Member Reviews

This follow-up to Before I Let Go is the breath of fresh air that a good woman deserves! Kennedy Ryan never ceases to amaze me in her writing. Soledad’s story is truly about redemption, strength, & healing. The betrayal for being a caregiver for an autistic child really hit home for a mother like myself that makes sacrifices to ensure that my child has proper care and is exposed to the resources that they need.

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Extremely beautiful exploration of self-discovery and self-love coupled with the most perfect partner for Soledad’s journey. Judah and Soledad just make sense and Kennedy Ryan did an amazing job and portraying them together. I really enjoyed this book and came at the perfect time whilst I was searching for a good romance book! I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to have read this.

The autism rep in this is very well intentioned and curated. Though I’m not always a big fan of over explaining characters to readers, I think that was definitely necessary here and really added depth to the book and to Judah’s storyline specifically that made you appreciate him just that much more.

The snippets we see of bell hooks and her wisdom sprinkled throughout the book and how closely it resonated with Soledad were so wonderful to read! I will most definitely be picking my copy back up again!

My only (perhaps more of an opinion than an objective observation) wish is that I would have liked to see more of Judah and Soledad actually falling for each other. Kennedy writes about love so beautifully and whilst we were able to see it pertaining to Soledad’s own reignition of self-love, it felt like it lacked a bit of elsewhere. I think, considering their circumstances that it would have made a bit more sense to me - but who knows, maybe that was the point and I was being greedy!

All in all, a fantastic book that I can’t wait to discuss with friends when it releases next Spring!

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I loved this book. I went into reading it expecting a certain story line but was happy and shocked with the story of the book. I do wish we had a glimpse into the therapy session the Soledad and daughters had. But over all I loved this book 10/10!

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This review contains spoilers and was rated using the CAWPILE method…

Thank you so much to Forever (Grand Central Publishing), NetGalley, and Kennedy Ryan for an Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) of This Could Be Us.
#ThisCouldBeUs #NetGalley

Soledad Barnes has her life all planned out. Because, of course, she does. She plans everything. She designs everything. She fixes everything. She’s a domestic goddess who's never met a party she couldn't host or a charge she couldn't lead. The one with all the answers and the perfect vinaigrette for that summer salad. But none of her varied talents can save her when catastrophe strikes, and the life she built with the man who was supposed to be her forever, goes poof in a cloud of betrayal and disillusion.

But there is no time to pout or sulk, or even grieve the life she lost. She's too busy keeping a roof over her daughters' heads and food on the table. And in the process of saving them all, Soledad rediscovers herself. From the ashes of a life burned to the ground, something bold and new can rise.

But then an unlikely man enters the picture—the forbidden one, the one she shouldn't want but can't seem to resist. She's lost it all before and refuses to repeat her mistakes. Can she trust him? Can she trust herself?

After all she's lost . . .and found . . .can she be brave enough to make room for what could be?

Characters (10/10):
Judah: He is an amazing father with some autistic traits himself. He works hard to take care of his children, treats the mother of his children with respect despite their divorce, and cares tremendously for Soledad.

Soledad: This character is written as such a strong, kind, resilient woman! She cares so much about everyone around her and often puts herself second. I loved reading about her self-love journey and dating herself, while also being real with her children (you can love your dad AND he may not be a good person).

The supporting characters (e.g., kids, friends, and co-workers) were also beautifully but briefly written into the story without taking away from the main characters. Side note: Hendrix is so funny and I can’t wait to read her book!

Atmosphere/Setting (7/10):
We know Skyland is a fictional place in Atlanta, but the author dose not go in-depth about the setting. I believe a lot of that was set up in the first book. This book focuses much more on the relationships between characters.

Writing Style (9/10):
Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong! There were some typos here and there, but nothing that takes away from the overall story.

Plot (10/10):
While there is a budding romance going on, Kennedy Ryan beautifully writes about the delicate intricacies of relationships and parenting.

Intrigue (10/10):
This book intrigued me mostly because it’s by Kennedy Ryan. I also loved the first book in the Skyland series (Before I Let Go), so this was a much-anticipated book.

Logic/Relationships (10/10):
I adored the tension build-up between the two main characters and the spicy scenes between them were enough to get the picture (we didn’t need a smut-filled book to understand that things were going on). Often, the third-act breakup in other stories is infuriatingly filled with miscommunication. In this story, the third-act breakup included a good conversation of why the couple could not be together (right now).

Enjoyment (10/10):
I thoroughly enjoyed the drama and the romance in this story. There were themes of grief/loss, healing, love, and family throughout.

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This book was so carefully written. I love that Kennedy Ryan always goes above and beyond in her research. It's such a lovely crafted story that delicately handles complex issues such as autism and self-love/worth. I'm still processing. When the final copy of This Could Be Us is released in March, I'm sure I will have more insight. I'm sure the digital ARC is still holding out on us. It's beautiful and, as many of her other books, it will stick with me for years to come.

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Kennedy Ryan has such a gift for storytelling. I love how she takes time to build the background of her characters, their families & friends and it is seamless to the story itself and makes it complete. Not only does Kennedy Ryan write about romantic love but the love of friendship and family to hold you up in the good and bad times. That is also a love story in itself that many overlook. I admired how Sol was able to rebuild her life on her terms and can show there is life after divorce when many think it’s the last chapter. My only complaint is that I wish we got a few more chapters of the “happy ending”.

After reading the Author’s Note about her family’s journey with autism I appreciated the way she depicted the Cross twins. It felt careful, considerate and intentional to not only share their struggles but their strength as individuals and the loving parents that support them.

Last bit not least, did i mentioned I finished this book in one sit? #bookworm #pageturner

Cant wait to read Hen’s story yet! Now let me go try out these recipes.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so fortunate to grab this on NetGalley when it was offered as ‘read now’ for a limited time.

I loved this book, I love Soledad and her determination and that she gets a second chance.
Kennedy’s writing is so moving, she treats all the characters with such care. These are true love stories that happen in a full life which means the side character are also developed.

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Kennedy Ryan’s Before I Let Go gripped my heart and the second book in the Skyline series This Could Be Us was an auto preorder for me. When I got the opportunity to read an early ARC, I jumped. From the first book, we knew Soledad’s story would be heartbreaking, thanks to the small snippets we saw of her life. The journey she takes to fall in love with herself and re-earn her own trust in herself is wonderful. And the MMC is the perfect compliment to her new life. Steamy in all the right ways, silly with Soledad’s besties and sisters, and serious when portraying heavy topics, this book is a must read! I couldn’t put it down! Bravo!

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Arc from NetGalley

Expected Publication March 5, 2024

Having discovered Kennedy Ryan this year has been one of the most
rewarding experiences of my life. When I read a book by her, I wonder
how she can connect with her readers like she does. You can tell by
her writing how thorough she is and that each of her books carries a
deeper meaning, never failing to make me fall in love with them.

There is so much that I want to say about this book so bear with me I
might run off topic but I’m not exaggerating when I say this book is
the most beautiful book I've read the representation and the
self-discovery were done so well that I felt like I was part of
Soledad story.

Although I can't relate to everything Soledad experiences throughout
this book I can relate to her finding love for herself. This year for
me has been all about loving myself and putting myself first and not
always doing things that please others. "What would happen if I turned
all that love on myself? Not in a narcissistic way, but in terms of
unconditional acceptance? Of truly attending to my hurts instead of
expecting someone else to heal them?" This quote by far was my
favorite because, for a long time, I thought I needed someone to heal
the broken parts of me and fill up that hole inside of me, but instead
all I needed to do was shift that love to myself not giving it to
people that do not deserve it. I realize that loving yourself isn't
always easy some days are harder than others, but every day I try to
do even the smallest thing that will make me happy. I thrive on going
on solo dates because I realize that if you wait on others to be happy
you might never get to experience what that means, and it may seem
Scary. Doing things on your own but I promise you it's not as bad as
you think so seeing Soledad going through that journey was the most
refreshing experience.

I promise this is the last of it “There aren't enough sonnets for

friendship. Not enough songs for the kind of love not born of blood or
body but of time and care. They are the ones we choose to laugh and
cry and live with. When lovers come and go, they are the ones who
remain. We are each other's constants”. I couldn't leave without
adding this part because reading this made me think about my two
besties, I don't think I need to explain what they mean to me because
the quote is already doing that. But I definitely agree we need more songs for this type of love.

Okay I swear now Im done

Don't forget to preorder guys I promise you won't regret it.

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As usual, the book did not disappoint! Kennedy Ryan is a household name and I am so glad to have been able to read the ARC for this book! I am truly amazed by how the story ties together, the characters, etc. I cannot wait for more! Truly remarkable and masterfully written!!!

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I devoured this book in one DAY! Kennedy Ryan never disappoints. The book is written beautifully.! Can’t wait for Hendrix’s story!!

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I was super excited to get a copy of This Could Be Us. I have been a fan of Kennedy Ryan's writing from the beginning. She is an exceptional writer and her romance books always amaze me,

I also love that she truly uses this space to tell a stories about women in all walks of life.

This book is a reminder to those who forget how important self-love is and how strong women are.

I can't wait for Hendrix book,

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Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing), NetGalley and Kennedy Ryan for the ARC,

We first met Soledad in Before I Let You Go. It was first alluded that all was not well in her marriage and things were only getting worse. When I say her husband Edward was a POS, that's being nice. It's amazing how well he was able to maintain his facade for so long. However, her tribe always had their doubts. As a mother and wife, Soledad thrives in her role as a domestic goddess. Overnight, her life is shattered and what once existed no longer stands true. Soledad is determined not to allow her daughters to pay for his mistakes. We get to see her surrounded by love from Hendrix, Yazmen, Lola and Nayeli. Soledad journey of self discovery is fueled by her desire to provide stability for her daughters Lupe, Lottie and Inez. Her instant attraction to Judah was unexpected. I loved how despite the underlying situation he didn't pressure her and supported her self work. I'm happy with the epilogue as it was deserving.

I really enjoyed Soledad's book and am looking forward to Hendrix's story next spring. I'll sure well be rewarded with a glimpse into the progression of Soledad and Judah's relationship.

#ThisCouldBeUs #NetGalley.

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Got this as a digital ARC from Net-Galley & 5/5 stars!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book will always take your heart through a whole gymnastics routine. I loved the individual character growth, how deeply I felt for their family & community , and seeing passionate lovers in their late thirties & 40s. We see empowerment & spice, love, sisterhood, and community, and it’s absolutely beautiful. I loved Soledad’s story.

The representation of how Autism is a spectrum & what it may look like to be Autistic & Black in America was so real. We need more stories like this that capture everyday families. I know I felt seen and while of course the perspective is just glimpse and not intended to represent a whole community - I think others will feel seen too.

While this book I think would be considered a slow burn, this book was MOVING! The relationship when the characters is paced so well, and in a realistic way. Kudos to Kennedy Ryan for always creating such deep, fleshed out characters, and giving their version of a HEA.

Content warnings on parental death off page, cancer, and in IMO narcissism that’s controlling & emotional abuse.

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I've read this almost 24 hours ago, but my brain was too sleep deprived to write a proper review because I was just not able to put this down for the prologue to the very end. And 24 hours later, I still CANNOT stop thinking about this.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I eat, breathe and live Kennedy Ryan's books, before getting the ARC for this (thank you, Netgalley), I honestly felt like this year was incomplete because there was no KR book released (yes yes I know she released the Close-Up beginning of the year but that barely scratched the itch so it doesn't count).

I genuinely think Kennedy Ryan might just be the best author (to me) I've ever read from. The way the words in her books sound like poetry and her incomparable way of writing chemistry are just unmatched, I'm half convinced there is sorcery waved between each line, and this book is no exception.

I had high hopes going into this, and, unlike so many books where I get disappointed because of it, this did not let me down in any way but i actually did quite the opposite. This book put me through the RINGER and I loved every second of it.

Anger, frustration, longing, love. I felt it all. I wanted to strange Soledad's husband (honestly, if there is anything mediocre white men have it's the AUDACITY), I was frustrated as to Soledad and Judah's circumstances, I longed for them to be together, I loved the friendship between Soledad, Yasmeen and Hendrix, I loved the sisterhood between Soledad and her sister, I loved how just because Soledad has unconditionally supportive friendship did not mean she had to have shit relationship with her sisters — which is something that is very much rare in 99% of the books I've read — I loved the relationship between Soledad and her daughters, I love Soledad's relationship with HERSELF, I loved Judah's relationship with his sons and his ex-wife, and I absolutely adored Soledad and Judah's relationship, even-though it did frustrate me at times but it's also one of the things that made me root for them so much.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one, absolutely no one, does chemistry like Kennedy, where everyone writes about love, she writes about soulmates. There is not a single doubt that the moment Soledad and Judah meet, that there souls recognized each other. It's in that PAUSE moment, where everything stops, and where you don't understand what's happening and why you feel like something in you fell in place in that moment and Kennedy Ryan excels in this; she is the queen of this trope, and I have no idea how she does it without making it feel and sound cringey. There was absolutely not a single moment where I doubted Soledad and Judah are soulmates, where their chemistry was not off the fucking charts even when there were feet apart. Their relationship was absolutely everything.

I have to say though, that even-though the romance in this was a very big part, it also has another huge plot which is self-love. Soledad's self-discovery and journey into loving herself outside of her failed marriage is a big part of this, and the most inspiring part. I loved seeing her find a path that is outside of her ex and about HER and her daughters. Soledad is honestly one of the most compassionate, gentle and loving characters, she is generous with everyone, she has a thought for everyone and is always ready to help anyone who needs it, and it was time for her to treat herself the way she treated others, to put herself first.

Now onto Judah. Judah, Judah, Judah. It is impossible not to love this man. He is the absolute best father, best ex-husband and best love interest a girl could ask for. His unconditional love for his sons is one of his absolute best traits; the way he does not hesitate to put them first, his patience, his kindness and his kid heart are everything and more. I loved how his relationship with his ex-wife was not in any way venomous but the absolute opposite. This man was really the complete package!

I cannot finish this review without mentioning one of my favorite aspect of this book, which is the friendship between our three main girls. Yasmeen, Soledad and Hendrix are absolute best friend goals. The perfect trio. Their unquestioning and unwavering support for each other is the absolute best thing, and it only becomes more apparent in this book. I just absolutely adore them. Also, Hendrix is the absolute funniest and it needed to be said.

And finally, the representation. If you've ever read a Kennedy Ryan book, you know if there is one thing this woman will do with write some representation and write it well. You can always tell she does her research and it never feels like she does it as a token or for bonus points, it just feels organic, and the autism rep in this is no exception. I can't say much on it as I'm not an expert on the subject, but I genuinely could tell this was not done carelessly.

Overall, this was one of the best books I've read this year, if not the best. And absolutely feel like it made my entire reading year (which was NOT all that good).

I cannot wait for Hendrix's book, but for the love of God woman, I'm gonna need Score before that because I think my life DEPENDS on it at this point.

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I went into this book unsure. Ms. Ryan’s books tend to be hit or miss for me. Sometimes they come off a little racially preachy, if that makes sense. I understand she’s a BIPOC, but people of every race read her books. I liked the storyline between Judah and Sol. Loved them together. But honestly…..I could have done without Edward and his mom, the two white characters, being the awful people and the mom only liking the one daughter because she looks white. I understand the storyline had Edward going away, fine. But is that part really necessary to put into a book?

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Kennedy Ryan's writing will always be masterful and she is a brilliant storyteller. I appreciate the thought and characters put behind this book but unfortunately, I found it very hard to get into this book. I found the prologue to be very info-dumpy and by the 50% mark I still did not care deeply for the characters.

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This story was absolutely breathtaking. I was drawn in from the very first scene.. Kennedy Ryan is masterful at making her readers feel. Big feelings. Whether it's happy, sad, excitement, rage,...and all the feels in between. Soledad was a heroine to love and root for. She was strong, bold, beautiful, so very intelligent, humble but not prideful...she was just all around amazing. And Judah!!! Judah is what ever woman dreams of for a partner. Kind, generous, observant, handsome, responsible, patient and so much more. I absolutely loved this story. It didn't feel like a slow burn, mostly because I was burning woth anger from the first scene and then I was burning with chemistry soon after. A love story was developing right before my eyes and I could feel it. The love that Sol discovered she had for herself, for her girls and for the life that she had to recreate was enough for me. The love that came after was a beautiful bonus. This, most definitely, will go down as my favorite Kennedy Ryan release and I am so grateful I was able to get an Advance Reader Copy. I can't wait to own this is print as well as audio.

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“I am out with my lanterns looking for myself.”
- Emily Dickinson, personal correspondence

Man, I have forgotten what it feels like to be in a well constructed, thought out and felt out Kennedy Ryan book.

The emotions Ms. Ken (yes, nicknames because we’re friends!) cultivates and nurtures. Ugh! Friend had me at the author’s note. The care and consideration she puts forth in tackling the world of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and its nuances and classifications can only come from someone who knows the ends and outs of that world and loves someone deeply who lives in that space. It spoke to my ASD mama heart.

If you are familiar with Before I Let Go, you are familiar with Skyland and the fabulous group of friends that is Yasmen, Hendrix and Soledad.

This Could Be Us is where we peek inside the carefully constructed life of Soledad Barnes. We learn the background of this beautiful Afro Latina and how hard she loves her family and watch her rise with the aid of her friends through an unreal experience. Her journey to love herself after years dedicated to pouring love into someone else.

It would not be a Kennedy book if she did not have you looking at your kitchen and pantry sideways with these food descriptions. Or had you looking at your significant other like “sir, do better because Judah would never.” And you know friend threw recipes in the pages…as well as some crack because I flew through this book with addictive quickness.

This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan
10-10-10 across the board
Thank you NetGalley and Kennedy for allowing me to get this ARC!

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First of all, I don’t want to publicly admit how loud I screamed when this ARC was offered. Before I Let Go was my favorite read last year, and it will stick with me forever. So will this book.
We meet Soledad at the worst moment of her life and watch her build something herself with a beautiful community of friends and family surrounding her. She put so much work into building a new life for herself and her family, and i loved her beautiful story of self-empowerment. I adored her and felt as if I was growing along with her.
Judah only wanted the best for her, for his family, and for hers. I love how much he cared for his sons and the dedication he showed to building a good life for them. His admiration and his patience made this book all the better.
At the beginning of the book, Ryan explains her personal story of raising an autistic child, and how she’s spent years being concerned about writing about autism because of her fears of getting things “wrong.” So she interviewed families and autistic people, capturing and recording their experiences. As a person with a loved one on the spectrum, I thought the way she portrayed Judah’s sons was handled with so much love and care.
I will be reflecting for a while on this book, and I can’t wait to read Hendrix’s.

Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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