Member Reviews

"There aren't enough sonnets for friendship. Not enough songs for the kind of love not born of blood or body but of time and care. They are the ones we choose to laugh and cry and live with. When lovers come and go, they are the ones who remain. We are each other's constants."

Kennedy Ryan is always a winner to me. She's a stand out author, not only in the way she writes but the characters and the world she builds around them. Every book of hers continuously make me feel so seen yet fill me with longing. The longing that I could find the love stories that play out within the pages of her books. This Could Be Us was no exception to that fact.

The fervent strength Soledad carried was inspiring. She fell, got hurt, was betrayed in the worst ways but ultimately, she picked herself up, picked her daughters up, and steered to the happy ending she deserved. Her relationship with her girls captured my heart and although, I loved the romance between her and Judah, the real love story belonged to them.

Judah Cross was the perfect man for Soledad. His love for his sons shone through the pages. I loved everything about him and quite frankly, wanted to see more of him.

I just think this book couldn't have been more good.

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I enjoyed this book more than the first one in the Skyland series. Even though Soledad and Judah's meet-cute is (hopefully) not relatable, I felt in general that I could relate more to Soledad than Yasmine from book 1, maybe because of Soledad's overachieving nature as opposed to Yasmine's trauma journey which I could respect but have never experienced. One thing I really love about Kennedy Ryan is her ability to write heavy topics into romance novels that still feel passionate and swoony. We see so much emotional growth over the course of the book, and witnessing those journeys firsthand makes the reader root for them all the more. Also I really appreciated the careful and loving depiction of autism in this novel, a topic which Kennedy Ryan prefaces is very near and dear to her heart. I'm really excited to read Hendricks' book in spring 2025! Is the wild child finally settling down??

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An absolutely beautiful read. My favorite part was the highlight on autism spectrum disorders. Soledad’s story was a great addition to the trilogy that left me ready for the next book. I did find it odd that she kept popping up at his house but that’s about it.

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Thank you to Forever for the #giifted E-ARC of This Could Be Us.

I really love this series so far, but the first book, still takes the case. I thought Soledad's story was a bit drug out and we needed less of Edwards shenanigans and more connection between Soledad and Judah. I really appreciated Judah's character and the inclusion of his children. As a mother of two special needs children (twins), it was refreshing to see those characters there.

Overall, Soledad and Judah felt really realistic to me. Two responsible parents, putting their children first, navigating relationships and heartbreak. Very well done, Kennedy Ryan.

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I’m convinced that everything Kennedy Ryan touches turns to gold. Everything she writes is a smash hit. Every character is your next best friend or book boyfriend. I loved this book!!

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I was crying at page one. I love anything and e wry thing Kennedy Ryan write and this was simply amazing. I loved reading her authors note as well and learning about her as a family.

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I loved this book so much!! Kennedy Ryan has a way of sucking you in with her beautiful writing, real and honest characters and the things that they go through. I loved learning more about Soledad and she might be one of my favorite KR characters yet! Definitely recommend this book.

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This book is one of my highly anticipated books of the year. I binged this story in one day. The characters were relatable and flawed but found a way to overcome their challenges.

This book is a sweet love story - of finding that one person who cares and supports you. I enjoyed coming back to Skyland and these characters from the first book.

I enjoyed the influencer angle along with neurodiverse representation.

This book would be a perfect summer read while sitting by the pool if you haven’t already picked it up.

#ThisCouldBeUs #KennedyRyan #readforeverbooks

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Kennedy Ryan said, “I see romance as the best landscape to have difficult conversations, to unpack our trauma, to lay out a path for healing because there is guaranteed joy at the end,” and she delivers this every time with each book she writes. She is one of the best contemporary romance authors in today’s day and age, and we need more stories that deliver impactful messages in a subtle yet powerful manner. The first book in the Skyland series, "Before I Let Go," is one of my favorite reads of 2023. That book blew me away with the messaging, educated me about depression, and spoke about normalizing therapy. "This Could Be Us" is the second book in this series and knocks it out of the park again. Anything this author writes is pure GOLD.

Premise: Soledad has been with her husband for over two decades until he cheats on her and is convicted of embezzlement. This book is Soledad’s journey for finding strength, confidence, and faith in herself. It's a book about embracing female friendship, finding love again, and never settling for less. It's also about finding happiness within yourself.

Themes: This book touches on various themes—autism, therapy, self-acceptance, self-love, female friendship, trusting oneself, falling in love, finding happiness, mother-daughter relationships, and so much more. This book is packed with so much depth and care.

Writing: The writing is powerful and impactful. It flows, delivers a strong message, and leaves the reader with a smile at the end of the book. What a brilliant second book in this series. I loved every second of it.

If you are looking for a contemporary romance that will blow your mind, look no further! This book delivers in every sense, from being spicy to thought-provoking.

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This book was so beautiful; these characters deserve all the stars. I was so emotionally invested in their story. I loved the strong FMC; I loved it all! This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I can’t wait to read more.

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Thank you Netgalley and Forever for the ARC!

- I wasn't sure how this one would live up to Before I Let Go, but Kennedy Ryan has done it again! I devoured this one, and I cannot wait to read Hendrix's story!
- I love the way Ryan depicted the autistic characters in this book. The connection between Sol and Aaron early in the book really sets the stage for how well this is done.
- I did love seeing the dynamics between Sol and her children, but the tension with Inez felt a little too similar to what happened in book 1.
- I loved seeing Sol with all her different support systems (her friends, her family, and, over time, Judah).
- I get why Sol needed to "date herself" but I wanted more time with her and Judah on page!

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Loved! Kennedy Ryan is the best current romance author. This book is so much more than a love story, it is a beautiful exploration of what it means to be a whole person: friendships, 'dating yourself,' parenthood, and moving on from hard times. Ryan writes male characters and chemistry sooo well. A great follow-up to Before I Let Go, which I also loved.

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Thank you so much to Forever and Netgalley for providing me an advanced copy of this book! All thoughts and opinions are still my own.

From the dedication along I knew this would be 5 stars.

There is just something so special about a Kennedy Ryan romance.

She has a special ability to balance the emotional elements, with hard-hitting, timely discussions, and a world shattering romance with such grace and ease. And this book was all of that.

This is one of those romances that could have gone so wrong. There were a lot of dramatic, heavy elements that could have easily become overwhelming. But everything was handled so expertly that I was consumed by this story from start to finish.

I think one of things I found most impressive about this romance, is the way I was invested in each character's arc - not only together as a couple, but individually as well.

Both MCs are dealing with a lot personally - family dynamics, work, money, children, etc. And no single thread ever outshone the others.

And Soledad, while uniquely her own, is someone I think a lot of readers can see themselves in. The need to start over, redefine yourself, find balance and peace - they're all universal things we find ourself facing.

But obviously the romance was perfection as well. I loved the slow burn, forbidden tension to their romance. Their willingness to be there for each other in any way they could - even if it wasn't in the way they wanted most.

Everything about this book blew me away (just like book 1 did). There is a reason Kennedy Ryan is such a popular romance name, her romances are exceptional and well worth all of the hype.

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I’m in love with this book so much. It has my ENTIRE heart!!! I read Before I Let Go, and loved it, but This Could Be Us feels like a masterpiece. From their friendship group, Judah (my GAWD 🥰🥰😍😍😍😍), Soledad’s journey, their children, etc….everything was written so WELL. This is my first 5 star of the year and it’s May. I was lost in Skyland and cannot wait for Hendrix’s story!

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A hero and heroine have never been so perfect for each other as they were with these two characters created by Kennedy Ryan.

Soledad is a heroine who has my heart. I know I love a character when I'm ready to throw down for them. She was wronged in so many ways yet was resilient AF! The way She loved her kids and her friends was top-notch and the way she grew to love. Herself was perfection.

Judah is the perfect father. Is there anything sexier than that?!? His devotion to his son's translates to him being such a well attuned partner, and that is exactly what our heroine needed. These 2 were so desperate for the right kind of love. Their story was sexy and emotional and I wish I could give it all the stars!

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This was around a 2.5 star read. The constant mention of social media just kind of made me cringe, and I did not feel any chemistry between the MCs whatsoever. I was mostly interested in the drama with the FMC’s husband. This was overall, sadly a bit of a letdown for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book before publication.

This book had me HOOKED! As the main characters are older adults with children in highschool, I wasn't expecting to relate or even be able to understand their points of view, but each character had something that I could relate to even if it was just how they chose to problem solve or speak with their friends.

Kennedy Ryan does a great job of reminding the reader what's at stake with this relationship and that the main characters think about those stakes a lot and really care about what they could lose or even just damage by being together. I feel that this is what sets the book apart as there are times in stories where it seems that all obstacles are thrown out of the window when the main characters fall in love; that everything has fallen into place so perfectly that their path to love is easy. Kennedy Ryan has shown us in This Could Be Us that it isn't and shouldn't be when you have such responsibilities, but that doesn't mean that happiness is far from our reach or unobtainable. It just takes some work.

10/10 would read again for the friendly banter, the wild family drama, the familial love and support, and intense yearning the main characters have for each other.

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I started and stopped reading this book so many times. By the time I did get into the story, I couldn’t put it down. However, there was just something about the beginning that I just couldn’t get into. I loved the first book in this series. I really enjoyed this one as well. I’m hoping we get a book about Hen next!

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I appreciated Soledad’s journey of self love as she hustled to provide stability for herself and the girls after their lives were turned upside down. She was such a strong character. The romance was top notch and the Boricua High Counsel (Soledad’s BFFs) were my favorite! I will say though, the drama at the beginning relating to Soledad’s garbage ex had me breaking out the popcorn!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again! The story of Soledad's journey from healing to wholeness was so beautiful. I love the female empowerment and self love themes in this book. I appreciate the way Kennedy showcased friendships and having you "tribe". I really enjoyed reading this book and it helped me with some of my own self reflection. Such a beautiful book and totally worth the read! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ All the way for me!!

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