Member Reviews

Another solid read by Kimberly McCreight. Like Mother, Like Daughter follows Kat and Cleo as they race to find the answers to two separate problems/mysteries. For Kat, it’s who is threatening her daughter by bringing her own past back from the dead. For Cleo, it’s - where is her mother and who hurt her?

Intriguing from the jump - check it out.

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This story grabbed me from the beginning. Definitely a must read suspense. I loved the dynamic between Kat and Cleo. Also, the different point of views pulled the story along. The twists were awesome!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really like how the author writes. She is very real with dialogue and it was very easy to connect with the main people in the book. The story was engaging and hard to figure out. I do feel there were too many people involved in the story which made it feel more complicated than it needed to be. I understand why it was all included as it made the reader guess more to what really happened but I feel the excess “work related” story took away from the better part of the story and it was hard to read and engage in as so many different people were involved. I really enjoy the authors books and I will continue to follow her and read her works.

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Thanks to Knopf and NetGalley for the ARC. This book had a few moving parts that made it a fast paced well developed read, Great domestic thriller.

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Cleo had been harboring some anger towards her mom Kat recently but she acquiesced to a dinner. When she arrives at her childhood home she finds only a bloody shoe. What has happened? Who can help her?

Through a series of flashbacks and multiple pov's we learn about Cleo, her mother and her estranged husband. Something has happened recently to cause Kat's disappearance. Is it too late to save her? A pretty cool twist that didn't completely crystalize, but I enjoyed it! #knopf #pantheon #netgalley #LikemotherLikeDaughter #Kimberlymccreight

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Wow! Loved this book, thank you NetGalley.

Told from two different points of view, the mother who has disappeared and the daughter who is looking for her. There are a few different story lines going on that keep you guessing until the very end./

Well written, face paced, excellent read. I am excited to see what McCreight comes up with next.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

The complexities of human relationships are front and center in this complex thriller. Mother and daughter. Husband and wife. Best friends, ex-best friends, lovers and ex-lovers.

Katrina and Cleo are our dual POV characters, mother and daughter, and not only do we have dual POV but also dual timelines. Current day and backstory behind the disappearance.

It’s fast-paced and there are no throw-away characters here. Everyone plays a part and it’s an incredibly well-woven story.

McCreight is a must-read for me and this lived up to the hype. I flew through it in almost 48 hours.

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Cleo, an NYU student, never imagines that her visit home would turn into a nightmare. She discovers upon arrival, burning dinner in the oven, a bloody shoe, an apartment in disarray, and her mother missing.
Having grown up in a violent group home, Cleo’s mother Kat has been keeping secrets about her childhood from her daughter. Could this have anything to do with the apparent violence that has invaded their home? Or is it a result of Cleo’s previous dangerous relationship with a drug dealer who her mother strongly and vocally disapproved of?
Kat, a “fixer” at a law firm, also has some very shady and threatening connections that would be happy to see her ‘disappear.’
Or does this apparent kidnapping lead back to Kat’s estranged and greedy husband, Cleo’s father Aidan?
With no shortage of suspects, time running out and secret upon secret being revealed about Kat,
Cleo starts an investigation of her own and realizes she doesn’t even know who her mother is - and how close to the dangerous truth she really is.

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I was ready to give this 4 stars but the boyfriend/professor twist was so fantastical I grew frustrated with the last chunk of the book. I thought the pacing in this was good and it was a step up from the author’s last few (I liked her debut but have waivered on some more recent works) but I found the ending to be a bit of a cheap shot to wrap it all together.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kimberly McCreight’s latest, “Like Mother, Like Daughter” is a great read with a mile-a-minute plot that makes it impossible to put down! At first glance a missing person mystery, we soon are caught up in several intriguing underlying plot lines that speed that novel along. The multiple mysteries at times threaten to go over the line into implausibility, but ultimately edge just close enough to keep us reading to the satisfying conclusion! Definitely recommend! Thanks to NetGalley for the ebook ARC! #LikeMotherLikeDaughter #NetGalley

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This is definitely my favorite book by this author. I loved the mother/daughter dynamics. I always love books with different kinds of media within it, so I found the transcripts to be very enjoyable. I did not see the ending coming and was very surprised.

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Thank you so much to @netgalley and @aaknopf for the ARC! Kimberly McCreight is an automatic read for me as I have been a big fan since Reconstructing Amelia. I was thrilled to get this one early, and thrilling it was. If you are unfamiliar with McCreight’s style, she jumps around in timeline, in voice, and offers little nuggets of clues in random blurbs sprinkled throughout. I enjoy this as it keeps my attention and makes my brain work to try to figure out the secrets. I also like the contrast in perspectives from a mature woman and a young adult that is in this book as well as Reconstructing Amelia. Cleo does not get along with her mom AT ALL. But when her mom, who is a high powered attorney, disappears, all she wants is to find her. Is the person behind her Mom’s disappearance someone from the past, part of a contentious litigation her mom is working on, or is it Cleo’s fault? Thrillers are my favorite genre and so hard to review because I don’t want to give any of it away, especially when I enjoy a book as much as I did this one. Definitely put this on your summer reading list!!

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LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER is a satisfying domestic thriller that centers on the relationship between a type-A lawyer-fixer mom, Kat, and her rebellious college-aged daughter, Cleo. Kat goes missing in an establishing scene that will remind you of Gone Girl, and her daughter sniffs out all the clues: her mom's online dating matches, her shady documentary-producer dad, her new boyfriend who may be involved in a college admissions scandal, her fixer clients, the people at her old abusive group home—the daughter's own drug-dealing rich ex? There's lots going on here. I forgot about the whole Darden Pharmaceuticals plotline, which I thought would lean more into the Michael Clayton of it all. (I would have liked some more reportorial details or backstory about that and her group home!)

The writing style was fine and easy to read quickly (many characters' dialogue trails off into ellipses in a strange way) but I hoped some of the characters would deepen beyond the first impression we're given—the mom remains resolutely uptight, the daughter mildly naive "rebellious" NYU daughter feels a little inauthentic. That said, the double-hitter twists at the end (while rapid, and I'd argue one was hinted at but factually impossible to guess) did surprise me, and I had a good time! 4 stars as a book in its genre. I will gladly consume this again as a mini-series a la Big Little Lies.

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Really enjoyed this! I loved the characters and thought the pacing was perfect. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What an absolutely enjoyable read. I really adored Kat's character. She came from a hard childhood, struggled a bit as a mom and just felt relatable and real. As we slowly unraveled her past and learn how it connects to the present, I felt so bad for her. Cleo stepping out and looking for her was a beautiful thing. Despite their issues, she realizes how she perceives her mom wasn't always accurate.

We didn't get to see much of Wilson, but i'd have liked to. She seemed smart.

While everything slid into place pages before the reveal, it didn't take away from the nature of the book at all. You couldn't guess everything that happened either just parts of it.

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This was fast paced with a great mystery premise. Plenty of twists and turns to keep you entertained. My only issue was the predictable nature of the story. But an overall decent read, would absolutely recommend.

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Kimberly has been an auto buy author for me since Reconstructing Amelia and this book further emphasized why. I flew through this. Absolutely couldn’t put it down. Highly recommended!

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I got sucked into this book starting on page 1. It had a lot of suspense and I was anxious to find out how it ended. I read the book in one sitting! The "twists" were a little predictable, but it was still thrilling reading from start to finish. I recommend this one if you're looking for an intense, edge-of-your-seat read.

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What a gripping thriller this was. Although I gave it a 3 star rating because of how slowly it started, it quickly caught up. Because of all the twists and turns, this is the ideal book to read when you're in a reading slump.

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Review coming (accidentally posted the wrong review; will post correct one later. Thanks. I am not sure how to delete my review.

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