Member Reviews

My daughter is 7 and loves science, we read this at bedtime and she thought it was great. Sally is a real inspiration.

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This motivating biography series for children (4-7 years) brings the inspiring figure of Sally Ride, an American astronaut who was passionate about science.

Sally’s story shows how important and impactful parents’ support and encouragement is. Sally and her sister were encouraged to reach for the stars. From childhood, she was fascinated with science and good at playing tennis. Tennis helped her in getting scholarship for studying science.

When NASA announced astronaut position, more than 8,000 people applied. Only 35 were accepted, among them Sally. Later, she was chosen to join the space shuttle Challenger crew. Thus, making her the first American woman to explore space.

After 9 years in NASA, she became a physics professor. And later, started her own company and wrote books for young minds, inspiring children to get excited about science.

This story is a wonderful inspiration for children to reach for the stars and not to be afraid of science. It is accompanied by delightful illustrations, and presented in easy to understand way for target audience.

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an inspiring story about a successful woman in STEM. It's fascinating to see a real life icon while there's more women in STEM in novels nowadays

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The Little People, Big Dreams books are ones that I always look at when I see them in bookshops, and have gifted a few to friends. Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara has written a really engaging and inspiring series of books, accompanied by Pili Aguago’s distinctive illustrations making them instantly recognisable and a reliable gift for the youngsters in your life.

Sally Ride’s life story is what grabbed my attention this time, and I’m so happy it’s being shared, hopefully inspiring a new generation to look up at the stars and want to learn more- and feel confidence that they can.

Released in January 2024 this is an inspiring read to start the year with.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC, all opinions are my own.

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The series of Little People, Big Dreams books is one of my favorite that I continuously read here on NetGalley. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this story in advance of publication. I found this story of Sally Ride to be very inspirational and give the right level of detail for the target audience. It is important to continue to share historical figures stories, especially women's and minorities stories, in a way that is digestible for kids. Making these stories accessible and understandable is an excellent way to spark kids interest and show them the possibilities for their own futures.

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Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara brings Sally Ride to a wider audience. Her story may be one that many people have not heard of but Vergara's words accompanied by illustrations Aiona Millgram bring her accomplishments to light.
Sally loved maths and tennis but it was a science teacher that nurtured Sally's love of science. While studying physics, Sally came across a publication that claimed NASA was searching for would-be astronauts. Sally applied and was successful and she became the first American woman to join the Challenger crew who flew in space.
After she retired from being an astronaut, Sally used her knowledge to write children's books about science and she continued her work with NASA to set up a camera which meant that children could take pictures of space from the earth.
Vegara's books are accessible to all - and the timeline provides more confident readers with extra information about her life.

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Sally Ride is such an inspiring person, and I was delighted to see that Little People, Big Dreams had decided to write a book on her.

I absolutely love sharing these books with my nephew, even as he is getting a little older. He has been on a big astronomy kick recently, and the two of us really enjoyed reading the story of the first American woman in space. She worked so hard and accomplished so much! I even learned more about her than I expected. I hadn’t known that she had worked on the investigation after the Challenger explosion. The illustrations were so lovely and soft.

I feel like I repeat myself every time I review one of these books, but each one has been a genuine delight.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Such a great educational series, especially when teaching about people you may not be familiar with. This book is a brilliant introduction to Dally and her incredible life.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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As someone that lives in LA, it is always very amusing to me to read about a LA native. Anyway, it's always nice to read about women with doctorates, women at NASA, and women in STEM in general. More of that, please.

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Nice biography about Sally Ride. I continue to enjoy reading new installments in the Little People, Big Dreams series. The art was cute, too.

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Little People, Big Dreams, Sally Ride... I remember watching history being made when Sally rocketed into space. I remembered being in awe, being proud. I remember teaching my children about Sally, and now this book will help a new generation. Learn about this amazing woman.

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Little People Big Dreams is my favorite biography series for young children. After enjoying the appealing text information accompanied by delightful color illustrations, the reader is given photographs of Sally Ride along with more involved biographical information. What a great book to inspire young girls to study math and science and understand they could even work for NASA someday and possibly become an astronaut.

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As always, very educational and worth reading for primary school readers. Sally is one of NASA’s first female astronauts and loved science as she grew up. This series is loved by my 7 year old granddaughter. She was impressed with this latest addition.

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A wonderful introduction to Sally Ride, astronaut. As inspiration to all but, especially, to girls and young women to pursue STEM and achieve their goals. This series of little books are always well written, well illustrated and, in this case, about Sally Ride, a truly important scientist. Thanks for the lift, Sally Ride.

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Another great entry in this series! I love this story and how it will inspire girls to be astronauts or in science!

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Pros: There is an elementary school in my hometown named after Sally K. Ride, so I think this book would be wonderful to gift to students I know who attended that school or currently attend! I love that this book celebrates a woman in STEM. This series of biographies remains my favorite for children's books--I especially love the detailed illustrations.

Cons: None! I can't wait to read more books in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Children's Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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I continue to love the Little People Big Dreams series and was thrilled to learn more about Sally Ride. The book covers her interest in math and science as a child and her talents on the tennis court earning her scholarships. I like that they include that as the first American woman in space she was asked sexist questions not taking her seriously. I remember her first space mission on Challenger, but was less aware of her other missions and work for NASA. This also touches on her later work encouraging children in science and creating science lessons for teachers. I appreciate it including mention of her partner Tam with whom she spent almost three decades. As always there is a timeline at the end with even more information. This is a worthy addition to the series and a good biography for young readers.

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What a delightful look at one of my favorite figures from women's history—well, history more general, but Sally Ride was an absolute trailblazer for women. "Sally Ride" takes young readers through her life, from her interest in science from a young age to the company she started with her partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy.

I vaguely remember the media about Sally Ride when she died, and when the fact that she was in a long-term relationship with a woman became public. I'm glad that this book mentions it, and casually at that. This is part of an extended series of biographies of famous people by this publisher, and they're clearly putting in the effort to make sure that diversity doesn't get lost in the shuffle, from making note of LGBTQ folks in history to ensuring that there's representation (is that an artificial leg I see?) in the illustrations. The text is on point, and the illustrations have lots of little details to find. It would make for a wonderful book for early readers who are interested in science.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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Another inspirational figure from this talented team of Little People, Big Dreams. Sally Ride fully deserves her own book and her life story will without doubt inspire your children to reach for the stars and follow their dreams.

Sally was a talented young girl who was encouraged by her parents. A gifted student with skills in sports as well. She love solving problems and grew to enjoy science which she went on to study at college.

While there she responded to an advertisement to join NASA and became one of just five women training to support and develop the space programme as potential astronauts. Her dreams were realised when she became the first female member of the space shuttle crew blasting off to space.

There is interest here on every page. Sally was a dynamic person who overcame prejudice when others thought a woman had little relevance in science let alone space. She had the belief and determination to carry on and succeed.

This is brought out in the quality text from this author who manages to simply tell Sally’s story. Her words are supported by a rich variety of page filling illustration beautifully coloured to match the mood and subject.

I love these books and sharing with my grandkids the lives of the less than famous people who don’t popularise today’s social media. But whose lives and way of living can inspire them and these books are a brilliant vehicle to bring that to children’s attention. As always the inclusion of a timeline and mini biography at the end makes the subject clear to older children and adult fielding questions.

A name I was aware of but who is now etched into my memory. Sadly the book is more poignant still as she died at a relatively young age. Yet I celebrate a life that achieved and then some, as she went on the teach and educate children in person and her own writing skills.

This book will continue her life’s work as it will encourage and inspire a new generation.

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My kids absolutely love this series by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. Anytime a new person comes out, it's an auto library hold for us. Sally Ride is no different. Vegara tells Sally's life in a way kids understand. Love the illustrations too!

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