Member Reviews

The book delves into the history of UFO sightings, the plausibility of extraterrestrial explanations, and the implications of these encounters for our understanding of reality itself. While the book seems to be well researched, and I found the subject matter to be interesting, I am only giving the book three stars for several reasons:

The book is told in a narrative fashion, like an interview or conversation, that probably is easier to follow when reading it in written form. I often got lost in the narrative and wasn't sure who was speaking. There are also photos and other exhibits referenced in the audiobook that the reader cannot see but would be available in the print version.

Through the aforementioned interview style, the authors present "evidence," including firsthand accounts, statistical analyses, and physical evidence, which suggests that UFOs are not simply misidentified natural phenomena or hoaxes. They explore the possibility that these objects may represent advanced technology from another civilization or even a different dimension of reality. I write "evidence" in quotations because the book relies heavily on anecdotes/stories and does not provide definitive proof of any of these "sightings." In other words, it is speculative, and the conclusions are open to interpretation. This is nothing new, and with all other things UFO related, you either believe, or you don't.

I grew up watching The X-Files and know a lot about aliens and the UFO culture, so this book didn't really tell me anything new. However, if you are just getting into the topic, there are a lot of interesting stories in this book that would be a good starting point.

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Very interesting subject for anyone who likes space and aliens. I listened to the audiobook and it was hard to follow with only one reader since it was mostly set up like a convesation. In fact it was essentially edited transcripts of interviews. Interesting but I think it could have a little more structure and direction and a second reader for audiobook form.

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“The Edge of Reality” is a must-listen for anyone who is curious about the UFO phenomenon and wants to learn more from two of the most authoritative and credible voices in the field. Hynek and Vallee are not dogmatic or sensationalist, but rather open-minded and rational. They do not claim to have all the answers, but rather pose the questions that need to be asked and the methods that need to be applied. They also challenge the listeners to think beyond the conventional and the comfortable, and to consider the possibility that the UFO phenomenon may represent a new and unknown domain of nature that awaits our discovery and understanding. “The Edge of Reality” is a classic and timeless work that will stimulate your imagination and expand your horizons. Thanks to NetGalley for an advance copy of the audiobook.

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With everything from a question and answer to well-known scientists essays on the subject these two scientist Jack fillet and Jay Alan Henik RESEARCH what’s known about the UFO epidemic the proof the lack of proof I witnesses and much much more from fake photographs to astronauts eyewitness accounts into some evidence that would seem irrefutable no matter what your opinion on the subject you will probably find this very interesting read as I did do the two very smart men discuss A topic that has eyewitness accounts going back hundreds of years and people on both sides who believe in those who don’t this is such a great book and I highly recommend it I always find it funny when people say there’s no such thing as UFOs because how can you prove a negative… You cannot but to be fair it’s been almost just as hard to prove they do exist. I thought the narrator Jonathan Yen had a perfect pitch for this discussion or text and I thought he did a great job setting the tone for such a disputed topic. I want to thank Tantore audio Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes I am blind.

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