a journey back into the world of magic, love and unbreakable bonds that transcend time and destiny. I felt like this book transported me to a realm where the past and present collided, creating a story that was very intricate.

This story follows Morgan Pendragon, whose new name is now Morgan Le Fay. She is exploring the complexities that come with her newfound heritage and her connection to the Siabra fae. She renounces any potential at a future to return to Camelot and protect her loved ones. The suspense and intrigue kept me turning pages to figure out what was going to happen next.

I loved how the love connection between Morgan and Kairos was portrayed. It is definitely a love story that tugs at your heartstrings and adds a layer of depth to the narrative.

The character development was great, describing in great detail how Morgan comes into her powers etc. The world building is immersive and the magical elements were brought to life, making the book feel like a real escape into a different realm.

This is a must read for anyone who has read books 1 and 2 and who are drawn to tales of magic and enduring love.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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‣ My review of 'Empress of Fae' by Briar Boleyn 🔥🧚🏼‍♀️

Book three takes us back to where it all started. Morgan felt the need to fight her battles back at Pendrath after seeing her little brother Kaye's distress in a war her brother Arthur had started. She is welcomed in a little rebellion group filled with her old friends, acquintances and some new faces that are brought in by the people she trusts. With a heartbreaking offering, she is able to take her place by her evil brother side in court, and infiltrate as a spy. But even in court, there are some new, dangerous players. Will Morgan succeed in keeping Kaye and all her loved ones safe and stop the madness that her brother has started?

⋆ First off, I love when there is multiple pov's written in a book. It just gives it way more dimension. The story focused a lot on Morgans background, the current war and the war to come. Briar has a talent to pull you back into the world from book one. I really enjoyed the political scheming and the bigger focus back on Arthurs legend, however I felt like action started around the second half of the book and Morgan is still pretty naive, which did annoy me at times. She has zero trust issues and just blaps to whoever wants to hear it after all that has happened, also discussing detailed things out in the open. Perhaps that learning curve still needs to happen, because I would say she's been through her fair deal of things where she would rather see actions than words. I like the emotional struggles here and there from several of the characters, giving them all a bit more depth and realness!

There's a bit of dragging dialogue that I disliked and were too clichè for my liking, but overall, I'd say its an enjoyable book and around a 3.5 rating for me, rounded up to 4. If you enjoy King Arthur retelling in fae sauce, twists and turns and big battles, grab this and read the series!

📚 Adult Fantasy
📖 Book three in a series, multiple pov, third person, 578 pages
🌟 4/5

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THIS IS THE THIRD BOOK OF A SERIES - not a standalone (either way this review will be spoil free)

Can I just start by saying that BRIAR BOLEYN DID IT AGAIN! Court of Claws had me in a chokehold for Morgan and Draven's relationship and I can't believe this third book made me fall in love even more with them. Draven will do ANYTHING for Morgan and is more obvious in this book than the second (well not literally.. if you know what I mean). Meanwhile Morgan will do anything for those that she loves! Even... to go back to her little brother's clutches and leaving him behind.

I know I can't say much without spoiling but this book really took all the questions you had in Book 2 and laid them out for you here.. some are still a bit of a mystery but I can't believe is over.. If you love retellings of Arthur's myths such as the Excalibur trust me this is a great series to start. Also FYI Morgan is a baddie and i love her, the author makes an amazing job in making her vulnerable and relatable, but also a warrior who is resilient to fighting for those she loves.

Favorite quote: She was the constellation that guided my destiny (cries some more)

✨Fated Mates
✨Dual POV
✨Found Families
✨Magical Fae Elements

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“i’ve waited my entire lifetime for morgan,” i said simply. “i’ll go after her even if she doesn’t want me. even if she runs in the opposite direction. i’ll follow her to the ends of aercanum, and i’ll never stop.”

let me just begin by saying, i absolutely love this series and the world that briar has created, the main characters are lovely and surprise, there’s a BOOK FOUR coming in 2024!!🥰AND books 1-3 are on netgalley NOW! :)

now on to my review, this is yet another 5/5 star for me! let me just preface this by saying, this book does read a lot like acowar, where there is a lot of storyline movement and politics up until the last like 20% of the book where the dramatic aspects really pick up. now i am someone who personally loves this, so ofc i loved this book.

empress of fae is book three in the blood of a fae series, so you’ll want to make sure to check out queen of roses, and court of claws before reading this one!

empress of fae takes place directly after court of claws, where morgan pendragon, newly morgan venator finds herself back in camelot after fleeing the court of umbral flames.. leaving behind her newfound friends for her oldest ones, who are nearest to her heart.

upon her arrival in camelot, a lot has changed. arthur’s rule of terror has progressed more rapidly… and it’s up to her to spy on him and help to bring him down once and for all. not only is morgan reunited with her old friends, but is also faced with new enemies as well, and of course there’s plot twists!

i might be just a littleeee biased because my name is actually featured in this book! 🤭

continuing on, i love the way this story and the characters are written. it’s so much fun diving into this world and getting to grow more and more attached to the characters. if this doesn’t sell you on reading this series, there’s fae, battlecats, and a talking bear… and it’s wonderful as i said :)

huge thank you to netgalley for the arc, and thank you to briar for allowing me to be a part of your street team. you’re amazing <3


morgan and draven being able to communicate with each other in dreams was SO CUTE LIKE STOP IT RN, i love them so much!! and them finally embracing being mates >>💞

FENYX GOT MY BLOOD BOILING. SAME WITH ARTHUR. I HATE THEM BOTH SO MUCH !!!! so glad morgan got her revenge on him and draven let her like ugh what a man fr😩

“that’s where you’re mistaken, fenyx. i’m no princess. you’re addressing the wife of prince kairos draven venator and the empress of the court of umbral flames and the empire of myntra.” SHE ENDED HIM FR !! 😮‍💨

so yeah, i love this book. so read it rn <3

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The only thing I would change about my reading experience of this book, is knowing that there is a 4th book coming before I finished. I absolutely loved this book, I feel like a broken record when it comes to this series, but there really isn't anything I would change. There is a tad hint of predictability when it comes to tiny plot points but that didn't deter me in the slightest from speed reading this book like no tomorrow. I want the type of connection that Morgan and Draven have. I have a love-hate relationship with fictional men, I love them, and they hate me (by not being real and sweeping me off to their kingdoms!)

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First and foremost thank you Netgalley and Briar for the Arc and opportunity to review another of this series.

I’ll first start by saying I love this series and any wait for more! The characters and character development continue to be absolutely astounding, the plot is full of continuous twits and turns that will keep you guessing. This book has a great deal more spice and fluff as well as a mind boggling about of action. Definitely check the triggers n this one because it has lots. Overall this book is as addictive as the rest and I can’t wait to see where this all goes.

However when Empress of Fae got to what seemed like the plot peak it really fizzled a bit for me as I was expecting more of a big kaboom so I’m definitely wondering where this is leading

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This is a retelling of the legendary tales of King Arthur, presented in the enchanting realm of the fae. The characters within this literary work are exceptionally crafted, evoking a deep sense of admiration within me. While at first, the pacing of the narrative seemed rather leisurely, once the protagonists embarked on their journey, I found myself completely engrossed in the intricate storyline and captivating cast. Noteworthy tropes prevalent in this book include Spicy fantasy romance, Slow burn, Enemies to lovers, Guard and princess, Touch her and.... The author has displayed an extraordinary aptitude for vividly describing the various settings, enabling the reader to mentally visualize them with utmost clarity. While this book may possess some idiosyncrasies, on the whole, the author's prowess has undeniably captivated my attention, and I eagerly anticipate further revelations within the unfolding narrative.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me this book in exchange for an honest review. This is the third book in the the Blood of a Fae series. I think this is the best book of the series so far. This book is mostly from the point of view of Morgan, though there is some from Draven's point of view. This is a dark romance series and this book does has some spice. This book has so many twists and turns, once I started reading I did not want to put it down. I am very thankful that this book did not end in a giant cliffhanger and some things were resolved but this book does leave you wanting more. I cannot wait for the next book in this series to be released.

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Empress of Fae is book 3 in the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn and y’all I’m sad and pissed that this is over!
I can’t believe this is the final book in this amazing series!
If you haven’t read Queen of Roses and Court of Claws go now and read them, you won’t be sorry you did.
Y’all I loved following Morgan Le Fay on her journey and reading her story.
I loved her personality and character she was simply the best.
I really enjoyed this dark fantasy romance filled with fae, secrets, and betrayal, and the amount of adventure and action to balance it out.
A gripping dark fantasy romance with an inspired King Arthur retelling with a Fae twist. What’s not to freaking love?
Full of danger, adventure, magic, and a romance that is swooning.
One of my favorite series I’ve read all year!

I can’t thank this publisher enough for the opportunity to read and review all three titles!

I would like to thank NetGalley and Victory Editing for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Enjoyable third book to the series, it took me a while to get into it but that may have just been because I'd forgot a bit of what had happened previously so had to get my head around it again. Loved the dream scenes and Morgan realising she did want Draven, looking forward to the next installment.

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Oh my gosh I'm so sad that this is the last book. So much adventure, drama, wonderful characters with amazing chemistry and a great story line. Can't wait to discover more books by Briar.

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"I was never your prison, Never your captor. All I've ever wanted was to be your protector. Your Sanctuary."

'Empress of Fae' the third book in the Blood Of Fae series. Briar has done it again. I can't say enough about this series. If you love Arthurian retellings mixed with Fae characters, you will love this series. 'Empress of Fae' continues the story of Morgan Le Fay and her journey to save her Kingdom from her brother. Although I found the book to start of a bit slow it quickly picked up and by the end I didn't know which direction the story was heading.

The love Draven has for Morgan has me gushing over their scenes together one of my favourite book couples ever.

There is some dark content and triggers in the book so beware and check them out before reading. I can't wait for the 4th and final book to see how it is all wrapped up.

I'm rating this book 4.5 stars and 2.5 spicy peppers

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Thank you to Briar and Netgalley for allowing me to read an advanced ready copy of the book.

After reading the 1st 2 books of the series I was ready for book three and Briar doesn't disappoint. Love knows no limits, even through great distance. Relationships are tested as Morgan finds herself back in the castle u der Arthur's watch. I zoomed through the last 25 percent when the action pace picked up. I can't wait for book 4!

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Absolutely fantastic! I was addicted from start to finish.

This book was a darker book in the series, but after everything the characters have been through it's not surprising. Morgan and Draven needed their time apart for them to work through their own wounds and find their own strengths - I loved the anticipation for when they were reunited (and I had goosebumps when it happened)

A satisfying conclusion to one part of the story, before the underlying one begins.

Plus. I really want my own Exmoor.

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Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Publication date: October 25, 2023

This is the third book in the Blood of Fae series by Briar Boleyn. The series and writing gets better as it goes along and this is definitely the best so far.

This third book focuses on Morgan back in Camelot to face her brother the King and the friends she left behind. Having left the Siabra court and her husband/mate Draven, she must stop her brother before he destroys her home.

Morgan left Draven in a fury but as she leads her friends and rebels against her brother, realizes that although Draven’s approach to marriage wasn’t what she wanted, she cannot deny they belong together.

Draven is desperate to find Morgan and help her lead his army against her brother and enemies but is so far away. Months away from reaching her. As they meet most nights in their dreams and share their updates and love, Draven pushes himself and his army to reach Morgan as quick as possible.

When Draven feel the mating bond go silent, it means Morgan is dead. Draven cannot accept that and storms into Camelot on a mission to find his wife. Will Draven get to Morgan on time?

This was a four star read for me and as noted was the best instalment of the series so far. I’m looking forward to the next book to see where life takes Draven and Morgan next.

#NetGalley #empressoffae #briarboleyn

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