Member Reviews

Take an adventure across kingdoms in the midst of major battles in Empress of Fae, the third book in the Blood of A Fae series. This book is stunning in every way! With multiple POVs from characters throughout different parts of the world, we finally learn all (okay, well most) of the secrets of Aercanum and Morgan’s lineage.

In the third installment, SO MANY things are going on. We get some character reunions, heartfelt moments, action-packed battles, serious pining, and so much more. I really felt like I was kept on my toes throughout the book with no momentum lost. I love a strong FMC who is sassy and unyielding but really finds herself over time. What’s been building up in the first two books has come to fruition and I couldn’t be more entertained watching everything play out.

Truly enjoyed this book. Could not put it down.

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This is the third in the series and the second to last. I got the feeling that a lot of the events in this book were basically a setup for the conclusion in the last book. That being said, this was still a quite exciting book and I'm quite eager to see how this series ends.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to review this fantastic book!

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This series is TOP NOTCH! It has gotten to my top 5 reads so quickly and I cannot wait for the 4th book! Amazing!

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I was given access to this book well after it was published. I really enjoyed this story just as much as the rest of the ones in the series. I never wanted the story to end, and was invested page after page. Thank you Netgalley for an arc of this book. I was glad to be able to have gotten access to all of the books.

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Not my favorite in the series. I thought this was going to be the last book in the series. So, I had a different set of expectations going in. This book is definitely your typical "bridge" book. Meaning this book contains a lot of set-up for book 4 and as a result there's significantly less action. Sometimes you simply have to get through a book like this in order to get to the end. Fingers crossed it's worth it.

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for the earc.

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Fantastic novel, enjoyed every minute of it! Absolutely nothing not to like about it. Highly recommend this!

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This is the third part of a series, so this review contains spoilers for the first two books!

Morgan is back in Pendrath, and she will stop the war her brother has started. In the past year, Arthur has gone mad - their people have been starving and the war with the neighbouring countries is getting worse and worse. Morgan has to infiltrate the Court and try to find out how exactly she and her allies can usurp Arthur and make peace with his enemies, but this is a difficult task, especially if you're all alone on enemy land - but she won't be alone for long. Draven is on his way to her, over sea and land, with an army of Siabra.
I was a bit disappointed in this book. I loved the first two, but this one felt different. Usually I don't mind multiple POVs, but with the first two being told (almost) exclusively from Morgan's POV, I really didn't care for the Draven chapters and besides getting updates on how far along their journey they were, I don't think they served much purpose besides showing the readers just how dedicated he is to Morgan, which could have been shown in other ways. I also really didn't like the final ~75 pages and the resolution to the book, it felt like an easy way out of a truly difficult situation. Besides that, I still really like Briar Boleyn's writing and the way her characters are drawn. I will definitely read the fourth book, but I hope it's more like the first two!

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I absolutely love how action packed this was. Some of it was pretty predictable, but it also kept me very entertained. I cannot wait to see how book 4 turns out. And how their stories end. I did miss all of the characters from book 2 and the exmoors.

Disclaimer: I did receive this as an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I am addicted to this world. To the fairytale elements, the familiar fantasy elements and the new side of things. I am truly obsessed with this series.

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I really enjoyed this series, it was fun, easy to follow and not too complicated. It was a great series to read in my "nearly in a book slump". I would definitely read this series again.

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Thank you for this ARC.

Book 3 picks up exactly where book 2 cliffhanger leaves you.

Morgan is now back in Camelot. Trying to find ways to help her people and seeing all the happened while she was across the ocean.

Learning her true heritage and facing new obstacles.

I enjoyed this read, it did take me longer to read than the 1st 2 books. But the last 1/2 had me sucked in and I couldn't put it down.

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“All or nothing. In dreams as in life.”

Morgan pulls away from Draven, returning to Camelot and destroying the portal she uses to prevent Draven from following her, but their bond is strong enough to span the distance between them, or is it? She is reunited with her friends and in a startling twist, her guilt knows no bounds. She is determined to join the resistance against Arthur’s cruelty and free her land from the poverty and famine that is now ruining it from within.

Morgan finally shows the character growth that I have been waiting for, being less impulsive and thinking more strategically for her friends and their goals to free Camelot. Merlin reveals the true depth of her character, and it is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. I loved Morgan taking back her power against those who still thought their will to be more important than hers and the fact that Draven supported her and empowered her to do what she needed to take back her control.

The story still has twists that you do not anticipate and the pacing is still fast enough to keep you interested without being rushed. I love the fact that there is a book 4 so that Briar could continue the journey of these characters without making this book too wieldy or rushed.

My favourite parts of this were the found family, although this was tempered by instances later in the story as well as the exmoors who are just adorable!

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing co-op for the opportunity to read this series – I simply can’t wait for Knight of the Goddess to release

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Another great series! Give me all the fae novels. Boleyn does a great job world building and writing characters that stick with you.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review*

This was an epic conclusion to an already awesome story. Some parts of the book were a little too predictable but even though I hate when this happens, I was immersed in the story that I didn't give it much thought. I really loved it and I highly suggest you read it.

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With enemies closing in on all sides, Morgan finally returns home to find her home to be a nest of snakes. Draven, thousands of miles away from his wife, is left with his kingdom in a state of turmoil with very few allies left in the viscous fae court. With so little time and so few options, they both find themselves desperate to save their people.

This book includes:
- a deranged king
- ancient curses, allies, and enemies
- mythical creatures
- arthurian myth retelling (Merlin, Lancelot, King Arthur, Uther, etc.)
- meddlesome gods
- LGBT supporting characters
- found family elements

"Empress of Fae" was an entertaining read. I find the mixture between contemporary romantasy tropes and ancient Arthurian Lore to be quite interesting (although there are few Arthurian elements in book 3). Anyone who was left at the edge of their seat by book 2 will find the next installment in the series so be a satisfying follow up as Morgan comes even more into her power and into her role as liaison between two peoples.

Unfortunately, I do feel like the pacing was very slow in this one and I felt like very little happened. Similarly to my thoughts of book 2, I still feel that the various villains are missing tangible motivation other than "they're evil." Even the heroes felt like they lacked real depth. Morgan was less whiny, but her behavior felt irrational. Why would she sass someone who she is supposed to convince that she is harmless? It felt like "headstrong heroine" behavior just for the sake of it, and did not match her personality from the previous books.

I received this eBook as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to review this book. This review has been posted to GoodReads - check out my profile

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A great ending to the story. We’re back in our very first location from book 1. Morgan the FMC is reunited with some familiar characters and the conflict is at its apex. The stakes are high which was very much appreciated. We get back to the Arthurian elements of the story (knights at a round table, magical sword) We have some steamy lucid dreaming of sorts, some trials again of sorts, some spying/pretending, an evil king and an even more king’s captain.
All in all the story gets resolved and wrapped up nicely. The romantic conflict also ends in a satisfying way.
This trilogy ending made the reading journey worth it.

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Empress of Fae is the third book of Briar Boleyn’s Blood of Fae series. The second book ended with Morgan escaping through a portal back to her home with Javer following her. Morgan destroys the portal so that Draven cannot follow and so that she can focus on saving her little brother and Camelot.

While I am really enjoying this series and did enjoy this book, I have to say I was disappointed in parts of this book. I felt the twist/realization of who betrays her confidence was very obvious. The utilization of Javer was lacking and so disappointing. He follows her into Camelot and hides and is gone for most of the book to be killed 20 second after coming back to help Morgan felt unsatisfying. I expected more from the character.

Morgan’s character was again frustrating to read. She trusted people who were such red flags and the way she consistently kept giving Fenyx time to fight back instead of ending him! It was infuriating to read! (My theory is that he didn’t die in that fire since the way I read his name is the same as phoenix and I will be so frustrated if I’m right).

Draven is the main reason I love this series. He crossed the ends of the Earth to save his Queen and wife. I loved the development in this book where they could interact in their dreams. Morgan evolved as a person and in her relationship with Draven and I think was finally able to fully appreciate him.

I am looking forward to reading all future books in this series and to find out what will happen next!

Thank you to NetGalley and StarWater Press for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Ahhhhh I absolutely was not ready for this book! The writing has improved noticeably, and I found myself completely immersed in the story. The plot has deepened, offering a more enriching experience. I devoured this book! What truly made this a standout for me was the inclusion of multiple points of view. It brought a whole new level of engagement, especially in getting to know Draven better. This storytelling choice added a wonderful dimension to the magical world Boleyn has crafted. The increased focus on character development made the story more enjoyable. While I occasionally wished for a bit more detail in certain parts, it didn't take away from the overall enchantment.

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I liked the first book, and loved the second. But the ending to the second is what threw me off and it set the tone for the third book.

I was not a fan of Draven's POV. Especially using the word mate. It seemed very forced and I felt like the mysterious and dark appeal of Draven was a little lost. It made him feel a little one-dimensional. I did not care for the dream visits, and I understand it was really the only way until he was able to get to Morgan. I did not care so much for his sail to her.

Morgan was not my favorite in this book. How she went from feeling betrayed and hurt, to the point of destroying the portals, to lusting and forgiving him because he was her mate and husband. Arthur accepting her so easily felt rushed and I wish the priestess was part of the book more.

The book itself was slow and it felt repetitive throughout the book up until the last third of the book where it started to really pick up. I was surprised by the ending, so I might consider reading the next book.

Side note- Me personally, I did not care for the other POV's and side plot with Lancelot and the new characters.

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I couldn't put this book down once I started it. So freaking good! Once I finished it, I actually went back and re-read the first two over again :)

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