Member Reviews

I liked the first book, and loved the second. But the ending to the second is what threw me off and it set the tone for the third book.

I was not a fan of Draven's POV. Especially using the word mate. It seemed very forced and I felt like the mysterious and dark appeal of Draven was a little lost. It made him feel a little one-dimensional. I did not care for the dream visits, and I understand it was really the only way until he was able to get to Morgan. I did not care so much for his sail to her.

Morgan was not my favorite in this book. How she went from feeling betrayed and hurt, to the point of destroying the portals, to lusting and forgiving him because he was her mate and husband. Arthur accepting her so easily felt rushed and I wish the priestess was part of the book more.

The book itself was slow and it felt repetitive throughout the book up until the last third of the book where it started to really pick up. I was surprised by the ending, so I might consider reading the next book.

Side note- Me personally, I did not care for the other POV's and side plot with Lancelot and the new characters.

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I couldn't put this book down once I started it. So freaking good! Once I finished it, I actually went back and re-read the first two over again :)

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Very awesome third book in the series. I am absolutely enjoying the story. I am honestly so sad that i can't immediately jump into the fourth book lol. Cannot wait. I super recommend this!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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*Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review*

In the third installment of Blood of a Fae, Morgan has returned to Camelot to stop the war while Draven is devastated about her departure. This is how it begins and the consequent plot does not disappoint. The romance is not as in the forefront as in precious books but it is very plot heavy, which I prefer. After what happened in the end of book 2 ( :( ) we needed some victories. The pacing is well matched with all thats happening and I read it in one sitting. I really like the world the author has built and was sad to exit it, BUT I saw that its not actually a trilogy but theres a fourth book, so I will be eagerly awaiting that one.

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I am loving this series so much! I can't wait for the next one to come out. There have been so many twists and turns and cliffhangers! The author really knows how to make the world building come to life! The banter is so wonderful and this series so far is spicy with such good characters and great plot.

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Thank you NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

Empress of Fae is the 3rd book in the "Blood of Fae" series. This was finally the world building, character development and twist and turns that I've been waiting on! I enjoyed that this book was written from several POVs. It allowed me to grow more with the characters and aided, in my opinion, in their character development. I think this is the first book that Morgan didn't absolutely irritate me - she was logical and finally taking accountability for her actions. I could not love Draven more and the lengths he would go to to get Morgan back.

I think that this is a 3 star series for me. While book 3 was probably my favorite overall, with a 4 star review, there were aspects of this series that I will not remember when friends ask me to recap. I'm excited to see what Briar Boleyn can offer us next!

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An entertaining and satisfying to the end of what I thought was a trilogy. Apparently there will be a fourth book in the future. Despite one or two plot weaknesses, this was an exciting and action packed story. Many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.

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This one turned out to be my favorite so far! Morgan and Draven and their world had me IMMERSED cover to cover 🤌
I absolutely cannot wait for the final book 🥹

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Morgan is back in Camelot after running from the Court of Umbral Flames. She is taken aback by how bad things are with the war and the treatment of Pendrath’ citizens. King Arthur has gone mad with his obsession to control Excalibur and the supposed traitors in his midst. Morgan vows to free her kingdom, save her little brother and bring peace to the continent. She will be aided by allies, but betrayed at the same time. Will she be able to save them all?

Note: I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange of an honest opinion.

Please make sure to verify the trigger warning list as there are many that could be hard for some readers. It can get pretty dark and triggering in some scenes.

So I finished the third book of @briarboleynauthor Blood of a Fae series very late Friday night.

When asked what I thought of it, I just said I loved it!

The pace is excellent, no dragging and the balance between the plot and the smut is great.

The characters are well developed and really great: Morgan is finally coming into her own, Draven isn't present as much, but when he is, he's perfect, I'm here for all the fluff and sass Hawk and the exmoors bring. Even Orcades, who was at least portrayed like a baddie, was growing on me.

The author's writing is excellent. Though, the traitor in this whole plot can be foreseen very early on which was a little disappointing, but really, I think it's the only thing I can say against it. The forced separation trope is really well done.

I cannot wait for the last book in this series: Knight of the Goddess!

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I fell in love with this series since reading the first book and haven't been disappointed! We continue to learn more about Morgan and her complex relationships. I can understand why Briar needed to continue the story in one more book, because if she tried to fit more in this book it would feel rushed. I love this Arthurian retelling and am anxiously awaiting book 4.

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I just finished Empress of Fae book 3 of the Blood of a fae series by Briar Boleyn @briarboleynauthor and here are my musings.

Morgan Le Fay.. The name doesn’t ring true in her own ears but that’s who she really is. After she wins the trials in Draven’s sted, the crown of Siabra. She finally finds out that Draven is her husband and the weight of all that has happened has Morgan fleeing through a portal back to Camelot. A place that is no longer the home she remembers.. It’s a place of war.

Her brother Arthur has married and his reign of terror is in full swing. Fearing for her other brother, Morgan must return to court and spy for the resistance.

Draven’s heart isn’t going to allow Morgan to run away from him. Their bond runs deeper than either of them know. He sets sail to Camelot with their Ex-moors in tow hoping he can get there before any harm comes to Morgan.

The dangers Morgan faces at court are more deadly than she can comprehend. Even her God-like powers might be no match for the foes within her kingdom.
I’m going to say it louder for the people in the back… WHY AREN’T PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS SERIES!! This the most underrated fantasy series ever and people are missing out. YES YOU!! You are missing out.
Because Morgan and Draven are apart for a good portion of the book, we get a rare glimpse at Drave’s POV and it was a beautiful contrast to the POV we get from Morgan. It really helps to round out the already incredible storyline with his perspectives on how he really feels for Morgan and the lengths he will go to for her. I usually don’t like dual POV but I feel like it added the depth needed to elevate the story to dizzier heights.
Everything is going to come to a head in book 4. It’s going to be glorious. The war between humans is now settled but the fae are coming and the only thing standing in their way is Morgan and Draven and Siabra.
5 stars. Please, do yourself a favor, go and buy all 3 books. You can thank me later
Thank you @netgalley for my gifted copy. Book 4 cannot come fast enough in my opinion (which is end of March)

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is such an underrated series! Although I didn’t love this book quite as much as the first two I still really enjoyed it. I love the world that the author has created, it’s so well written and you can tell they’ve really done their research into the Arthurian legend especially with lesser known details that you might not know about and is explained in the authors note at the end and why certain things have been included. As always make sure to check the trigger warnings before reading this book.

Empress of Fae picks up immediately after the events of book two with Morgan vanishing through a portal back to Camelot after fleeing the Court of Umbral Flames leaving Draven to behind to rule. Morgan quickly realises she has returned to a very different Camelot compared to when she left and we see the damage that Arthur has done to her people and put her younger brother and friends in danger. Draven on the other hand won’t allow Morgan to disappear so easily and has left Siabra in pursuit and heading to Camelot to help Morgan whether she likes it or not.

The story is told from a dual POV switching between Morgan and Draven’s which seeing as how they are apart for most of the book it allowed us to see what was happening on both sides. After two books with just Morgan’s perspective I was really excited to finally hear Draven’s thoughts giving us more insight into his character and although there weren’t many chapters from his perspective I still loved the small insight that we got and I’ll take what I can get. The story continued to be engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I felt like the pacing was a little slower at the beginning but it soon picks up again about a third of the way through. There continued to be many twists and turns and whilst there were some predictable points, they were few and far between with a lot of moments that I didn’t see coming and left me shocked. It was lovely to be back in Camelot again surrounded by familiar faces from the first book that were missing from the second book. I love how the legend is continuing to be woven into the story and being twisted to create something new.

Morgan’s character development has been amazing to see throughout the series and she has grown into such a strong character who continues to fight for those she cares about as well as learning to except her new role as empress and her bond with Draven. Although I missed Morgan and Draven’s interactions it helped Morgan to grow as a character and I thought the dream sequences were a clever device that allowed them to communicate and work things out. One nitpick was the excessive use of the words ‘mate’ and ‘wife’, which started to get a little annoying and repetitive.

I’m so glad we have one final book before we have to say goodbye to the amazing characters and world that the author has created. There are still a few loose ends to tie up as well as finally defeating the big bad that has been hinted at throughout the entire series and I can’t believe I have to wait until March to find out what happens!

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Empress of Fae is the strongest of the three books in the series so far. A lot is going on in the plot this time and the stakes feel high. Reintroducing characters from book one and combining them with book two means we have a group of people we already are invested in.

But what really made this a stronger story was Morgan. It felt like there was progression, for once. She owns up to how she behaved previously and accepts her bond with Draven, the fact she loves him, and that he would do anything for her. No more back and forth between love-hate-love. It’s amazing how much that made it feel the story properly progressed.

I will admit, the dream world felt like a plot device just to include sex scenes. Fine, they do heal their fractured relationship in them, but other than that, its information dumping and sex. It’s like the author realised splitting them up meant she couldn’t write those scenes, so came up with a new way of doing it.

The dual narration was fun. It was good to get more from Draven: for a prince with a fearsome reputation, he’s nothing more than a lovesick puppy chasing his love. But his bond with his friends is clear for all to see and his desire to be by Morgan’s side, no matter what, makes him a likeable character. He’s certainly been a favourite throughout.

The pacing is better this time. There is still a lot of talk at the beginning: events recounted, despite the reader having been along for the ride. But the action is on a wider scale with an entire kingdom at stake than just the main characters. That, combined with liking Morgan more, meant I felt more invested in the outcome than previously.

The improvement in the development of the characters and the execution of book three makes me excited for book four. While I was able to put it down, I was also gripped by the story unfolding and wanted to know how things were going to play out. It feels the series is starting to come into its own and reach its potential, and I look forward to reading the conclusion.

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I world like tonthank Netgalley and Author for this book, and all opinion are my own.
Third book of a saga, and looking forward to the fourth!
I must say that this book was kinda of a surprise, in a good way. The second book wasn’t the best for me, but this third one is a different story. Finally I get to read about Camelot again! Morgan is still a strong MFC, but I think there is a very nice growth of her in this book and I really learned how to appreciate more Draven, in which I didn’t really liked in book 2.
And the plot in the second half of the book is something I could not put down. I did not expected some of the things that were coming!

And I really like the covers as well 😁😁

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oh man! what a good series!
I dont usually find a series where I like ALL the books in the series, but here it is - a first!
This was an interesting read and once you get involved, you feel like you are really a part of this world!
This series is well-written and really fleshes out the characters and the complexities of human nature.
I did like Morgan throughout :)
Now I wait for the next book....

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I was not sure I'd like this, not having read the previous books. I actually really enjoyed it!! In fully invested in the characters and will be reading the entire series

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I know for the first two books in this series I made comments about Morgan being childish and immature. She's a lot more mature in book three but I feel this could've been fleshed out more, there's no real development of maturity, it felt like a flick of a switch. This book was definitely a slow burn, and the last couple of chapters were INTENSE. I think they could've gone into more detail after the Fenyx situation as it felt a bit rushed after that. Absolutely loved the scenes between Morgan and Draven throughout and can't wait for the final book.

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for the eARC!

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I love this series. Every book gets more and more interesting, and I cannot wait for the next book.
Compared with the previous ones, this feels a bit slower; not a lot happens, but important information is revealed.

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This is a great book. The author continues to weave a wonderful story using figures of old but really making it bold and new. Oh my heart on this one. The plot twists, the betrayals, the emotion, all of it so powerful and moving. With each step on this journey I become more and more immersed in this world. The next book cannot come soon enough.

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The series continued to go downhill for me. I just didn't care about the main characters anymore - they seemed really two dimensional DNF at 43%

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