Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn. ★★★★★ "Empress of Fae” captivates with its enchanting blend of romance, fantasy, and adventure.

Morgan Pendragon's journey from obscurity to embracing her true heritage as Morgan Le Fay is spellbinding. The author intricately weaves a tapestry of magic, love, and betrayal that kept me on the edge of my seat. You’re finally seeing more of Morgan as her true self and not denying herself what she deserves, the world!

The characters are vividly developed, each with their own complexities and motivations, adding depth to an already richly imagined world. The seamless interplay between the mortal realm and the fae domain adds a layer of intrigue! What’s going to happen, now!?!?!?

You also get more of a deep dive into the forbidden romance between Morgan and Kairos Draven which ignites the pages with passion. Their fate is already drawn, but can they accept it?

With every twist and turn, this third installment delivered an exhilarating ride! Literally through all emotions! Prepare to be enchanted.

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Just another book series I’m obsessed with…. Carry on. This one is my favorite of the series so far. The writing is wonderful, the author is wonderful (follow her on socials it’s well worth it) the romance had me swooning and crying and please just read this book. Thanks NetGalley 😭♥️

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This book is one of my anticipated reads this year, and I devoured it like it's my last meal.
I immediately got hooked right from the beginning.

Don't get me wrong, the first and second books were good, but this is epic as hell, and I believe that the fourth book is going to be beyond epic. and I can't wait to read it.

This book was nerve-wracking for me because even though Morgan reconnected with the people she trusted, she was also betrayed, and that literally made me furious as hell.
And Draven not being beside Morgan also made me anxious. I was literally scared and worried for her. I know she is a strong woman and capable of fighting, but still, they needed each other.

And another thing that made me lose my mind was that guy named Fenyx.
I thought Vesper was the worst person in this series, but no! Fenyx is the worst, and I swear, my hands are itching to squeeze the living sh*t out of him, but thank you to the amazing author for letting him perish in the hands of the most beautiful empress of Myntra.
Oh, before I forget, Arthus is a piece of sh*t too. He and Fenyx share the same brain cell.

This book is literally one of my favorite reads this month. Everything is just perfect. The battle was mind-blowing as hell.
The whole story is remarkably sensational.

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Like the other books in this series, the world building is rich, characters are numerous and the action doesn't let you catch a breath.

I felt that this book was a definite improvement from Court of Claws.
My biggest gripe with book 2 was how with the fixed location, and with most of the story taking place in an underground court, the atmosphere felt somewhat claustrophobic from about one third in and it didn't let on much throughout.

Although I'm fairy confident at this point to state that the storytelling in this series is mostly driven by characters rather than settings, I absolutely loved the variety of backdrops in Empress of Fae and how these came to be, a notable example being the cottage. I was living for those scenes, not only due to the obvious plot that particular setting brought (IYKYK), but also because they brought such beautifully vivid scenery alongside the development of Morgan and Draven's characters and relationship. Although I suppose it could be argued that the resolution to their disagreement might feel a bit rushed, I suppose this really depends on the reader's PoV and how much you want to dwell on it.

As hinted earlier, characters are the dominant factor of the series and this third installment introduced what is probably my absolute favourite of the series so far with Fenyx. But even better, it brought the fulfillment of Arthur's character arc to an exceptionally satisfying resolution.
My only gripe with this story is how although a large amount of characters are set up as being significant, not all end up being as pivotal to the story as I originally hoped- Javer being the obvious example, but I also felt somewhat shorted with Orcades, whom I think had a lot more potential than what the story delivered. I also found the reveal about the betrayal quite predictable, through elements of character building for that particular person.

The writing is strong with some absolutely outstanding quotes, and not only did I learn a lot about the story's world through this book, but it also set the scene beautifully for what promises to be an epic grand finale.

With Fenyx, Briar Boleyn has proven that she can most certainly deliver an outstanding villain, so now I am jumping up and down with excitement at the prospect of meeting Gorlois and the monstrous army that he commands.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and to the Author for sharing this great book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Continued book 3 of this riveting series wasn’t as gripping as the first two. I was still interested in the storyline, plot, action, and romance…I just lost some of the motivation comparatively. I am ready to see the conclusion so I will definitely be finishing the series.

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Empress of Fae is a good fit for readers who enjoy fantasy stories about two people from different worlds who are fated to be together and must overcome various challenges to be reunited.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I absolutely love this book. I recommend it to anyone who loves this genre. I love watching the characters grow and I love the twists and turns the author makes.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Briar Boleyn

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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I went into this book blind and I was not disappointed. This book was everything I wanted and then some! I cannot wait to read even more of this story!!!

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Up front I want to thank NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for this ARC! I got the entire series in one go and I couldn't be happier getting to binge all three back to back!

To say I have been enjoying this series is an understatement! The third installment did not disappoint. We pick up with Morgan and Draven being separated from each other but the two still feel their bond between them! I normally am not the biggest fan of separation because I have come to be so attached to the relationship of the main characters but I feel this really helps Morgan's character shine as you see her develop more.

The continuing world building is fantastic and how she can do it within 400 pages is unreal, but what we really need to see more of! I loved how fast paced book 2 was and with this one being a bit slower I actually enjoyed that for a third book so you're not finding yourself with an increased heart rate at all times. I am so thrilled to have read this series and cannot wait for book 4 to release!

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Empress of fae is book 3 in this fast paste fantasy/science fiction novel.

Morgan finds herself in this book and realizes what her true heritage is and she embraces it.

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Another solid, captivating installment in this series! It picks up exactly where book two left off, and throws you right back into the action.
I love the continuing character development of Morgan, as well as the strengthening and development of the relationship between Morgan & Draven. That’s one of my favorite parts about this series, and I can’t wait to see where it goes in book 4.
With Morgan‘s return to Arthur’s court, we get a lot of political intrigue, angst, betrayal, and revenge. We have new enemies, and new allies, and the plot is filled with additional nuances and complexities. Looking forward to seeing how some of these ends are tied up in the next book.
Overall, I am really loving this series!!

Fated Mates
Dark romance
Found family
Touch her and die
Unique magic

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After the slow burn enemies-to-lovers dynamic in "Queen of Roses" and the spicy, fast-paced intrigue of "Court of Claws," this installment delves into a darker, more complex realm, adding a layer of intensity that feels both necessary and captivating.

The story focuses heavily on political intricacies, moving the overarching narrative forward while keeping readers hooked with its suspenseful undertones. While the tone is noticeably darker than its predecessors, it aligns seamlessly with the evolving storyline, adding depth and nuance to the world of Aercanum.

Unlike the previous book, "Empress of Fae" features a significant separation between Draven and Morgan, allowing the latter to shine in her own right. Returning to her childhood home, Morgan undergoes a powerful transformation from a mistreated and powerless individual to a formidable, badass force. Her character arc and development become central to the narrative, offering readers a compelling exploration of strength, resilience, and self-discovery.

The inclusion of Draven's point of view, a longing fulfilled after two entire books, provides a magical touch to the story. Though limited in chapters, Draven's perspective adds a new dimension to the narrative, enriching the reader's understanding of his character and deepening the emotional connection to the unfolding events.

Boleyn introduces new side characters and delves into the lives of familiar ones, contributing to the vibrancy and complexity of the world. The expansion of the cast not only adds depth to the narrative but also strengthens the overall world-building, making Aercanum a more vivid and immersive setting.
While the separation of the central characters might be a departure from the intense focus on their relationship in the second book, it allows for a broader exploration of the world and its characters. The intricate balance of politics, character development, and mythological reimagining makes "Empress of Fae" a standout addition to the series.

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This book was very climatic, given the events that led up to the confrontation in this book. I wasn't bored for one moment! If you're a fan of fae but want something new and refreshing, definitely pick up this series.

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Hands down one of my new favourite book series. The series gets better with each book and man the twists in this book 😲 so bloody good. Can't wait for the fourth book.

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I have read the first two books of the series and I enjoyed the second book the most in the series. I feel that Morgan is the most useless main character I have come across in a while. She is infuriatingly naive and got on my nerves almost every few pages.

Firstly she forgive her husband - "Mate" I don't know author's obsession with the word mate but I felt it cringy. She forgave Draven so easily when he did so much wrong in the end of the second book.

And then until upto last 15-20 % of the book she does nothing at all. Rather stupidly creates more issues for those who are rebelling against her brother. Meeting Lancelet and Dame hayna was stupid and putting them at risk. She promises to free Lancelet but does nothing really to help her. She can't even fight Fenix, I don't know what was her role in the whole story. I feel that people would have done better if she had been absent in their lives.

Draven who was shown to be driven and possibly good King material just appoints Morgan as Queen in his stead and stops thinking about his own kingdom just to be with his mate. At the start of the book he is shown as whiny teenager not the Draven that was portrayed in first two books. Where is his drive to protect his people, to do some good for the wronged siabra? To become a king his kingdom deserved. Oh no, he can't stop thinking about his mate.

The rebels are almost same, they do nothing at all until last 15-20 % of the book. Apart from one instant where they save another rebel from horrific death, I did not see them helping people of Camelot.

I expected more from this book and once you are so invested in these characters you can't move on till you see a proper finish to their story. So of course I'm gonna read the fourth book as well but I do not have as high expectations as I had from the third installment.

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Book 1: Perfect
Book 2: Perfect
Book 3: Insanely perfect!

God, I loved this book so much. Everything you thought you knew, got swept up in the war of Arthur and everything shifted. Alliances were getting smashed to pieces, betrayal around every corner. I loved it! A lot of characters died unfortunately, that was obviously not cool. But there are also moments where you rejoice because certain characters came back into play. This book was well written and very exciting all the way through. I had a hard time putting it down.

After having spend some time at Dravens court, Morgan decides to go back to her own kingdom and ultimately ends up in very precarious situations. She has to decide what is most important to her. Arthur is her brother, after all. How can someone who you have known for so long, turn out to be so cruel? And how do you live with that?

I am really looking forward to the fourth book!

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4 Stars

I’ve really enjoyed this series and this book does not disappoint for me. It continues where the second book left off with Morgan and Draven being separated. The pair still feel their bond strongly between them. They both have struggles to overcome. There’s plenty of drama and politics. I love seeing Morgan and Draven relationships developing and how it slowly pulls them back together.
I like seeing how Morgan develops as a character throughout the book. Draven definitely doesn’t have as much of a staring role compared to previous books but it fits perfectly with the story and plot.
The authors writing style flowed really nicely throughout the book. The world building is fantastic and I loved how descriptive the author is. The plot had a slower pace compared to the previous but I enjoyed it all the same.
Just so readers are aware this is a dark fantasy and does have dark themes.
Please view triggers before reading.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a very good continuation of the series. I loved the action and the romance. There were a lot of scenes that had me on the edge of my seat waiting for what would happen next. I’d definitely recommend this series especially if this is your genre style.

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