Member Reviews

"This Could Be Us" was truly a wonderful and emotional book that beautifully captures the love between Judah and Soledad. Their journey was so heartwarming to me. The ending is incredibly satisfying, tying everything together in a truly beautiful way. Kennedy Ryan’s ability to evoke such powerful emotions makes this a must-read for anyone who appreciates a moving and heartfelt romance.

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This has definitely surpassed the first book 🥰. The way Sol never changed her ways but always made a way for her daughters and found self love for herself and Judah 😍.

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I loved Soledad’s growth throughout this story. It was empowering to see her overcome all the obstacles that came her way. She learned to love herself and stood strong on her own. She met a man who validated her and saw her completely. Judah was so sweet, so patient, and such a great dad. Kennedy Ryan’s writing is incredible and I cannot wait for Hendrix’s story.

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Another Kennedy Ryan banger! 🙌🏾 This book was so amazingly wonderful! My eyes started glistening at the freaking authors note, then the prologue! 😩😮‍💨 Like who else can elicit so many emotions so early on in the book?! The one and only, Mrs. Ryan, that’s who!

Soledad’s journey of self discovery, self love, and just allowing herself to be happy and loved, was so beautiful. It was a message for every single woman that walks this earth! Every single one! And her community of sisters AND besties, I just loved it. Hendrix is hilarious and reminds me so much of myself when I’m with my friends.

Judah MFn Cross! I’ve literally had dreams about this man! A whole fictional character lmaooooo When I tell you Kennedy Ryan writes the BEST fictional men, 😮‍💨 I love me some Judah! He was so amazing you HAVE to add MFn in the middle of his first and last name to emphasize the amazingness that he is! Got me over here sounding like Samuel L Jackson 😂 his attentiveness to Soledad AND the care he provides for his boys *chef kiss*

The autism rep in this book touched my heart and soul! Those babies were my babies and I felt so connected to them. Such sweet, sweet boys.

Lastly, #%!^ Edward’s %#*£>%¥!!! When we catch you, Eddy! It’s a wrap! 😂

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I was so excited to be provided with the opportunity to read this ARC provided by NetGalley as Kennedy Ryan is one of my favorite authors.

This is the second installment of Ryan's Skyland series. Just for reference, I quite enjoyed reading Before I Let Go. With that being said, This Could Be Us didn't live up to my expectations. The plot was intriguing and I found the first 30% of the story to be entertaining. Then, it just fell flat. The chemistry between the two MCs was superficial and lacking. Judah, the male MC, came off as a side character. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy Soledad's, the female MC, journey and character development. The actions Soledad took in the face of adversity was inspiring. If I'm being honest and petty, Edward, Soledad's husband, deserved a worse fate. That is beside the point though.

Overall, this was a 3.5 Star read for me. While this was not my favorite read, I am looking forward to the next installment in the series.

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I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publishing company for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC for my review!

First off Edward when I catch you Edward grrr

This was my second read of Kennedy Ryan and it did not disappoint at all. I do believe this is a bit of a slow burn but I love slow burns so that’s not an issue for me personally but beware. I immediately loved Judah. I have a 2yr old non-verbal son named Judah. Nuff-Said JUDAH I LOVE YOU! 😂🥰

The writing style is captivating and easy to keep up. Relatable story as again the writing demanded that I feel the emotions through the words. Excellent!l read!

Thank you for the opportunity again,

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book. Soledad’s life is turned upside down when her husband is arrested for embezzling from his employer. As if that isn’t bad enough, he also hasn’t been faithful to his wife. Her life changes when she has to turn her domestic goddess skills into social media influencer to support her daughters. She gets an unlikely ally who has potential to be much more.
I really enjoyed Soledad’s determination and strength. She’s such a good role model for her daughters. And her group of friends is what anyone would want in a support system.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the This Could Be Us ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This Could Be Us is book two in the Skyward series by Kennedy Ryan. This book follows Soledad as she goes on a journey of loss, then self-discovery, and then love.

Soledad's world gets turned upside down when her husband is arrested for embezzling money from his employer and she discovers he has also been having an affair with his assistant. After her divorce Sol is on a self-dating journey, learning she has the strength to provide for her 3 girls on her own. She gets in the groove of this new life but there's one issue....Judah

Judah is a single father of two boys with autism and he is the man who discovered the embezzling. He wants to make sure Sol and her girls are ok but he also has a deep pull towards her. He knows about her self-dating journey and doesn't want to detail her healing.

They each struggle with wanting to be in each other's lives but they both want to make sure Soledad is ready for the next step. How can one trust themselves to make the right choice after ignoring so many past signals? Will Judah be patient or will he push Sol before she's ready? Will Sol's girls be ok with her dating the man for putting their father in prison?

I love Kennedy Ryan and the way she tells heartfelt stories. Each character, even minor characters, are thoroughly thought out and are well realized. I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

This story is all about different kinds of love—like how Soledad learns to love herself, how parents and kids care for each other, and the special connection between Soledad and Judah. The words in the book are warm and wise, making you feel like you're wrapped in a cozy blanket of relatable feelings. It's not just about liking the characters; it's about the important messages, the thoughtful words, and how it shows autism and culture in a real way. The book is like a mix of feelings that leaves you feeling really happy and connected.

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Kennedy wrote “I’m not crying because I might break. I’m crying because I’m healing, and I’m just so damn grateful for the journey I’ve chosen.”
I hope this quote stays in the book — I know, I know, we’re not supposed to quote anything from an ARC until we cross reference the published book. These two sentences hit me so hard, I had to catch my breath. It is such a raw embodiment of human emotion and the way one experiences grief and growth.

Common theme of food, self love, work ethic, prioritization of family… and centered around female friendships and empowerment.
This is such an incredible story about second chances, finding love again, and how by loving yourself first, you love others around you even more than you ever thought possible. May we all love ourselves like Sol, find a love as accepting as Judah’s, and surround ourselves with a sisterhood friendship like Yas, Sol, and Hen.

Kennedy Ryan is a must read author for me and I’m so grateful to her and NetGalley for the opportunity. A must add to your TBR for March 5, 2024.

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I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump this year, but this book what just what I needed to get out of it! I haven’t read book 1 of the Skyland series, but that didn’t impact my enjoyment of this book at all. I loved seeing representation of both the joy and frustrations of parenting, all while maintaining adult relationships and individual identity. Kennedy Ryan is quickly becoming a must read author for me!

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Wow. Just wow.

Soledad’s story is so beautiful and I am in absolute awe over Kennedy Ryan’s writing yet again. She writes in a way that just hits you deep in your heart, deep in your soul.

I absolutely loved seeing Soledad’s journey to self love, seeing how she fought through all the shit she got thrown at her. The part with her mom and also Cora really broke my heart, especially since I’ve experienced the same myself. I really can’t describe how much I loved this book. I could not put it down. I honestly think this healed a part of my soul. It said things that I didn’t even realize I needed to hear.

Then you have Judah. The standard is Judah. Period. Number one book boyfriend. I loved seeing his relationship with his sons and Tremaine. It was so beautiful and amazing to read about someone co-parenting in such a lovely way.

If you’re looking for a romance novel to read, then put this on your TBR. You will not regret it. Just keep some tissues at hand.

Also, Edward…boy when I catch you.

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4.5✨ Ms.Ryan done did it again! Soledad’s journey was beautiful and healing! Judah was the right kind of patient and man for her! Judah is officially book bae material because whewww!! Their beautiful families together melted me! You know an author puts in their all when they seamlessly weave in culture and medical concerns in a way thats honest and real and well researched! This is an author who cares deeply about her characters and her audience who may seem themselves! Ms.Ryans writing just captures you in and demands you feel! Dolddad’s journey also mirrors a previous character from ms.ryans long shot! Both Iris and Soledad are betrayed and must find themselves while being parents! Its humanizing, its raw, and it gives purpose for women’s identities outside of their labels as caregivers. Overall, another w for ms.Ryan!! Looking forward to Hen’s story!

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This was such a great read! I enjoyed reading about Soledad’s self-love journey and how that eventually led her to Judah. Kennedy Ryan’s books are always well researched as well. There were a few “slow” chapters in the book, but I think overall it helped push the plot along. Def recommend!

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There is healing in Kennedy Ryan’s words. There are so many parts of this story that I love and feel so lucky to have read. Sol finding herself and learning she always had the magic and ability to only need herself was amazing. The gentleness in her communicating her feelings with her children yet being so gentle and honest to protect them. The way autism was spoken about. The way friendship is depicted and how valuable it is not only in the good but when things quite literally hit the fan. The sexiness in owning your sex drive. I loved all of it and I’m so excited for more skyland stories.

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this second installment was pretty different from the first book in the series which i enjoyed a bit more. this read more like women’s fiction rather than romance — the journey soledad goes on is extremely moving & definitely will stick with me, while the chemistry with judah was just an added bonus. 3.5 stars, thank you netgalley for the arc!

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3.5 stars

This book started off really strong with plenty of drama that kept me glued to the book. However, about halfway through, the book slowed down quite a bit. I enjoyed Soledad and her relationship with her daughters. Judah is essentially the perfect guy who does right by everyone, whether it’s Soledad, his twin sons, his ex-wife, his mother or Soledad’s daughters. There is definitely a slow burn element to his relationship with Soledad, but I would have liked to have seen more development between the two of them.

I look forward to reading the next book in the series in 2025!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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This book really was a beautiful testament to finding yourself after your life is turned upside down. It is a journey of finding out how to believe in yourself and letting others believe in you too. The way Soledad interacts with everyone in this book from her daughters, to her friends, sisters and Judah is so beautifully written. Kennedy Ryan makes you root for everyone in this book (accept Edward and Amber).

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5 stars - Kennedy Ryan is currently 4 for 4 when it comes to 5 star ratings!!

After hearing other people's initial reviews I thought this book would make me sob but it honestly felt so healing to read. There are definitely moments where I was teary eyed but for the most part this book was just so cute. I adored reading about Soledad's and Judah's journey and seeing how patient he was for her. This is honestly the perfect "green-flag" stalking book lol. I want a Judah who is this attentive and obsessed (in a sane way obviously). It was such a joy to see the way he loved everyone around him. The first 1/3 of the book was rough but I was definitely giggling for the remainder of the book. Between Soledad's relationship with her friends/sisters, and the sweet tension between her and Judah, I swear my cheeks were hurting from smiling so hard.

Similar to Before I Let Go, Kennedy Ryan did such a fantastic job of showing the struggles a family can go through with big change. Her daughters navigated the whole situation in a realistic way and I loved that they all were handling it differently. It was beautiful to see them all come back to each other with love at the end of the day, despite their own frustrations within the family.

I read All About Love by Bell Hooks a few years ago when I decided to take my own self-love journey more seriously. Getting another glimpse into this amazing piece of work through one of my favorite authors was really heartwarming. I particularly loved the message of there being no final destination when it comes to being "whole", and the importance of still taking joy and being in the present moment.

Highly highly recommend this book. Thank you NetGalley for the eARC!


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This book was just as great as “Before I Let Go”. Soledad’s triumph as the clueless wife to a strong, independent single mother was inspiring. Despite being a victim of her husband Edward’s emotional abuse, she was able to find a love with Judah that made both of them better people and parents. I have a love/ hate for slow burn romances but Soledad/Judah’s journey to love was beautifully written. As I finished, I was hoping for Hendrix’s story and glad that the author is in the process of writing it. It was a pleasure reading this book.

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