Member Reviews

This is the book for all the second chapter girls. When life really start lifeing, watching Soledad learn to see herself and her potential differently is inspiring. I flew through this book in like four hours and had to double back to read it again!
Plus, the neurodivergent rep and the way so many people have to navigate that life across the spectrum was *chef's kiss*
I loved this book and I can hardly wait to show it off on my physical bookshelf

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I said it before and I’ll say it again:

@kennedyryan1 is putting crack in her books and needs to be investigated 😂😂😂

All jokes aside, I gobbled this book up! The author’s note alone had me invested and then once I got into Soledad and Judah’s story, I was all in. All I’ma say is this: Edward can catch these hands!!!

Shoutout to Kennedy Ryan and @readforeverpub for making it available to grab on @netgalley last week!

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Really amazing story line. I love how the characters intertwined with each other and how dhe dealt with many real life subjects. I personally know someone whl has twin autistic boys and her words are spot on! Cannot wait to read more!

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“She loves an undeserving man. It's a sorrow most women experience at some point in their lives, whether it's a father, who neglects or son, who forgets or husband who betrays. These men let us down, and we pull ourselves back up, hopefully with the help of other women who love us, in ways that heal."

Mrs.Kennedy Ryan has done it once again.
This book is a journey of Self-Love, Healing, Friendship, and Rebuilding.
Soledad, a mother to three daughters is holding on to hope in her loveless marriage of 20 years with her husband Edward. While attending her husband's company Christmas Party Soledad is immediately drawn to the handsome but forbidden stranger Judah Cross whom Edward has warned her about. Shortly after Soledad’s hope for saving her marriage is blown apart by secrets Edward has kept. Forced to rebuild and pick up the pieces, Soledad focuses on finding herself to provide for her daughters.

First of all, JUDAH CROSS has me screaming my man my man my man! He is the definition of if he wanted to he would. His patience and care for not only Soledad but to his two sons who are autistic. He's mature, focused, and knows exactly what he wants. My favorite quote “Draw a picture in your mind of what a future could look like and really believe this could be us. And whenever you’re ready, I’m right here.”

In the first chapter alone I was steaming. Edward is the epitome of a BUM. The way he spoke to Soledad made me sick. My jaw dropped with every betrayal revealed and my heart broke for Soledad. Soledad worked so hard to keep a peaceful and normal environment for her daughters while everything was falling apart. She handled their wrongly directed anger and showed them patience and love. Soledad stepped up and out of her comfort zone to provide for her daughters. I was so proud of Sol’s transformation into loving herself.

Yasmen and Hendrix’s friendship was so important to Soledad's healing journey. They were constantly supportive and did everything in their power to get Soledad back on her feet. The sisterhood between them is written so beautifully. Like Sol, Yasmen has experienced divorce and also went through a journey of healing. She provided Sol with guidance and did everything she could to help Sol become financially stable. Hendrix is the life of the party. I loved reading about Hendrix. Hendrix is a boss, uncensored, and fiercely loyal. She brought so much light and laughter to the book. I can’t wait for Hen’s POV.

I am completely blown away by Kennedy’s ability to make characters come to life. Kennedy Ryan’s books have been such a comfort for me. The references bring back memories of spending my days with my grandma watching her soap operas or listening to oldies with my mom. It’s rare to find a book that resonates with me. The characters feel like family or close friends. The food brings back memories of family get-togethers. This book has a little bit of everything, Betrayal, Divorce, And Forbidden Romance. There's also plenty of representation of LGBTQ+, Autism/Autistic, and African American/Afro-Latina representation. There was also family structure representation Single-parent, Divorced, Single, Married, and Co-Parenting.

I absolutely enjoyed every moment of this book. I can’t wait to read what’s next!

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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After reading the This Could Be Us ARC via NetGalley, I would give this book 5 stars. I was in a major reading slump but this book pulled me out of it and gave me life. While I have recently gotten back into reading and have made it my goal to reading mainly books by bipoc authors, I have never related more to a book like I did with This Could Be Us. Kennedy Ryan has an amazing way with words, and I could visual picture everything that was happening in this book as if it were in real time. I truly appreciated that while this was a romance book, it showed love on all levels (love in a relationship, love in a parent-child relationship, love in friendships, love in sisterhood, and maybe most importantly, self-love). As a person who is also on a self-love journey, I also appreciated the thoughtfulness of Soledad’s actions and way of thinking as she remained true to her goals/needs versus jumping right back into a relationship. So while some part may seem slow, I definitely think they were necessary. Another thing I appreciate about this book is how well developed it was. From learning more about autism because the MMC’s sons live with it, to learning more about Puerto Rican traditions and experiences, to seeing the small connections between Before I Let Go and This Could Be Us. This is all possible from the research done by Kennedy Ryan and the thoughtfulness in her writing.

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This book spoke to my soul! Kennedy Ryan has absolutely blown me out of the water with her lovely words and real characters. Soledad embodies the power women have and I loved watching her tap into her truth. I was cheering her on the whole time! I enjoyed Judah just as much, he was the perfect canvas for Soledad’s journey and was such a supportive pillar. I will day that this story was realistic, but it can be difficult to feel and really grasp romantic development when so much of Judah’s perception or understanding of Soledad came from her online presence. Nonetheless, a great read!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again!!! This is the 3rd book I’ve read by her and her pen game, choice of characters, and viewpoints are strong! I love how this book not to give away anything touched on several topics and allows the reader to see how love is possible through them all. It shows women how not to allow someone’’s narcissistic behavior devalue yourself! It also shows the aspect of a strong male loving his woman in any capacity. This was a 10 out of 10! Can’t wait to receive my special edition copy in 2024

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I finally finished this gem and it definitely worth the read.
Soledad and Judahs journey is one to remember. The aspects of self healing and learning your self worth I LOVE! Also, we love drama!
Ms. Kennedy Ryan sure knows how to pull at your heart strings and get you in all your feels. In the best way possible.
If you get a chance to read this I would definitely recommend it!

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My heart is soaring right now. What an absolutely beautiful story. Judah and Soledad have truly touched my heart! This story gripped me from the very start, and I couldn’t put it down.

Wow! This Could Be Us is raw and real and filled with emotion. This is a story of betrayal, finding and loving yourself, and soul searing love that you feel in every interaction. It’s caring for your family, it’s friendship and beautiful bonds that melt your heart. It’s absolutely fantastic and a must read!

“Life is always gonna be complicated, but the good stuff is worth fighting for.”

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Favorite read of the year ! I absolutely loved the book and couldn’t put it down . Everyone should read this book !

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Kennedy Ryan did it again! Man oh man the roller coaster of emotions I felt reading this book was a bittersweet feeling!

I felt the hurt and betrayal Sol did but I also felt the love and care from Sol especially when she was falling in love again with Judah ! Truly an amazing book ! Can’t wait for book three I’m so excited to see Hen’s story 😭💕

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Soledad Barnes had what appeared to be a perfect life. Her three daughters were thriving and her marriage looked solid. That was on the surface. Below the surface, all was not as smooth. Her children were fine. It was her marriage that seemed to hit a rough spot. Her husband, Edward, had become distant in the past several months. Soledad soon learned the reason for the distance and it completely changed her and her daughters' lives.

Judah Cross worked at CalPot, a well-known cookware brand, as the Director of Accounting. He had years of experience as a forensic accountant, tracking company expenses and profits as well as looking for discrepancies. Judah noticed a problem with the White Glove program. The clients were being charged more than what it cost to run the program, including the expected profits. After finalizing his findings, he was sure the head of the program, Edward Barnes, needed to answer some questions. Close to six million dollars was a huge imbalance to be just an accounting mistake.

This was my first Kennedy Ryan novel. I had heard her books were fantastic. This one did not disappoint at all. I fell in love with Soledad. Her strength, determination, and commitment to turn her life around were driven by the love of her daughters and finally of herself. I resonated with her feelings of self-doubt and questioning whether she should have known about Edward's dealings. As a wife and mother, one tends to put everyone else's needs before their own. That is not always the best plan as sometimes one has to take care of themselves first before they can help others. Soledad found her footing and made pivots to find a way to enter the workforce and be there for her daughters as she had in the past. Judah was attracted to Soledad from the first time he saw her. After Edward's arrest, Judah found the means to help Soledad in ways that would allow her to have choices for her life going forward. He was very sensitive to what and how she would accept help. I enjoyed Soledad's interactions with her sisters and her best friends. Their conversations were very well written and I felt I was there with them. The relationship between Judah and his ex-wife, Tremaine, and how they co-parented their two autistic sons was beautiful to read. This is the second book in Ryan's Skyland series. I will be reading the first novel very soon as I loved Soledad's friend, Yasmen.

I received an e-ARC for This Could Be Us and want to thank Kennedy Ryan, Forever Publishing, and NetGalley for the opportunity to voluntarily read and give an honest review of this book. This Could Be Us will be published on March 5, 2024.

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My fellow readers, Kennedy Ryan has done it again! This book was the five-est of five stars, hands down. Soledad's story is a MUST read for any and everyone. The different musings and beautiful lines on self-love will stay with me forever. I also loved just the maturity of so many of the relationships in this book, whether it was Soledad and her friends, Soledad and her sisters, Judah and Tremaine, Tremaine and Kent, etc.
Kennedy's writing continues to make it so easy to simultaneously fly through the story and stop to pause and reflect on certain sentences and moments. I'm so excited for more people to read this book and I'm even more excited for Hendrix's story up next!

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Another phenomenal read by Kennedy Ryan. This one will definitely pull at your heartstrings. Soledad overcomes the worst of betrayal and struggles with finding herself. #datingmyselfchallenge
Judah is swoon worthy and their chemistry is sizzling hot. Their journey will captivate you from the beginning to the end. I absolutely loved this one. A must read.

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The many facets of love!

In book 2 of the Skyland series we find Soledad Barnes grappling with a marriage that’s clearly in crisis. But we soon learn just how deep the troubled waters of her tumultuous union run! Enter one Judah Cross with his hyper-focus and intent and good looks and chivalrous demeanor. Oh and by the way, did I mention he’s got a target on Soledad’s worse half, Edward?

This story is a journey that’s best processed slowly for optimal enjoyment. There is so much to take away from the loving relationships displayed throughout. Love between siblings, love between parents and their children, love between friends, self love and last but not least...romantic love between two people with an almost instant attraction that leapt off the page from their first meeting and slowly developed into so much more!

And while the children oftentimes stole the show, the overall message conveyed through Soledad’s dating myself challenge and selfless sacrifices for her girls while she came to terms with her new normal was touching to witness! Meanwhile Judah’s co-parenting setup which demonstrated his unwavering support and devotion to his twin boys was just as moving! But once he set his sights on Soledad, without hesitation he extended all those endearing book bae qualities to her as well!

Autism and cancer are heavy topics visited within the story, but both are handled with a care and delicate sensitivity that only enhance an already well-written portrayal of love. Kudos to Kennedy Ryan for another literary gem! Not only did she do Soledad and Judah proud, but also Lupe, Inez, Lottie, Adam and Aaron as well!

Thank you NetGalley and Forever publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 ⭐️

I feel so fortunate to have gotten an ARC for this book. In true Kennedy Ryan fashion, it was poignant, complex and eloquently written.

I will say, there’s something that felt a bit forced about Part 1: the spark between Judah and Soledad too strong without a solid foundation; Edward so villainous in so many ways (Aside: despite me feeling that too many bad attributes were compounded on Edward simply to make us readers despise him, I have to accept that some women actually live with narcissistic assholes like him in daily, real life).

The book took us through a journey of rebuilding and self-discovery, and while there was romance, it wasn’t as romance-forward as I’d typically prefer. Nevertheless, I love how much time Soledad takes to reconnect with herself and how awesome her relationships with her daughters, sisters and friends are (can’t wait for Hendrix’s book!). Also, I loved getting a glimpse into the life of an amazing pair of parents to special needs children — that aspect of the book was handled with such care; it was a true pleasure to read about a topic so close to Kennedy Ryan’s heart.

This Could Be Us is not quite a 5 ⭐️ read for me (more romance + angst would have been appreciated!), but it’s an incredible story nonetheless and has suchhhh amazing quotes. Definitely recommend picking it up when it’s out next March, and in the mean time, I’d 100% reco Before I Let Go (the first book in this series), anddd if you want to read some more the Grip trilogy (my favorite Kennedy Ryan of all time).

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Kennedy Ryan never disappoints and this book was unimaginably phenomenal. I had no doubt that l would love this book as much as l love all her other books, but this book hit different. The characters, the plot, the scenes and the story itself, was addictive and captivating. The book left me on edge and had me on my toes. Soledad was everything to me. Her resilience, her determination, her strength and her beauty were inspiring. She is the embodiment of a beautiful black strong woman, and Kennedy brought her character to life in such a perfect way. My girl Soledad deserved to be happy, she was an amazing human and an even better mother to her kids.

Where to begin with Judah. !!!!

Gosh he honestly took my breath away, he was enticing, loving, strong and everything you dream of in a man. He is the perfect book boyfriend. His dedication and love towards his children and just everyone who meant a lot to him was heartwarming. Kennedy did such a wonderful job when she talked about autism. She talked on the matter with so much delicacy,care and attention to detail and it just warmed my heart.

The reason l love this authors books a lot is how she composes her stories in such a way that there is a dose of reality, hope, inspiration and motivation. There is no book by Kennedy that has never motivated to be my best and inspire to reach for any of my dreams.

Her characters are so refreshing, mind-blowing and relatable in many ways, that it just makes her books the best. I am overly happy to have read this book, and l enjoyed every minute of it. A big shout out to this amazing author and l can not wait to buy the physical copy wants the book is released.

Like l said Kennedy does no wrong in my eyes. I highly recommend not only this book but all of her books as well.

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My goodness. I wish I could go back and read this book for the first time again! When I first picked it up, and read the Author’s Note at the beginning, I didn’t think this was going to be for me. I put it down for a week or so. It’s not that I was trying to avoid reading about characters with autism; I just didn’t really want to read a whole book about autism. Maybe that’s a crappy thing to say, but I just wasn’t sure I’d be able to get into it.

Regardless, I did decide to pick it back up and read. First off, I love that the story spans years. It’s usually necessary to suspend belief in reality in some romance books, as people “fall deeply in love” in two days. 😉 The fact that this story develops over some time lends believability to the formation of relationships.

There’s so much to love here! The female main character has her whole world turned upside down, and instead of crumbling, she fights for what’s best for her and her daughters. I LOVE the way she communicates with her kids, too; she’s completely honest, and treats them with so much respect! She faces conflict with them so beautifully. This also carries into her other relationships. She acts like an adult, and communicates in a way that a healthy adult should.

The male main character is PHENOMENAL! He is pretty much the opposite of her husband in every way. He’s just such a shining example of an amazing father, and partner, even if his first partner wasn’t the right one for him. The relationship he has with his ex-wife is admirable, and his flexibility in raising their sons is wonderful. He treats the FMC with respect and adoration. And both of them are just so stinking honest with one another. It is SO refreshing!

As for the autism note at the beginning, it was not for me. It was for people who live adjacent to it, as a sensitivity note. And it was perfect. The boys were written with such care and genuineness, and I could see each of them as who they were. I loved how different they are from one another, even though they are twins. What an amazing representation of the wide and deep spectrum of autism.

I’ve read 285 books so far this year. This is easily in the top 3. I HIGHLY recommend this book, and its phenomenal emotional depth and satisfying ending!!

I was provided this book for free by NetGalley, but I would totally buy it!!

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Kennedy Ryan just never disappoints! Kennedy Ryan has such beautiful writing that makes you feel exactly what the characters are feeling. You feel the rage, hurt, disappointment, and the inevitable healing that the main character goes through so vividly. The relationships in this book are also so well written. Whether it's the love with a partner with Judah, the love between a mother and her children, or the love between sisters, by blood or by choice, Kennedy Ryan makes them all so impactful and meaningful. I loved every single character and chapter in this book and cannot wait until everyone has a chance to read this book.

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Seriously amazing 👏 Soledad’s story is so beautiful and impactful. I knew the moment we met her in “Before I Let Go” that I would love her! Her life is turned upside down when her husband makes a selfish choice that impacts their entire family. While trying to put the pieces of back together, Soledad finds a new career, a love interest and herself along the way. We see our favorite girls Yasmen and Hendrix again and they are there to support our girl the entire time. I do not want to ruin any part of the story, but there were so many moments that had my jaw on the ground and I couldn’t put this book down. So many layers to unfold in this story but such a great read!

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