Member Reviews

Hands down one of the best books I’ve read all year. The perfect continuation in the Syland Series from Soledad’s point of view. From the very first chapters this book hooked me and all of my emotions right in. I yelled, laughed, cried and felt more than I have when reading a book in so long. I love these strong, brave and powerful women that Kennedy Ryan creates. This story hit close to home with me with previous experiences and also all of the rich and beautiful references to my Puerto Rican culture. I will 100% be purchasing and re reading the finished copy when it publishes and can NOT wait to read the third installment of the series: Hendrix’s story. Do yourself a favor and get this book: it’s a MUST read for women everywhere.

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There is something absolutely special about Kennedy Ryan's storytelling. Her stories are never just surface level and despite the heavy topics discussed in many of her books they never feel like trauma dumps either. What is special about her stories is that they imprint on you and leave you with a lesson, an omen, or even a quote that sticks with you, and that is the beauty of it all.

One of the things I LOVE so much about this book is the emphasis on self love and discovery, specifically with the use of All About Love by bell hooks. Just like Soledad this book entered my life at a time where I needed it the most, when I did not know who I was outside of the love I was giving to someone else. So to have a character like Soledad displayed in this book was everything to me. This book had me GAGGING, laughing so hard, and almost in tears at some points. You can feel the care and love in which Kennedy writes and the romance was just the cherry on top. I have ready many of Kennedy Ryan's book and this one by far is at the top of my list.

Synopsis: This story is one of self-discovery, resilience, friendship and family. It follows Soledad who after getting her world turned upside by her slimy ass husband, finds herself having to fight to provide for her 3 beautiful daughters, her home, and also herself. In comes Judah, who has been in the middle of the hurricane since it started but only want to support and love Soledad through this time and for their rest of their lives, but she's not so willing to jump straight into a new relationship so fast despite their intense connection, but Judah is one persistent and assured man.

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This book was beautifully written and I was easily able to feel all the emotions of Sol in these pages, in addition to Judah’s personality and presence. Even with the supporting characters, you are able to get a feel for their individual personalities.

The chemistry between Sol and Judah, even outside of the physical, was very much felt and believable.

The journey of Sol throughout the book was touching and relatable. Her transformation from her role as a wife and mother to an entrepreneur who unapologetically finds her happiness/worth while still picking up the pieces was inspiring.

Adam and Aaron’s characters were handled with the care that they needed. The depiction was very real and was written with intention.

Now, I will say I feel like Edward got off too easy for me. I wanted to see him suffer more for the things that he did and continued to do. But that is also how real life goes, doesn’t it? Lol

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I loved the first book in this series and so I was so excited to read the second book! Kennedy Ryan did not disappoint! I was cheering for Soledad throughout the book as she learned to love herself. And Judah! OMG. He was perfection. The way he loved Soledad from the very beginning, yet he gave her the space she needed to grow on her own. So beautiful!

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I loved seeing Soledad’s journey and her relationship with Judah and I really loved both their relationships with their children especially Judah’s with his two sons. I just wish Soledad’s career wasn’t become an influencer because that part was just cringe to me i really don’t like reading about stuff like that in books I’m afraid.

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Kennedy Ryan, you wrote this so beautifully. I loved how you wrote about aaron and adams autism. It's not always that you read about parents and what they have to go through with having a special needs kid, and you nailed it. This book kept me drawn in since the beginning. All the characters were so easy to like except edward and Amber. I highly disliked them very much. Sol was my favorite. She never gave up even when life kept trying to knock her down. Proof of there's nothing we won't do for our kids. Judah was perfection. An amazing dad to his boys, great co parent, and lover. Ugh, this book was just perfection 🥰 I also loved the recipes at the end.

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Just WOW! Kennedy Ryan has been my favorite romance author for a long time, and this book really continues that for me. I love the self-love element of this book - something that feels rarely explored for women. Judah is so swoon-worthy and the ideal book boyfriend. I loved the elements of female friendships in this book as well, and Soledad discovering herself while also learning about her mother. The women in these books have so many dimensions. Truly incredible, can’t wait for the next one!

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I read the first book in this series with my friends and we all loved it. This book is no different! Though this was an unedited version of the story, it still managed to tug at my heart strings. Soledad proved to be a remarkable character and I found myself truly relating to a lot of what she endured. Kennedy Ryan has managed to do it again with this story. She has managed to unearth thought-provoking situations, loveable and realistic characters and an honesty in her work that is rarely seen. I rate this book 4/5 stars because I was left wanting more for Soledad but I understand word count. I wish we could have seen more of Edward instead of him just fleeing, but I love that Soledad was able to get a bit of closure from their relationship and has entered into a place of satisfaction and happiness with Judah.

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When I say that this is at the top of my reads this year, I mean it!!! I read before I let go and obviously loved it, and knew I had to read this one as soon as possible.
It was was deeper than I thought I was getting, the plot kept me interested with its twists that I didn’t really see coming.
It’s way more than a romance book. It’s about self love and acceptance. Learning to love yourself before you let anyone else love you. And a beautiful story about family, and putting yourself first. I absolutely LOVED Soledad. She’s a very strong character that took anything life handed her and came out stronger. Don’t get me started on Judah. That man was perfection. Selfless with his family and his boys. The autism representation was handled so well. I loved and adored this book so much

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This Could Be Us
By Kennedy Ryan


This book was able to get my complete attention and keep it . I found my self finishing this book in just a few days ❣️. I love how it has autism representation and Puerto Rican representation 🇵🇷 !

Judah 🫶🏼 🥰 is now a book BF !

Read if you like:

- [ ] 🎢 Going on a roller coaster of emotions
- [ ] ❤️‍🔥 HEA
- [ ] 🇵🇷 Latiné Representation
- [ ] 🧩 Autism Awareness
- [ ] 🗡️ Strong FMC with an awesome macheté

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I loved Soledad in Before I Let Go and I’m so glad I got to read her story. She is my hero! She is such a strong person and kind person!
I loved seeing the portrayal of having a child on the spectrum! It’s difficult and many don’t understand why we parents have to handle every meltdown completely differently then how other people may think that situation needs to be handled. I felt so much for Judah and his boys! He’s such a good father!

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If Kennedy Ryan writes it, I will read it. Likely while cheering on the FMC, devouring all the steamy goodness and crying at the parts that really get to me. Unfortunately this book just couldn’t get my attention.
I was intrigued by Soledad in Before I Let Go and was excited to read her story- but aside from leaving her awful husband, I couldn’t get into her love story. I felt like the relationship between FMC and MMC took a backseat to so many other competing themes- friendship, autism, parenting, motherhood, co parenting, social media influencing- and while all of those things are interesting, it just stole the focus for me.

I will 100% continue to be a huge Kennedy Ryan fan and would probably even give this one another try- maybe it’s me?

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4.5/5 ⭐️ I was so happy when I found out that this ARC was available on NetGalley. I started reading it right away!! Lol (Thank you Sabrina for letting me know ☺️❤️)

I was so excited for this book and it did not disappoint! Soledad has had my heart since I first met her in Before I Let Go. She is hardworking, strong, caring, and such an amazing mother.

I also fell in love with the hero, Judah. His relationship with his kids was everything to me. Some of the moments with him and his sons had me with tears in my eyes 🥺. His sons both have autism and I just love how amazing he was with them.

I also really love how mature everyone in this book was. Even Judah’s ex was likable lol. She wasn’t the cliche bitter ex wife. She was actually rooting for Judah to find someone.

One of my favorite scenes in this book is when Judah sees Soledad for the first time. He did a double take and wouldn’t stop staring at her 🥹. Ever since that moment, he wasn’t with anyone else. He only wanted her and I LOVE that. A man who knows what he wants and doesn’t settle for a replacement of the woman he craves 🙌🏻❤️. He was lowkey obsessed with her 🤭. He was hot, sweet, caring, and swoony!

I also adore the friend group!!!! It was nice being back with Yasmen and Hendrix again. They are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for. I loved how they both were there for Sol during one of the hardest times of her life. It was truly beautiful.

The romance in this book was really beautiful and I loved it but I feel like it wasn’t the main focus at times. This read more like Women’s Fiction which is fine but I think I was just expecting something more romantic.

It mainly focused on Soledad’s journey to healing and finding herself after her divorce.

I will say that for me personally, this book was not as emotional as Before I Let Go. I cried more reading that one than I did with this one. BILG was definitely more angsty and the romance in that one appealed to me more.

Nonetheless, this book was still amazing!!!! Great writing and beautiful characters. I feel so connected to all of the characters in this series!!

I already can’t wait for Hendrix to get her own book!! 😭❤️

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I wasn’t planning to read it yet but I know I could trust kennedy’s writing. The character development in each character, especially in Soledad was very well written, except Edward he can go away forever.

Judah is everything a women wants in a partner, he doesn’t take from her he add to her life. And the way he is so involved with his boys

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I've never met a Kennedy Ryan book I didn't like. Even if the premise and characters don't resonate with me as deeply, there's just no denying her writing is NEXT level. It's beautiful, poetic, and moving. My absolute fave is when she writes about the main characters seeing each other from across the room for the first time. The first time they touch, they kiss, and eventually make love. It's magic. (Jude Cross?! 😮🔥)

This books felt a little dark than the first Skyland book.. my heart ached for Soledad. But what I love about this series is that her characters are very real and raw. Take away the romance for a second, Kennedy putting on a unique lens on what it's like to parent a child on the spectrum... there's really no words.

I absolutely cannot wait until Hendrix's book. 🥹

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5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ♾️ stars!!! This book was AMAZING!!!! Judah and Soledad’s love story was beautiful! I got so many quotes and learned from this book. I enjoyed reading about Soledad’s journey and evolution in learning how to love herself and finding the strength to love someone else after what she had been through. Judah’s patience and love were unmatched. There should be a Judah in everyone’s life who wants to be in a healthy and happy relationship!! Recommend this book to infinity!!
Can’t wait to read Hendrix’s story!

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Oh my gosh how to even begin with this book!?! Thank you so much netgalley for the opportunity to read this amazing book early! I could not put this one down! The humor, the love, the deceipt, the anger, the happiness! Ugh it was just so good. I love this authors writing so much. The characters have so much depth to them and you truly want to know everything about them. I love how autism was brought into the book but in a REAL way. I cannot wait for the next book!

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Kennedy Ryan has really outdone herself with This Could Be Us. The pacing and structure of telling the story through Soledad and Judah's points of view is icing on the cake. a definite must read for readers and fans of Ryan's other works

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I knew this was going to be good but I wasn’t ready for the excellence of this. Kennedy did a very good job with the autism space she entered. The way she described and detailed these experiences were top tier. This story was beautifully written.
I loved Soledads independent journey as well as her loving herself.
I loved Judahs co parenting relationship as well as his love for his sons.
I loved everything about this story. It was a too read for me this year even though this was an advanced copy.

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After her family is imploded by her husband, Soledad is left to pick up the pieces and provide for her three children. We follow her on her journey of self-love after divorce, mothering, and ultimately finding love again. I loved the journey Soledad took in this book. She overcame a lot and grew in the wake of a lot of trauma. As a mother myself, I appreciated how she always put herself and her children first as she was finding her footing after her world as she knew it came crumbling down.

Kennedy Ryan always does amazing at portraying the realness of life - therapy, blended families, parenting struggles, loss and grief, etc. Claps all around for writing a romance filled to the brim with tension, drama, and real life heartbreak and healing. This book was all female empowerment. 💪🏼

And Judah. 😮‍💨😮‍💨 First, we love a man who is an amazing father and before anything else, Judah is a loving and sacrificial dad to his teenage twin sons with autism. I loved the peek into he and his ex-wife’s life as they navigated co-parenting teenage children with disabilities. I appreciated Ryan’s delicate handling of such a difficult topic. Second, this man knew what he wanted and he communicated it. We love a man who knows what he wants and says what he wants. 👏🏼

This book had 3+ open door scenes and explicit language throughout. It was a little graphic for me, so I tended to skip the intimate scenes. Just a warning before you dive in.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for early access to this ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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