Member Reviews

Kennedy Ryan never disappoints. Loved taking this journey of self love and finding yourself again after betrayal with Soledad. Judah was the strong, stoic, and steady hero that was easy to love and the chemistry between them was sizzling but tender. I put off reading this ARC for a week because I knew that her writing deserves your full attention. I always get immersed in whatever world she creates. Before I let go was a top read for me last year and this book is right there up with it. Can’t wait for Hendrix’s book next.

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This book is a Romance for Women who feel overwhelmed, Overlooked and under valued! It’s about the love we have for ourselves and the value of who we are as nurturers.

This follows Soledad’s journey giving us a deeper look into things hinted at in Before I Let Go. I love Soledad’s development! I liked her in BILG but getting to know her was poetically beautiful!

Some may consider this a slow burn, when it comes to Edward I was incredibly frustrated but both items frustrated me in the way life does so often. I believe that is the beauty of Kennedy Ryan’s writing, it’s realistic and hopeful at the same time.

Where BILG tackled Mental Health through grief and depression; TCBU looks through Autism and Self Esteem! Mental
Health is handled deliberately, delicately and with care. It gives a clear understanding and helps to build empathy in real life.

I will be buying this book upon release and shouting its praises!

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Oh my goodness I SO enjoyed this book! And it’s odd because when I realized who it was about, I wasn’t sure that I would. Soledad’s character in the book right before this one wasn’t one that I paid much attention to or particularly enjoyed. In reading this book, though, I am so glad that I decided to give it a chance, even though the story was about her. I so enjoyed the writing style the subject matter, and even when Soledad was getting on my nerves, making decisions with which I did not agree, I could understand where she was coming from because the author developed her character so fully. When I was not reading this book, I would find myself wondering what the characters were doing, and being in a haste to get back to it. I literally did not want this story to end. It was a well written, it was funny, it was real, and very relatable. I cannot wait for the next book in the series to come out.

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Kennedy Ryan is such a queen! I can always count on her to deliver such meaningful messages, wrapped up in a sweet romance novel. I loved the ASD representation and the healthy coparenting between Judah and Tremaine. Soledad and her girls are just so sweet and remnant of Yas and her girls in Before I Let Go. I just love it! I love to see the healthy relationships that Kennedy Ryan writes between mothers and their daughters. As well as women finding out who they are and loving themselves in spite of the men they married. Sol’s journey to finding herself again and sharing it with other women was just so sweet and definitely something I would watch a real life content creator do! I especially loved Hendrix in this!! That girl is absolutely hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at her banter. I was so glad to see at the end that the next book will be about her. So excited!

Full review will be posted on release day! Thank you for the ARC!

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This book was phenomenal! I related to Soledad’s journey of healing so much. I felt affirmed that my journey has meaning and is important. I loved how Kennedy explored the family dynamic of having children on the spectrum and with disabilities. The fears we may face. I’ve already put my review on TikTok!

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I loved BILG, but this? Omg. I had no idea what to expect and this book exceeded anything I could’ve imagined by miles. It got way worse before it could get better but when it did? Glorious! 10, 10, 10s across the board!

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This book is literally amazing. I would do anything for this couple. My favorite book by far and I’ve read everything by this author!

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I really loved the development of Sol and getting to know more about her. The mmc was such a perfect match for her. Every scene between these two I fully ate it up! In general, I found myself wanting more between these two. It did read as a lit fic, which is one of my qualms about this book. There should’ve been more time between Sol and the mmc. The epilogue even had the opportunity to take it there, but fell short. Eager to see what the final product will be as I’m highly invested in this series and in these characters!

Thank you to Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing Group/Forever Publishing for the ARC.

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Thank you NetGallery for the ARC. I loved this one more than Before I Let Go. Sol and Judah were such deep characters that made me feel so much. My only issue was that it felt slowly fast paced? If that makes sense. Everything was nicely paced, but at a certain point, I felt it shift and then the timeline seemed to speed up in order to end the book and I really feel like more thing had been truly resolved, especially with Sol's Daughters and her ex.

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Wow wow wow this book!! I could not put it down. This was my first book by this author and I will definitely be reading more from her!

Soledad was such a strong beautiful character. Her journey to self love is something more people need to focus on!
And Judah!! He was such a wonderful dad and partner to Soledad. Their relationship is what to aspire to!!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I was rooting for Soledad and Judah the entire book. It was too long (by about 50 pages) but overall, I enjoyed it. This is solidly in the General/Women's Fiction category. I wouldn't label it a romance or market it as such.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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I honestly don't even know where to start. This was not what I expected, it was more.

As the main characters, I love Sol and I love Judah both so much. Sol's entire journey and story was just so amazing to witness and Judah was just perfection. I love reading about them individually and together and that's a key component on what makes a romance work for me. Though romance is not the only sole focus which was another factor on why I enjoyed the book as much as I did (I know not everyone's a fan of that though). I love the themes and messages that were explored here. I came into the book, loving Before I Let Go and now I came out adoring This Could Be Us. And I definitely can't wait for the day when we'll get our hands on Hendrix's story too.

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Kennedy Ryan keeps just getting me involved then just making this whole series my world. Like we can not allow her to get keep get away with this.

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This is a journey of finding your way back to yourself and allowing love to find you. I thought my heart was prepared for what could possibly happen in the story and I was excitingly wrong. Soledad goes through a grueling disillusionment with her life and what she thought it was. She has to find a way to back herself and figure out how life and love works for her and her daughters now that she’s lost so much. I felt her pains and I swear I had my metaphorical machete in my hand with her. I went through my full spectrum of emotions. The plot was twisty and the chemistry was on fire. I am always amazed by the way that the parents depicted in the story love their children. Judah’s love and devotion to his children healed my inner child and gave me moment to pause and feel all many feelings. Not only an amazing father but the way he shows his care for Sol is unreal. He leaves room for her to find herself and still have her back without compromising himself. They both learn to love themselves to find each other. I loved this book and I took Sol's mom's words to heart learning to love myself without judgement or conditions.

This is a book for all of us who have been through life leaning to be hornets.

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Kennedy Ryan just gets it. You can tell she does her research into every character she writes on the page. The inclusivity is just always leaves me awestruck because she makes it so simple.

I throughly enjoyed Soledad and Judah’s love story. It’s a trying story filled with hurt, confusion, generosity, compassion and patience. Sometimes I was frustrated with and for them! However, they taught me that love comes in so many ways and patterns.

The way they eventually make space for each other even though their respective lives were SO complicated really gives me hope. I enjoyed this book and I would recommend the Skyland Series to anyone.

Can’t wait to read Hendrix’s story.

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What a story!! This was more than just a romance. This was a story of self care, self love, healthy co parenting, family and so much more. Sol and Judah's romance how beautiful and real it was, was no match for Sol's love story with herself. I found myself rooting for Sol and just hoping she finds herself. I especially loved that Judah was able to see her growth and witness her journey. He took care of her. The delicateness that Kennedy wrote of Adam and Aaron was to be commended. As a person who worked and taught students with autism I respected so much how she was able to explain each of them as individuals and showed how it can work! How families can make it with children with autism. I love that Judah and Tremaine was able to still have their happily ever after even if it wasn't with one another. The only thing that got me again just like in Before I let go was those bratty teenagers!!! Lol! This book should be read by anyone who wants to just know that it will all work out and life is a journey. The best quote in the book, "I believe wholeness is not a destination, but a lifetime process." Kennedy Ryan is a treasure and I cannot wait to read Hendrix's story coming in 2025!!

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Fantastic story!!! My first Kennedy Ryan book, This Could Be Us, & it definitely won't be the last. Well written characters & fierce girl power all through this book. How a women reacts after her family/life is completely torn apart says a lot of one's character. With the help or friends, family, & lots of hard work these characters are awe inspiring on how they've shaped their lives. These women would be an absolute blast at any happy hour if they were real & this love story is definitely a goal for any relationship.
Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC. I'm beyond excited to read the next book in the Skyland series coming out Spring 2025.

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Oh wow. After everything Soledad went through, to see her show so much love and compassion to others, but more importantly herself was astonishing. The devotion Judah showed her, along with the way he approached everything in his life with thoughtfulness and intention. I knew this book was going to be good after reading Before I Let Go, but this knocked me off my feet. Incredible.

Thank you to Kennedy Ryan and the publisher for the digital ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever/ Grand Central Publishing for an advanced copy of This Could Be Us for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

The cover of the book is eye catching. It drew me in invitingly to take a peak at the beautiful story within from the striking visual alone. The manner in which Kennedy Ryan handles sensitive topics in the novel is respectful while informative. There is some content that can be triggering and should be considered prior to reading (autism, cancer, parental death of the page). Kennedy Ryan gives a look into the world of those on the spectrum of autism while looking at a woman that has a seemingly perfect life from the outside.

The character, Soledad, is a wife and mom of three that is facing troubles in her marriage that she doesn’t seem to have a answer for until revelations come to light about her husband. Soledad character is well developed and speaks to the audience with an authentic voice. As the reader follows her journey of rediscovery in the mist of trouble, there is wealth of emotions that are explored. The emotions that Kennedy Ryan has created with her latest novel are first class thought-provoking. Your emotions will be pulled to the surface as you take his journey with Soledad and her friends and family. This book will leave you cheering for a woman’s journey to rediscover herself and finding her voice.

I recommend this book to women who are looking to be inspired to discover and/or reconnect with themselves. This novel is a romance that explores the love for oneself and romantic relationships that range from unhealthy to healthy. Overall, I highly recommend this novel.

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Whenever we read a Kennedy Ryan novel we expect an epic romance that shines light on real issues and struggles that nay one of us could be facing at any given time. We expect her novels to wreck us, make us cry, make us laugh, and leave us thinking about what we just read days later. She definitely did all that and more with this novel. While weaving this beautiful story about Soledad overcoming betrayal and heartbreak she found a way to educate us on the obstacles and daily struggles parents of autistic children face as well as the children themselves. She laid out real world situation s and problems they face but also showed us their coping mechanisms and solutions they use to overcome them. Kennedy showed a range of representation not only through the twins but also through Judah. She makes the reader take a step back and see certain tendencies and behaviors that we usually attribute to those with autism can also be seen within ourselves and it makes you realize just how wide the spectrum actually is. Self-love/self-partnering was another major focal point in this story and I can't even begin to tell you how impactful it was. Also, can we take a second to give Kennedy Ryan her flowers for giving us a story that depicted amicable divorces, co-parenting and blended families in such a positive light. so often those things are looked at from a negative standpoint and this was such a refreshing and needed depiction of how it can be beautiful. Even through Soledad's hurt she never bad mouthed Edward to the kids! She handled it like a true mature mother! And the support Soledad received as well as gave throughout the book?! I'm just speechless. Kennedy Ryan deserves all the flowers!

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