Member Reviews

Whist I appreciate that NetGalley and the publisher provided me with arcs of these books, I will not be sharing my thoughts in full, as I saw that the Amazon listing for this series used AI generated images. Generative AI is theft, and I refuse to support any creators who indulge in it or endorse it.

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Thank you so much for the arc! I have enjoyed this series so much. This was just as entertaining as the first two. I stayed hooked and have thoroughly enjoyed reading. Looking forward to picking up the last book on Amazon.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. There are some great aspects to it, but also some not-so-great ones. I appreciate some of Morgan's actions, but at times she comes across as self-centered, especially in the beginning of the book. She seems to overlook others' feelings and their trauma processing, and becomes annoying by pushing herself on them until she gets what she wants, without considering their forgiveness. Additionally, I'm tired of the recurring theme where the female main character gets manipulated by the male main character and forgives him too quickly, just so they can bang. As for Draven, I generally like his personality, but his behavior gave me a negative impression. I wish he had to work harder to earn forgiveness. On a positive note, the war storyline is engaging, and I'm still interested in learning more about the story.

I obtained this book as an ARC through Netgalley.

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Much better than book 2. Empress of Fae had a lot of what I wanted Court of Claws to have. Our FMC has grown, learned, and matured.

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This is the 3rd book in the series. A unique and compelling retelling of the Arthur legends of old.
I'm thoroughly invested in this series now, and will impatiently wait for book 4.
I give this book a very solid 4 star rating.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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I made it half way through and DNF. It’s been so long that I can’t remember a lot of what I read but I did leave some comments for myself…

- She keeps calling Draven morally gray - if your character is this it doesn’t mean the FMC needs to continuously say it in the books
- It is so wrong to try to get a woman’s attention with a court jester and dignitaries after she’s just lost a limb. Where are the adults here? This isn’t humerus, Draven is 150+ years old, can he not just go talk to his sister in law. Maybe it’s because I work with amputees and see them go through the struggle with their new identity, idk.

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This book was so satisfying, like it wraps up a huge part of the plot in such a gratifying manner and really shows the strength of Morgan has gained over the last two books. Of the three books, this one feels the most cohesive and the most action packed. There is never a dull moment between chapters, and I found myself speeding through it.

And the cliffhanger it ended on? It was perfect, and this is coming from someone who normally does not enjoy a cliffhanger. But this one felt like yes let's keep this story moving, but also not cheap of it being a place in which there is little resolution for everything that just went down. I cannot wait to read the fourth book, I am in love with this series.

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Unfortunately I just don't think this series is for me! The characters felt a bit 2D throughout, and I just couldn't get interested in the story and world. The writing is nice and easy to read, but it just didn't catch my interest sadly. Thank you for providing me with the 3 books in this series!

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Another great addition to this series. I loved watching Morgan and Draven grow throughout this book. Morgan had to put up with so much while trying to stop her brother, it kept you on the edge of your seat. If you haven't started this series yet, you should go pick up the first book, you will not regret it. This series is just getting better as it goes. Now I can’t wait to pick up the last book in the series. I need to see how it ends.

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Empress of a Fae by Briar Boleyn was a twisty, unpredictable fantasy that I wasn't expecting. A very good read. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc.

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For the third book in the series, my expectations were definitely let down. I was hoping for more action or just more. I found this one pretty slow and a little boring. Yes there were parts that I found exciting but mostly the story just didn’t do it for me. I was happy that we got more information about Arthur and resolution in that aspect. Draven and Morgan’s story does take more shape and the romance was pretty enjoyable as it was unique. I will be finishing the series with the fourth book but I think my expectations are pretty low.

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Epic fantasy loosely built around Arthurian legend slams forward - unrelenting and fast paced, it will not let go! Camelot like you haven't seen it, good vs evil, betrayals around every corner, what a ride! Some things end, some ...

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Once more, the author has delivered! This series continues to impress with its thrilling action and unexpected turns, making it impossible to tear yourself away. I admire how the author seamlessly integrates elements from Arthurian legend into her unique world. The world-building is top-notch; despite the intricate political landscape and various other elements, readers are fully immersed and left wanting more.

I'm eagerly anticipating further exploration of Fae history and background in the fourth book, and I'm practically bursting with excitement for the conclusion of the Blood of a Fae series! I'm grateful to both the author and NetGalley for allowing me to be an ARC reader for this series. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up, even though I know it will be bittersweet!

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I loved this book and the series Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me early access to this title.

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First of all thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book picks up exactly where the last book left off, with Morgan having returned to Camelot through a portal and leaving Draven behind.

This book differed from others in the series by having some chapters from other POVs, so we actually get to be inside Draven's head. This was enjoyable and enhanced the story.

Something has to be said for just how well Boleyn writes villains that make your blood boil. Fenyx was a horrible character, even more so than Florian from the first book.

While there are some hateful characters, there are more loveable characters too. My heart was in my throat for them throughout this book.

I would thoroughly recommend giving this series a read if you enjoy fantasy books involving the fae and if you have an interest in tales of King Arthur (who does not come off well in this series).

I am looking forward to finding out how this series will conclude.

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This portion of the characters story was filled with action. I loved the buildup. Briar Boleyn gives you the perfect amount of story before things start to become action packed and the action stays at a great level for the remainder of the book. This one set my heart racing while the first two had a steady burn. I had to read quickly because I was so anxious about what was going to happen. While I enjoyed the first two I definitely think this one is the best of the three books.

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Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this. We definitely upped the ante with this book! It was super intense and kept me riveted from start to finish. We got the character growth I was hoping to see in Morgan and I couldn’t be happier about that fact.
Most importantly, we finally got some of Draven’s POV!!! I totally thought this was a trilogy but I am NOT complaining about getting more of this series!

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This was just what I needed.

I couldn't wait to see whete this tory would go after book 2. Especially since book 2 wound up being so much better as the story progressed.

And I wasn't wrong to be excited for this one.

I think it was a great way to continue things. And see what all would happen.

The characters continued to be interesting. And I still do love the take Briar had on this legend and turning it into hernoen thing the way she did

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Just like the previous book, we’re not given a time jump, which I was happy about. It was, however, slower-paced than the previous book and I did think some times the chapters could’ve been condensed. I still liked it. which I’m happy about. I want to keep reading this series and from the author. There were a couple of plot twists and turns throughout the book, I didn’t catch all of them before they revealed themselves.

This book is very much a study on Morgan and her power, Fae and otherwise. I liked that it showed that even if you’re not wielding magic, you can definitely still be powerful. The events in this book definitely tested her strength and will and I’m glad to say she came out strong as I knew she would. Although her and Draven are physically separated for most of the book, you could see they loved each other and I liked how Draven kept saying “I’ll find her anywhere” and lines like that.

This has patches of action here and there but it is largely more of a quieter book and focuses on politics more than the previous books did (though Court of Claws did have a good amount of politics in). I don’t mind fantasy politics, so I liked that.

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Will be posting a full review soon. I can't wait for the next installment. Read this book in only one night. Really like the characters. Really likes the different POV

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