Member Reviews

FIVE GLOWING STARS! Kennedy Ryan has done it again! I’ve been waiting for Soledad’s story and it did not disappoint. From the first page I was hooked and couldn’t put this down. The way Kennedy writes about family, love, and loss is truly a gift. Just like I did with Before I Let Go, I’ll be recommending this book to every reader in my life!

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Kennedy Ryan knocks it out of the park again! I absolutely adore her writing and emotional love stories with strong women at the center.

This book is Soledad’s story. She is one of Yasmen’s best friends from Before I Let Go. The first book in the Skyland series is one of my all-time favorites and this one has now made the list, too.

In this book, Soledad‘s life unravels amid her husband’s betrayal. Needing to provide for her daughters, she makes her already noble career of home-making a paying gig online.

Much of Soledad’s journey in this book lies in learning to trust and love herself, and be alone without being lonely. She leans into what brings her joy and fulfillment outside of a partner before allowing herself to fall for someone again.

And then we have Judah. The brainiac accountant. The patient gentleman who will wait for Soledad as she rebuilds her life from the ground up. The incredible coparent and father to two autistic sons.

And the pining?! Judah had it BAD for her and fell first HARD.

I loved how these two learned to find joy on their own before fully investing in it with each other.

One of the best things about this book for me was the incredible autism representation. Autism is a spectrum that looks different for everyone. As a sister to a brother who is nearly nonverbal and has had many public meltdowns, it meant so much to me to see a character like him — one that is often not represented in popular media today.

If you loved Before I Let Go, you have to add this one to your list immediately! It’s a worthy successor and I can’t wait for the next book in 2025.

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“I see romance as the best landscape to have difficult conversations, to unpack our traumas and to lay out a path for healing because there’s a guaranteed joy at the end.”
~Kennedy Ryan

And that statement explains what sets her apart from others in her genre. Once again she’s taken us into the world of the Skyland community, this time focusing on Soledad Barnes’ life as she navigates the fall out of an unimaginable betrayal.

🗣️Thoughts: We bear witness to this masterclass of sensitivity & wordsmithery as we embark on a beautifully crafted emotional rollercoaster ride of self discovery & self realization that only Kennedy could write. As always, her FMC is a three dimensional heroine that you could recognize in the women you know: your mother, aunts, cousins, friends, or even yourself.

I implore you to not only pick up this gem but to also read the first book in this series: Before I Let Go. This will most definitely be one of THE most talked about books of the year & you don’t want to be left out of the conversation.
Pre-order your copy now!!! 💖💛🧡

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I devoured this story from beginning to end. It's a wonderful story of a woman using strength and courage both mentally and physically to do what needs to be done for herself and her kids after being betrayed by someone she loved and trusted. I loved Soledad from the beginning, but even in the beginning Edward just rubbed me the wrong way. I was glad he got what he deserved eventually even though I thought it should have been longer, but this story hit on some truth when it came to some things, and I will leave it at that. There's nothing like the love and support from family and friends and this story has it in spades. I loved the bonds and sisterhood between Soledad and her sisters Lola and Nayeli and her best friends Yasmen and Hendrix. However, this story doesn't only show the strength of a woman but also that people can still co-parent and be friends and even cordial after marriage for the sake of their children. I enjoyed the friendship and respect between Judah, his ex-wife Tremaine and her husband Kent. It's not often that you read too many books that display a level of respect for an ex-partner after divorce, so I enjoyed their friendship a lot even more so because I know it can happen. This is a story of betrayal, strength, lies, truth and self-discovery, that's full of great friendships, surprises, steamy scenes, laugh out loud moments and more. I enjoyed this story a lot, but I do wish that the ending was a little better. It ended in a good way but with everything that happened and the anticipation between Soledad and Judah definitely kept me wanting more but I wanted their ending to blow me away and it was just good but with that being said, I would definitely give other books from this author a read and I will be recommending this story to all my romance loving friends.

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Kennedy Ryan has knocked it out of the park again. She knows how to write a man in love and Judah is the perfect match for Soledad. Ryan also did a beautiful job with Soledad's journey of self-love. And you know our girls Yas and Hen are right there being the ride or die friends we love.

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the main resolution for our protagonist soledad comes from rediscovering all the forms of love outside of romantic that have already been there from the start, waiting for her to notice. when entangled in romantic love, there is a lot that people look past. when her relationship with her ex-husband ends (in a fun telenovela type of way), all this comes to the surface and a lot of resilience is shown in soledad's story. i just wish this idea didn't repeat itself in the new love story soledad found herself in (especially since her boundaries were firm). soledad and judah's story is sweet, but the foundation isn't.

(+ i loved the autism representation though, most specifically how autism can manifest in different ways in different people.)

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Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful! Just when I didn’t think I could be seen again after reading Before I Let Go, Kennedy Ryan found a way for me to feel so related to with Soledads character. To feel like I was reading about myself on a journey to self love and navigating the newness of unexpected single motherhood was very tough but yet beautiful to read. I had many take aways from not only Soledads story but Judahs as well.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

👑 All hail the Queen of Romance, Kennedy Ryan!!! 👑

Ma’am. You did NOT have to execute such a masterful piece of romantic art, but you went ahead and did it anyway! May I just say, I am SO grateful that you did.

This is a romance between Soledad and Judah, but it’s also a love story between Soledad and herself. She has sacrificed so much to create a warm and loving environment for her girls, but she has allowed others to neglect her including herself. Soledad working on her path to self love was so beautiful. As a current stay-at-home mom myself, Kennedy did such an incredible job displaying the sacrifices parents make to stay home and care for their children.

Y’all… Prepare to fall in love with Judah Cross. WHAT A MAN. He is immediately a goner, once Soledad steps into his orbit. He means what he says and he says what he means. He’s an incredible co-parent with his ex-wife and her husband to their twin boys with autism. He has so much patience and love and respect and compassion to give, and what better person to be able to receive all of this from him than Soledad herself? Their connection is instant and unwavering.

I cannot forget about the friendships. Yas, Hen, and Sol have such a die hard love for one another that I’ve only recently discovered in life. Having friends who show up for you no matter the circumstances and love your kids as their own. I love their little group so much.

I loved all of the representation that Kennedy CONTINUES to show in her books with such care and sensitivity. Representation in this book includes autism, neurodivergence, AfroLatinx, queer, and blended family.

The Skyland series is one you don’t want to miss out on. Preorder This Could Be Us TODAY. It releases 3/5/24. 🌺

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After LOVING the first book in this series, the bar was set quite high for the second one and it did not disappoint. I applaud the efforts this author always takes to represent the heavy situations that her characters are dealing with and facing. What could easily be glossed over is handled delicately in her books. The characters and plot in this second book were excellent and I am very excited about the third one to come.

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Really fun sequel (that absolutely stands alone). Appreciated the autism rep, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the situation of extended family. This felt well done.

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Kennedy Ryan masterfully takes us on Soledad’s journey back to self love and her self worth after the devastating aftermath of her divorce. I loved that this was a story of a woman realizing her strength and resilience, as much as it was a story of finding love after coming out of a marriage rife with neglect and betrayal.

I absolutely adored the MMC Judah. This is a man who fiercely loves his sons, has a healthy set of moral values, and is un afraid of voicing out loud exactly what (and who) he wants.

I loved the all around representation of several marginalized communities (BIPOC, autistic, queer). It was refreshing to be seen in so many aspects of the book.

Can’t wait for Hendrix’s story!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for access to this ARC for an honest review

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-I’m only 16% into the book and it already serving!

-I like the use of time jumps to move the plot along.

Kennedy Ryan has done it again. I cried, laughed, I was angry, & empathetic. Like really how does she do it. I enjoyed Soledad’s story so much. I could relate to her journey of self love & loved that for her (& me 😊). And Judah, woo chile, he now has a top spot on the book boyfriend list. I loved the representation & as a I am also a parent thought it was handled so well. I want everyone to enjoy and experience everything in this book so I don’t want to give anything away but I am so thankful & happy to have gotten the arc for this one!!

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4.5/5 ⭐️ I was so happy when I found out that this ARC was available on NetGalley. I started reading it right away!! Lol (Thank you Sabrina for letting me know ☺️❤️)

I was so excited for this book and it did not disappoint! Soledad has had my heart since I first met her in Before I Let Go. She is hardworking, strong, caring, and such an amazing mother.

I also fell in love with the hero, Judah. His relationship with his kids was everything to me. Some of the moments with him and his sons had me with tears in my eyes 🥺. His sons both have autism and I just love how amazing he was with them.

I also really love how mature everyone in this book was. Even Judah’s ex was likable lol. She wasn’t the cliche bitter ex wife. She was actually rooting for Judah and Sol ❤️

One of my favorite scenes in this book is when Judah sees Soledad for the first time. He did a double take and wouldn’t stop staring at her 🥹. Ever since that moment, he wasn’t with anyone else. He only wanted her and I LOVE that. A man who knows what he wants and doesn’t settle for a replacement of the woman he craves 🙌🏻❤️. He was lowkey obsessed with her 🤭. He was hot, sweet, caring, and swoony!

I also adore the friend group!!!! It was nice being back with Yasmen and Hendrix again. They are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for. I loved how they both were there for Sol during one of the hardest times of her life. It was truly beautiful.

The romance in this book was really beautiful and I loved it but I feel like it wasn’t the main focus at times. This read more like Women’s Fiction which is fine but I think I was just expecting something more romantic.

It mainly focused on Soledad’s journey to healing and finding herself after her divorce.

I will say that for me personally, this book was not as emotional as Before I Let Go. I cried more reading that one than I did with this one. BILG was definitely more angsty and the romance in that one appealed to me more.

Nonetheless, this book was still amazing!!!! Great writing and beautiful characters. I feel so connected to all of the characters in this series!!

I already can’t wait for Hendrix to get her own book!!

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If you were to ask if this was a romance, I would say no. Is it technically categorized as such and does it technically have an actual romance? Yes - don't you worry, all y'all solid Kennedy Ryan fans.

However, to me, this was so much more than a romance novel. I adored the first 54% of the book where the only love story was Soledad working to love herself and her kids when their whole world is upended. What I read was an absolutely beautiful story full of resilience, strength, innovation, community, finding oneself, and happiness.

The main threads of theme running throughout this novel included Soledad's journey from dealing with a dreadful relationship to growing in self-confidence and contentment; her relationship with her kids and providing for them on her own; and her supportive and sacrificial friendships and family. Soledad herself is a hard-working, determined, fierce, and caring person that won't let anything stand in her way of family.

On the other side of the novel, we have our co-narrator, Judah - can we talk about how sweet, patient, selfless, and honest he was? An outstanding character. His chapters, though not as prevalent, shone almost as bright as Soledad's for me. Judah's pride in his sons and his determination to give them the best and truly learn them made some of my favorite moments in the book. I valued this look into one version of life with autistic kids, and found within some reflections of people in my own life.

As for the romance, This Could Be Us was definitely more open-door than I prefer (all I know is there were at least 4 scenes I skipped over, including the epilogue). I was always antsy to skip to the end of those moments so that we could get back to the overarching story - that's how invested I was!! The plot outside of Judah + Soledad's love affair was propulsive and emotional. I fully believe the book could stand on its own without the explicit content (a great sign of a developed plot + characters!)

While this book doesn't publish until March 5, 2024, add it to your list now!! Truly one of the best contemporary fiction stories mixed with romance that I've ever read. The themes, emotions, and depth of the story hit me so hard! Kennedy Ryan is an amazing author who knows how to make tears prick behind your eyes, give your heart a warm, aching feeling, and make you cackle all along the way!

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This was my first book by Kennedy but it won't be my last! I was a couple chapters in when I realized that this was the second book in a series. I was too drawn in to stop and read the first book. I wasn't confused by the characters or back story at all, so I definitely think it's fine to read as a stand alone. That being said, I loved Kennedy's writing so I'll be going back to read Before I Let Go.

I loved how the book started out strong with drama that grabs the reader's attention. It turns into an encouraging story about a woman, Soledad, who has to learn to love herself and find her purpose in life. The main male character, Judah, was absolute perfection as well. I enjoyed how the story moved along quickly and had just the right amount of details.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC so I could discover Kennedy's work and give an honest review!

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Kennedy Ryan is almost single-handedly holding up my favorite romance reads of this year, and "This Could Be Us" is no different.

In this absolutely enchanting sequel to the titular "Before I Let Go", we follow Soledad as the life she once thought she has begins to crumble away once some unsavory truths are revealed about her husband. Yet in the midst of her despair, who swoops in to provide the most stalwart support but Judah Cross, the infamous accountant who dug up aforementioned truths about Soledad's husband.

This book is delightfully juicy & messy, chock-full of twists, turns, and reveals that'll drag you on the most dramatic of face journeys. Although I really enjoyed the drama of it all (unsurprising from a Scorpio), the story really proves itself in its ability to be achingly tender; showing Soledad's bumpy journey to heal herself and her daughters, showing the value of trusted family members and incredibly nurturing friendships, and last but certainly not least, showing the hard work and reward involved in allowing one to trust yourself again after a life event that leaves everything in shambles. The story varied in pacing at times, but I loved how this mirrors the way that emotional healing is nonlinear; the time skips sprinkled throughout are appropriate and really highlight the best moments in Soledad and Judah's stories.

The AfroLatinx representation was incredible, the spice was SPICY, the autistic representation was super in-depth and well researched, all the food descriptions (plus the RECIPE'S at the end y'all!!!)...this book is amazing and perfect. Huge shoutout to Netgalley and Forever Publishing for an eARC of this book, "This Could Be Us" releases March 5th 2024, I cannot wait to get my hands on my own copy!!

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This one’s for the girls.
Who are fighting through fire, foraging for their ferocity for the first time. For the girls rediscovering their strength that they have buried under servitude.

This one’s for the girls…
Who have been pushed down, beat down or put down, because they didn’t want you to discover how strong you truly are.

This one’s for the girls…
Whose lives are dedicated to those they love, with joy, without reciprocal respect or recognition.

This one’s for the girls…
Who extend grace and compassion to everyone else, making allowances for others’ behaviour, but are quick to find fault with and disparage yourselves.

This one’s for the girls…
Who were told you were too much or too little, too boisterous or too broken, and walk around minimizing or masking who they are to ensure acceptance.

This one’s for the girls…
Who need a reminder of what a masterpiece looks like… a reminder that you can look internally and in the mirror and discover your true potential and your divinely crafted beauty, and fall in love with the most important person in your life - YOU.

This one’s for the girls…
Who don’t need a partner to complete their lives or justify their worth, but whose powerful presence and radiance attract the kind of love that they deserve. (Hopefully in the form of a nerdy Iris who can save you 💰 on taxes) 🤭

This one’s for the girls…
Whose hearts cried out for understanding, for compassion, and received this - a symbol of solidarity, a love letter - to celebrate both who we are and who we could be.

***On a personal note, Before I Let Go was one of the most timely and impactful reads of my life, and this sequel feels like a stepping stone in discovering how to love myself better.***

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Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and Netgalley for an ARC of this book! I’ve willingly read and reviewed it. All opinions are my own.

This book. This book and these characters!!

I’ve been anticipating Soledad’s story ever since reading an ARC of BEFORE I LET GO over a year ago and Kennedy Ryan did. Not. Disappoint.

Soledad’s life is blown up when her husband is arrested by the FBI for embezzling millions of dollars from his company and she’s left to pick up the pieces in order to take care of her three daughters. From the very start, however, she’s had the quiet support of the very man who helped put Soledad’s husband away: Judah. Spanning a few years, the two get closer and closer as Soledad works to rebuild her life and keep her daughters’ lives stable.

There was SO much to love about THIS COULD BE US. As with the first book in the series, friendship and sisterhood play huge roles in the story and I loved getting to see Yasmen and Hendrix again (can’t wait for Hendrix’s book!) as well as the relationship Soledad had with her own sisters. This story was as much a tale of growth and strength as a romance and to see everyone give Soledad the time and space to reclaim her strength and figure out what she wanted or needed after the many betrayals of her ex was incredible and enviable.

I’m warning all future readers right now: Judah is going to sail to the top of your book boyfriend lists. From the moment he laid eyes on Soledad, he was a goner. And though his support of and desire for her was certainly a high point, it was his devotion and advocacy for his twin sons that put him absolutely over the top.

I will truly miss these characters and could have read another couple hundred of pages of everyday life just to spend more time with them.

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4.5 ⭐️

As always Kennedy Ryan knocks it out of the park. Their is a love story between two people who have had a life before each other. They have careers and children. But they are looking for the love of their lives. And they find it within each other.

I always think Kennedy Ryan’s plots and side stories are so well thought out as well. She delivers the entire package.

Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy

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I absolutely loved this second book in the Skyland series. Soledad’s story intrigued me since Before I Let Go so having the privilege to read her full story was an honor, especially as an advanced reading copy. Kennedy Ryan is such a spectacular storyteller and the way her people, places, recipes, and emotions come to life is truly one of a kind. This story of finding yourself and finding the true love of your life warmed my heart and gave me encouragement in my own life. Bravo Kennedy and thank you for your gift!

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