Member Reviews

I loved the music in this book—it had amazing quotes, cool references, and a passion that made it awesome! The horror part was good, but I wanted more Shakespearean madness exploration. The occult stuff added excitement, keeping me on edge. It's not exactly my usual genre, but I think many people will enjoy this unique twist on rock 'n' roll Macbeth.

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Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

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Woooo this was something else! I've never read a rock band paranormal thriller book before. And you know what I actually enjoyed it. I was put on a emotional roller-coaster as well. I gasped so many times and audibly said "NOOOOO!!! WHATT THE HELL!!" several times as well. I did predict the ending but was still absolutely furious with one of the characters. And I can't forget that this is multiple povs. Also the plot and everything was really good! Both authors did such an amazing job with this book. Also if you are into the whole 80s rock vibe than this book would be right up your alley. I saw one of the authors has made a dead rockstar series and I actually became feral. 😂😂 The covers look freakin amazing!!
Overall I'm gonna give it 4 stars.
Also thank you NetGalley for the arc. Even the book has been out for awhile it also took me awhile to finish (I was super busy, hence why it took me so long 😅.)

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Unfortunately I’m not a Shakespeare/Macbeth gal so a lot of the references throughout the book just went over my head and I felt like I couldn’t enjoy it as much as someone else could. Regardless, this is a super fun & enjoyable read. The suspense/horror aspects kept me intrigued and would definitely be up a thriller-lovers alley!

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book.

Loved this book! I wasn't sure I was going to due to the spooky aspect but I ended up fully enjoying.

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This book is a retelling of Macbeth which I just read. It plays out as you'd expect.

We follow girl rock band The Scottish Play as they become more famous and stuff starts happening. We have 1 person POV from each of the girls. On paper all the girls are very different: one has struggling with her addict parents, one had an abortion after abusive relationship with an older man, one really loves statistics and data. But in practise I couldn't tell the difference to the point when I sometimes had to return to the beginning of the chapter because I forgot whose POV I was reading.

To add insult to an injury the villain reveal didn't work for me. It was not forshadowed and I don't see a reason why no one mentioned it before. (Because the authors make it up as they go).

That being said though I had fun with it. It's only like 350 pages and I loved getting all the Macbeth references. Plus it's gay.

Crowe siting on his dad's lap with they/he pronoun pin and saying their dad is the best >>> everyone else

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Shakespeare, murder and Rock n'Roll. I don't think it is a combination that many would think of. Yet, I was immediately obsessed with the idea from the beginning.
The ability to add Macbeth references into the story and make it almost like a retelling was incredible. Also, the metaphors weren't heavy which made it easy to follow and is good for those readers who haven't read or heard of Macbeth.
The cast of characters is diverse and so so fun to read about. It makes you want to be part of it (well, besides all the murder thing) and it brought me a lot of joy to follow their adventures , both good and bad, throughout the book.
On the topic of music itself, all the quotes and icons, as well as the passion that came through in general was awesome. I loved it!
Overall, I liked the horror included there, though I feel that the shakespearean madness could've been explored and developed a little more. The occult stuff was alright and I felt like it helps the reader feel always on the edge (in a good way) like anything could happen in the next moment!
Overall I'd give it 4.25, pretty good writing and a pretty interesting story as well.
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC.

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When Duff O’Brien moves to Hiawassee, Georgia after a traumatic experience in her Michigan hometown, she’s looking to finish high school with her head down and work at her beloved granny’s barbeque joint. Enter classmate Marian “Mac” Shepherd: ambitious, rough around the edges, and devoted to Duff immediately. The two best friends pick up instruments and along with their new pal, recently-disgraced golden girl Quincy Banks, form The Scottish Play, the hardest-rocking all-female band North Georgia has ever seen.

At no point during this book did I have the faintest idea what would happen next (in a good way). This was great and I wish I had more of it to read.

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4.5 rounded up.

A combination of horror and rock, murder and Shakespeare. I was bound to love this. I desperately wanted to be friends with the group, and I'm equally as in love with Joan Jett (and share Maud's love of the runaways movie and trivia). They sound so cool, and we could probably share a wardrobe (and some bleach). Duff and Quincy, especially, I wish you were real. I was so frustrated and angry with Larry and Mac. A toxic relationship intertwined with Macbeth was a feast to read, but God I wanted to intervene! The Hecs as the three witches was a nice nod, and it wasn't too heavy handed with the metaphors. I do wish it was a bit more queer - there was a lot of LGBT representation in the characters but it was more stating facts than shown for the most part (and maybe I wish my two faves got together yknow).

I loved all the rock music included. Quotes, icons, inspiration, and just a general love of music. The passion and love for it came through, and it didn't feel like just name dropping. (I would like confirmation on if the character names were inspired by rock music, but I have an inkling they were).

I think I would've liked more horror. A certain characters descent into Shakespearean madness went from 0-60 very quickly, and I would've liked more haunting, paranormal shit, and general horror.

I think this does need another proof read, I noticed a couple things like missing speech marks, or a random bracket with no pair, etc. it wasn't a massive issue, but it made me stop and reread to make sure I was reading it right.

Overall, I really enjoyed this. Thank you to netgalley for the arc.

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I’m a sucker for a good band novel, so I decided to check this out. Mostly told through the POVs of Duff and Marian, the two meet when Duff moves to town her senior year. They quickly become friends and wind up forming a band with fellow classmate Quincy. They wind up with a manager and five years later, they are on the verge of making it. Then tragedy strikes twice.

I enjoyed the book for the most part but I could’ve done without the whole curse/occult parts. It just felt weirdly thrown in there to me, but I’m sure others will like it just fine.

Thanks as always to NetGalley for the ARC.

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