Member Reviews

I have loved Kimberly McCreight since The Night Olivia Fell. I have genuinely loved all of her work.

In LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER Kimberly McCreight weaves a story of a mother that goes missing and the daughter trying to find out what happened to her. Along the way there are quite a few secrets that are revealed about her mom but then secrets are revealed about her as well.

I loved how we were able to see the relationship between mother and daughter and how well Kimberly McCreight wrote about the dynamics between mothers and daughters. It was very relatable.

I found myself NEEDING to know what happened and really I had no idea how it would end up.

Absolutely amazing writing with a well developed plot and very deep and well-developed characters.

Thank you to Netgalley, and the publisher for this ARC!

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When Cleo, a college student arrives home to talk to her mom, Kat, she doesn’t find her but finds blood on the floor food burning. Kat is the opposite of her daughter and they are not very close anymore. She is not only a lawyer but the fixer of her company. She grew up in a group home and had to stick up for herself much of the time. The days before she disappeared there were many threats facing Kat including money from her soon to be ex, information about her daughter and her previous relationship and an anonymous threat from her past…and Cleo doesn’t know a thing.

There was A LOT going on. Honestly, too much, it was hard to keep track of what was all happening. Between the chapters there were parts of a transcript, notes from a therapist, emails, texts, etc…just a lot going on. I loved the dual POVs. I also enjoyed the last 10% of the book plus the twist at the end. There is nothing good or bad about this book, just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy of this book in exhcange for an honest review.

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Cleo has been asked by her mother to come over for dinner. She’s a student at NYU and feels liked her mom tries to control her life. She gets frustrated with her mom for telling her who to date and what to do. When she gets to her mom’s house, she finds broken glass, a bloody shoe, and her mom is missing. As the police try to find her mom, Cleo does her own investigation and in the process realizes she and her mom are more alike than she thought. A solid thriller.

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I have such mixed feelings over this one. It seemed slow and easy to figure from the beginning but then I couldn’t stop thinking about it and was so intrigued by the storyline. I felt such emotions, once I connected with the characters I couldn’t stop reading.
Katrina and Cleo are such strong willed women and so similar. That is why they were butting heads as mothers and daughters do.
I loved the last half of the book. I was on the edge of my seat… loved the suspense!
I give it 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you Netgalley and Knopf for the ARC

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Thank you to Knopf and Netgalley for the chance to read this ARC.

I really enjoyed A Good Marriage and Reconstructing Amelia, so was super excited to dive into this one. The book started out strong and initially felt like such a smart, intricately weaved plot. But as the story went on, I found myself feeling overwhelmed by how convoluted everything got. There were too many storylines, too many red herrings—it just all felt unnecessary. By my count, there were about 10 possible suspects in this story. Also while I’m normally a fan of the mixed media format, I felt like it didn’t really add much to the story and if anything, only left me feeling more confused at times.

Overall, this was a propulsive page-turner that I still enjoyed. 3.5⭐️

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Wow, this book has a lot going on. The pages kept turning quickly and it was an edge of the seat read wondering where all this was going and how it was all going to be tied together. However, that was also a weakness- there is SO MUCH going on in this book: Murders, missing people, a law firm cover up, a sinister ex husband, warning texts from side characters, a daughter who is mixed up in drug dealing and a mother's job as a "fixer" (secret of course) that could lead to all kind of who-done-it characters. So, it was a lot going on and trying to make too many twists. The ending was a bit convoluted, but until then I was enjoying the ride. This is my third Kimberly McCreight book (the second this year) and I will seek out her books now. When I read A Good Marriage I did not realize it was the same Reconstructing Amelia author, but when I had the opportunity to review this book, I jumped on it. Despite the weaknesses, I did enjoy the book and wanted to get back to reading this thriller.

Thank you to Knopf and Netgalley for gifting me a copy in exchange for a review!

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I have never read one of Kimberly's books, and I have definitely become a fan of hers. Telling the story of a mother and daughter is no easy task, and she executed it with ease.

You don't truly know what you have until it is gone.

Termoil between mother and daughter isn't uncommon, but when Cleo is begged by her mother, Katrina, to come home, she feels an obligation to do so and hear her mother out. What she comes home to is broken glass and blood on the floor.

Cleo takes us through her mom's past, stopping at nothing to find her mom and right her wrongs. She doesn't want the last few years to be what her mom has her to remember her by. She uncovers a rabbit hole of her mom's past and present she never knew existed. If only she had asked; if only she had listened.

Kimberly does a great job of telling two stories. The present, which Cleo is in and the past leading up to Katrina's disappearance, until the two worlds reunite.

This is a thriller you will not want to put down. This book kept me up long into the night reading and saying just one more chapter.

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me with an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. I am excited for this book to come out and hear the applause for this, edge if your seat, thriller.

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This book is about the age old tale of up-tight mothers and head-strong daughters. Except in this story, Cleo realizes she doesn’t really know anything about her mother, Kat, once she discovers a terrifying scene at her mother’s house and no mom to be found.

I loved the character development in this book and how the author does a great job of making you FEEL the panic the characters are feeling in their escalating situations. As a lover of legal/law fiction, I loved the court transcripts/documents but can see how others might get bored or wouldn’t read through all of them as they’re not all necessary to see what’s going on with the faulty medication.

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Many thanks to Knopf and Net Galley for this digital ARC! Overall, I think this book is about the relationship between a mother and a daughter. Cleo arrives at her mother’s house to find her gone under mysterious circumstances. Cleo must follow the clues and determine what happened to her mom. This book kept me guessing and I didn’t want to put it down!

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First, this is my second book that I have read by this author which I liked very much so was I was pleased when I received an ARC of her latest book. With that being said, this was a terrific book which starts off right from the first chapter already with the mother Kat missing. Then it alternates in flashbacks from Kat and from Cleo her daughter with each entry four hours missing and each entry increasing from Cleo. Cleo and her mother have had a difficult relationship especially during Cleo’s college years which is the present timeline. She is a student at NYU. Her parents have a brownstone in Park Slope in Brooklyn, New York, an upscale neighborhood in Brooklyn which I know because I grew up in Brooklyn. Kat, short for Katrina is a very successful attorney but had a difficult childhood. Orphaned at 9 she lived in this place called Haven House which was not a pleasant time in her life but was adopted a few years later by a wealthy women who had other children which was a very good experience for Kat. When her adopted mother died years later she left Kat millions of dollars much to the chagrin of the other siblings that were born to the mother but the will was iron clad. She married a man named Aiden, got pregnant with Cleo right away but Kat only stayed with him because of her daughter. Financially, Aiden had big ideas but they never panned out and was always asking Kat for money. So when Kat goes missing, Aiden of course is one of the red herrings. Also, Kat is a fixer at her law firm and was in a brief romance with a man named Doug who was killed in a car accident which Kat believes was not an accident, This is told in Kat’s flashbacks. With Kat missing, Cleo found all this out. In Kat’s flashback’s she thinks the car accident was deliberate and not an accident because he was going to be a whistleblower for the firm Kat’s law firm represented. They are a pharmaceutical company with a drug out that was causing problems for pregnant women. Plus Cleo, a bright student was involved with Kyle, a student at NYU who came from a wealthy family but was a drug dealer that Cleo would help sell his drugs. Kat was aware and had numerous interactions with Kyle warning him to stay away from Cleo. The day Kat went missing, Cleo was coming for dinner. When she arrived her mother was not there but you could tell that she was cooking and there was blood on the floor. Also her parents were separated and were going to tell Cleo but Kat went missing. Plus Aiden had asked Kat for a lot of money to invest in something but Kat pretty much said no which Cleo finds out about after her mother goes missing plus she finds out that he somehow cleaned out her mother’s inheritance which was about 30 million dollars. Finally in the last chapter all is revealed. No spoilers here. Plus Cleo found out about something in her mother’s past when her mother was in college. So as I said so many red herrings throughout the book. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough and during Kat’s dissapearance you could see how much Cleo really loves her mother. She recalls as she was growing up how her mother was always there for her. The twist ending I never saw coming. I highly recommend this book and it was well written. Kimberly is an excellent author and this novel was fantastic. I received this book from NetGalley and the author and publisher as an ARC for an honest review. Again, I gave this book five stars. This is a must read especially for readers of this genre. Again many thanks to net galley and the author and publisher.
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This is a good book for my students. An exciting mystery and a very relatable, complication relationship between a mother and a daughter. There is a lot going on and various ethical issues, which would be good for classroom discussion

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Enjoyed this latest book from Kimberly McCreight. A woman, a fixer at a law firms disappears. It is both her story and the story of her daughter, with whom she has a troubled relationship. Cleo starts to search for her and learns a lot about her mother. Lots of characters, lots of possible suspects. Is this related to her work and a powerful drug company, her soon to be ex husband, who wants her money. Or something from her childhood. Well written and engaging. 4.5

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This book surprised me! I really ended up enjoying it as it kept me on my toes! I loved the dual timelines and the messy family/past. Kimberly Mcreight did a great job keeping the reader hanging on and wanting more.

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Do you ever wonder if your parents kept secrets from you? Yes, we all know they kept the secret from us about the realness of Santa and the Tooth Fairy. But what if they kept deeper, darker secrets from us?

In "Like Mother, Like Daughter," McCreight weaves a story of lies, deception, and what it means to find out the truth. Cleo is the polar opposite of her mom, she's more chaotic, unkempt, and unreliable. But when she shows up at her childhood home with the food burning in the oven and her mother no where to be seen, she feels like something's wrong. Then she finds her mother's bloody shoe under the couch and those suspicions are confirmed. What she begins to learn is that her mother is nothing like she thought. And as she begins to unweave the web her mother has created in order to keep her from knowing the truth, she'll begin to see her mother in an entirely new light.

Not only is this book a thrill ride of suspense and intrigue, it's also a story about the love between a mother and daughter, and the lengths each will go to save the other. I loved it!

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Like Mother, Like Daughter. A missing person, an MDL litigation, a rebellious daughter…. These elements made for a gripping thriller. I thought this was a good read and I will seek out more books from this author.

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There’s something really cool when you’re reading about a mother and daughter both hell bent on saving each other. I really enjoyed this one.

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Like mother, like daughter was a quick mystery with some fun twists. I felt that the story was predictable and realized “Will” was key to the disappearance early on. I felt that the book was heavily focused on the lawsuit but it didn’t have anything to do with Kat’s disappearance. The lawsuit was a probable theory but it was definitely focused on more heavily than the other theories and could have been a book in its own. Overall I gave the book 3 stars out of 5. Thank you to NetGalley for approving this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Perfect for fans of domestic thrillers and McCreight's debut Reconstructing Amelia (2013), Like Mother, Like Daughter explores the complexity of mother-daughter relationships through the lens of a mother's violent disappearance. Engrossing and twisty.

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I love reading when there is two different point of views and Kimberly McCreight is very talented in doing so. With this being my first read, I am highly impressed.
Just with in the first few chapters you will be completely sucked in, so many sure to set your alarm! Cleo comes home for her Mom, Kat, to find that she is not there. This seems out odd but when she notices blood, that is when Cleo gets worried. Now she is gets more involved than she should due to a falling out that she had with her mother many months ago, making her over think everything. The more Cleo digs, the more she starts to question who her mother really is.
Thank you Netgalley, Random House, and Kimberly McCreight for the advance reader.

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Like Mother, Like Daughter by Kimberly McCreight. Pub Date: July 9, 2024. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I’ve never read any of this author’s books, but I just might have to pick up some of her other books because this was a fast paced thrill ride that left me wanting more. Dual POV between a mother and her daughter lays the foundation for past secrets, different viewpoints/perspectives and a race to the finish to find out what really happened to the mother. Loved the side storyline of drug exploitation from a pharmaceutical company and thought it was a nice sidetrack to the main disappearance event. I highly recommend for thriller/mystery readers. Thanks to #netgalley and #knopf for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review. #likemotherlikedaughter

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