Member Reviews

Kennedy Ryan.. you did it again. I’m completely blown away by this woman’s powerhouse of words that emit warmth and understanding with such wisdom. Other than creating connections through relatable themes which felt like such a reassuring warm hug. This book highly emphasized why I love connecting to books than just to its characters but the essence of it, the meaningful words fused together that feels thought-provoking, the message it’s sending, the various emotions pouring from it and the love felt from it all.

While part of me definitely would’ve preferred more romance — my rating is primarily because this was much more than that. Similarly to Before I let go, this also reads more like women’s fiction with romance acting as a subplot of sorts as it was very present with a lot of depth but everything else had its moment. This was a story about rediscovery, redefining your self worth, self love and sisterhood besides a second chance at love intertwined throughout it out all. This wasn’t exactly as angsty as the previous book but for sure still felt so and filled with so many emotions—especially humor.

”No one is on the way to rescue you. No one is on the way to save you and your girls. At the end of the day, it's up to you. And so it is.”

Kennedys capacity to create resilient and powerful women shines through in her writing and Soledad was no exception. Sol was dealt with her own tribulations as a result of years of belittlement and shame directed towards her. Men like Edward deserve a life sentence and the scum of the earth. But I loved how she always stood her ground and forged ahead even when she didn’t know what awaited her and her girls. Her journey in loving herself and self reflection in the woman she was versus the one she pushed herself to be felt so realistic as so many women will/have found themselves in sol’s position. So while the title is “this could be us” i also thought “this could be me” as her journey in realizing what she deserved felt utterly commanding and I was here for it. Sol coming to terms in allowing herself to be happy with Judah by not denying her own happiness in doing so while healing was incredible to see—they were so deserving of one another.

”When I first saw her, it felt like someone hit me in the solar plexus. Kicked me in the throat. I didn't even realize I was staring until she turned away.”

Judah is such an incredible father and man that I’ve had the privilege to read about in a book. The way he was with sol was entirely sweet. My man was so down bad for her lol and he never gave up on giving her space to grow and love on herself on her own while reassuring her that he’ll be there all the while. He was extremely perceptive of her and everything about her and we all love a man who pays attention. The subtle chin touches, the glaring heated stares, the patience & understanding, the sizzling tension, his words, the sentiments, the support, the slow burn and this fine man—consider me absolutely enamored because where can i find myself a Judah??

“You did not only what was best for them, you did what was good for me. So many moms lose their careers until their kids are almost grown. You didn't let that happen to me."

And the healthy co parenting in this? Phenomenal. I loved the maturity from him and his ex and in general in this book as they were all such mature adults (except for one). Judah has two twin boys with autism and is such an attentive and present father. My heart melted during those scenes with them. I wholeheartedly loved the autism rep in this as I have a sibling with autism and have never read about it in a book—therefore it was highly validating and resonated profoundly to me so thank you Kennedy for the accurate portrayal. For those unaware, her son is on the spectrum so again this book highlighted one of her own experiences and it goes to show the care & attention she pours into what she writes.

“There aren't enough sonnets for friendship. Not enough songs for the kind of love not born of blood or body but of time and care”

The found family here was exceptionally beautiful that I loved every interaction between them. The women here were so supportive and showed such immeasurable love to one another that it’s apparent how these are the type of women you want in your life and corner. So I’m glad that Soledad has yasmen and Hendrix—the true embodiment of friends turned family. Also love the inclusion of scenes we got between sol and her sisters as well. All throughout the book you begin to notice how each of them played a role in sol’s journey in self love and rediscovery

small mention but the nostalgia she felt with her mother and all the references mentioned truly touched me beyond measure.

Lastly, I couldn’t end this without mentioning how kennedy is one of those authors that properly does her research because Soledad is Afro-Latina and the Puerto Rican representation in this?! I’m impressed and wanted to cry lol I’ve never seen this representation in a book and every reference felt entirely familiar and brought a genuine smile to my face. Idk if this book was perfect but I do know it was beautiful and will forever hold a special place in my heart for different reasons.

Extremely thankful I was able to read soledads book early on and as expected I loved it 🥹 I can’t wait for Kennedy to bless us with Hendrix’s book as her humor never failed to entertain me lol Kennedy had jokes

**I doubt she’ll see this but as this is going to be a film someday—someone please tell her to think about casting Tasha smith as Hendrix as I just know she’ll kill it**

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

I highlighted so much on my kindle but these are just a few quotes I loved.

“When conversing with the heart, expect it to talk back, to revisit the pains and disappointments that left the deepest dents and scratches.”

“I could tell her everything that interests her interests me because it’s a clue to how I can reach her, how I can love her the way she deserves”

“Do you have to deny yourself happiness with someone else in order to be happy with yourself?”

“When are we ever done working on ourselves? I believe wholeness is not a destination, but a lifetime process. Something that instead of waiting for, you could be living for.”

“Like always, just the touch of our hands sends a thrill through me, as if our hearts meet and beat between our palms.”

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I loved this book! I loved that Kennedy Ryan focused on a woman learning to love herself rather than having the man come to the rescue. I also appreciated the diversity represented in the book.

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When I read this book all I could keep saying to myself was “He’s a good man Savannah” lol


Often times when you read romance the FMC quite often relies on the MMC to validate her self worth and confidence. The author provided a realistic alternative in the Soledad’s journey of self-love. IRL when things go left women are typically left do what needs to be done for the sake of everyone else even when it costs us in the long run. Let’s just say Soledad did what needed to be done. Period.

Kennedy Ryan handled the details surrounding autism with such care. This comes as no surprise because all of the books I’ve read by her have been written well.

I loved all the characters Adam and Aaron literally stole my heart ❤️. I would so be down to read about all the kids grown up.

This book was relatable and enjoyable! It was refreshing to read about adults taking accountability for their lives and actively working on themselves to be the best versions of themselves for their family. We love to see it! ❤️

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I loved Before I Let Go and I picked up This Could Be Us right afterwards and wow this hit me even more than the first book. Soledad's story is all about finding her worth after being left with virtually nothing after her husband is arrested for embezzlement having been a stay at home mom raising her kids.

Watching Soledad take her life back and charm everyone in her neighborhood and everyone on the Internet was amazing to watch. Her relationships with her daughters in particular, who cannot change who their father is was heartwarming and heartbreaking to watch and I am excited for the next installment.

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Kennedy Ryan continues to prove why she's one of the best contemporary romance writers right now. This Could Be Us is a wonderful follow-up to Before I Let Go, book no. 1 in the Skyland series. This beautifully written story takes you on Soledad's journey to self-discovery, reinvention, and independence. Although she finds a transformative love with the sexy, smart, and thoughtful Judah Cross, Soledad's story explores love for oneself.. This Could Be Us is a quintessential slow burn laced with sultry and steamy forbidden love. You won't be able to put it down once you pick it up.

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I have been a fan of Kennedy Ryan's writings since I first read the Grip series in 2020. She is able to address difficult, timely issues through deeply developed characters and smooth story lines. In this story of Soledad, we meet a mother whose strength and courage carries her through a crisis. I have been waiting for this story since reading about Yasmen in the first Skyland book.

Soledad and her husband, Edward, appear to be living a charmed life in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA. Soledad is a stay at home mother who has mastered the domestic arts. Her husband, who has been short-tempered of late, is a successful executive and together they parent three daughters. Readers soon discover why the husband is so worried- a forensic accountant recently hired has uncovered irregularities in his division. But his misconduct is more than financial, damaging the marriage in irrevocable ways.

The story of Soledad's situation and emergence as an independent woman, is one that every mother can relate to. The daughters also struggle and the four band together to create a new life. She is surrounded by fiercely loyal friends who encourage her to keep moving forward and to not fear taking risks.

Judah, the man who Edward hates at their company, sees Soledad and the chemistry is instantly apparent. Judah is a divorced father of twin teenagers who have specific, non-typical needs. He works closely with his ex-wife, Tremaine. Both characters make their parenting responsibilities their first priorities, pushing aside any attraction. Will they get together? Will they allow themselves to try love again?

This novel is more "slow burn" than some of the author's previous work, but like other series, the characters are diverse and interesting. Now, I have to wait to read about the third friend, Hendrix. I know it will be another winner.

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This was such a good story. Soledad was the personification of grace under fire. I loved so much about her. I loved the decisions she made and how she h i aged with her children. It took a little too long for H/h to finally get together, I wish we had more time to see them in an actual real relationship, but aside from that, what a riveting story of self discovery and rediscovery. It’s also a portrait of true friendship and support. Bravo!

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4.5 stars 😩. Somebody tell Josiah he has competition because WHEW Judah 😮‍💨😮‍💨. Ms. Kennedy Ryan can do NO wrong & this book proves why she will always be an auto-buy author for me.

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I had this one already preordered when notice came it was free to download on NetGalley. Of course, I jumped at the chance to get a head start on reading the next installment in the Skyland series.

If you've read the excellent Before I Let Go, the first in the series, then you are familiar with Soledad's character. We already knew she was a great friend and an excellent mother. But we soon learn the strength and resilient she inhibits when the worst type of betrayal dooms her marriage.

And when she begins the process of discovery herself, she has to decide how to maintain it along with receiving the love from another. Judah was swoon worthy from the first introduction. He was everything Soledad didn't know she was missing. Judah is an amazing father to twin boys with autism, intelligent, hardworking and gorgeous. He was the perfect mate for Soledad and I enjoyed their slow burn of a love story.

Kennedy Ryan is my FAVORITE author and this book doesn't disappoint. Five stars and more!

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Disclaimer: I was able to read this as an ARC from NetGalley. It officially releases March 5, 2024 (and of course I’ve already preordered my copy).

WOW. Kennedy Ryan does it again!!! She is such a talented writer and storyteller, and she put extra heart and soul into this book (as evidenced by her opening Author’s Note and her personal connection to these characters).

Her books are romance books, but the intentionality and authenticity in her writing makes her stories in a league of their own. She clearly does her research and listens to sensitivity reader groups, and I respect her so much for that.

Let’s Review:
•Afro-Latina FMC who embodies empowerment and resilience like no one else
•Single Dad MMC who embodies loyalty and patient love like no one else (Top Tier Book Boyfriend)
•Autism representation (Adam + Aaron have my entire heart)
•Chosen Family (sisterhood > everything)
•Quick pacing with heart-pounding betrayals
•Emotion-packed in unexpected moments
•Peaks and Valleys of Parenting (Motherhood is a TRIP some days)
•Slow Burn to Sizzling ‘I didn’t know it could be like this’ Spice 🔥🔥🔥

This Could Be Us explores how humans can rise from the ashes, how community can help you heal, and how your differences can be your super power. Kennedy Ryan shines with her inclusivity, and the representation of many types of people is important and necessary. And beyond all that, her writing style absorbs you fully.

What an incredible book. If you read romance, you need to read this series.

I cannot wait for its release date in March, and I cannot wait for Hendrix’s book in 2025!

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I enjoyed reading this book. Perfect next in the Skyland series. Soledad’s journey of finding herself, learning to love herself and reclaiming her power was beautiful. Judah has the patience, confidence, and courage to weather the journey.

Overall i’d rate this a 4.5 out of 5.

Keywords: Betrayal, Divorce, Forgiveness, Self Love, Autism , Blended Family, insta love, patience

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I absolutely adore this book! It didn't take me long to finish because I was invested from the first chapter. I thought I wouldn't love another book like Before I Let Go, but I was wrong. Kennedy Ryan's writing is impeccable and shined in This Could Be Us. I really felt connected to Soledad and what she was feeling, and I wanted nothing but the best for her. I loved the characters, the twists, the pacing, and the main character's development. Overall, I'm so happy I could grab this while it was available. Thank you, Kennedy Ryan, for creating such a fantastic book and an excellent series! I can't wait until the next book <3

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I was emotionally invested from the start of this book. I wanted to beat a few characters up on Soledad’s behalf. RIP my blood pressure.

Ms. Kennedy wrote another slow burn romance that shows us how life and love are complicated, messy, and not linear. The familial relationships and female friendships were just amazing to read. No matter how busy these characters were they always made time for each other.

Judah is steadfast in who he is and in my opinion he perfectly balanced Soledad. AND for those of you wondering…yes, Judah delivers in the bedroom 😮‍💨.

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This book is absolutely amazing!!! Kennedy Ryan does not disappoint!!! The development of the characters was just the best. The main character Soledad taking the time to find herself after heartbreak really inspired me to really take time to love myself. I also love the spice and slow burn in this story. Taking about hot!!!! I’d give this book a million stars. Thankyou again Kennedy Ryan for such an amazing book.

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Kennedy Ryan loves love. 🩷💜💛

Now, I know it sounds like such a small thing, but when you realise just how much that singular fact permeates her work and how it shapes her characters, when it directly impacts the care she pours into her writing, it puts into perspective how incredibly important it is that she truly loves love.

Kennedy Ryan draws from her lived experience to bring us a story rich in detail and so tender and heartwarming in This Could Be Us. This book beautifully highlights how love takes on many different faces, the adjustments we make because life inevitably throws us all curveballs, and the magic of choosing self, especially with the support of a nurturing community.

You know it’s not a KR story if it doesn’t weave in compelling female friendships and delve into the nuances of love, influenced by the passage of time. Although we tend to focus on the male love interests in her stories, the bond between women that KR portrays is always relatable and heartwarming. I'm excited for you all to meet Judah Cross! 🥺

PS: It was such a joy to see our favourites— Yasmin and Josiah —from Before I Let Go in some scenes. 🥰

Thank you, @netgalley and @areaderforeverpub, for making the digital ARC available.

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I adore this book so much. I love how Kennedy Ryan takes us through the process of how our main character was put in the position of having to rebuild herself not only for the sake of her children, but for her own sake. It emphasizes on the importance of doing the work on yourself, self love, and knowing your worth without loosing the plot. Beautifully written, I loved this love story. I’m in the middle of re-reading it again. Loved it, definitely recommending it as a must read.

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I was first introduced to Kennedy Ryan when I read Before I Let Go. I absolutely loved the book, and proceeded to read nearly every other book she has published. While I truly enjoyed them all, I had to accept the fact that I may never find a book I loved as much as Before I Let Go. And then came This Could Be Us. I knew I would enjoy the story, but I could not have predicted how much it would resonate with me. As a woman of a certain age who is in the process of ending a marriage and rediscovering herself, This Could Be Us tapped into thoughts and emotions I didn't realize I was harboring, and gave me a hopeful perspective of what the next chapter of my life could be, all while making me laugh and swoon and have all the feels. I devoured it in less than a day, and my only regret is that I can't experience it again for the first time. Bravo, Ms. Ryan! I will be waiting, rather impatiently, to see what revelations Hendrix's story brings to light.

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As usual, Kennedy Ryan’s writing is outstanding. Her understanding and knowledge of complex feelings and situations, including autism, make this story entirely believable. I loved the character development, the plot line, the depth of the characters, and everything about this book. Five star read.

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I absolutely loved this book it was everything i expected and more Kennedy Ryan has become one of my favorite authors she never disappoints. I’m already ready for the next book 🫶🏼🥹

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I want to start by saying this was a 4.7 star read for me!! This could be us was even more beautiful than I anticipated it would be (and I had high hopes). Soledad’s journey was both challenging and empowering in all the right ways. While I’m not a stay at home mom and can’t relate on that level, I found Soledad’s love of motherhood to be inspiring. She challenged my perspective quite a few times in this book and I’m moved to experience mothering and wifehood differently. I love love and truly enjoyed the different lenses through which we got to explore love and relationships in this book.

The only thing stopping this book from being a 5 star read for me is the fact that I felt some aspects of the story weren’t fully emotionally resolved and explained. While I understand that aspects of the love story were resolved this book felt like much more than a romance novel and I would’ve loved to get the resolution of some other key events that happened in Soledad’s life. It would’ve been nice to get about 20-50 more pages to really wrap the story up well without rushing the ending. Hendrix is up next but I’m crossing my fingers for a follow up novellas on both Soledad and Yasmens stories.

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