Member Reviews

Thank you for gifting me this arc. Honestly adored the entire trilogy of books. Would definitely recommend on. Author is so lovely and also followed on good reads too which I think is so nice to see an author interacting with people. Please read these!!!!

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I was incredibly looking forward to the sequel. Unfortunately, it wasn't as phenomenal as I had expected. The author's writing style is, as usual, very pleasant and fluid. She writes very vividly. I could totally visualise the scenes. The worldbuilding is also very good.
In this volume, we return to Camelot and meet familiar characters as well as new, sinister figures. The characters are individual and well conceived. They are all unique and all play an important role in the plot. You can understand their motivations and gain an insight into their way of thinking. The development of our protagonist Morgan is a little slow in this volume. She slowly gains strength. It's great to accompany her on her journey. Draven plays more of a supporting role. I absolutely loved the chapters from his point of view and hope to be able to read more from his perspective in the next volume.
Overall, the plot was a little calmer and not so fast-paced, but still exciting.

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Morgan and Draven now separated, can feel their bond to each other. Morgan had to go back home to help her friends and family get out of this war, her brother Arthur started. Longing to be back by her side, Draven takes off to be back with her and fight by her side. A long journey ahead for both mates. Struggles lie ahead, but they will try their hardest to get things back to the way they were before.

I couldn’t recommend these books enough! I love that I got to choose this series to be my first real dive into fantasy. I could feel the longing while reading this book. I’ll never be able to say enough about the details and descriptions in Briar’s books. You can feel and dive into every emotion of the characters. I loved every second of this series. I did ultimately guess who the spy was, but I didn’t guess the other part to the spy! I can’t believe I have to wait for the fourth book to come out!

Thank you Victory Editing, Briar Boleyn, and NetGalley for letting me read this series!

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Empress of Fae is the third book in the dark romantasy and Arthurian legend inspired series Blood of a Fae and it does not disappoint!

I was already a fan of Draven, and when the author switched to include his perspective and internal dialogue, it only enriched and added to the experience! It was important to understand him better, as he continues to be evasive and keep secrets, we learn so much more about why.

Morgan experiences a gravitational shift in her feelings toward Draven in this book, after adapting to the Court of Umbral Flames in book 2. She had categorically denied and rejected their bond, and the author did a lovely job showing us the journey she took as accepting and believing in it unfolded. We get a ringside seat to Morgan developing her magic wielding and fighting prowess, and that was educational and inspiring to me as a reader. All the court politics, all the interpersonal drama, such sweet moments with Draven, such angst about her friends and her brother, and even more insight into Morgan’s true ancestry are woven expertly into the story, moving it forward and making the reader long for a happy ending for Morgan. I want to tell you more, but… spoilers!!! I promise that you don’t know how this book will end even if you think you have it all figured out. It’s such a great ride, and I’m absolutely dying to read book four, due out in Spring 2024.

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Empress of Fae is the third book in the "Blood of a Fae" series which is a dark fantasy romance with a loosely inspired King Arthur retelling with a Fae twist! It picks right up from the cliffhanger in Court of Claws with Morgan vanishing through a portal and finding herself back in Camelot after fleeing the court of umbra flames. Upon arrival in Camelot, she quickly realizes that Arthur's rule of terror has left her younger brother and friends in mortal peril. Meanwhile, Draven won't allow his beloved to disappear from his life so easily. His bond with Morgan goes beyond blood, love, life and even time itself and neither one of them can relinquish its power or its pull. The whole story has more depth than the former books; I am quite intrigued by the twists this book has. I love all retellings of myths and fairytales, and the Blood of a Fae series has been absolutely amazing for me! It remixes so much of Arthurian lore with fae lore in the most perfect way.

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Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for a free ARC in exchange for a review.

I was so naive to think this would be a trilogy. I really enjoyed the first two installments, besides their faults, but in this book, things really started to fall apart.

Morgan's sheer stupidity and misplaced trust became more evident than ever to the point where <spoiler> she suspects Dame Halyna, a woman she's know her whole life, but not the creepy priest she barely knows who keeps saying weird stuff and literally usurped her mentor? </spoiler>. She can't for five seconds pretend to be into Arthur's general friend whose name i have forgotten even though it would actively help the rebel cause because I guess she doesn't want to? She immediately vouches for Belisent who she knows nothing but bad stuff about and even actively puts everyone else in danger because... she wants to see things for herself, I guess? She has really become unbearable as a main character.

Not to mention, Camelot seems to be falling in disaster so much so that Lancelot alludes to the fact that starving people are becoming cannibals of the dead to survive, yet Merlin and Co seem to do nothing other than gather information crappily? They have plenty of food, firewood, and space in the temple, but there's not even a mention of the rebels distributing food to the starving, which you would think would be pretty important! They stay in Camelot even though it's not helping anyone, not getting them good information, and doesn't give them the ability to help people. So what's the point of them? Surely it would be more helpful to establish a resistance with strength and support outside the city and use spies rather than everyone stays and are in constant danger and also don't help anyone?

Merlin continues to be my least favorite character, totally venerated by everyone else for her wisdom and wonderful nature, and yet is totally useless even though we learn <spoiler> that she's had magic this whole time. So I guess the child abuse, mass death, and forced cannibalism wasn't enough for you to do literally anything? </spoiler> My dream plotline was that Merlin was secretly evil and assisting Arthur, which would make the uselessness of the rebels make sense, as well as Merlin's lack of interest in helping people. But no.

There are so many more things I could mention from the insanity of making Hawl hanging out with a woman who murdered their kind to Draven abandoning Lystrata to just solve every political problem in his country for him so that he could go kiss a girl. I really think I've reached my limit on this series. It's really sad considering how much I enjoyed the first ones.

Two sad stars, mostly in respect to the previous books.

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I enjoyed the suspense of how Morgan would fit back in to Camelot and the relationship between Morgan and Draven even though apart. I would have liked more insight into Morgan’s mind as it seems like she just randomly woke up and decided she didn’t hate him anymore? Kaye felt different?? Not too sure why but I’m interested to see where this is taken in the next book. I felt that it really ramped up the last, maybe, quarter? But could have been a bit faster paced before then in my opinion. I’m glad we got some more insight into Morgan’s past but I need to know more!!!

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•ARC Book Review•
Empress of Fae by Briar Boleyn
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for allowing me to review this one!

If you’ve seen any of my other reviews you know I have a HUGE Briar Boleyn fan! And here she goes again! This series is everything a reader could want with spice, fantasy, found family, and heartbreak (the best kind). Her world building and character development never fail to amaze me and she just keeps going. This series as whole captivates you and once it digs its claws into you-we hold on because you’re stuck and will be on the hook for the next book in her dark fantasy series.

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Loved this book series and the cover art is amazing. Enjoyed the descriptions and the vivid world and people I was able to envision when reading. I really couldn't put this book down. Highly Recommend.

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The third instalment in the blood of a fae series did not disappoint and this one was my favourite by far in the series (I'll say so far until the 4th book comes out this year)

This one throws you straight back into the continuation of the story, So much has changed since Morgan left Camelot, and its heart breaking to see. Arthur is an absolute terror and Camelot appears to be on the verge of collapsing. The rebellion story was intertwined perfectly with the main storyline and even though there was a lot going on I could follow very easily.

Morgan definitely grew as a character in Empress of fae, where previously I had mentioned her naivety she really came into her own this time around and matured.

Draven? No notes *chefs kiss perfection*

This wasn't a five star read for me for one reason - The reappearance of Lancelot - I really don't know why she was brought back, and if you took out her revival there would be no change in the story line, she could have been anyone for what she brought.

This book is a heavier and darker read than the first two and for it I thoroughly enjoyed it more, the last 20% was fantastic, heart breaking and I could not put it down!

Did I imagine this was a trilogy? Ill look forward to book 4!

Thank you NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and Victory Editing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the series from Briar Boleyn. The integration of the old King Arthur legends into a twisted dark fantasy world was extremely well done. I was pulled into the dense descriptive world and its complex political narratives. I cannot wait to read Book 4 Knight of the Goddess.

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“i’ll go after her even if she doesn’t want me. even if she runs in the opposite direction. i’ll follow her to the ends of aercanum, and i’ll never stop.”

I'm reeling! EMPRESS OF FAE picks up after Morgan makes a run through the arches and this was another addictive read! There was a lot more world building in this one and less spice, but still had some. It follows Morgan and Draven's POV and I was so excited to get to know Draven more, I lapped up his chapters so much!!!

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This is book three in Blood if Fae series by Briar Boleyn.

Reading an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of honest opinion.

If you havent read book one - Queen of Roses and book two - Court of Claws, go read them, as this review my contains some spoilers, regarding previous books.

What. The. Hell. I didnt like it. Why there has to be another book in the series? It should be finished by now. I didnt like the ending opening for book four, since I assumed it is suppose to be a trilogy.

Book picks up after Morgan vanishing through portal and well, she ends up being back in Camelot, seeing what her older brother did to her kingdom. She is trying to do her best to save her brother, and others from the tyranny of a cruel king Arthur. Meanwhile Draven is doing his very best to get his beloved back. He wont give up on Morgan, because their bond is beyond everything they know.

I am not sure if I will read book four, since for me, it is no longer that entertaining as it should be.

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4.5 ⭐️

I am absolutely loving this series and cannot wait until the final book in the series comes out next month!!

The Blood of the Fae series follows Morgan, Princess of Pendrath and her journey to save her kingdom from her brother King Arthur. Along the way she meets Draven, an assassin with a dark history that she starts to unravel, while also unravelling her own history and a a prophecy that is much larger than she thought. In the third book things have all been coming together and leading up to a confrontation that will either see the humans and Fae be able to live in peace, or in the destruction of their kingdoms.

I haven't read many retellings before but I am loving the spin on the story of King Arthur! The imagery is amazing and the story keeps me guessing and has my heart racing. I still love Morgan and Draven, the chemistry 😍 They are so badass and down bad for each other I am obsessed. I also love the strong case of side characters with such interesting and mostly traumatic pasts but how they are pushing through to aid in the fight. The suffering of some of these characters is so heart wrenching!

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op for providing me with an eARC in return for an honest review.

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Solid 3.5 for me. I really enjoyed the world building leading up to book 3. The anticipation of their arrival back together was well written but I can’t help but be frustrated by Morgan. They shouldn’t have been separated in the first place. I think that’s really why I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as I did the last two. I’m really hoping for great things when book 4 is released. I do still recommend this series. There’s many aspects of this series that I adore & think were well done. A few heart breaking moments in this installation that I wasn’t expecting. Overall, solid 3.5 for me. Definitely recommend this series to anyone diving into fantasy.

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Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for this ARC. This series has only gotten better as it progressed. I loved the dual POV, I was not happy to see the mates separated so keeping tabs on them both was great. I can’t wait for the 4th and final book to see how Morgan and Draven continue on their journey!

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I am disappointed with this book. Although I loved the first two books in the series, this one left me waiting for something to happen. The plot seemed to drag on, and I found myself wondering if I would be able to finish it.
However, I am glad that I did because the ending was action-packed and resolved most of the plot. I do not think I will read book 4

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Honestly loved this book, just as good as the first two. The twist was so so great I didn't expect it at all. All the characters are just growing and I love how even though Morgan is the main character we get to see more from Dravens perspective. I'm so excited for the next one in the series.

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Very entertaining third installment of Morgan’s adventures! This romantasy follows the legends of King Author, Lancelot, knights of the round table and Excalibur. Add Fae and mythical creatures for a little bit of spice! Speaking of spice, there is plenty. There are also dark subjects in this so I’d check your triggers before. Definitely excited to read book 4 soon!

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Once again, I am enthralled by this story, it's exciting and fast paced, there are twists and turns that make me gasp aloud and it's easy to lose oneself within Briar Boleyn's descriptive imagery and completely step into this world.

The thing that ruins this book (/series) for me is honestly the romance. Not because I mind Draven and Morgan as a couple at all, but because I feel like all these tropes are being forced upon them. And this is in no way unique to these books, I see this in a lot of romantasy nowadays. There are these classic tropes that readers like (fated mates, enemies to lovers etc), and the pacing of their relationship results in these tropes being forced into the relationship in this book rather than actually sort of having a natural place there.

For example, we start off with Morgan back to square one, hating Draven for the non-consensual marriage/mating situation, but gets over that in about 5 minutes and all of a sudden she's just obviously his mate and it feels so right etc.

There was a few sentences from Morgans internal monologue I had to highlight on page 87 (I hope this is right as I'm reading on my kindle) because they were a perfect demonstration of why I'm given whiplash by their relationship.
"I blamed Javer for Beks death, yes. But I blamed Draven more."
And then it continues a few sentences later "He had all but called himself Beks' true murdered. And I had let him."....."When the truth was..."..."We were all to blame".
Do you see what I mean? How we're going from 0-100 in the span of a few seconds?

There is another scene in this book where Draven is talking about him "knowing from the first moment he saw her" or some such and her responding with a similar sentiment, and that scene literally made me feel gaslit. How am I supposed to buy into this whole fated mates, true love, I've always known narrative when I have seen no evidence of this whatsoever? There just wasn't enough buildup through the first book, and not enough credible buildup in the second one either for them to have ended up where they are.

It's things like these that make me feel like there is an effort to push these tropes in, but not so much to actually let them run their course, enemies to lovers is a slow burn trope. It has to be for it to make sense. But here we go from "I hate you" to "I love you" and back and back again in such a short time span, and it feels like we as readers have been left out of the whole chain of events. I also feel like this has something to do with the growing demand for smut in fantasy, if they're gonna bang as continuously as it seems like readers want, enemies have to advance into lovers quickly - and it's ruining the story.

Apart from this, the mating thing is never really explained in this book, did he somehow "mate with her" during the whole wedding ceremony - which by the way we also never get further information about? Usually with fated mates in fantasy this is a two way thing, a sort of physical and emotional shift, but here it just seems like Draven says "we're mates" and she's like "nuh-uh!!!.... Okay sure", no further explanation necessary?

All in all I did enjoy this, the plot is exciting, the ending was super intense and promises a lot of exciting things for the next one, which I will be awaiting eagerly.

Massive thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read this. While I did receive this ebook for free, all opinions are my own.

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