Member Reviews

As a little girl, I LOVED Winx Club! When I was first introduced to The Winx Club, I couldn't get enough of these fairies! My friends and I would pretend we were The Winx Club and even pick our own alternate fairy persona (mine was Musa, but I also had a soft spot for Stella, lol!)

This brought back a lot of nostalgia! And of course the characters we know and love. I'm glad that these series will be published again and that they art style is how I remembered it. I used to wait monthly for this series at the bookstore as well as staying tuned for the series.

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I really enjoyed this Volume of Winx Club! The illustrations are so colorful and gorgeous! The characters are fun to read about and have vibrant personalities. It's a fast read and just a great time! I definitely recommend if you enjoy middle grade graphic novels.

Thank you to NetGalley and Papercutz for this advanced reader's copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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**ARC provided by Rainbow Spa and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to both providers.**

If you love the original animation of The Winx Club, you will love this graphic novel. This is a really easy story to follow along. As a fan of the Winx animated series, I was having a blast while reading this. I really enjoyed how the novel gives you a bit more inside into how the magic system works in Wagics. It was a nostalgic and comfy read, and I will be picking up the physical copy once it’s out.

However, there are minor inconsistencies in the drawings/panels that need to be fixed before it goes into full production. I would also say that if you are not familiar with the first episode of the animated series, little details can be lost in the graphic novel. It’s missing how Stella and Bloom met which matters a lot in the plot that is being explored in the first half of the graphic novel titled ‘Welcome to Magics.’ Just keep that in mind before reading.

Initial reaction:
* Some inconsistencies within the panels. (Ex: pg. 34, Icy is drawn as Bloom. Pg. 69: Flora’s eye isn’t completely colored in & Techna is a brunette.)
* The art is very nostalgic as it is in the original animation 2D style. That’s my favorite aspect so far.
* Bloom is even more childish than the series.
* The way the magic is drawn is so pretty and satisfying.
* Bloom’s fairy form is even cuter in the graphic novel – the sparkles and sky blue color looks so pretty in this style.
* If you are not familiar with the series, there are some small details that are missing.
* I like how they are incorporating magic into every day things (like the dress and the parking) that the show did not do/explain.
* The specialists… yikes
* Timmy, Riven and Prince Sky are cute, but Brandon looks like a Whoville character.
* The specialist suits are really cool.

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I read it for the nostalgia. I remember when I was little and I watched the tv show on CD and i was so angry thst my parents didn't want to buy more CDs so i can watch all the episodes .
Leaving thst aside, it was a good comic-book, I didn't really love it or changed my life , but it was a fun ride .

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This was so fun! I grew up being a *huuuuuuge* fan of the Winx Club show, having even read most of the books that got released in the early 2000's. To say that these girls shaped my childhood is an understatement!

I had so much fun reading this and was actually not bothered by it not a 100% following the original story! I found it refreshing whilst still maintaining the original vibe of it. Now I'm super excited for the next one in the series!

Thank you NetGalley & Rainbow Spa for the ARC!
ps - could not post the review on Goodreads as I couldn't find the book on the app! :/

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I don't think I will ever stop liking the Winx Club, no matter how much older I get. Reading this took me right back to my childhood, and I enjoyed every moment of it!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

This was a cute nostalgic trip and I enjoyed the plot. The Winx girls dynamic is fantastic to read in this version. They all seem slightly better developed despite the difference being minute in this republishing. personally.

The level of depth is great for any audience especially those of us who grew up watching the show. I liked the dynamics of Bloom and Sky navigating their roles whilst exploring their relationship.

Appreciation for the art which is iconic and draws the eye.

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A fun intro volume to a new series of graphic novels for fans of the original cartoons.
Some things felt very familiar (it's been more than a minute), while others felt like I might be a bit lost if I didn't have that background knowledge.

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I loved Winx Club growing up. They were my favorite characters and my favorite show. And I read the comics that came out at the time originally, and honestly going into this thought they were just being reprinted into a new edition, and as such was very excited.

However, I was very frustrated, both with the stories and the reading experience.

First, on the stories. I disliked that it jumped straight to them getting to Alfea, instead of covering any of the introduction or backstory, so, for example, the interaction Stella had with Knut no longer made any sense, talking about a past interaction we didn't get to see. Then, later stories, instead of being new stories in and of themselves, just changed random bits of the original tales. For example, where is Bloom being creative and making her own dress out of a sales dress? Instead she finds a magic one in storage randomly? Nothing about the Trix and Stella's ring even though that was the main reason they were there. It was just...odd and frustrating. I would have appreciated new stories, but the awkward butchering of the originals was frustrating.

Then there was the actual reading process. This book was a struggle to read. The panels didn't flow in any way that made sense, I had to constantly reread parts to get them in the right order. The way it was laid out changed from page to page, and at times even within the same page. For example, some panels read like manga, while others like an American graphic novel. There even seemed to be panels where you had to jump between two or three panels back and forth to get the conversation. Either reordering the panels in a way were they actually flow, or adding some kind of arrows to help make it easy to follow along would've been helpful.

I will still buy this, because I love Winx, but the whole experience was so frustrating.

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Winx Club has always had a special place in my heart. I remember watching it premiere in elementary school alongside Saturday morning cartoons. The outfits, theme song, and magical transformations were all so captivating. I've always loved fairies and Winx Club has no shortage of them. They're fun, fabulous, and filled to the brim with charm. I could never understand the lyrics of the theme tune, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the television show. I saw this comic in the NetGalley catalog and I knew I had to read it.

The first volume, Welcome to Magix, was nearly identical to the first few episodes of the television show. It didn't add anything new to the story and it even included dialogue straight from the cartoon. All the characters matched the proper color palette and wardrobe, but it felt a little stiff. The linework and word bubbles seemed very rigid as well. It was an appropriate transliteration, but it wasn't anything outstanding. It was fun to reconnect with all the fairies I loved as a girl, but they didn't reinvent the wheel. I'm thankful for the chance to review this comic and breathe in the sweet nostalgia of my childhood. I'd be happy to continue with the series when I'm in the mood for something simple and sweet. If I was a fairy, I'd join the Winx Club in a heartbeat!

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Exactly like the show but in book format. I really enjoyed the story and bright colors. It was fun to relive. Will be a great graphic novel for younger teens that have seen the show. One thing I didn't like was the formatting. The direction to read was a bit confusing at times.

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I grew up with the Winx and this volume took me back to my childhood. It was a very enjoyable and easy read.

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144 pages of nostalgia, and I ate them all up!

I quite liked the graphic novel. It was pretty much just like the show. However, I think that for someone who doesn't know the show and is checking it out for the first time, it can be a little lacking in terms of setting up the story in the first few pages. For example, we don't see or are even told how Stella met Bloom and how she found out she was a fairy and got to Alfea.

Other than that, it's a quick read and absolutely fabulous! I can't wait for the next volume.
Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Winx Club was a central experience of my childhood and seeing this lovely graphic edition was a wonderful read. Bloom and her friends exploring there powers and growing closer as a team at Alfea is so much fun. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy of this edition.

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Thank you for a copy of this book in exchange for an honorary review!

As a fan of Winx Club since childhood, I was so excited when I saw this book available. It transported me back to childhood, coming home from school and watching Winx Club on 4kids!

The characters are still just as lovable, the art is stunning, and reading through the story again is such a trip down memory lane.

I still love the story just as much now as I did as a kid.

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A blast from the past if you’ve watched Winx Club!

It’s honestly been a long time since I’ve watched this show. I remember waking up at 6 AM on Saturday mornings with my sister, and sneaking past our parents bedroom to get to the living room where we’d watch this with minimal volume. So this naturally holds a special place in my heart.

This volume does a good job in adapting the show but I felt the story goes by too fast. If you’ve watched the show then you’ll know that quite a bit of the show is cut off. Such as, Bloom and Stella’s meeting in the human world as well as the interaction between the members of the Winx Club. I believe these were crucial in helping set up the characters and their decisions along the way.

This graphic novel goes by quickly so a lot happens in volume one. Although we do see character growth in a few characters it’s quite minimal. The relationships between characters, both friendship and love are also developed quickly without much substance. If you’ve watched the show already, like me, then you’ll probably enjoy the fast pace because you already understand the background of what’s happening.

The artwork is quite reminiscent of the show. I liked the use of a variety of solid dark colors, while maintaining a color scheme for each member of the Winx Club. Although I did feel like there were some inconsistencies between the characters height and hairstyle in some panels. The artwork didn’t use much background, except when needed which helped reduce the noise, especially because there is a wide color palette being used.

The placement of dialogues were probably my enemy. I’ve read quite a few graphic novels, comics and manga recently but this one had me guessing and rereading each panel multiple times. Each page uses a different size and placement of panels making the speech bubbles in different locations each time, and sometimes overlapping into other panels. At times, it was hard for me to figure out which speech bubble to read next and that broke the flow of the story for me.

Overall, I liked this graphic novel but I think it’s better read after you’ve watched the show. The graphic novel does skip some critical posts while adding new details to the story. I think it got a little repetitive with the Witches but I liked how it’s taking a more focused approach on the main purpose of the chapter instead. I would recommend giving this a try especially if you’re looking to remember some old tv shows!

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I absolutely enjoyed this volume and read it in one setting, especially because they kept the original art style, I felt really nostalgic.
The story it's a bit different than the animated series, but I think that's what makes it better and more plausible, but the first episode plot where Bloom and Stella are meeting is missing from this volume, so it feel a bit too abrupt, especially if you don't know the story beforehand.

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ARC Copy...Yes I would say from the start the graphic adaptation so far parallels/adapts the tv series so far but very much sense especially with slight plot differences (second episode climax is different and Techna has more of a haughty/cold attitude here) I detected this will go different from TV series. However still have the fun and colours of the original Winx Club series so far.

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I always loved winx club when i was younger so i figured why not request this book and see what its like. Its a winx club comic, which is really fun. I enjoyed reading this, and the story is obviously great.

However, I do have my concerns. This book involved information from maybe 3 episodes maximum, which is not a lot. The series that i know, has so many episodes that a lot of comics will be required to cover all of those episodes. That should be fine technically, but i dont think many people will buy that many books. I also worry that the creation of them will take so long that it will be out of date by the time the last one comes out. Its already a bit out of date with the types of phones for example.

Now, this does not mean anything for now, i actually really enjoyed it!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book! The illustrations reminded me of the late 90s early 2000s style. I loved the whole vibe! Not to mention all the fairies and magic! 💗✨🧚‍♀️ I’ll definitely be looking out for volume 2!

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