Member Reviews

I devoured this book, just I have the preceding two books in the series. The calculating characters, tied together in countless ways, both auspicious and sinister, keep you wondering who will be the next betrayer. The twist and turns of this Camelot tale are incredibly well written. This installment has less action but more court intrigue, with devious minds maneuvering to outplay one another. Admittedly, there were times I wanted to shake Morgan and be like— pay attention 😆 but all told this was an exciting new addition to the series, and that ending!!!

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I was so excited to pick up Empress of Fae and revisit the world Briar Boleyn has created with this series, along with finding out what has happened with Morgan and Draven obviously, and I’m so glad that this book did not disappoint.

In Court of Claws I found Morgan a little frustrating, so it was so good to see her take some ownership and autonomy here and fully come into her power as an individual. She does not rely on anyone else to speak for her or let anyone control her, but instead she handles her business without fear and is determined to protect those she loves. Characterisation wise, she is all the better for this change. The dream scenes were well done, I loved seeing Nightclaw and Sunstrike again, Kaye is such a sweetheart and although I saw through a particular character’s falsity it did not ruin the twists and turns of the story for me.

This is such a solid romantasy series, and I fully recommend it to anyone who loves not only fae based stories but fresh takes on traditional mythology. While Empress of Fae obviously takes place in a fantasy setting, the issues explored (discrimination, prejudice, displacement of refugees, war and conflict, domestic abuse, sexual assault) are not only dealt with sensitively but are reflective of the issues of our own world, and I think that’s what makes this book - and Briar Boleyn’s writing - so compelling.

4.5 stars. A massive thank you to Netgalley and the author for the e-ARC.

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✨🗡️Book Review🗡️✨

Briar Boleyn’s *Empress of Fae* had me on an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. First of all, let me get this out there—I do love me some Draven! So, when his stepmom got what she deserved, I couldn’t help but cheer. But, wait, that wasn’t the only twist! Lancelot being mad at Morgan had me screaming, “Come on, just talk it out! She didn’t want to leave you!”

This book, though, it really pulled at my heartstrings. It took some of my favorite characters and... well, let’s just say there were some tearful moments. But who knew I’d end up needing a bearkin chef in my life?

There were so many layers to this story that left me guessing. What’s Orcades really up to? Will Morgan ever meet her real father? And what about her uncle, can we trust him? Oh, and don’t even get me started on Arthur—I hate that guy!

Draven, though, he’s just something else. That way with words and his burning desire to be with Morgan had me rooting for him all the way. Fenyx, on the other hand, gave me serious red flags—I couldn’t wait for Draven to sort him out!

Then there’s that mysterious figure in the alter world. Who could it be? Is it Morgan’s dad? What’s the bigger picture here?

Speaking of relationships, the bond between Orcades and Morgan is incredible. I just loved it but also eww Is that baby really Arthur’s, and how is it a tool?

And what’s up with Terrin? Definitely feels like the snitch here, and where is Javier when you need him?👀

Finally, all those twists towards the end blew my mind. The heart-eating and all the questions it raised—I can’t wait for the next installment!

In a nutshell, *Empress of Fae* exceeded all my bookish hopes. Briar Boleyn broke my heart a million times with those who perished, and now I’m left yearning for the next book. Can’t wait for more epicness and heartache! 💔📚✨

Thank you for the chance to read this book ✨
I love your world briar!

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This series definitely still has me in its claws! This is the 3rd book in the series, and it had some more action than the previous ones. I enjoyed the story progression, and I can't wait to see where it goes next!

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I loved this book! great way to continue the story. It was full of action, love, adventure, and strength. I can’t wait to read the next one!

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Briar Boleyn has done it yet again! This book was filled with tons of story building and amazing plot points. You get hooked straight from the start with this book ( especially if you're binge reading the series ) because you just have to figure out what happened with Morgan! And boy does Morgans story get more intense. Her character has also grown quite immensely and it makes me so happy to see the development. There were some new characters too like that asshole Fenyx and we also get the return of Lancelet! ( YIPEE! )
This book does have some sad moments, that honestly I personally feel had to happen for certain plot developments/character developments but the twists and turns that these moments started or ended with was amazing! I was never able to guess certain twists and I thoroughly enjoyed that.
I can’t wait for book four in March! I thought this was going to be a trilogy so I’m stoked to read it. Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you so much to the author and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange of my honest review.

This book was a lot. A lot of information and a lot of traveling. I did still love this book. It moved the story forward very quickly, we found out a ton more of this world, and set up for the next one beautifully!

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This was such a wonderful and enjoyable read!!!! I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Morgan has made the decision to return to Camelot. She feels betrayed by Draven, forced to become something she is not. She may have fled but their bond grows, even over great distances. He cannot follow her through the portals but he will follow her wherever she goes. She is his wife, his mate, his Empress, his everything.

On her return she finds that Camelot is in worse shape than she thought. Arthur has become more psychotic and her people are suffering. She held out hope that Kaye was safe but she finds that Arthur has not spared him in his thirst for power. But there are still worse things that she must uncover!

Arthur has really climbed the ladder of madness! His levels of torture, crimes against humanity, and executions continue to escalate. Merlin uses every strategy she knows to come up with a way to get Morgan back into the castle - and her final solution was not one that Morgan would ever have agreed to.

Morgan has grown so much over the books. She is powerful with no thirst for power, popular amongst her people. The surge in her popularity does not go as unnoticed as she thought and there are many dangerous enemies hiding in plain sight - least of which is her sister. Is she friend, foe or neutral?

This is a very much darker story and some of my favourite characters did not escape unscathed. The rebellion and civic war were inevitable and Morgan just wants to minimise casualties. T loved the dreamscapes between Morgan and Draven, showing that their connection is deeper than even she realises and that whilst he may have went about things ham-fisted, he's keeping his word and coming to her aid - with an army and the exmoors!

There is still much to uncover, including just how long the High King has been meddling in Camelot and if there is any way for Morgan, Draven and co to topple him.

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This book! They just keep getting better!!
Morgan is a character that does not disappoint… her strength and courage to take the reins of her circumstances is fantastic!!

I loved exploring even more of our main characters relationship and how their powers work together.

Not a single dull moment, twists an turns, romance and awesome side characters too.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great series finale. I really enjoyed how the author wrapped up the series and really enjoyed the whole series.

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We pick up pretty much where book two finished, Morgan has vanished though a portal, leaving her new kingdom and husband behind. She lands back in Camelot where her brother, King Arthur, seems to have got even worse in her absence.

There’s lots of little mysteries slowly getting solved or little hints and clues being fed to us about where this all might be leading. There was plenty of action as Morgan tries to keep everyone she loves safe, while also staying safe herself now that she’s back in the castle. Then there’s our Mate, Draven. What will he do now that his Empress and wife has left him and is in danger a whole ocean away.

Excited to find out more about good ol’ Dad and how he fits into everything that’s going on.

CN for death, murder, torture, SA (not on page).

Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Format: Digital
POV: Multiple
Spice: 🌶️🌶️ /5
Age suggestion: 18+

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Once again, Briar Boleyn has knocked it out of the park with this book. This is one of my all-time favourite series and I'm so excited for the next book.

I was a little worried that this book may be a little transitional as tends to happen with a lot of romantasy series. However this book answered a lot of questions I was left with from the last two books. There is also plenty of action, whilst still leaving the door open for a big finale in the next book.

I love a good hidden identity plot line. Morgan must keep her new fae powers and role a secret. I spent most of the time just waiting and anticipating the moment she could reveal who she was. No spoilers, but it was worth the wait.

I adore the cast of characters in this series. Both Morgan and Draven have found family and I love them all so much, particularly the exmoors.

I also loved that this book took the time to deepen the relationship between Morgan and Draven, even though they were apart. It made me adore them as a couple even more.

This book is such an easy read and it’s so gripping. I devoured it in two days because I couldn't put it down. As I said with the second book, I don’t understand how more people aren’t talking about this series! All three books are available on NetGalley (run, don't walk to get them). According to Amazon, the next book, Knight of the Goddess, will be released in March 2024. I'm already counting down the days!

Thanks to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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🌶️🌶️.5 /5

*will mention a trigger warning regarding the act of un-aliving babies, and young children*

Empress of Fae takes place back in Camelot after Morgan left Draven at the end of Court of Claws. Upon arriving she's informed of everything that has been happening and sees the destruction that her brother, King Arthur has put the kingdom through. As they make plans, things obviously go differently and she learns that not everyone is who they seem to be.

Empress of Fae brought everything that was mentioned in the previous books together, and set up what is going to be coming in the 4th book. WHICH I CAN NOT WAIT FOR BTW!

Watching the relationship between Morgan and Draven grow (such a good SLOW BURN), to Morgan finally understanding who she truly is, and growing into a powerful fae has been amazing. Absolutely in love with this series so much. I'm highly debating on re-reading the entire series again.

Thank you so much Briar Boleyn & NetGalley for the ARC.

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ARC Review of Empress of Fae by Briar Boleyn
* * * * *
There is so much happening in this book my mind is on the edge of delicious madness! I am questioning all Arthurian legend as we speak because...what if this was the true version? Love, betrayal, sacrifice and a prophecy!

Morgan is now back in her homeland...but it is not home anymore.
Runng away from Draven has led her to heartbreak, but also led to her needed return as things are starting to go crazy.
Her brother Arthur has gone mad.
Lancelet is back from the dead.
Merlin is no longer High Priestess.
Arthur has changed the court as Excalibur is now in his possession, with a new queen by his side, and a prophecy he believes is part of his downfall begins to take hold of his twisted mind.
Morgan already has so much on her mind, yet her heart is in constant pain from her other half not being be her side.
Draven will come for his mate. His empress.
She will need him when it all goes to Hell.

There are new threats and players, new surprises and shocks, new epic twists that have you question what is legend and what is truth.
A new psychopath!
Relationships are tested!
So many betrayals! So many sacrifices!
One sacrifice in particular had me just holding my kindle wanting that happy suprise to come for it not to be true and have it all work out.
Roles have changed too as someone else steps up into a major role.
With the provided ending I surely hope there is more as there is so much more to unfold and take place! There is a romance I wish would bloom. A royal who deserves justice. A couple who should have more physical time together and not just in dream land...although I am not complaining with what happens in dream land. Wowzers!

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So tragically I got stuck at the airport..... With nothing to do but read......

In other words I started and finished this book before I even boarded the plane 🤣

I have be hanging out for this book and I could not put it down.

To anyone who hasn't read the first two, it's a new take on Arthurian Legend, with a twist on the traditional characters roles and backgrounds.

There is less spice in this one but it the book definitely doesn't suffer for it.

Instead of the characters getting us hot and bothered in the best ways..... It's some other characters getting us worked up in the worst ways. Rage was absolutely induced.

Our Morally Gray Fae Bae is still as wonderful as he ever was. But this book. Golly goodness it reveals his soft gooey centre..... But we all know sweet and spicy works best hand in hand.

I'm desperately trying not to include any spoilers. But I will say one thing here..... The paintings 😭

Lyrastra really has become one of my fave gals. I look forward to seeing more of her!

And as always.... Family is such a crazy complex thing.....

And the plot twist towards the end.... I had a feeling, and I'm both heart broken and relieved that I was right.....

5 stars.... Because I know I'm not gonna shut up about it 😂

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Once again I have devoured one of Briars books. I am just as obsessed as I was with Court of Claws. I have been waiting for this book for months, I was not disappointed. I hate waiting until next year for book four but I can’t complain cause I wasn’t ready for the story to end.

This book had a much bigger story than the other three and less spice. Even without the spice though I’ll never get enough of my man Draven, he has my heart completely. I also loved Morgan so much more in this book, she grew and you can really see it here.

The path was laid out for book four so now I cannot wait to see what book four brings!

This book comes with many trigger warnings, don’t ignore them.

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3.5/5 stars ⭐️
I think book 2 is still my favorite because of the trials and more spice but this one was still great! If you haven’t read books 1 and 2 spoilers ahead!

Picking up right where we left of, Morgan has returned to Camelot to deal with her brother Arthur. It was nice to see some returning characters like Galahad and Lancelet as we return to the court drama. Morgan navigates how she could possibly fight again Arthur and his new queen all while keeping her friends safe, finding her little brother Kaye, and someday returning to Draven. I was happy there was some action because with Draven and Morgan separated, there wasn’t as much spice/romance and some of the “plot explanation” moments were a lot. I think there is a lot still unanswered surrounding the mysterious evil king, what’s happening to Kaye, the owl??? and I’ll be honest that I didn’t really understand Arthur or Orcades were planning to do? It doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger but it is obvious we have more adventuring to do in the fourth and final book.

Things I loved:
Hawl, duh. Who doesn’t love a talking bear
Morgan being a badass
Draven being so totally obsessed with her
The cabin scenes 😍

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I didn't think it could get better... boy, was I wrong.

♔ - Fae Mates
♔ - Multi-POV
♔ - Spicy Scenes
♔ - Found Family
♔ - Arthurian retelling

I spent the last two days finding every chance to read this book.
Forgetting to eat on lunch break? ✓
Skipping the gym? ✓
Burning dinner while cooking? ✓

Expect to seethe at the villains. Expect to constantly question what is going to happen next. Expect to feel heartache, heartbreak, pride, suspense, surprise, love, and so much more. The stakes within each book become greater and greater and are gradually crescendo-ing. I'm looking forward to book four (and any other future books this series holds). HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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I really loved this book! It was full of adventure and I loved how the author developed the characters! I was never bored because of how well the author kept the story going. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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