Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley & Dutton Publishing for an eARC ♥️

“Dad Camp” is a masterclass in storytelling, weaving a tale that's both hilarious and heartwarming.

John, the lovable but hapless dad, and his preteen daughter Avery, will capture your heart from the get-go. Their struggles to connect and understand each other are deeply relatable, and I found myself nodding along in solidarity more times than I can count.

Evan S Porter’s writing is warm, witty, and engaging, making it easy to become fully invested in the story. The supporting cast of characters is equally well-crafted, from the quirky camp director to the cast of dads trying their best (and failing hilariously).

What resonated with me most, though, was the book's exploration of the complexities of love and connection. It's a poignant reminder that relationships are messy, beautiful, and worth fighting for.

So if you're looking for a story that will make you laugh, cry, and feel all the feels, look no further than 'Dad Camp'. Trust me, you won't regret it!"

Rating: 5/5 stars

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This book's all about a dad trying to get closer to his preteen daughter who's growing up fast. He’s a bit too much sometimes, and they end up at a father/daughter camp for a week to try and connect.

It’s well-written and super cute, but it just wasn’t really for me.

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I’m beginning to feel a little like Goldilocks. I’ve just read/listened to two books that were so sad and depressing I struggled to finish them. So, I wanted something light. But that didn’t mean silly. Dad Camp looked like it might fit the bill. And it did, but with reservations.
Avery, 11, is entering that age when she no longer thinks of her father as her hero or her best friend. What’s the current ad that talks about the side hug? Yea, she’s at that stage although even a side hug might be too much. So, her dad, John, signs them up for a week-long father-daughter camp experience. It’s not giving anything away to say nothing goes according to John’s plans. The place looks nothing like the pictures, the food is horrible and the camp director seems to have it out for John. And everything John tries to regain the closeness with Avery backfires.
John and Avery both felt real, although at times Avery came across as a little older than 11. Or maybe 11 year olds are older with this generation. John, like all parents, has heard the stories about pre-teens, but thinks it’ll never apply to his relationships with Avery. He also has quite the ego when it comes to how he thinks of himself as a dad, so he’s really caught off guard. And he’s created a bad situation by making a very selfish decision concerning Avery.
This actually wasn’t as funny as I expected. It tried to go more for the emotional buttons - the feeling of time passing too quickly, decisions regretted and hurt feelings. We hear from each of the fathers in the form of letters they write. The other fathers tended towards cliches - the macho man, the workaholic, the stay at home dad. The storyline occasionally veered too far into sugary sweetness. I was hoping for something with a little more punch.
My thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Group for an advance copy of this book.

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John is a good father, perhaps too good, after Avery was born, his life changed, yes for the better, thanks to the joy of being a parent, but also because he forced himself to give up some things that defined him "John ". Years have passed and Avery is no longer a little girl, but rather a pre-teen, and that period of "hatred" towards parents begins, not wanting to spend too much time together, the first dates, but above all, the dominance of social networks. As well as a final farewell to his sweet and beloved little girl Avery, before seeing her become like all the other teenagers, a little dazed, John decides to organize a fun camp, or rather a dad camp. What John expects, by enrolling him and his daughter in this campsite for fathers and daughters only, is to be able to spend quality time with Avery, but unfortunately he finds himself spending it with the other fathers. so he slowly discovers that he is not the only one who feels certain things, and experiences certain slightly unpleasant moments.
The only thing that, in my opinion, is a little out of place in this book are some of the dialogues, I found them at times a little forced and a little too corny. Anyway it was nice to read this story though, it made me relive some of my moments as a teenager, and it was fun to read the dad's point of view instead.
Thank you NetGalley and Dutton Books for the opportunity to read in exchange for my honest review.
The book will be out on June 11th!

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Full disclosure: I was pre-approved this e-galley through Penguin Random House and Netgalley on February 27, 2024. I was so excited to read it… and then I didn’t read it when I finished that one book… and then I didn’t read it when I finished that other book… and then a month had passed. I just had a feeling that it would hit me right in the feels, and I knew I needed to read at moment that felt like the right time.

I was right.

At 3% in, my first note was “already tearing up.” I then revisited those tears at 5% in. They laid dormant until 95% when “tearing up” became “I’m not crying, you’re crying.”

I finished reading Dad Camp the day after my dad turned 70. He and I do not really communicate a lot. I called him. I told him about this book, and I told him that I wished we talked more. He told me that he knows that I am busy with my life and my full-time job and my two babies. He is busy too with his retired life… but he wanted me to know that he is proud of me. And just like in the novel, at 3% into that conversation I was tearing up and then at 95% I was tearing up in a big way. Fast-forward to the following morning, I am listening to “At All Costs” from Wish taking moments to glance back at my kids in the rearview mirror full out crying as I drove them to school (Yes, I know it’s about wishes, but it can absolutely be about a parent’s love for a child). My book hangover manifested in motherly misted eyes for about 24 hours after.

Dad Camp was not a difficult read, but I feel like Mr. Porter Mr. Miyagi’d me. I am not a father, but I saw myself as a mother in several of the dads and saw myself as a daughter in several of the moments. Regardless of what people may believe constitutes capital L Literature versus lowercase l literature, the main goal of all Literature is to connect us with humanity and what it means to be human. In that way, this novel was nothing short of successful – at least for me.

I took away a star because there were certain parts that felt a little underdeveloped, but overall, I would absolutely recommend this novel. Mr. Porter’s writing is cheeky and I love the tenderness and humor delivered in his narrative.

As the great Celine Dion once said, this book is for “all of the children and all of the parents of the world.”

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Dad Camp - Evan Porter
Genre - Contemporary Fiction

I love camp. I loved my time there as a kid. Even latrine duty at rustic camp had a magic that I don’t love some much now. So when asked by Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House to read and review Dad Camp by Evan Porter, I was all in. John is at a crossroads with his daughter Avery. After restructuring his whole life to be a superdad, he finds that as she enters her middle school years their relationship is getting more and more difficult. Avery who used to love her time with him is now often annoyed by him. She wants desperately to try out for a travel soccer team for which he will no longer be her coach. When John spots a camp online designed to help daughters and dads work on their relationships, he signs up. With a reluctant Avery along, he soon discovers that the camp may not be as delightful as pictured online, and wonders just where exactly this week might take them.
I love the setting - I’m not sure I would have loved it as much if it had been picture perfect. Camp dorms should be a little rustic. Spiders ought to exist in the bathrooms. The food should not be worthy of a trained chef. Ice breakers should be awkward - and camp leaders just a bit cringey. Porter creates this world with resounding success. When bunks are being claimed and the dads are awkwardly getting the lay of the land and each other, I felt returned right back to my camp days. John’s dad mates, Ryan, Booker, and Lou are introduced here, and while John is the central focus of the book, each of these dads is well developed and dynamic. Porter captures the stay at home dad, the dad who works too much, the hyper gung ho dad, and the over involved dad, without creating stereotypes. We gain insight to each as John does, and the growth and change is poignant in and among the comedic camp antics that punctuate the content. The men breaking into the office tipsy on non alcoholic beer is just one such moment. Also notable for me - hand written letters home. I love that every day the men hide the pen, paper, and envelope provided for them and that every night they reappear on the pillow. I don’t have the letters that I sent home from camp, but I have some that my children sent me. What a delightful memory. The letters here are used to illustrate the growth and change - and give us insight into these men. I found myself looking forward to the next one.
My kids are raised and out in the world - partnering with others and one is raising her own child. I often awaken in the middle of the night just obsessed with something I did wrong or wish I had done better in raising them. Even good counseling hasn’t eliminated those moments for me. I love the insight that Porter offers here for parents of young children. None of us will get it perfect, but the men here and what they learn can offer some advice to all. The focus is on dads and daughters - but extends to all parenting. I have entered a different space in my relationship with my dad - which involves to some extent a role reversal. But it also involves getting to know him in a different way. The time spent with him has offered my insights into his childhood, young adulthood, dating life with my mom in ways that I just didn’t have access to before. This review is not the right place for me to develop this idea, but Evan Porter’s Dad Camp has made me grateful for this time in a more profound way. You might gain some insight into your own parent/child relationships, but you will laugh, and maybe well up a bit. Dad Camp by Evan Porter is a great summer read!

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4 stars

As an adult who has been extremely intentional about never having children, I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about a book that clearly celebrates and explores various stages of parenting, so I'll speak first to those reluctant readers like me; this book is still for you. I'm glad it came into my orbit.

While most of the narrative is told through John's perspective, it's his daughter, Avery, who feels like the star of this show, but that's also indicative of a central theme: that this man's daughter is his (nearly whole) world. Avery is at that charming age when parents are uncool creeps, and John is feeling that pain. In an attempt to reconnect with her, John takes Avery to the titular location, and a combination of hijinks and heartwarming moments ensue. John's relationship with the other dads really became my favorite part of the read, but his memories of Avery growing up and his sometimes-desperate attempts to reconnect with her in the present moment also appealed to me much more than I expected.

I really enjoyed the way these characters are portrayed and the ways in which their relationships and personal growth unfold. Great dads are not ubiquitous, and it is refreshing to read about those who are trying.

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John is feeling he is losing his 11-year-old daughter as she is growing up. He doesn’t want to lose the bond he has with her and in a last ditch effort he signs them both up for camp for the last week of summer. I recall thinking the same when my daughter was growing up and becoming a teenager that she’d have less time with dad, so I could relate with the premise of this book. I thought it was a middle grade book but as was reading it, I realize that it was an adult story. Yes, it is sentimental at times and quite saccharin and the other fathers are stereotypical, overall I enjoyed the story very much.

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While the essence of the novel focused on the father end of a father-daughter relationship, overall the tone is a bit too whimsical to take his sincerity to reconnect seriously and the dialogue exchanged (between adults mostly but between adult and child too) oftentimes cliche, awkward, and unnatural. What clashed for me was the ambiguity of who the target audience is---I couldn't tell if this was targeted for adults or children. The inclusion of profanity---often awkward in execution---makes it seem this is an adult novel but again the dialogue and situations felt geared more for younger readers.
John our protagonist is consistent in his hovering parenting methods, which is partially why I felt certain "band-aid" decisions he made were annoying and ones I couldn't pity him for, all the more reason why I preferred reading about the other Dads he meets at the camp. Their particular circumstances and issues seemed more relatable and generally more interesting than John's.
And while I wouldn't say this had a cookie cutter narrative shape, the story arrived at a predictable end that failed to leave any lasting impressions---which is fine since this is novel's more entertainment than evocative---and lacking of any memorable scenes.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I realized after I read 'Dad Camp' that I don't read a lot of books from a Dad's point of view. I don't know if that's because of the books I choose, or due to the lower volume of books written from that perspective. Either way, 'Dad Camp' was a refreshing read. A camp is established for dads that would like to connect or reconnect with their young or teenage daughters. There are different types of dads and daughters there, and with Porter's depictions, one can emphasize with them all. Let's hear it for the Dads!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Dad Camp was a really cute and wholesome book! This book follows John and his daughter Avery at camp as John attempts to mend their relationship. This book was more emotional and heartwarming than I anticipated and I really enjoyed it. It’s definitely worth the read.

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One week at a camp set up specifically for dads to try to connect with their daughters, and most of the dads have no idea how to do that while remaining "manly" or avoiding being mocked by their peers. This was an interesting premise as the reader gets to see how different life demands turn even the best of dads into self-conscious, self-doubting puddles.

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I was very skeptical of Dad Camp when I was first offered an advanced digital copy to read. I mean…how entertaining could it be to read a dad’s perspective of his pre-teen daughter while he tries desperately to maintain his close relationship with her? Turns out, it can be pretty darn entertaining. Dad Camp is deep and honest, without being too heavy. It’s funny without being unrealistic.

Evan S. Porter creates a lovable cast of fathers who have all tried in very different ways to be the best fathers and husbands they could be, all with the same end result; a dissolving relationship with their daughters (and partners). Together, through a comfortably predictable, well-paced novel, these dads endure a week-long camping trip that teaches them the truth about what it means to be a father, as well as what it means to be a man.

Porter’s characters are smartly written, witty, and relatable. I had a lot of fun reading through their stories. The only critique I have is that every once in a while (not very often) there would be an uncomfortably awkward joke or wording used that would break me away from the narrative for a moment. But overall, I thought Porter delivered the story very well.

I would absolutely recommend this book to fathers and daughters alike.

*Many thanks to Dutton for asking me to read this book for review, Evan S. Porter, and NetGalley for the e-book advanced copy of Dad Camp*

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The Dad Camp looks at fatherhood in this heartwarming and often funny story. John and eleven year old daughter Avery are in a transition phase. John has made his entire life about his daughter. He is involved in every aspect of her life and he sees their connection slipping away. Shockingly, John surprises Avery with an end-of-summer dad/daughter camp experience in an attempt to regain their connection. I don't think I would have liked to attend camp at any age with a parent, but especially at 11. Once at camp, John is initially surprised by the variety of dads and can't seem to help but judge the other men. As the story unfolds, we see how he has lost his entire identity and is solely Avery's dad. While he is her biggest cheerleader, I couldn't help but cringe at times with how he treated her.

I think the biggest take away, is that there is not one right way to be a parent. You have to do your best and being a good version of yourself is a strong start. Often, it is about working on ourselves and the rest will follow.

Thank you NetGalley and Dutton Books for the opportunity to read in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is the most heartwarming, emotionally evocative novel I have read in a while. Every page had me turning to the next and the characters truly felt like they came off the page to me. I loved this story and am so grateful to Penguin Dutton and NetGalley for providing this ARC. Highly recommend this story to everyone wanting to reflect on not only their own father-child relationship, but all father-child relationships. Can't wait to see this story hit the shelves!

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What a great read! I wasn't sure what to expect when I first started reading this, but I was definitely not disappointed! I would definitely recommend this to my patrons at the library!

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ad Camp is a beautiful, heartwarming story that will just make you laugh and smile and even cry some happy tears. Avery and John are loveable protagonists that I became invested in from the start. This book evoked warm emotions of my relationship with my Dad, and for once I did not feel the grief of missing him, but the warmth of our memories together. I simply devoured this book overnight. Definitely can see this as a Hallmark or Disney Channel movie.

This book is released on June 11, 2024... just in time for Father's Day. Make sure to support your local bookstore and get your copy.

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I FREAKING love my dad, okay?!!!

When Penguin Dutton reached out offering me an ARC through NetGalley, I didn't look beyond the cover before saying yes. The marketing team couldn't have known that when I was a child, all the dads on my street took all the kids away for a weekend every year so the moms could have time off and we could bond with our dads. This book felt like a love letter to the memory of "dads and kids camping", and I'm so happy I got to read it.

The author writes a fantastic debut novel about worrying about your kids growing up too fast, and kids wanting the space to do exactly that.

This comes out the week before fathers day; buy it for your dad :)

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio ARC!

What a great book!! I loved the bond between the fathers and the kids. Such a good story!

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This book was a great read. It started strong, got a bit weaker in the middle, but when we got to dad letters it picked right back up. I loved this book - the struggles of fatherhood. I think kids and parents alike would enjoy reading this book

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