Member Reviews

While I did not love this as much as I loved Before I Let Go, I still really enjoyed getting to read Soledad and Judah’s story. These two characters were fleshed out and well done, making it so easy to connect with, root for, and want the best for them. I loved the commentary on women as homemakers! Soledad and Judah’s romance was lovely, enticing, and full of chemistry. I loved them and their story!

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there’s no reason this book would deserve less than 5 stars from me! it read more like lit fic, and despite it being categorized as a romance, it was incredible. i want more book likes this, please!!

soledad’s healing journey following the aftermath of her ex-husband’s chaos was heartwarming, and i felt for her the entire way. she is such a compassionate mother, an amazing friend, and overall, a powerful woman. i loved witnessing her growth throughout this story, from her first appearance in ‘before i let go’ to the epilogue of this book. i always knew she’d be a character i’d love.

judah cross, the man he is!! i think he gives josiah wade a run for his money. he’s the absolute best father! i admire how mature he is in maneuvering around soledad’s needs and his own needs, while also ensuring that both families were considered with care. he’s so attentive with soledad, so caring, loving, warm, all the cute adjectives. there is truly nobody that could love soledad better than he could!! tysm kennedy ryan for writing this man into the story.

i absolutely adore all the side characters! the families, the friends, everyone in between (besides edward’s funky ass). everyone fit into the storyline perfectly and i just cannot get enough of this world.

such a beautiful book. 5 stars, hands down!

i’ll be here waiting very impatiently for ‘can’t get enough’ aka hendrix’s story!

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While this wasn’t as emotional as Before I Let Go, this story really put us on the edge of our seats with if our couple was finally going to get over their own personal hurdles and find their ways to each other. Kennedy writes love like no one else!

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All I can say is this book was so good. I couldn’t put it down. As always it’s a roller coaster of emotions. But Kennedy did an amazing job. Definitely recommend.

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Ok so its been a while, but I am back to reclaim my title as Kennedy Ryan's mascot lol.

Here is my review for This Could Be Us by Queen Kennedy Ryan.

First off, shout out to Netgalley and Forever books for giving me an ARC of this book. My rating is trash, but they still helped ya girl get her K. Ryan fix lol.

This book is the second book in the Skyland Series. You don't have to read the first one (Before I Let Go), to read this one, but you definetely should! This Could Be Us follows Soledad, whose life looks picture perfect until her world is totally rocked in a way that leaves her forced to pick up the pieces.

This review could be extremely long, so let me try to be to the point...

It took me a while to read this one for to read, becasue I didn't want it to end (and also because I have a six month old, but that's another story lol). I just loved the story of self-love. Its rare that a romance book focuses on love for self like this one does. Ryan does a magnifinant job of illustrating Soledad's journey to self love, in a way that made me reflect on my own life. And she uses the late great Bell Hooks' All About Love as a guide. I also appreciated how she emphasizes on the importanance of sisterhood with both friends and family.

Another thing, that I loved about this book was the male love interest Mr. Judah Cross. He was such a saint of a man. From is abundance of love to his sons, to the maturity that he had with his ex-wife to his overall patience with Soledad, I really loved the character.

Overall, I really loved this book. By the end I was cheesing from ear to ear with my feet kicked up. Everything was wrapped up so beautifully and I loved it. The only thing that I did not like about the book was Edward's triffling behind, but every book has to have a villian lol.

Of course, this book gets all the stars from me and I am excited to read Hendrix's book.

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Such a great story! I originally wanted more of the love story, but after sitting with the story for a minute I completely understood. My girl needed time to gather herself before she could completely open herself up to a new relationship.

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Such a good story of the importance of the community around you. There’s definitely a romance here, and I loved it, but it’s much more about your people supporting you and picking you up when you need it most. I was so impressed with both Judah and Soledad as parents, so many small moments of honest and intimate conversations that show just how far they would go for their kids. I loved Soledad’s character arc around being a mom- her girls are her number one priority but the moment she realizes she needs to take care of herself too was so powerful. Although the romance definitely takes a back seat, it was crucial to the story. I liked that it was filled with understanding and patience, physical sure but in a way that felt more based in reality than anything. Definitely an emotional and complex read, but I loved it a lot!

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A must read!! I was so invested in Soledad and her journey of growth and self-love. Kennedy Ryan is a beautiful writer and a master of the romance genre. I'm so happy that her books are beginning to receive the recognition they deserve! As a speech pathologist, I appreciated the autistic representation and that the caregivers have representation as well. Ryan's books are raw and real and deal with serious issues, making her characters so beautifully complex with real feelings and emotions. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and can't wait for the next!

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Kennedy does no wrong in my opinion. This story was built up perfectly. Immediately hated Soledad’s husband and I’m so glad she got away when she did. Reading about her building herself back up, healing herself, creating her brand was all so inspiring. I loved the connection she and Josiah made it was electric. They were both so patient I loved every moment. Ultimately I was left in a major book hangover after reading. I’m so excited to see what’s next

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I found this to be a very powerful book and I am a guy. The Soledad character is how I want my daughters to turn out strong, powerful, and able to rise from whatever difficulties happen to them in life. Here Soledad has a feeling something is off with her husband when they are getting ready for the Christmas party at his office. It is further solidified at the party when he ignores her until the man he is upset with because he is hired to look into him at the company begins to talk to her. Later when things begin to start crashing down she finds the strength to confront her husband and others including herself to overcome and rebuild and find love once again. A very good with excellent characters.

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when I say she is genuinely such a beautiful writer I MEAN THAT SO SERIOUSLY. Kennedy writes her books with so much care and best believe she is going to have you feeling every single emotion from start to finish. Soledad's journey was so inspiring I truly felt for her. AND JUDAH that's a real man right there for real!!!!!.

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Kennedy Ryan simply cannot be stopped! Every book I read from her gets better and better. I love how complex and full her characters are and Sol and Judah are no exception. They are the perfect opposites attract - warm and open, cool and controlled. And they both have the fullest family life- from children to coparents, sisters, parents, and the ever-present memory of Sol's beloved mom. I loved seeing the fullness of family sketched in this story!

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My emotions took on a rollercoaster with this one 💖🥹😍😭❤️

I had really high hopes for this one because I absolutely loved BEFORE I LET GO 💕 and I can say this was the perfect follow up! I loved the small catch ups with previous characters & being back in their world was perfect 😍

Soledad was 100% admirable! She is dedicated, determined, & passionate. She goes after what she wants, & isn’t scared to have to work for it. I loved getting to know more of her, & seeing the relatability in her. And Judah was just perfect 🥰 he was kind, patient, sweet, & loyal to those he cares about. Getting to learn more about him & his sons was heartwarming. It felt authentic & real 💕

This book will stick with me for a while, just like the first one 👏🏻💖

What to expect:
✨dual POV
✨interconnected series
✨Afro-Latina FMC
✨autism rep
✨single parent
✨self discovery
✨slow burn
✨lots of emotions
✨strong female friendships
✨lots of food!

If you haven’t added this to your list, I suggest you do!

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I gobble up Kennedy Ryan books like thanksgiving dinner but better. I end up taking a break after a few chapters because the story is so good that I don’t want it to end. And this book was no different. Her unique writing style pulled me in, in a way that had me immersed in the lives of the characters and empathizing and relating to them in every way.

Soledad and Judah attraction to each other was so palpable that it was jumping off the page. I really liked the love and care they handled each other with.

I loved how she covered autism. It was handled with so much care.

Judah wanting to learn and understand everything about Soledad so he could be closer to her is so swoony. He really is a great book boyfriend. I loved reading about his relationships with his sons and how he and Tremaine coparent and are still very good friends.

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Kennedy Ryan delivers yet another emotionally charged and inspiring story with This Could Be Us. Soledad Barnes’ journey of rediscovery and self-love after betrayal is beautifully woven with themes of resilience, motherhood, and second chances. Soledad’s strength and determination to rebuild her life while raising her daughters make her an inspiring protagonist you can’t help but root for.

Judah, the unlikely and irresistible man who enters Soledad’s life, brings tenderness, patience, and understanding into her world. His role as a father to twin boys with autism adds a touching layer to the story, and the co-parenting dynamics are beautifully portrayed. Their slow-burn relationship is full of mutual respect and care, offering a satisfying balance to Soledad’s personal growth.

Ryan’s writing is as emotionally rich as ever, seamlessly blending romance with women’s fiction. While the romance is integral, the story’s heart lies in Soledad’s journey of self-discovery and healing. This is a story about embracing your worth, loving yourself, and finding the courage to trust again.

If you love romance that’s grounded in real-life struggles and triumphs, This Could Be Us is a must-read. Kennedy Ryan continues to prove why she’s a master of writing powerful, relatable stories that resonate on a deep emotional level.

Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Really enjoyed this book! I can’t wait to read more from Kennedy Ryan! Her writing is amazing! Highly recommend!

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I enjoyed a lot of this book, such as the vibrant protagonist that felt realistic. The author seems to really understand the struggles of women. I think some of the dialogue was forced but I have to admit this is not my subculture and I am an outside observer. I would definitely recommend this to a friend.

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Absolutely love Soledad’s and Judah’s love story, but I also loved how we got to see more of the friendship between Soledad, Yasmeen and Hendrix. Her girls had her back when her husband did her terrible. You get sisterhood and romance and I absolutely love how Kennedy Ryan highlights friendship in this book.

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Absolutely phenomenal read! I wasn't sure anything could be better than Before I let go but WOW!!! Kennedy Ryan is genuinely the queen of Romance Novels that make you so engaged and truly invested in the characters. Her writing is so beautiful that you truly feel as though you are living in the same world and watching these stories unfold.

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As everyone knows I absolutely love Kennedy and I love this friend group! The depth at which each character belong to themselves and the way I feel like I know them is amazing!

I can’t wait to get the last book in this series !

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