Member Reviews

Thanks to Briar Boleyn, the publishers and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my review.

As with the first two books, Empress of Fae is an action packed, fast paced fantasy story. There’s a diverse cast of characters and a fun, sassy FMC. There’s also the satisfaction of seeing what the first two books build up to come to fruition and finally having secrets from the earlier books reveled. I would definitely recommend these books to someone who enjoys a good romantasy series.

This book picks up where Court of Claws leaves off with Morgan thrust back into Camelot. In the segment of her quest where she finally gets to face Arthur. This book was full of war, action packed battle, and plenty of spying. We also get more details on Morgan’s lineage. Throughout the story Morgan struggles with the distance from her husband/mate, but the story is written in multiple POVs so readers still get a glimpse of Draven while he’s a continent away. This story does a great job lining up the next book (which will be the final one) where we are likely to be seeing a full-on fae war.

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Firstly, I want to say a big thankyou to NetGalley for giving me a free E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This series just keeps getting better I'm not sure how Briar Boleyn does it but she does.
I thought Court Of Roses was great and the Court Of Claws was even better and now Empress Of Fae is here and has completely blown the first 2 out of the water.
I can not wait for book #4 to be released next year!
So much has happened within the pages of this book it's so hard not to accidentally spoil anything.

The book picks up where the last one ended back in Camelot as Morgan trys to help Camelot and stop her Brother with the help of some familiar faces aswell as being introduced to some new ones.

The book is Dual P.OV. as we follow Morgan and her path in Camelot and Draven and his path to finding her to be by her side.

As per the previous books I went into this blind without checking the trigger warnings (which there are a few that are listed at the back of the book) but I do recommend people checking them before diving into this installment if they know they have certain triggers as there are some darker themes in this book than the previous.

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Thank you netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed book 1, but book 2 wasn't my favourite. I went into this expecting to finish the series, but realised it's not the end from Insta and I am going to have to mark it as a DNF.

Several of the characters had the same 'voice' in that they would speak the same way...same short sentences, same way of speaking. For instance, in one conversation, each character said 'Fair point' back to one another on the same page. Draven was portrayed to be morally grey, but by this book, nothing about him seemed morally grey other than Morgan herself describing him that way. To be fair, I only read 30% before DNFing.

I do believe in this author's potential and love the concept of this story, it was unfortunately just not for me.

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*Spoilers for books 1 and 2*
Morgan has returned to Camelot, where her brother King Arthur has sent her young brother Kaye to the front of the battlefield. In a desperate attempt to save Kaye and the Rose Court, Morgan allows herself to be captured by Arthur and his new right hand, Fenyx, to become a spy for the rebellion from within the Rose Court. Unfortunately, her time to hide is limited as war and danger is looming and Morgan needs to end things before too many lives and lost and destroyed.
Meanwhile, Draven has been left behind in Myntra but he cannot leave his mate to the cruelty of King Arthur and so he begins his journey to Camelot and the Rose Court. He will cross oceans to protect the one he loves most.
This book is mainly in Morgan's point of view, however we also experience some of Draven's journey and a couple extra points of view.
This was a great third addition to the series, there were many reunions between Morgan and her friends from book one, Queen of Roses, and it was great to see how their relationships evolved within the setting of war and rebellion. Empress of Fae has a lot more focus on the action than the romance, but there were still some sweet moments throughout. Some of the plot twists were not surprising due to the clues beforehand, but I thought the detail created was well thought out and unsuspected.
There is a minor cliffhanger at the end, but it feels more like a "to be continued" than a sudden end which I really appreciate seeing as I have to wait for the next book to come out!
I highly recommend this series, especially for people wanting romantasy with more fantasy plot. I feel like its a great balance of having romance but also a really developed fantasy plot.
Thank you to Briar Boleyn, NetGalley and Starwater Press for this ARC is exchange for an honest review

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The third book in the Blood of the Fae series takes Morgan and Draven on their individual adventures. This separation allows their characters to grow more as independent leaders in both politics and their own magic. I was impressed by book three's ability to keep the plot moving forward and the intrigue going. So far no book has felt like filler and the universe continues to grow with breadcrumbs passed to the reader along the way. The one thing I found disappointing in this book was Morgan not coming into her own. She still felt very naive and dense at not understanding who was the one pulling the strings. Additionally, she didn't ever save herself or develop her magic further. I'm hopeful book four will bring us more information on the other enemies, answer the open questions, and show Morgan as the badass magic powerhouse that she's been set up to be.

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It’s been a WHILE since I’ve read a full series back to back to back. I could barely make time to rate the books as I read them and I’m so upset that I have to wait for whatever comes next.

Thank you netgalley for the ARC of this book, of these three books, because now this is all I will think about.

Briar Boleyn please hit me up IMMEDIATELY for whatever book you write next. Heck I’d read a description of paint drying from you at this point.

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I was really looking forward to this and for some reason I had expected this to be the end of a trilogy.

Which made me question why it was so boring. This one feels a little like some sort of a filler book in the series because all the good reveals and plot-twists came in the ending.

I'm still looking forward to the next part and I hope it's going to be more fantastical than this one.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and Victory Editing for this ARC.

Morgan is back home and everything's changed and it is much worse too. This book continues from where book 2 left off. Morgan goes undercover and is back with her brother, King Arthur, who is now married and about to have a baby! She is also getting unwanted attention from the King's Lord General, Fenyx, who made me want to kill him!

There was a lot going on with Morgan, the sword and the things happening to their people; the war crimes mentioned were absolutely disgusting and the sad thing is that it is currently happening in the real world but no one's willing to stop it and help! But back to the story, there is more to be done and another book releasing next year to look forward to.

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I was worried going into this as Morgan really infuriated me in Court of Claws and I didn’t think I could cope with any more of her childish whinging - thankfully she is much less infuriating in Empress of Fae! Morgan is definitely growing up and becoming less frustrating (although she’s still not a particularly likable MC for me).

On top of a slightly less petulant Morgan we also get a Draven POV! I’m not usually a fan of split POVs but on this occasion it was much needed and a welcome reprieve from Morgan. I also don’t think the story would have been half an engaging if we hadn’t know what Draven was up to and what was in store! There were a couple of other POVs thrown in too which I really enjoyed and I actually wish we had seen more chapters from them as I think that could have really added some complex layers to this book.

The romance. I have been struggling with the romance in this series honestly. There just doesn’t seem to be any real foundation or connection between them - just lust and Draven’s seeming inability to think of Morgan as anything but perfect? There’s definitely a spark there but I think the romance just feels very one dimensional to me. I will say their romance felt better in this book and I'm starting to buy it a little bit? I think?

This leads to my biggest gripe with this series so far. I haven’t really believed any of the characters. None have spoken to me or felt as well developed as I had hoped. Which is such as shame as I have really loved and enjoyed the plot and the world but without engaging characters the books just fall a bit flat for me.

I love the plot and how Arthurian myths have been interwoven throughout. The pacing was a bit inconsistent for me in this book with a slower start and a fasted paced ending but I didn’t mind that at all as it really lent itself to everything coming together towards the end.

Despite my complaints I will absolutely be reading the next instalment as while the characters aren’t what I want I do feel like everything else is spot on! I love the world building, the storyline, the pacing, the prose itself - all really solid, it’s just that character development isn’t where I want it to be.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for an E-ARC

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The experience of reading what I thought was the last book of a beloved series is always a bittersweet one. Imagine my surprise when I reached the end and realized there were still some loose ends. Now I’ll have to wait till March. Though, through three books and plenty of time spent within a world of fae, growth, fear, and battlecats, this story has a place deep within my heart.

Empress of Fae is everything you want from a Blood of a Fae novel. My experience of reading it was of me wanting to take my time with every paragraph I consumed, to linger over language that is both striking and endearing, and marvel at how Boleyn manages to weave together a wonderful story of growth for characters who have dealt with such trauma and masterfully turn them into fierce, powerful, and unique individuals. I thought I already knew them so well, but I sense there is teasing of new exciting depths yet to come.

Every page was such a delight, and I missed this book even while reading it. I understand the need for the fourth book, and Empress of Fae set everything up to tie everything together nicely.

All I ask is for more Exmoor’s, please!!

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YESSSSSSSS OMGGGGGG ive been dying to read this right away.

This book is HEAVY but I truly think its the "strongest" one. Morgan is amazing and just so resilient. I canNOT wait for book 4. I think I'm going to die without it lol

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Firstly, thank you to Briar for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for a honest review! Book three of the Blood of a Fae series did not disappoint. I was absolutely hooked from the beginning and read it in one sitting. I will be impatiently waiting for the final instalment.

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This book isn’t the final instalment, which I’m not mad at as there is definitely more to be explored. Returning to Camelot means there’s plenty of political drama and the first part of the book is setting up. I do think due to it being a middle book in a series there were certain plot points that needed to be fleshed out. This didn’t take away from the bond between Morgan and Draven and I loved all their scenes, which we don’t get enough of in my opinion.
Due to the change of setting I felt like the pacing changed a lot from the first two books so I didn’t feel it was as strong as those. That’s until the second half, which was actually so good!
This book contains a character that I HATED who had very toxic views of women and I felt he had more air time than beloved Draven so for me that affected my read of this book. I must say the Arthurian lore is great and the mythological characters amazing. I will be continuing the series for sure. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for an E-ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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Book 3 of the Blood of a Fae series was just as amazing as the first 2!

This reimagining of Arthurian legend and fae lore is spectacular in this world. The building of this world is so clever that I was hooked from page 1.

In book 3, we reunite, finally, Morgan and Draven. Two mates who were separated for most of the book by bad choices and a world at war.

Morgan and Draven are complex characters who jump off the page and make you fall in love with them, root for them, and enjoy the time they did spend together.

Kaye...what can I say about Kaye? *weeps*
Lancelet, Merlin, Javar, and all of the others are well fleshed out supporting characters who advance the world and the story for good.

and a fitting end spoilers.

A great read from start to finish! Bring on Book 4!

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I am so glad I picked up this series, this latest instalment did not disappoint. The only sad part is that I've already finished it. I can not wait to see where we go next, I'm also anxiously awaiting the reintroduction of the mysterious fae King.. which MUST be coming in book 4? It's so close I can almost taste it.

I loved the introduction of the evil characters in this because it developed Morgan so much more, we definitely didn't get enough of Draven but I appreciate the dream meetings just to give us some more time for their bond to develop.

So much action in the second part of this book, I just couldn't put it down, nor did I want to. I'm so excited to see what comes next. Thank you Briar!

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Morgan Pendragon in the third book of the Blood of a Fae series is now Morgan Le Fay. When she feels like she feels she was backed into a life she didn’t choose for herself she does the only thing she feels like she can do, escapes. Returning to Camelot, she faces the daunting task of ending the war, rescuing her brother, shielding her friends, and protecting her beloved city from her ruthless sibling, King Arthur. As for Draven, he grapples with the agony of losing his mate and realizes that he must stand by her side, supporting her in her endeavors, and making amends for past mistakes.

“Empress of Fae” by Briar Boleyn is so amazing! Having devoured the first two books in the series, I had high expectations for the third, and it did not disappoint. I love Morgan and Draven’s relationship and was holding my breathe until they could reunite. I cannot wait to preorder the next book in the series. This book is one of the best books I’ve read this year. An unwavering 5 out of 5 stars, so in love with this series through and through.

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After Morgan leaves Draven to go back to Pendrath on her own, she finds her home in shambles. Arthur has gone to war against previous allies, sent Kaye to the frontlines of battle, and he has married and gotten his new queen pregnant. Morgan finds herself in the midst of rebels with the task of infiltrating the castle and learning all she can. The unsavoury General Fenyx isn’t going to make it easy on her with his keen interest though, especially since Morgan is keeping her previous whereabouts a secret.

My first impression of book three was that it was a little slow compared to the others. I needed my FMC and MMC to make their way back together, and had to wait until almost 40% before that began to happen. From that point on though, it read super quick and was much enjoyable. Morgan does some bad*ss magic which isn't really explained in full (alluded to, yes, but a lot is left unanswered). Draven is more just a supporting role in this book, both in that not a lot happens with him and also in that he is just super supportive of Morgan. However, I do miss the banter and tension between the two of them.

Tons happens in the final chapters and even though it leaves some plot points open for the fourth book, it also sort of delivers on a happy-ish ending.


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"Empress of Fae" by Briar Boleyn, the third installment in the Blood of a Fae series, continues the enthralling saga of Morgan Pendragon, now known as Morgan Le Fay, as she embraces her true heritage and confronts her destiny. In this captivating tale:

Divided by Oceans but Eternally Bonded: Morgan Pendragon, now Morgan Le Fay, renounces a potential future as the ruler of the Siabra fae and the wife of the Prince of Claws. She returns to Camelot and the Rose Court, where her friends and younger brother are in grave danger due to Arthur's cruel intentions.

A Love Beyond Time: Morgan's bond with Kairos Draven, the Prince of Claws, defies ordinary constraints. Their connection transcends blood, love, life, and time itself. Their relationship is a force that neither can easily sever, even in the face of unimaginable challenges.

Unleashing Unimaginable Power: Morgan is no ordinary woman. As her true nature emerges, she gains extraordinary abilities, with the powers of the gods flowing through her veins. She becomes an unparalleled force, claiming dominion over Aercanum and beyond. However, her newfound power also attracts adversaries willing to do anything to halt her ascent.

Readers have praised this series for its incredible blend of romance, fantasy, action, well-developed characters, unexpected plot twists, and intricate world-building. Fans of ACOTAR (A Court of Thorns and Roses) have particularly appreciated the series, considering it a must-read.

"Empress of Fae" promises to be a gripping addition to the series, offering readers a rich, immersive experience filled with magic, love, and unyielding determination. If you've followed Morgan's journey from the beginning, this book is sure to deliver the same level of excitement and intrigue.

Please note that the series contains many trigger warnings, ensuring that readers are aware of the content's nature before diving into this fantastical adventure.

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This 3rd book in the Blood of a Fae series was absolutely fantastic. I was hooked with the 1st book, captivated by the 2nd book, and now obsessed with this story. It just keeps getting better and better. The world building is fantastic and I love all the character relationships and arcs. If you like s King Arthur retelling with Fae, then this series is a must read.

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This series is compelling, and this book will make you want more and more. Morgan and Draven are a strong beautiful couple. Like relationship goals people!!!

Morgan is brilliant and she will do everything for her loved ones, through all the series you can see all the character growth. She’s always been amazing, but she knows better now too. Not everything is easy, and power is not just handed over but a big responsibility. Draven, ohhh I love him. He will not be separated from his mate. And he’ll do everything to be reunited with her.

This Arthurian retelling mixed with Fae folklore is the best, the fight, the schemes and betrayals had me at the edge of my sit. Book four cannot come soon enough!

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