Member Reviews

I was gifted an advanced reader copy by Net Galley.

Where do I even begin with such an eloquently written book. Kennedy Ryan pulls on all my heart strings and leaves me with such a void when each one of her books is done! I can never put these stories down, but I also never want them to end. She makes me want to unrate anything else I’ve ever given a positive review to, because absolutely nothing compares to her writing. This was such a beautiful read about love, loss, womanhood, empowerment, self-love and so much more. The love in this book covers love for children, love for community, love for one’s self, friendship and familial love as well as romantic love. Each was described with such beauty.

I felt like I was right there on Soledad’s journey. I loved how fierce she was, even in her darkest moments. I loved watching her journey of self-discovery and self-love while she navigated such difficult life changes. Her commitment to showing up for herself was admirable.

I don’t know much about autism as a whole, but the author uses such care in educating the reader about the intricacies of being a parent to someone with autism. I think she did a wonderful job and dealing with this with such grace, no doubt because she is the mama to a son who has autism. I learnt a lot from reading about this.

I already cannot wait for Hendrix’s story and every other piece of writing to come from Kennedy Ryan’s brain!!

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what a privilege it is to live in a world where kennedy ryan is constantly blesses us with relatable and heartwarming stories. to see glimpses of kennedy’s reality, and read a love letter to her son with everything going on in the world right now has been such a comfort💜

thank you kennedy for sharing this beautiful story with us & netgalley for this opportunity to receive this arc!

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ANOTHER ONE!! I will try not to give spoilers here. Ms Ryan has really wrote another brilliant Story. I never read a book by Kennedy Ryan and not learn something.

The autisitc rep really provided much needed knowledge for understanding and really as usual just added to the abundance of love, grace and understanding this story teaches.
I have been looking forward to this book in the series. This is a story of a second chance, but one of self discovery and self-love yourself first before you share that love with a partner. When the damn finally broke (euphemism) , I was left breathless. Just breathless... I had to pause for few minutes to catch my breath, because, WOW.

The friendship and support in this series is so beautifully supportive i cherish it everytime i see all three ladies on the page. I will still be purchasing my Hard copy March 5, 2024.

Absolutley Well Done.

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I didn’t think i could love a book more than Before I Let Go but here we are!!! This story is absolutely beautiful. Can’t wait to read about Hendrix.

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! Her writing is beautiful and lyrical. She draws you in from the first chapter and holds your heart captive till the last page! This love story is full of angst and suspense. I felt the love, strength and resilience of Soledad. Her story is beautifully told pays homage to so many women who wake up and do what it takes to survive, to succeed! Living everyday without realizing they are super heroes! Congrats Kennedy Ryan! You’ve done it again! Love this book! Thanks NetGalley for allowing me to inhale this book!

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Omg! I finished this book in record time. I enjoyed seeing the evolution of Soledad. She was a strong woman and a great mother. The process of self discovery was amazing to witness. I loved the friendship she has with Hendrix and Yasmin, they supported her through everything. Great friends to have. Now Judah! He is the epitome of a good man. Very involved and supportive father. The coparenting dynamics was a breath of fresh air reading. You can tell Kennedy Ryan also did her research on Autism and it was handled with care in the book. Overall, I absolutely enjoyed reading this book about romance with both partners approaching middle age & dealing with real life situations. Just living life & letting go.

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Much better than the first book! I’d give this book a solid 3.7-3.8 ish. The storyline was better and the secondary characters had more depth and were better fleshed out. Though It was still a slow burn like the first, some portions did feel seem stagnant, especially around 75-80% but an overall good read.

There were some aspects that were slight cringy (to me at least) including the instant fame of the FMC (how?) and the author continuously the FMC ancestry and skin tone but for the most part, I enjoyed it.

I left book one not really excited for book two but now that book two is complete, I think I’ll keep a look out for book three.

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This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan - Coming March 2024

I had high expectations for Kennedy Ryan’s follow-up to Before I Let Go, and let me tell you, she MORE than delivered. Soledad’s story is wonderful!

One thing so adore about Kennedy’s writing is that her romances have so much depth—the stories and characters feel WHOLE. The love story is incredible, but I enjoyed reading about Soledad’s journey to supporting and loving herself just as much. A strong woman realizing she deserves wayyy more than the bare minimum—and finding it? I’ll eat that up every time.

I can’t rave enough about Soledad and Josiah. Their story is incredibly sweet and angsty and hot!! The patience, the friendship, the tension… it’s so good. Plus the inclusion of bell hooks’ All About Love?? I read AAL at the beginning of my relationship and that detail was so special to me.

The return of Yasmen and Hendrix was so welcome, and with the inclusion of Soledad’s sisters, there’s no shortage of healthy female friendship.

I immediately adored Soledad and her three girls—they had fully developed personalities and I totally felt the complexity of their emotions regarding their dad. The continuity of the friendship between Deja and Lupe was sweet, too :)

The same goes for Jonah and his whole family. We love a healthy coparenting situation, and the boys’ storyline is great autism rep, too. I didn’t realize Kennedy has an autistic son, and her author’s note about her personal connection to that part of the story was really heartfelt.

I can’t wait to get my physical copy in March—this is absolutely a 2024 release that MUST be on your tbr!!

Thank you to @netgalley and @readforeverpub for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Ok let's just great straight into it.

Was this book great? Yes.
Is it my favorite Kennedy Ryan book? No.

Overall, it was a splendid read. I enjoyed myself and seeing Soledad build herself back up and find her spark back was nice. And Judah is like the perfect man, so perfect he does not seem very realistic..... But I guess I don't really read romance for realism, I read it for escapism so for me: This Could Be Us served its purpose. With that being said, I don't see myself going back to this book for a reread often. Maybe when I get my physical copy and reread it again, I may have a different opinion. However, I would still recommend this book to anyone who likes romance.

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This Could Be Us is a fascinating and delightfully multi-layered story of self-love and discovery. After a gripping prologue, we meet Soledad Barnes, a devoted wife to Edward and mother of three girls. Judah Cross, a divorced father of two autistic sons and an accountant at Edward's job, has been digging around at work and discovers that Edward has been up to some questionable activities. From one day to the next, Sol's life is turned upside down as she is forced to regroup and rebuild to provide for her girls.

I loved Sol and how thoroughly she cared for her family and friends. This story was full of friendship, support, and sisterhood and I found myself angry at times (damn you, Edward) but also laughing and emotional from the all too real experiences Sol was going through. This book was a roller coaster of emotion and I rooted for Sol the entire way through.

This was such a great story and it touched so many different topics from divorce to parenting. One of the things I loved the most was how autism was a main theme in the story and was written with such tenderness, care, and respect. Judah and Tremaine were amazing parents and beautiful examples of co-parenting and Aaron and Adam brought a smile to my face every time they were on the page.

I highly recommend the book. It was a great read and I look forward to reading more of Kennedy Ryan's work!

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I was so excited for Soledad’s story and it did not disappoint. My mouth dropped open multiple times with the things Edward did. I loved Soledad finding herself and learning to stand on our own. It was such an inspiring story. Highly recommend.

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This book!!!! I have never related more to a character as I do Sol. This woman is the woman I strive to be. As a newly single mom, her entire world is uprooted and she does everything in her power to make sure her daughters are protected and well cared for. She is a strong POC and I have all the love for her. This entire book was such a great read that I couldn’t put it down. This book has stirred so many emotions in me and I shed tears of pride, joy and sadness. This book is a must read for anyone looking for a fantastic read with a strong FMC who is all about self discovery and moving on all while ensuring her children come first! My heart is so full right now and I can’t wait for book 3!

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I loved this story! I feel like every person should read it because the message is so good. You have to fall in love with yourself before you can fall in love with anyone else. You have to set your boundaries, raise that bar and show people how you show up for you so they can show up for you with that same energy.

The story of the twins melted my heart. I think the way she wrote about Autism was absolutely beautiful. I see alot of novels where adults are on the higher functioning side of Autism but never the children and never semi severe and I wish I saw more representation of it. One of my favorite psrts is when Judah is talking about the spectrum and what that looks like. Or when he says he's saving up for their future because they might never move out. Just the reality of Autism was well written!

As usually I loved Yas and Hen and can't wait for Hen's story but seriously they always bring comic relief and it was so tender to see where Yas was in her life.

I could have taken away a star because I felt it could have been 75 pages shorter. She is the queen of story telling but sometimes it felt repetitive. I know when you have a crisis you personally think about it, then reach out to friends and maybe family but reading the same story that many times was alot.

The spice was spicing as per usual and the chemistry she created between the main characters made it even hotter!!! The healthy blended family, the parenting, the sisterhood all just made this book amazing!!

I loved Before I Let Go but this one was even better!!!

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I was able to reach this as an ARC from NetGalley. As soon as I saw that it was available for 24 hours, I ran to read it. I enjoyed Soledad’s storyline and Judah….”that’s a good man Savannah, a good man!” (IYKYK lol)

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This was one of the most realistic romance novels I’ve ever read. I adored every relationship between the characters, whether it be familial, platonic or romantic. I went in nearly blind and thankfully so because this book met all my expectations and then some. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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I loved Soledad’s journey and I’m glad she grew to know her worth. Judah was an amazing partner and I loved seeing a positive relationship between co-parents with him and Tremaine and how they cared for their sons. I appreciated the validation of the tough work of caring for a home and children as a former stay at home mom. Kennedy Ryan’s writing always wrecks me emotionally but in the best way.

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Kennedy Ryan has never failed me. Every single book of hers I have absorbed and loved, and most importantly learnt something from it.

When I read book one of this series, It resulted in finally starting Therapy and beginning to heal so much of myself. A year later, I am reading this book and I can see the next year of my life being a journey of dating myself. Soledad is an inspiring, vibrant character who I have loved getting to know. To see her journey as she goes through a hard time and deal with the loss of love, to learning to love and trust herself has inspired me so much. There’s very few authors who can write a book with a main character who will have you take life lessons that you actually want to put into your life. This Could Be Us is one of those books and Soledad is one of those main characters.

I should speak on Judah too, but it’s easier to say that Josiah has some real competition now. Judah is the kind of man you wish and dream about. His patience and kindness towards those around him. His love and compassion towards Soledad. He is my book husband now.

To Kennedy, Please never stop writing. You have a way with words that is so perfect and special. Thank you for the arc, and thank you for being the best author.❤️

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Kennedy Ryan did exactly what I was hoping for this second book in the #TheSkylandSeries! I finished this in two days!! After reading Before I Let Go last month, I was hoping this book would be a little bit more drama and steamy. She gave just that and more! The book started off with a bang in the first chapter. My mouth was literally open the whole time I had read the first eight chapters because she was giving us all the emotions. At one point, I was ready to pull up in Skyland with these hands!!!! I was able to find myself within Soledad in this book. Having gone through similar experiences, it was amazing to see Soledad's journey unfold. Unlike Before I Let Go, there was not a slow burn in This Could Be Us. Mrs. Ryan gave us what we needed with Judah (might I add I love the J names for these hot men in this series, I wonder if the J's will continue for the next one!). I love how Judah played a supportive role in Soledad's journey, but also was vocal about what he was going through in his own. The chemistry between the two of them was hot and had me clutching my pearls once or twice. This book shined light on a different take on a second chance at love. Most importantly for us women... how to love ourselves before loving anyone and anything else. Now the next book is not suppose to come out until Spring 2023 so that a little sad, but I feel that one will be the one to bring it home for this incredible series.

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Kennedy Ryan is already a one click author and she continues this with This Could Be Us. I loved going on Soledad’s journey with her. Not only to loving herself but finding her love with Judah. It was so apparent from the start of this book that these two have so much love to give, to their children, their friends, but are slow to give it to themselves. Their journey is hard fought and so incredible to read. Now off to read bell hooks and take care of myself!

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🌸 Badass Mom (Machete, anyone?)
🌸 Strong Relationships (Friends and Sisters)
🌸 Hot Single Dad w/ Glasses
🌸 Obsessed MMC
🌸 Dual POV
🌸 Forbidden Love

Thanks so much to Kennedy Ryan, @readforeverpub, and @netgalley for the early access ARC!

Before I start, I just wanna say, Kennedy Ryan will always have a special place in my heart. When I became a young adult, I stopped reading. Until summer 2022, I picked up one of her books and I haven’t looked back. She brought back my love of reading and for that, I’ll always be thankful.

One word: beautiful.

The cover, the characters, the story, the WRITING. Get this book now because it’s going to be in your top reads of 2024.

When I first read “Before I Let Go” this past summer, I fell in love with Yasmen, Josiah and their friends. Hendrix and Soledad’s characters were so captivating and I was READY for Soledad’s story.

A story about taking back your power and standing on your own two feet. It’s a delicious slow burn with complex characters, blended families, self love, and strong women relationships. I love how the characters are handled with care and love. I fell in LOVE with Judah and his boys in this story.

I cried. I laughed. I giggled and kicked my feet. The tension and passion are *chefs kiss*. There are some twists and turns you don’t see coming! They had me throwing my phone, screaming WTF! Lol I could not put this book down.

The spice is HOT, y’all. Can we get some ice cubes with a fan, please?

5 stars! You do not want to miss this release March 5th, 2024. Go preorder “This Could Be Us” now! I can’t WAIT for the special edition.

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