Member Reviews

This was so sweet and well done. I loved the relationship between Soledad and Judah; it felt realistic and beautiful and I loved watching it grow! Kennedy Ryan is such a great romance author.

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Unfortunately this title is pretty ableist and as a disabled person myself I don’t keep reading when things start getting ableist. I would highly encourage publishing professionals in this day and age to not just rely on the perspective of one sensitivity reader or parents of a child with disabilities, and actually publish books about disabled characters by disabled authors who shares the same disability. Otherwise there’s always harm

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This book feels like a love letter to the healing heart. It was full of self love and re discovery, as the main character, Soledad, is given the opportunity to start over despite her unforeseen circumstances. I loved the representation of non traditional families throughout this book. There were multiple generations and examples of families that some may view as broken or disjointed, but were each beautiful and perfectly made. The sisterhood relationships and even the brotherhood relationships made me teary eyed. I also LOVED all of the soft & heartfelt moments of parenthood. I know we talk about book boyfriends a lot, but can we make a new category of book fathers for Judah?!?!

Kennedy Ryan is always SPOT ON with how she shows community in her books and This Could Be Us is another perfect display of togetherness. The icing on the cake for me was the drama. Until the very end there was just enough tea being spilled to keep me interested!

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This Could Be Us hits the ground running immediately! I loved how Kennedy Ryan showed us the pre-Soledad era and the post-Soledad era and took us along the entire journey of self-love, self-care, and growth! The story is captivating and raw while treading difficult topics like parenting & self-worth with care. A great follow up to Before I Let Go that incorporates more drama and forbidden love.

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Wow! I was hooked on this book from the beginning. I particularly enjoyed the journey of watching Soledad grow throughout the book. While romance was a part of the story, there was so much more going on and I appreciated the very real issues Kennedy was not afraid to approach. From co-parenting, autism, self-love, it is all so relatable. I felt I was right there with Sol throughout the journey and watching her transformation!

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Willing To Wait
What an amazing, heart warming, teaching story. As I started to read my thoughts were this was going to be major drama in the worst way possible, I was totally wrong. Soledad couis noot see the forrest for the trees in her marriage to Edward.causing her life to change. Her way of thinking to be altered and her ability to trust lost.
Pivoting from housewife, mother, member of the PTA, care giver and chauffer for her three girls to provider and head of househole was not easy.
Friendship, the love of her sisters and her girls keept Soledad grounded, pushing for a better life. My least favorite character was Edward, my favorite character was Yasmen. I enjoyed revisiting Skyland and chacters from book one.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kennedy Ryan for the ARC above is my honest review.
#embezelement #twins #autism #apraxia #hatached #prison

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Soledad's journey in "This Could Be Us" was genuinely inspiring. As I followed her story, I found myself rooting for her resilience and personal growth. She felt like a real person, facing the challenges of self-discovery in a relatable way.

The book beautifully explored the complexities of love, emphasizing not only romantic connections but also the importance of the relationship we have with ourselves. Soledad's experiences served as a reminder that love is an ongoing process of discovery and acceptance for us all.

I truly enjoyed reading this book and cannot wait for Hendrix's story!

Thank you Kennedy Ryan and NetGalley for this ARC!

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Kennedy Ryan had done it again. Every book of hers I have read has been such an experience. Her characters are complex and she puts them in these incredibly complex situations leading her to have such strong main characters. What I loved about this was that while yes it was a romance, it truly focused on Soledad and her journey. Soledad was all about reclaiming and loving herself and I think that was the main romance in the story, with Judah coming second. On that note, Judah is the epitome of a green flag. All he wanted was her to continue her journey of self love and hope that eventually they could be together.

There was such a big family component in this and it did not disappoint. Judah and Soledad both have incredibly complex family situations and priorities and I adored seeing them put their kids first. Everyone was so mature and there was no unnecessary drama to add to the plot. Judah and Tremaine have the best coparenting relationship which was so refreshing because all they want is to make sure their kids are taken care of and the other is happy.

I adore that both this book and Before I Let Go are more Women’s fiction with a subplot of romance because Kennedy Ryan takes so much time and care to flush out her characters. She builds them up to be strong and confident after experiencing the worst thing imaginable. Yes, I adored the romance of Judah and Soledad, but I really adored the romance of Soledad and her journey

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Few things first:
1. Ch. 14— 🥹
2. Judah Cross— my man, my man, my man! ♥️

Kennedy Ryan, I applaud you! It takes skill to continue a series and do it so well. This was just as good as Before I Let Go, which I adored and read twice!

I loved her because we related. I felt her grief as she walks through life without her mom and what that pain feels like— I know it all too well and I believed it!

“To find the book from Mami’s chest here on Cora’s bedside table coils a knot of pain under my ribs for a second, and I can’t breathe. It’s an old pain and yet timeless because I know I will miss my mother this way until the day I die—with the sharp cut of sudden memory, realizing anew that she is gone and I can never have her again. Seeing this book with Cora, who is fighting the same fight, is almost too much. The melancholy I’ve been fighting off all day crashes over me. I sniff and swipe at the tears streaking my cheeks.”— WOW! I felt that inside and it hurt!

Is it a surprise that I saw myself in him? I love reading about characters who struggle with forms of social anxiety! I also just loved and appreciated the depth to the way he loved Soledad and his pursuit for her! 🌟

“She pulls out a pink slip of paper I was using as a bookmark. Shit. It’s that damn grocery list of hers from months ago that I found in my wallet and couldn’t make myself throw away. If she thought I was a stalker before...”— um what!!? 🥹

This book is for all the women who’ve been hurt and made to believe something is wrong with you. This story is one of restoration and redemption and taking back control of your life and making it into what you truly desire!

This story has everything you look forward to in a romance novel:
💕 humor (JC is so funny!)
💕 passion
💕 relatable and lovable characters
💕 slow burn that’s worth the wait!

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This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan.



I thought I knew what I was getting into when I picked this book up..

Ummm, I was mistaken.

I was blown away. BLOWN AWAY!!!

I tell you, I love when books shock the $hit out of me, make me speechless, make me take a moment to myself, and begin reading again. Lol

Mrs. Ryan, you knocked this book right out of the park, and a total of 5 +++++ stars read for me!!! A 5 Star rating is not enough for Ms. Soledad Barnes. Gahhh, I loved her!!! What a breath of fresh air she is!!! Love Her!!!!

PS... Love this cover, and thank you for writing Kennedy Ryan!!! 🩷💛🧡

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This was even more beautiful than book 1. Soledad was the ultimate FMC, and was the epitome of a strong woman. I loved her journey and self-exploration.

I also really love the autism rep and how well the author blended ethnicities/cultures into her characters. This was a beautiful story and I will absolutely read anything Kennedy writes.

6 stars if I could.

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I am forever a Kennedy Ryan fan Stan girlie. The way Kennedy writes my soul. She captivates her audience.

Anything else for language is so beautifully written. But it's not so intricate that you can't enjoy it for just the story it is.

Justice for Sol!!!! I am utterly rocked and riveted by this book.

"Noone is on the way to rescue you."

I felt the fuck outta this

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***read as an ARC from NetGalley***

🎶“What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man”🎶

That’s all I could think during Judah’s scenes. I love who he was as both a father and a romantic partner.

I loved Sol’s resilience through everything, and even challenged myself to answer some of the questions she was presented with.

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This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan
Soledad Barnes is a domestic goddess. Her husband has been acting strange lately and she just wants things to go back to normal. When her husband’s secrets implode life as she knows it, she will need to learn to rely on herself in new ways.
When I saw that this next book in the Skyland series was Soledad’s story I was super excited. I loved Soledad’s character in Before I Let Go.

This book just threw me straight into the fire and I was hooked from the first page. Then it went in a crazy direction that I was NOT expecting and I loved it.

I want to say that I love Judah’s character and his twin sons. They were so fantastic to read about and I was on this ship right away.

I loved the themes of learning to love yourself and being ok on your own first. I think that is a really great thing to do and will only enhance any relationships later on in your life.
Also I loved getting to know more about Soledad’s family and her sisters and her puerto rican heritage.


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*I received this as an ARC from NetGalley. All views and opinions are my own.*

“This Could Be Us” is certainly worth the wait! If you read “Before I Let Go” then you know that something wasn’t right with Soledad’s Husband. Well, we quickly find out what he’s been up to in “This Could Be Us” and you’ll be rooting for Sol while willing Edward to catch hands throughout this read.

Readers will take a journey with Soledad as she rediscovers and falls in love with herself after a devastating series of discoveries.

I don’t want to give too much away as the publication date isn’t until March ‘24 but here’s what you can expect:
Emphasis on self-love and acceptance
Building Passion
A certified Book Boyfriend's fave
Relevance- Soledad, Yas, and Hen are written beautifully- they’re relatable with real-life issues that I think many of us face
Love and Amazing love scenes

I can’t wait for the full discussion around this book. If you haven’t already make sure you read “Before I Let Go” as well.

A definite 5 Star Read that I’m sure you’ll love.

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Like this book says, there are not enough sonnets of friendship in this world.
What a delightful book about reclaiming agency over yourself and using that to lift others up. I loved how the main characters focused on their own happiness before losing themselves in a romantic relationship with each other, and how that focus enabled them to better love each other.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book so much! It was such an empowering story, but also really fun. I couldn’t put it down.

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Kennedy MF Ryan! This woman's pen is insane and I am so fortunate to have had an advanced copy of this one. I thought Before I Let Go was a masterpiece and somehow Kennedy Ryan was able to do it all again with Soledad's story. Without giving any spoilers away, I can say that Ryan thoughtfully navigates the topic of self-love. It is so easy for women to be complacent in their relationships, but once those relationships end how can one find themselves again without closing themselves off to others completely. Ryan also handles the topic of autism with such care that I believe families affected will appreciate. I can definitively say this will be one of the best (romance) books of 2024. Most importantly, I am excited for Hendrix's story in 2025!

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Kennedy Ryan had done it again. Every book of hers I have read has been such an experience. Her characters are complex and she puts them in these incredibly complex situations leading her to have such strong main characters. What I loved about this was that while yes it was a romance, it truly focused on Soledad and her journey. Soledad was all about reclaiming and loving herself and I think that was the main romance in the story, with Judah coming second. On that note, Judah is the epitome of a green flag. All he wanted was her to continue her journey of self love and hope that eventually they could be together.

There was such a big family component in this and it did not disappoint. Judah and Soledad both have incredibly complex family situations and priorities and I adored seeing them put their kids first. Everyone was so mature and there was no unnecessary drama to add to the plot. Judah and Tremaine have the best coparenting relationship which was so refreshing because all they want is to make sure their kids are taken care of and the other is happy.

I adore that both this book and Before I Let Go are more Women’s fiction with a subplot of romance because Kennedy Ryan takes so much time and care to flush out her characters. She builds them up to be strong and confident after experiencing the worst thing imaginable. Yes, I adored the romance of Judah and Soledad, but I really adored the romance of Soledad and her journey.

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I didn't go into this book expecting to love it as much as I loved Before I Let Go. That book holds a special place in my heart, and I didn't see how Kennedy Ryan could top it. But after reading This Could Be Us, I am unsure why I ever doubted her. The love story between Soledad and Judah is breathtaking, but in some ways, their story feels like the icing on the cake. What I love about both books in this series is the love story between friends. Kennedy Ryan could teach a master class on writing friendship. We got more scenes with Hendrix in this book, and those chapters, plus those with Yasmeen, warmed my heart as much as the chapters between Judah and Soledad. We also got multiple scenes with her sisters, and the way they poured into Soledad during her toughest moments was so comforting I felt like they were speaking to me. I almost cried more than once. I finally cried while reading the later scenes between Soledad and her daughters. A theme of this book was Mother's being a whole person, not just caretakers or wives, and the way Soledad upheld that and how her daughters supported her had me crying tears of joy because I was happy for this fictional character. Lastly, while many of Kennedy Ryan's books deal with heavy topics, this one included, I always appreciate that she doesn't leave the readers in despair for too long. So, if you're a mood reader and you read the first book and are unsure if you can stand Soledad going through it. Don't worry; This Could Be Us is not a book that will have you sitting in the darkness. It is a healing book.

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